Finding Destiny


"On the count of three, Marcus, we will jump through. Ready?" I nodded, giving him the signal.

"Okay, here we go! One… Two… Three… Jump Now!"

We jumped through the portal, turning and tumbling in the swirls of light as we twirled through dimensions. I start to feel dizzy and queasy. This will take some time to get used to. “Morpheus, are you alright.”

"No, I feel like I will puck any minute now."

"Hold on. We should be exiting the portal any second now."

The portal became brighter than a light flashed in front of us, making everything around us shake as we spat out of the portal, falling to the ground as Morpheus fell right on top of me with his enormous weight. “Ouch, that hurt. Morpheus, get off of me.”

"Hey, it is not my fault I landed on you. Remember, you control the portal, not it control you," I mumbled. You are right, but for the first time I used my powers to open a portal, I did pretty fucking good, and we made it Morpheus, so cut me some slack and stop giving me so much shit about the experience, my wolf.

I stand dusting off my leather jacket and shaking off the after-effects I was still feeling from the portal. Once my vision was straight and my head stopped moving, I looked at my surroundings and noticed we were in some big cave. No, not a cave but a crater instead.

"Marcus, I do not like the feeling of this place. Stay focused at all times, Marcus. A lot of dark energy and powers are pulled inside this crater. I know we are in for a night of hell and fire, Marcus. Well, then let us go, Morpheus. The sooner we get this done and find Destiny, the faster we can get out of here." We started walking, trying to find a way out of this place. I see the galaxy sky shining on me when I look up. "Morpheus, look so many stars up there. I have never seen that many. Omg, are those four pink moons I see? That shit looks awesome."

"Hey, if you want a national geographic tour, then you better pick another time, my alpha, because we have no time for stars, moons, and planet talk. That shit has to wait” Shaking his head; my wolf begins to walk ahead. I get into his mind and hear what he is saying about me. 'He is such a nerd when he wants to be, and I need him to be his badass Hybrid self. A nerd for a fucking Alpha great.

"Hey, fuck you, Morpheus. I did just hear your thoughts and what you said. Pointing my finger at him as my face turned into a frown. “Not a nice thing to say, Morpheus.”

“Alright, I am sorry, Marcus. Can we now move forward and focus on the task ahead of us?”

“You are so lucky I don’t put you away right now. Just stay quiet and walk.” We continue to walk when I hear footsteps from afar, and they sound like they are coming in our direction. “Morpheus did you just hear that?” He nods to me, and in a whisper, I say, “invisible mode now,” and poof Morpheus is invisible right by my side. We walk behind a huge rock and wait to see what is approaching our way.

The footsteps were becoming much closer, and the voices were of two people talking between themselves. But as the other voice stopped and the other started, I recognized that voice. It was fucking Trey, Destiny’s father. My face started to change rapidly as I let out my Bampire demon. This time he will die and not live to see the next five minutes. He killed my mother and took the next most crucial precious thing that belonged to me away from me, which was Destiny. My whole body began to change. My skin turned a dark grey with black vein lines running down my entire body like poison. My eyes turned utterly black, my pupils red with yellow fire swirls ready to aim and burn him into ashes.

"Marcus, I know he is coming this way but let him come to you to us. Do not charge his way yet. Mask our scents now so he won’t run away. You know if he smells you, he will take flea." I grunt a sound in the madness I am feeling, but I do as Morpheus tells me. He is right. He cannot know I am here. I snap my fingers to mask the scent, and we wait.



We cautiously reached the front entrance of the crater. I sniffed the air before stepping inside to ensure the coast was clear of any Klystronian creatures. I was still unsure if the King would let us leave alive off his planet. "Slogan, the lights have disappeared. I don’t see it anymore."

"Yes, I see you are right. It is now dark inside the crater. Let’s continue because we need to open the portal from where we came. It is the only way back to earth. All the energy I need to channel my power is in the crater, Trey, so keep walking." I sigh and follow Slogan, who leads the way in front of me. Once we reached the end of the path that brought us inside the middle of the crater, I felt something was not right. I looked around to see if anything was off but could not find a reason to continue worrying. "Hurry up, Slogan, and start opening the damn fucking portal. We need to get out of here now."

"What is your fucking problem, Trey? You are becoming a pain in the ass with all this panicking you are doing."

"Just hurry the fuck up already."

(Ha… Ha… Ha. )

Slogan looks at me, and I look at him. "Someone is laughing in the shadows," I tell him. "I knew something was off, Slogan."

"Hello, Trey. I have been searching for four long months for you." I start to grunt in anger, looking at Slogan. "It’s him, my daughter’s mate. He found us. How the hell did he get here? It is impossible, Slogan." I turn around to see Boy come out of the shadows behind a big rock.

"Surprise, Mr. Ardelean. Your hiding days are now over. You have Something that belongs to me. Where is Destiny? What have you done with your daughter?"



"Before you answer my question, which you will answer. Do not think of doing anything stupid, Trey. You will not succeed. It will only hinder your death more. Your friend, who is he?"

"My name is Slogan, and I am a spiritual creature. I open up gates and portals to other worlds, realms, and dimensions. I am only an acquaintance of Mr. Ardelean. He paid me to open a portal and bring him here to sell his daughter. My only job is to bring him here and take him back. I can offer a truce if you like. You never know if you might need me soon. Trey betrayed me many years ago and decided to come back to see me because he was desperate to rid his daughter of you. I have no problem handing him over for the safety and security of my life." Hearing this man’s words has me cracking my neck, ready to pound and destroy Trey. "I am listening. Continue."

"Slogan, you fucking traitor, how could you?"

"Ha… How could I? Do not give me that sobbing look. How does it feel, Trey, to be treated the same way you did your best friend, me, many years ago? Payback is a bitch, and I hope he does save your daughter in time from that monster of a king."

"Enough," I said boomingly, cutting them off from their bickering.

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