Finding Destiny


I sit in bed crying when the door opens, and a young woman walks in with water and food. I look away. “I am not hungry and will not eat that poisonous food.”

“Please, my lady, you must listen to me, for I do not have much time. I am Rogorio’s daughter. And my father will kill me if he was to find out that I came here and what I am bout to tell you.” she rushes to my side in a panic motion. “And why should I trust you?”

“Because I hate your father. He is an evil man who has cursed my family for years and does not care about you. Plus, your mother was always good to us until she died.”

“you knew my mother?”

“Yes, I did, and she was an angel compared to your father. What type of man does this to his flesh and blood? Binds her to a basement then sells her to a stranger or unnatural being.”

“A monster that fell in love with the wrong person is who.” She grabs my hand and gives it a slight, tender squeeze. “My lady, I overheard your father and someone named Viktor talking about seeing someone tomorrow night who will help sell you. I know you have a mate who cannot connect with him. My lady, I am here to help you. I can remove the spell that breaches all links. You will only have one minute to try and connect before it locks you from communication. One thing, though.”

What...What is it?”

“The person you connect with will hear you, but you will not be able to listen to them or communicate back. All you have to do is reach out to your mind and call the person you are trying to reach. If you truly have a mate, they can receive your message. Now wait twenty minutes and then try to reach out to him mentally. I promise you it will work. Now eat this. I promise you it is safe, and you will not have any side effects from the food or water. I must go and remember I was never here, my lady.”

“Wait, where am I?”

“You are home at your family’s estate in the basement of The Ardelean castle. Now I must leave.”

“Thank you, wait... what’s your name?”

“ No need to worry about my name or formalities. Just worry about getting your message to who you must channel. Goodbye, my lady.” She then walks out of the room, and I am in shock but also thankful that she is willing to try and help me. In twenty minutes, I have a chance to connect with the love of my life finally. My heart starts to race, and my tears begin to fall from the reality that I have a small window to connect with Boy.



I left Slovenia two days ago and was surprised to find out that a few days ago, a couple of ships stopped to fuel and rest before continuing their journey. My gut and instinct tell me that my mate Destiny is on one of those ships. One ship was heading towards Bucharest, located in Romania, while the other was going to Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria. I know I am close; I need to find a connection to her. I should have arrived a week ago. I cannot believe four months have passed since Destiny’s abduction from her father. I spent the first two months traveling to every state, but once I could not find her, I knew I had to travel to the other side of the world. That took me another two months, but I knew I was close this time. I can feel it in my heart. Morpheus has been anxious since we arrived in southeastern Europe. Something he did not react to when we were in the states. He even thinks he felt her last night. Maybe he did, but until I don’t feel her or receive a sign of her, I won’t get myself worked up. Come on, Des, give me a sign. I am right that you are near.

“Marcus, we are close. I can feel it.” I walk back and forth in our sleeping quarters, listening to Morpheus explain to me what occurred last night while we were resting. “I felt her last night slightly for just a split second. But I knew it was her. She is in pain.”

“So why did I not feel her then, Morpheus? Because I should have felt the same effect that you did.”

“I do not know why you did not experience last night’s moment. I know I felt her and cannot explain how because she could not hear me when I tried to connect back. I need you to trust me when I say we are close to finding her. And when we do, I will kill them all.” as he comes near my leg for me to stroke his mane.

“No, we will kill them all, Morpheus. Did you forget that we are a team, and we are one connected by our souls? Because you can detach yourself from me, does not mean you do what you want without me? You are still my wolf sired to me by the gods. “I am ready to get my Queen back as you are.”

“Queen... I like the sound of that.”

“Good because that is exactly what she is, Morpheus, our Queen. Once we get her back, I will not let her out of my site. I miss her so fucking much.”

“Me too but calm down, Marcus, because that thing is happening again. You know the thing you have been doing lately when you are angry. Calm your demon down, Boy.”

“Well, I can’t help it.”

“We do not need destruction from you just yet. Let’s get Destiny back first, and then you can cause havoc upon all.” Lately, a swirl of black smoke surrounds me, and my eyes have not turned electric blue in about three months. They have stayed black with red swirls with flakes of fire yellow. My Bampire demon has taken complete control.

“Please help me!”

I was deep in thought when suddenly, I heard a..... No, it was her. It was Destiny. It was faint, but it was her. “I am right here, Des. Where are you? Tell me. I have been sick looking for you since Trey took you from me.

“Boy, Morpheus, Help. Please, if you can hear me hurry and save me. My father is going to sell me to some monster. His last words before leaving me are welcome home. I know I am somewhere in the basement of my family’s estate, the Ardelean Castle, but I do not know its location. Please, my love, if you hear me, I need you to find me before it’s too late. They have brutally hurt me, poisoned, and raped me every day since they took me away..... And my father allowed it. If you do not save me before he makes the deal to sell me in the next two days, I will kill myself, my love. I can’t take it anymore. Just know I always love you, and you will be my only love. I hope you hear me calling you for help as I have done every night. Help me. Please help me!!!!!


“I know Marcus. I heard her and everything she said. But I do not think she can listen to us. This happened last night when I told you I heard her, and she spoke to me. Except she was on a ship still when she called to me. Because she mentioned the ocean.”

“We need to get to her fast. Let’s visit the captain. He needs to hurry this ship to our next destination. I just hope where we dock is the location of her whereabouts. I swear I am going to kill Trey. And all who hurt her.”

I stepped outside on the deck and brought my hands up to the sky. Waving them in the air as I envisioned the storm I was brewing. The blue sky was no longer blue as the clouds began to form as lightning struck down into the sea, and the wind became forceful, making the ship quicken in its speed. I can alter the weather, and it’s in my favor right now. I am guiding the wind in the direction of the wave to carry us quicker since we are going with the tide and not against the tide. I am fuming in anger, and I begin to swirl black smoke around me once again. My eyes are fully demonic, with red and yellow specs on the back of the pupil. I am in full Bampire mode, and I am coming for everyone. They better hide and not let me catch them. One of the captain’s men came out from under the ship, and when his eyes were cast on Morpheus and me, he froze in fear. I was so enraged that I pulled him towards me with my powers. The man gravitated towards me, and once he was in my grasp, I snapped his neck and threw him over the ship’s plank.

You should have stood down in the ship; you dump fool. I will not let anything or anyone get in my way now that I know she is alive and in desperate need of my Savior.

“Now, let’s go see the Captain. Morpheus, join my Inner Bampire monster so you can control him while I talk to the captain.” Morpheus wastes no time. He quickly enters my body and takes over instantly so he can tame the beast inside me.

I walk up to the captain’s deck, where he controls the ship. I barged into the room and did not care that he saw me looking like I did. His eyes went wide, and his face turned pale. “What the hell…. What are you?” Dropping his cigar out of his mouth from the fear and horror sketched all over his face. “Captain, If you want to live to see the next destination, I advise you to speed up this ship right now.”

“But Marcus, we are in a storm, can you not see.”

“You do not need to worry about the storm. Just focus on steering this ship. By the way, where is our following location, captain?”

“Bucharest Marcus, we will be landing on the ports of Bucharest.”

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