Finding Rose

Chapter Lost

It was nearing dawn when Rosalie was closing in on her den.

~Heavy panting~

"Almost home." She gasped. "Please please, tell me he isn't following me. I know for damn sure I left my scent in multiple directions to try and lose him. There's no way he can find me."

She was comfortable enough to pace herself as she approached her home, but as she made her way through the thickening bush she came to a sudden stop. It was then she could see and smell the heavy metal mixed with lumber sitting in a vast clearing where her home once laid. She had been gone for weeks indulging in town pleasantries. Enough time for a big city company to make its way into her territory and cut down every living thing in it's path.

She scanned the endless canyon of clearing, and machinery that lay dormit. Tears welled up in her eyes as she now was forced to relocate. She was always on the move but this place was the longest she's stayed in, and it was always a place to fall back too. The sun was rising over the mountain peak and the roar of engines could be heard making there way towards the clearing.


Samuel woke up earlier then usual to get the day started. The sun hadn't fully risen yet and the sky was slowly transitioning. He hadn't really anything planned, but since last night he wasn't able to get a decent nights rest. The thought of her kept him tossing and turning. He decided that first thing in the morning he's going to go and track his ghost. Surely she couldn't have traveled to far in the night, he kept telling himself. He got dressed and brought an extra set of clothes in case he happened to run into her again. He made his way to the bakery and went towards the back, where he picked up her scent yesterday. Walking into the tree line, till he couldn't be seen he then stripped and left a backpack by a fallen down tree. He shifted into his wolf and started his journey in finding his ghost.


The sun was at its highest peak, and Rosalie watched from afar as men rode the machines, and continued to clear cut her home. No sign of other wildlife in the area. She nipped herself in the butt for picking her location.

"Well that blows." She said. "Again leave it up to me to pick the one spot where I thought would be ok. I mean don't get me wrong, I move all the time, but this place was starting to feel like home. Man I am hungry! All that running has brought me an appetite. From the looks of it these guys have been here for a while. Probably arrived after I left." She sighed. "I'm gonna have to go elsewhere and look for some prey, but I'll have to wait till the machinery stops. No animal will venture out with all that ruckus."

Rosalie laid down in a bedding of tall grass. She was far enough from the commotion, that she need not worry about being spotted by the humans afar. At sundown the heavy machinery will have stopped and that's when she would sniff out some food.


~ sniff sniff sniff~

"She's good, I'll give her that." He smirked.

It's been hours and the sun has made it past it's highest peak. Samuel was brought in every direction. First leading away from town. Then heading west, tracking her back towards town and then heading east. He finally got a lead when he approached a creek. Walking along the creek bed her scent was faint. He figured she probably took a dip in the water to lose her scent, but her hastiness proved faulty. Samuel was an excellent tracker, and didn't need to rely on scent alone. The crack of a twig, the placement of a leaf could help identify her direction, and once he picked up her trail, he was on the move.


Rosalie was able to rest for awhile, before the humans called it a day. Machinery was turned off and it took all but a moments notice before all the humans made there way out the area. She decided to wait a while longer in the hopes that the other wildlife would emerge from their hiding spots.

She made her way into the bush scouting for traces of ......something.

"Hmmm. There doesn't seem to be much this way." She thought. "I'm gonna have to head back in that direction further away from the den, but that takes me back to...him. I should be good. There hasn't been any sign that he's followed me and I shouldn't have to go to far. Hopefully I'll see something to my liking."

She started making her way back in the direction of the town, making sure she didn't follow the same route. At this point night was approaching.

She kept her nose to the lush forest floor. She was able to tussle up some squirrels and a rabbit, but her appetite was seeking some big game. The work being done in the clear cut made it harder for her to find something decent. Animals would have scurried with all that commotion and she was oh so hungry.

Rosalie continued to scan the area. She was hoping for a deer to pop out from no where so she could sink her teeth into its mouthwatering hide. With her nose to the ground her ears suddenly perked up to the sound of yipping. A heinous sound that no lone venturer would want to hear.

"Coyotes." She said

With the new occupants moving onto the territory, many predators were finding themselves in the same predicament as Rosalie. They were hungry, and these guys were never travelled alone.

Rosalie stood still in the hopes that she wouldn't attract attention. All was to late however and she could hear that she was being surrounded. A lone wolf all on her own, was basically a walking platter. It didn't matter she was three times there size. They had the numbers.........and they were hungry.

She took a defensive stance and immediately bared a menacing growl. She made sure to bare teeth and had her chest puffed out to show she wasn't one to fuck with. She looked to her left.

"Two on the left." She looked to her right. "Three on the right." Her eyes moved forward. "One in front. Where's the big boss?" Rosalie was trying to look for their alpha.

"I should have marked my trail. God dammit, my stupid hunger got the best of me. Fuck Rose, you did it this time. Another big mistake, what has gotten into you?" She scolded herself. "Where The fuck is the alp-" Her train of thought was cut short as one of the coyotes charged her from the side.

The one coyote lunged to take hold of the back of her nape, but Rosalie was able to side sweep to the side and quickly bared her teeth into it's flesh. Whipping her head side to side sent the enemy into a loud whimper. Before she let go she made sure to leave perminant damage, and flung him into a tree. As soon as she let go two more lunged. Again quickly she was looking for the alpha. Take down the alpha, take down the pack. There was no time to think, she was fighting for her life. As the two engaged she let out a fear mongering growl, and was using pure intimidation to get them to back down. Typically coyotes don't venture into wolf territory, however she was no longer in hers. She eyed down the one. She could only deal with one at a time. She lunged towards the it, knowing full well the other was gonna take a bite out of her. It was smaller, so she took her chances. All three tussled, leveling down foliage, and creating a clearing of their own. She had to move quick, and make haste on the first one as the second already made it through her flesh. She could feel the warm blood draining down her side. She is a shifter and would heal fast, but that wouldn't matter if she was dead. She used her size and weight to pin one of them down and when she had an opening, she went for the kill. She squeezed her jaw tight on the neck and didn't let go till the life drained from its eyes.

The one nipping at her side was quickly joined by the other three. She had counted six. Two down, four to go excluding the alpha.

She was getting tired, and her predators weren't stopping till she was dead. She whipped and thrashed her body endlessly, throwing them off. But each time they got bucked off they would come back for more. The sheer noise this fight was creating would make any human run the opposite direction.

One managed to bare his teeth into her neck, and thrashed his body in an attempt to take her down. Rosalie yelped at the burning sensation and pain that resonated from the bite. It seemed like forever since it started, but it's only been minutes. She made a last ditch effort by leaping high in the air, and flipping on her back to crush them.

It worked. Two more down. The other two released her from their grips and stood back waiting for a better opening. Rosalie, stood there still in defense mode. Her beautiful white coat now covered in blood. She was tired, and she knew they could sense it. Suddenly the two coyotes pulled back, only to be joined by another that made it's exit from the bush.

"There you are." She sneered.

She was panting heavily. The nights were still a little crisp, and each breath created a cloud of visible fog. This wasn't the time to show weakness. Now that the alpha showed himself, he was her next target.

"Who's gonna make the first move?" She thought.

She eyed him down and charged.

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