Chapter 115 Instructor Lusamine
"A city full of succubi and incubi! That's a good joke!" Lusamine laughed.
She'd been laughing hysterically for almost two whole minutes and Exedra's patience had begun to wear down.
He sent a quick mental command out and prepared to watch this idiot eat her words.
"I thought you were lucky to get the melon sisters over there but you're telling me you have more?" She gestured to the triplet maids and their egregiously large chests.
This prompted the sisters to cover their chests with small blushes.
All except Nita who stuck our her chest even further in the hopes that her lord would notice.
Zheng and Eris found Exedra's claim absurd as well.
Succubi numbers were so few that they were considered to be virtually extinct, and Incubi numbered even less and were mostly in captivity.
Suddenly, the group sensed movement outside of the window and were stunned by what they saw.
"By Asherah…"
"T-those are…"
Exedra had called for every demon he'd turned in the city.
They were all standing silently outside, anxiously awaiting their next orders from him.
"I-It wasn't a joke?" Lusamine asked in surprise.
She'd never seen so many of her kind in one place before.
Everywhere she looked their were fellow sex demons, staring anxiously into the window.
The sight was nothing less than absurd.
"I do not joke." Exedra stated flatly.
Lailah wondered if she should point out that her husband actually had quite the sense of humor, but soon elected to remain silent.
"H-how can their possibly-"
"Unimportant." Exedra said as he prepared to leave the room.
He briefly went outside and told the gathered demons what he had planned for them. None seemed upset by this turn of events, and even seemed excited.
"This is Lusamine, she will be your teacher."
"H-hello." Lusamine shyly waived.
Hearing the unwavering obedience from even small children in the crowd, Lusamine became very excited. "I can do whatever I want with them, yea?"
"Other than forcing them to have sex with you." Exedra confirmed.
"Would you look at me?" Lusamine spun around and struck a seductive pose that accentuated her simple yet enticing figure. "Do you think I'd have to force them?"
A few men, and even women in the crowd wanted to scream out that they would absolutely be willing participants, however they remained quiet.
Exedra did not comment, but that did not mean the succubus did not notice how his face contorted in disgust. "What's that look for?!"
"Washboard." He muttered.
"You jerk!"
Eris and Zheng ignored the pair's usual banter and instead focused on the crowd.
They had noticed what Lusamine had not.
The demons in front of them were all sex demons, and even more surprising they were… obedient?
Demons are instinctively unruly, and even though they can be brought to heel through force, they will always have a trace of lingering fear in their eyes towards the one they serve under.
But in the eyes of these demons, no traces of fear or animosity could be seen as they looked at Exedra.
There was only reverence and..gratitude?
It was if they were looking at a god.
"Argh, I'll argue with you later!" Lusamine finally ended her tirade of name calling and turned to the large crowd waiting on her.
"Alright my cute little students, let's go hunt some humans shall we?"
As Lusamine led the demons out of the city and into the wild, Exedra finally went looking for the rest of his family.
It was time to take a quick trip home.
'But.. I should surprise her a bit right?' He thought mischievously.
Currently, Yara was seated at her table in the garden, drinking tea as she listened to the man in front of her prattle on.
Lotan Blacksea had scheduled a meeting with her claiming it was of great importance, only for him to plaster her with flirtatious comments and confessions of his love.
Honestly speaking she was exhausted.
She didn't know dragons' incredible stamina included their mouths as well.
"In short if you're willing, I would be honored if you would allow me the honor of your companionship." Lotan finished with a pleased smile.
'There was absolutely nothing short about that.' Yara thought exhaustedly.
Lotan was certain he'd worn Yara down.
He'd tried a number of times to woo this princess, but never had she seemed so close to giving in as she did now.
Yara sighed, seemingly in defeat.
It'd been over a decade since Asmodeus had passed but she still felt his absence terribly.
Even if she wanted to move on, she couldn't.
Those who felt the pleasure that comes from the sin of lust, would forever spend their lives unable to be satisfied by anyone else.
"I'm sorry Lotan, but my answer remains unchanged." Yara said after much deliberation.
"Princess, surely you do not intend to spend your life mourning a dead man? It would be a waste of your beauty." Lotan argued.
"Be that as it may…." Yara placed her teacup on the table and her eyes took on an unbearably sad appearance. "I could not forget him. Even when my scales are reduced to dust, and my soul is in the embrace of my mother, he will be the only man for me in this life and the next."contemporary romance
Lotan felt his heart wrench at the sight of the emotional princess.
The sympathetic expression on Yara's face replaced his desire to bed her with one to comfort.
Her appearance.. was truly angelic.
"He was a very lucky man." Lotan finally said.
"Ha, I believe I was the lucky one." Yara finally cracked her sullen demeanor and showed a smile that made the dragon opposite her fall even further in love.
The rest of their teatime was filled with quaint conversation and even though Yara thought of Lotan as a bother at first, she was slowly coming to enjoy his company.
The two were conversing about all of the work left in the wake of the decimation of the SnowScales, when Yara's butler Duke came running up to them with a frantic expression.
"Duke? Is everything alright?"
"I'm sorry madam but a strange guest has shown up out of nowhere demanding an audience."
Lotan's gaze hardened and he began circulating mana in his body, preparing to do battle and defend the daughter of the king.
Now there was no trace of the light hearted, angelic princess, Yara's eyes had become sharp and cold. "Oh? Who dares to be so bold as to demand something from this princess?"
Duke swallowed and took a deep breathe before he spoke.
"It's.. a demon lord."
Please go read my new book blessed by night and leave a review!