Finding II: White Dove Academy

Chapter Friends?

"Let me go!" I yell out as he drags me behind a corner. "Will you shut up?!" He yells at me pushing me against the wall. I looked at him surprised and we can hear the girls coming. "Shit, shit, okay here's what were gonna do. You're going to distract them and I'm going to run away," He told me. "Excuse me?!" "You heard me." "Fuck you." I tell him with an annoyed face. "Look, I just don't wanna get mobbed by a bunch of girls." "That sounds like a you problem." I said while pushing him away from me. At this point we can hear them around the corner. He goes behind me and hides. "Oh yeah, they're definitely not going to see you." I said sarcastically.

The girls come round the corner and I step to the side revealing Zero. "You dick," He says to me. I laughed and walked away. I can hear the girls pouncing on him from behind me. I then make my way to the showers to wash this juice off my hair and my clothes. I go inside and turn the shower on. I get inside and feel the water on my face. This feels nice, but I can feel myself starting to cry again. This shit sucks. Is this how Zero felt? Is this karma? All of a sudden, I hear the shower doors bust open. "Fuck! Those girls are fast!" I heard Zero say while breathing hard. I laughed at him and he said, "Hey! I heard that! You dick, you left me there!" I peak out the shower curtain to see him holding the door. Are the girls trying to come in?! Goddamn, don't they know this is the boy's shower room?

I turned off the shower and put a towel around my waist. I curse to myself, do I have to put my soiled clothes back on? "Hey, do you have an extra shirt?" I reluctantly asked him. "You can have this one." He says taking off his shirt and throwing it to me. Woah, his abs are really no joke, a six pack?! Sheesh. "Like what you see?" He says smirking. "Fuck you," I said back to him. I looked at the shirt he gave me. This shit is big as fuck. Is he really that much bigger than me? Let's see, I'm about 5'5 and a half, he's about...6'0 now.. Damn. I sigh to myself and click my tongue. I hesitantly put the shirt on, and it goes down to my fucking thighs. He laughs at me and says, "Aww, look at the little babyyy." I get embarrassed and quickly take it off.

"Oh? Don't tell me you're going to walk out of here with a towel? Trust me, the looks you will get are horrible." Zero says with a traumatized face. "I rather do that than look like your bitch." "I think you looked rather good." Zero says sarcastically. "I want to punch you so bad," I told him. "Do it then," he said. "N-Not when I'm naked." "Chicken." He said rolling his eyes. I wish I could just kill him. "Move, I have to go back to my dorm." "You wanna go out there with those girls?" He asks me raising his eyebrows. "Better than staying in here with you." I told him while pushing him out of the way. I walked out, and all the girls started attacking me. "Ah!" I yelled out. Do they think I'm Zero?! Are these girls feral or something?!

I felt a hand grab me and more screams can be heard. Zero pulls me from the crowd and we run away. Did this fucker forget he has no shirt on either, making this situation much worse. He drags me to his dorm and shoves me inside. He closes the door and locks it. We're both panting pretty hard and I sat on his bed. "Jesus, what the fuck is wrong with them?!" I asked. "Well, it's kinda your fault." He says blaming me. "How?!" I asked. "Shhh, keep your voice down." "Tell me how," I said. "Well, you're the one that pushed me to my limits, and because of that, I wanted to be stronger. I became strong enough to beat you because I worked hard." "Wait, so you didn't use magic?" I asked in utter confusion. "I told you I didn't." "There is no way, how did you become like this then?!" "How many times do I have to tell you, I worked hard for this body!" "Now you're yelling!" I yelled back at him. "So are you!" He yells out too.

He sighs, "Look, like I said, it's your fault for not taking the fight seriously." "I didn't think you'd become like this!" I said while looking down. "I heard about what happened, with the whole school bullying you now. I gotta deserve it." "I know," "With everything you di- wait, did you just say 'I know?'" He asks me surprised. "Yeah, I know, I did some pretty shitty things. I'm sorry. I would apologize to everyone, but I'd just get bullied again." Zero comes to sit down next to me. "You know, this is how I felt when I got bullied by you just about everyday." I looked at him with a guilty expression and sighed. "I'm sorry," I said to him. "Wow, that's it? Sheesh." "The hell do you want me to say?" I asked. "I don't know." "Okay then." I said while looking away. "You know, when I was young, Henry and I went to the same foster care."

I looked at him with a surprised expression. "Yup, I hated him. He was the same as me, an outcast, but he was never picked on. Whereas I've been picked on all my life, so excuse me if I just wanted it all to stop." I looked away feeling guilty once more. I sighed and hesitated a bit before saying, "My childhood was just as bad as yours. In fact, it might've been worse." He looked at me with an intrigued expression. I sighed again and continued, "When I was about six years old, my mom and dad got a divorce and that's when my father started drinking. He became excessively violent, and when I was eight, it started getting worse. One night he came home and..." I could feel myself tearing up. Zero put his hand on my back and said, "It's alright." I don't know why, but I really felt comforted by what he said. I looked away and continued. "He...beat me within an inch of my life. Then he did the same thing to my sister."

Zero looked really shocked by what I said. "My sister and I ran away after we healed most of our injuries. That's when we discovered our powers, they just came all of a sudden. Then our dad came to look for us, and he found us sleeping on a park bench. He grabbed me and my sister, but we used our powers on him and he collapsed as soon as we did. Then we started running; we had no clue where we were going but we just had to keep running. For our sakes. That's when our mom came back. She got custody of us and we've been living with her and my stepdad ever since. Hell, to this day we don't know if my dad is alive or not. Eventually me and my sister trained ourselves to become even stronger. We were happy with how strong we felt, and we vowed to beat up anyone that looked down on us." I smiled thinking about this and said, "You know my sister also participated in the tournament?" "No way really?!" He asked ecstatically. "Yeah, her name's Yasenia, and she's super strong. She came in third because she gave it up. I still don't know why.

He smiled and said, "I'm sure she had her reasons." "Yeah," I replied. "Hey," he said quickly. "What?" I asked. "Let's be friends," "W-Why?" "I don't know, after I beat you, I just felt...complete. Like, I don't feel anymore animosity or hate towards you." I looked down and told him "I don't want to." "Why?" "B-Because, I'd just get bullied more for being your friend." "The hell, who are you?" He asks. "What are you talking about?" I asked genuinely confused. "What happened to the Reese that didn't care about shit?" I looked at him surprised. Then I looked at my hands and closed my eyes. I stood up and slapped both sides of my face. He laughed and I looked at him annoyed.

"You're right, fuck everyone, I don't care!" I yelled out. He smiled and stood up too. He looked at me, and ruffled my hair. I immediately slapped his hand away and walked towards his door. I opened it feeling as confident as ever. Then I realized the girls are still waiting outside. I panicked and tried to shut the door. "Damn! Why are they so strong?!" I yelled. Zero comes over to help me, but he stands behind me and puts his hands on the door beside both sides of my head. "Why are you so close to me?!" I asked him. "Huh?." He said in a confused manner. "Can you get from behind me and help me properly you fucker!" He laughs and goes to the side of me and pushes the door. The door closes and I lock it. He smiles at me, and I said, "What?" "Nothing," After he said that, he chuckled and walked back to his bed to laid down. I sighed while thinking about the rest of the year. What's going to happen to me now?

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