
Chapter 7 - Storm

The moment his soft lips meet mine, a rush of warmth courses through my body, sending shivers down my spine. I am pulled into a vortex of sensations. My mind becomes a canvas of vivid colors and patterns, exploding like fireworks in the night sky. In this moment, I knew he was the one they destined me for - the one I must change the course of fate for.

As his warm tongue enters my mouth, a surge of electricity courses through my body, leaving me in a state of pure ecstasy. Memories of his troubled past flood my mind, causing my heart to ache with sympathy for the hardships he endured to reach this moment. The natural scent of him fills my nostrils, and his breath feeds into me as we kiss, filling me with a desire that I can’t contain.

“The moment you connect is the moment he will steal your heart and you will give him what he wants.

The words slowly filter through my mind like a gentle stream, their meaning becoming clearer with each passing moment. Our combined breathing fills the air, his lips on mine sealing our fate together.

As he lets out louder moans, the sound reverberates in my ears. His body stiffens and I can feel the tension in his muscles as he reaches his peak. The water around us ripples with his movements. As he finishes, a warmth spreads through my body, like a comforting embrace. It starts at my chest and slowly flows down, coating my scales with a pleasant sensation that lingers long after he relaxes in my arms.

“I’m sorry,” he pants out. “That’s never happened to me before.” Embarrassment fills his cheeks.

“Oh,” I glance down at the creamy liquid which now floats around us.

“I don’t understand what’s happening,” he said, his voice shaky. “Why do I have all these emotions and feelings for you when I don’t even know you? And that’s not even mentioning the fact that you’re a mermaid.” He looks at me with a heated gaze, and a rush of warmth spreads through my body.

“Tell me how your father knew about this place?” I glide him over where there are mango trees, and other fruit trees.

Branches hang over the water, and I pull a ripe mango off the tree. I peel it and take a bite; the juices trickling down my chin as I do. The flavor explodes in my mouth and I pass him the mango to taste.

“Oh, darn,” he exclaims, eyes widening in delight. “This has to be the best tasting mango I’ve ever had in my life.” The sweet, juicy aroma of the fruit fills the air as he takes another bite. A satisfied groan escapes his lips as he savors the burst of flavors in his mouth. I watch as he devours the fruit, the vibrant yellow flesh contrasting against his tan skin. He licks his lips and wipes his mouth with the back of his hand, his face beaming with satisfaction. As he discards the center part and washes his hands and face, his smile says it all, a mix of contentment and ecstasy.

A mournful expression spreads across his face, his eyes downcast and his brows furrowed. “As a young boy, my father regaled me with stories of the Nymora tribe. A group of people shrouded in secrecy and only known through the legends passed down from generation to generation. Their home is a mystical place, a sacred land that is hidden from the rest of the world. The only way to find it is by locating a towering cliff, and at the heart is a breathtaking lake called Diamrem.”

I chuckle at the name of the lake, as he hasn’t realized what it says. He stares into the water, but I can see his sadness in the reflection.

“I’ve been on the outskirts of this sacred land as it borders with ours, but it doesn’t have a fence. There is a distinctive separation between the lands as their soils are darker, though.”

“How did you know where to find this place?” I move in front of him and run my fingers down his chest.

“I honestly can’t say for sure. My mind was so disoriented that I couldn’t tell which way was up or down. The scorching sun beat down on me relentlessly, making me feel like I was slowly being cooked alive. I could barely breathe, my throat parched. Just when I thought I couldn’t take it anymore, the cliff face appeared out of nowhere, looming in front of me like a giant monolith. It was only then that I realized I had been saved.” Tears rolled down his cheeks.

“Then you found me.” I wipe his cheek and lean in for a kiss.

As I press my lips against his, I hear him mutter the word “you.” The warmth of his body against mine sends shivers down my spine, and I can feel the softness of his lips under mine. His hands slide down my back, pulling me closer, and I can feel the beating of his heart as our bodies intertwine.

This kiss was different. The crackling energy between us is visible, like the static electricity in the air before a thunderstorm. Our eyes meet, and I swear I can see tiny sparks igniting between us. The hum of our connection is audible, like the soft buzz of a live wire. There’s a faint scent of ozone, a sign that the charge is building. I feel a tingle in my fingertips as I trace them over his skin. Then, like a jolt of lightning, it courses through my body. The energy between us is intense, undeniable, and impossible to resist.

“What’s happening?” He pulls back from the kiss and me.

“I’m not sure?”

I feel a cool wisp of air brush past my face, carrying with it the scent of impending rain. In a hushed whisper, a voice murmurs, “When the storm comes, you will be at its mercy. But don’t be afraid, for it will set you free.” I hear the distant rumble of thunder, and the leaves on the trees rustle as the wind picks up. The air around me feels charged with electricity, and I can feel the hairs on my arms stand on end.

A sudden, piercing pain shoots through my chest, causing me to bend over in agony. The acrid taste of salty tears floods my mouth, and my vision blurs as the tears stream down my face. I can hear Richard’s panicked voice in the background, but the pounding of my heart drowns out his words.

“Storm?” His hands wrap around me in an embrace.

The steady beat of his heart vibrates through me, and I feel the gentle rise and fall of his chest as we float together. I am transported to a place of tranquility and peace. At this moment, I finally understand the depth of the connection we share, and his love for me he has yet to give.

As we stared at each other, it was as though the universe had conspired to bring us together. It was bittersweet knowing that fate brought us together, yet I will have to leave to set him free. But for now, I vow to cherish every moment we have left together, to strengthen the bond that pulls us inexorably towards each other.

I grip onto him tightly as we glide through the water, moving towards a flat area where we can rest. As we reach the flat area, I position myself to lie down, the cool water enveloping my bottom half. I turn to him and whisper. “Touch me, show me what it is to feel love.”

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