
Chapter 3 - Storm

I live in this holy abode, hidden away from the outside world. The serenity of this sanctuary is both a blessing and a bane. This place is so serene that the only sounds that punctuate the silence are the gentle rustling of leaves and the sweet chirping of birds. The sweet fragrance of blooming flowers lingers in the air, and the cool breeze that brushes my skin is both refreshing and calming. This is where I seek refuge, where no one can find me.

My ancestors believed I had a purpose in this place, but after living alone for so long, I’m questioning whether they were right. I can’t even remember how long I’ve been here. In the barren desert, I have no escape. The only beings keeping me company are the resident birds.

Along with the occasional scrabbling of creatures who come to my oasis, quenching their thirst and finding their way in this vast desert. The winds howl with a melody in the background, reminding me this place is magical.

But today is different. There is a shift of forces, and my heart beats wildly in my chest for some unknown reason.

As I swim under the cove which takes me outside to the lake, noises of horses bring my attention to the side they are all at. One has a saddle and bridle on it as it drinks from the lake. Others drink, and some eat the lush grass which grows here.

“What on earth has happened to them?” My heart sinks as I take in the sight of them, realizing that they have all perished because of a lack of nutrients and life.

A loud, rhythmic thumping pounds in my ears and my chest, causing me to gasp for air. In front of me, a man’s lifeless body is sprawled on the ground, his hand dangling into the cool water. My heart races as I wonder if he’s dead.

As I swim closer, I hear the gentle beat of his heart resonating through the water, pulling me towards him. The underwater world around me is subdued, with only the sound of my fin dispersing the water fills my ears. The water is warm and refreshing against my skin as I surface. As I approach, I can see the intricate patterns of fallen, dried tears on his face. I am cautious, but also curious, about this strange man as I get closer and closer to him.

His hand and arm float in the water, dust and dirt float off his skin as it washes away his troubled journey. I’m trying to work out how old he is. The scruffy facial hair hides his age. I study his features up close, and it etches a heartbreaking story. The way his eyes move under the lids expresses his dreams, reliving a memory of sadness as a tear escapes the corner of his eyes.

Like a stab to my heart, he fills mine with a need to want to comfort him, bring back his happiness.

The lake’s depth at this side is so extreme that I can descend into an abyss and disappear out of sight if he wakes up. It makes a perfect place to physically touch him.

As I extend my arm and run my fingers along the surface of the water, I feel a sudden jolt of electricity when our fingertips touch. A rush of adrenaline courses through my veins, sending tingles down my spine and setting my skin ablaze with excitement. It’s as if a dazzling display of fireworks has erupted within me, leaving me breathless and exhilarated.

He lets out a short sharp breath and I shoot back under the water, watching him moving. He doesn’t, so I surface next to him.

His breathing is shallow and jerky as I watch him. I cup my hand and tip it slightly, letting beads of water trickle off and into his parted mouth. Most of it rolls out as his face is lying on its side. So, with my other hand, I slide it so I can get the water into his mouth. A few drops fall and his natural instincts take over, and he sticks his tongue out, catching more as I feed him droplets.

“There you go,” I whisper.

I dribble more water into his mouth, the cool liquid coats his lips. As I watch him drink, I feel a magnetic force growing between us, like the pull of two opposing poles. Could this be the reason for my presence here? A gentle breeze caresses my skin, sending shivers down my spine.

As I gaze at him, I notice his long eyelashes resting peacefully on his dusty, tear-streaked cheeks. His chest rising and falling in a slow and steady rhythm. I ponder what might be running through his mind. I can’t help but wonder how he ended up here, in this place, with me.

Long ago, seven mermaids were scattered across the world, each with a distinct purpose. I found myself in this particular location. They did not inform us of the reason for our placement, just that one day we would understand why. As I gazed out into the endless oasis, the air filling my lungs and the sound of life swarming around me. I couldn’t help but wonder what was to come and how I could contribute to whatever awaited me.

“How am I to help you, my heartbroken cowboy?” I whisper and brush a strand of his hair back off his face.

He inhales a long breath, his chest expanding and contracting as he does so. I can hear the air rushing in and out of his lungs. The dry dust taints the scent of his breath, making it linger in the air. As he takes another breath, I feel my heartbeat quicken and I hold my breath, wondering what he will think of me when he wakes up.

“What has happened out there, cowboy?”

As I watch him closely, a barely audible whimper emanates from his trembling body. The sound is so faint, yet it feels like a sharp blow to my heart. I can sense the pain and fear that must be consuming him, and it fills me with a deep sense of unease. The surrounding air is thick with tension and unease, like a storm cloud lingering. My stomach churns with a mix of worry and dread as I realize just how vulnerable he must be feeling right now.

He inhales another deep breath, feeding more life back into him and this time his fingers in the water move. I observe with fascination as he gracefully guides his hands through the clear, refreshing water. Every ripple and wave created by his movements sends a soft, soothing sound echoing through the air. As he moves his fingers, I can almost feel the water molecules gliding across his skin, creating a gentle, cool sensation that tingles down to my own fingertips.

A groan, and a sharp intake of breath as more life piles back inside of him. He moves his body and tries to lift his head.

I swim back out of his vision and let him come around without the shock of finding me here. He seems to struggle, weak from the extreme conditions he has endured before entering my oasis.

He scoops up a handful of cool water and brings it up to his face, and the droplets trickle down his skin. A groan escapes his lips, as if he’s just been transported to another realm. It’s as if the world around him disappears for a moment, leaving him in a state of tranquil bliss.

As I observe, it’s truly captivating. I have never witnessed someone attach so much importance to water as he does. His eyes light up with a sparkle as he runs his hand through the crystal-clear liquid. His smile widens, and I am suddenly overwhelmed by an intense urge to join him. Despite my best efforts to remain composed, I can’t shake the fear that grips me. His presence exerts an irresistible magnetism, drawing me in closer and closer until it fills every breath I take with the scent of his musky scent. The world fades away, leaving only the sound of our heartbeats pounding in unison. Every inch of my skin is on fire with longing, desperate for the feel of his touch.

His head snaps up, and his intense gaze locks onto mine. My heart pounds in my chest as I bite my bottom lip, trying to suppress the fluttering feeling in my stomach. His piercing stare feels like it’s burning a hole through my soul, and I can’t help but wonder if he feels the same pull that I do.

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