Chapter 119 Movement
The body of Lotan was sent flying through a wall in king Helios' throne room.
"Incompetent whelp." He growled.
Sparks of golden fire began to crackle with every exhale as he tried to control his rage.
"How could you let my daughter be taken right in front of you?!!"
Unfortunately, Lotan could no longer answer.
A single flick of the king's finger had been more than enough to rend him unconscious.
Helios couldn't believe Lotan had been so foolish as to allow his daughter to be taken to an entirely different continent!
"And this nonsense about her brat becoming a demon lord… do you know anything about this?!"
Standing against the wall a fair distance away were the other two dragon lords, Seras and Tiamat.contemporary romance
Seras instinctively knew her lord was talking to her since she was the only one who had a relationship with Exedra.
She bowed her head respectfully and tried to answer to the best of her ability.
"There have been rumors of a new demon lord arising but he has yet to be named and from the way he is described, it doesn't seem to be the fourth prince, my king."
Lotan was in such a rush to report on Exedra's kidnapping of his mother and his new element, he neglected to mention that his appearance had changed drastically.
Helios leaned back into his throne and rubbed his temples.
After much internal debate, he rose up from his seat and began to leave the room. "The two of you, come with me. We are going to get my daughter back."
He didn't care if his daughter had been taken to the land of bounce houses and churros, in his mind she would never be safe unless she was somewhere he could get to at a moment's notice.
The two women looked as though they were momentarily surprised by Helios' decision but they did not question him.
While most rulers would not dare to leave their kingdom unattended, Helios was different.
Of all of the demigods, he was the only one with that luxury since there was no one stupid enough to cross him.
He was the sole reason there are only eight continents now instead of the original ten.
The pair followed behind their king with Seras having a bit more excitement than Tiamat.
She couldn't wait to see her precious student and find out how much he'd grown.
Once the trio were outside, they paused briefly to stare at a golden beacon in the sky.
"Looks to be coming from Samael, my king." Tiamat said respectfully.
"It does indeed… let's begin our search there first."
Bekka was currently sitting leisurely on top of a roof, pouting.
She was watching the entire population of sex demons receive personalized instructions from Exedra with a sad look on her face.
"Mother sad?"
The hellhound looked down at her lap to see her newest daughter, Thea.
She'd kidnapped her for some comforting cuddles when her mood originally took a turn for the worst.
"Unfortunately I am, my little sunflower." Bekka said in a somber tone.
Seeing Valerie evolve earlier had brought out some unpleasant feelings.
Of course she was happy that another member of her family had grown strong but.. she was beginning to feel left out.
Two of her conditions were still incomplete and she had no idea how to even begin to complete them.
"I don't know what you're sad about but I know that everyone would help you if you asked, mother." Thea comforted as she leaned back into her mother's embrace.
Truthfully, Bekka already knew that.
However, she was having a bit of an issue with the actual asking for help part.
In her tribe, asking for help was considered to be a sign of weakness.
The only strength that mattered was the strength that you gained through your own will.
As the chieftain's daughter, Bekka was taught this even more intensely than the other children in the tribe.
It had become the basis for her belief and gradually shaped her personality.
"You won't.. think your mother is weak if she asks for help will you?"
Bekka's voice was so low it was almost a whisper.
Fortunately, it seemed as though Thea was able to hear her just fine.
"No, mother will always be very strong no matter what."
Bekka's face spread into a wide predatory grin and she squeezed her daughter in a big hug.
"By the mother! How is it I was blessed with not just one kind daughter but two!?"
Bekka stood up with her human daughter in her arms and lept off the roof.
"Come on, let's go find that slutty vampire."
Thea wanted to say that didn't sound like a very nice word, but since her mother had such a big smile, she wondered if maybe her intuition was wrong.
'Slut… I'll ask father what it means.'
The pair soon set off, scouring the city for the small black cat.
Eris was leaving her room in Exedra's manor for the first time since arriving.
Even though she was elated to be close to him once again, she could not help but be embarrassed by how their reunion had gone about.
She never wanted him to see her be so… vulnerable.
Such a thing brought waves of unpleasant memories and feelings.
She needed to step out, even if it was just for a moment and a breath of fresh air.
"Do you have need of anything, miss Eris?"
The dark elf snapped out of her trance and realized she'd almost stumbled into the three maids of the manor.
She wasn't sure exactly which one had spoken to her so she simply addressed them as a whole.
"I do not. I simply wished to leave my room for some air." She said politely.
"Will you require a guide?" The middle sister asked.
"Ah.. no I think I will be fine."
The maids did not hassle her further and simply bowed before allowing her to leave.
Upon exiting the manor, Eris suddenly felt revitalized by the crisp, chilly air.
She gazed into the beautiful sky that was unlike anything she'd ever seen and could not help but gasp in wonder.
Seeing it from her window was utterly incomparable to standing directly underneath it.
The beautiful colors of the sky were blended together in a way that did not compromise their individuality, and instead heightened it even further.
It was truly a one of a kind spectacle.
"I'll have to ask him.. how something like this is even possible."
As Eris lingered in her spot right outside the manor, a gust of wind blew by and tickled her long elven ears.
To others, this would be nothing more than a simple act of nature.
However, the dark elf felt something a bit different about this wind.
She turned her head in the direction she felt called and saw a magnificent tree the likes of which she had never seen.
"How beautiful…" Her window did not have a view of the tree so this was her first time seeing it.
Elves all have a connection to nature.
This connection allows them to communicate with plants and certain wildlife.
However, dark elves lack the purity of this connection and as a result, they can only hear vague, muffled dialogue.
But for the first time in Eris' life, she could hear the tree calling for her as clear as day.
She immediately forgot all other plans to sightsee as she headed directly towards the tree.
She was so focused on reaching the tree, she did not notice how empty the city currently was.
The closer she got to her destination , the better she could hear it.
When she finally stood underneath the qlipoth's bright red leaves, she could hear it as well as she could another person.
The tree's voice was sultry and feminine.
She told Eris that despite her massive size, she was actually still a baby and only a few days old.
"What are you, my sweet? I have never seen anything like you before." Eris asked as she lovingly stroked the bark of the ancient tree.
The tree told her that she came from a place that would be impossible for her to survive in.
She said that she was plucked from the fruit of her mother by her creator and god, to be a gift for the one she was bound to.
"He is.. more interesting than I could've ever imagined."
Eris sat against the tree and conversed with what was quickly becoming her new friend.
The two began to forge a bond the likes of which the world had never seen.