Finding Destiny


“When I say launch, take the monster on the right, and I will take care of the two on the left.”

“Well, let’s do this already. My patience is minimal as we speak.”

“He’s not looking. Now Morpheus, launch,” and there was my fucking wolf running and leaping into the air unseen and flawless.

He landed on the Klystronian creature and bit right into his jugular, mutilating it and not giving the animal any room to make a sound or alert the rest before releasing him and ripping his head off. I came behind the other two having a conversation in their Klystronian tongue. And placed my hand on both of their necks, causing them to stay paralyzed before turning them into ice. The privilege of having so many powers is that I am like fire and ice. I can freeze you or burn you besides all my other abilities.

Morpheus then leaped into the aircraft and pinned the other two down when one of them noticed something wrong. They could feel that there was an entity with them. So right when Morpheus was going to attack. The creature near the control panels swung his tail around and caught Morpheus in his torso. That made Morpheus fall out of invisibility mode as he almost collapsed, but he gathered himself together as the wound began healing quickly. Morpheus let out a ferocious growl. But then I intervened and brought my hands to aim at the creature’s tail sending an electric current his way, zapping his tail off and making him fall to the ground. I then sped to and gutted him while yellow ooze spilled from his blob of a body, and the smell was awful. It smelled like a corpse lying on the ground, marinating for weeks.

Morpheus charged over me and started to slaughter the other monster left. He bit down on his right shoulder, ripping it from its socket to prevent the creature from withdrawing any more tentacles to attack us. But the Klystronian was somewhat quicker, and he shot out a tentacle, wrapped it around Morpheus’s hind leg, and flung him to the other side of the aircraft. The sound of Morpheus crashing into the wall of the ship gave off a loud booming sound that shook the place from the impact of the fall.

“A little help over here, Marcus!” He screams out to me as he kept getting slammed and flung left and right as the creature’s tentacle does not falter by letting him go. It instead gripped hold of him. Now I am angry. I ran and leaped on the enemy, took both my hands, grabbed his head from each side, and snapped his neck, leaving him decapitated. The tentacles instantly unwrapped themselves from Morpheus, freeing him from the restraints he was just in a few seconds ago. “Hey, you okay, Morpheus?”

“Now I am.” He says as he shakes his mane and collects his strength. I told you to pay attention. They are sneaky, and now I know they can sense us here even if they cannot see us.”

“I was paying attention, but he still caught me off guard, so do not come giving me shit right now. Let us move on and finish this already.” He huffed at me as he maneuvered his way out of the aircraft. I rub my temple with my hands and follow Morpheus. “Great, now I smell like them. I so need a fucking shower.”

We fled the aircraft and started heading toward those floating towers. After fighting with those disgusting creatures, my adrenaline tripled. I know there is more coming our way when we turn that corner. Morpheus has doubled in size, and now his inner Dire Wolf strength is at full force. He is roaring, not giving a shit anymore if someone hears or sees us, and I am right there with him, not giving fuck no more.

I hissed as my fangs retracted from my gums. My claws enlarged, turning black. My skin began to change into its Bampire demonic beast. I went from my human skin to my dark purplish grey tone with my black demonic poisonous veins spreading through my entire body. My eyes switched to its black, crimson, golden color, ready to torch anyone and anything that came my way. Electricity started to form from the tip of my fingers, slipping its way out of my claws.

I looked to the sky and commanded the four pink moons to disappear, only leaving the stars in the sky to give light. Meters were moving with speed, colliding, and crashing into each other in the galaxy sky, creating fireworks. Wind and dust fly everywhere as the sounds of destruction set off the alarms that we were here. The universe was in my hands, and I am ready to destroy it if I must.

“They’re coming. I hear them. It’s about twenty heading towards us.”


I was talking to one of my soldiers when I heard another soldier screaming in our direction. “They’re here. Someone needs to go tell the King.” who is he talking about?

“Who’s coming, soldier?”

“The one, the King, told Gakada about. The Queen’s mate and he is not alone. I just saw them kill five of our warriors at air control. I was able to escape without them seeing me.” He was breathless and looked frightened.

“All right, calm down. I will gather the warriors and launch the attack.” He nodded and followed me to the base of another observatory by the central tower where the King is. “Warriors, we have an unwelcome visitor here. They just killed five of our men. twenty of you will head towards them. They are walking this way from air control as we speak. Four of you will remain in this building, and the other twenty will remain inside the tower and guard it with your life. No one gets in unless it’s me. Understood?“

“Yes, sir!”

“Now move... Let’s not keep our guests waiting. I am sure they want to die quickly. My warriors head out—twenty slithering their way down the path, including me, toward our enemy. Except I stood behind them instead of in front of them. Eyes bright, lighting up the passageway waiting for them to just stare at us so we can end this fast and not have to alert the King.

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