Finding Destiny

Chapter BAIT

The Inn was busy with people from this town—such a difference between night and day. The place is a ghost town during the day, but at night the town is swarming with different people and magical wonders. I wave my hand to catch the bartender’s attention. “Another shot and a glass of beer.”

“Coming right up, sir.” The bartender walks my way, grabs a shot glass pours the shot, and fills the other glass with beer before sliding it down to me. “Thank you, cheers,” I say to him before chugging the shot down that gives me a burning feeling in the throat. I pull out my phone and try to call Trey. He should have been here already. The phone continues to ring. He does not answer me. I start to go through my messages when I notice that I have a missed text from Trey. Weird that I did not see this message. I open it to see a picture of a man.

Text Message

From Trey: I thought you would like to know how my daughter’s mate looks. You did abuse and fucked her while you had her under your care. Therefore, you should be aware of his appearance. He will be coming after you as well. However, he is just a love-sick teenage Bampire who should be no threat to you. Make sure you kill the bastard. You will thank me for it. See you in two days.

Bloody hell. That fucking bastard will be coming for me. Ha, Trey knows I am no match for many Bampires or creatures I collide paths with, this will be fun. I get to eliminate my whore’s mate. Well, bring on the fun because I am so ready to take out my anger on anyone at this moment. I still can not believe Trey would not just sell his daughter to me. Destiny should be mine.



“Viktor, get the suitcase prepared. We do not want to be late. I will pay my daughter a quick visit before we leave.”

“Fine, I will be waiting for you in the car.” I begin to walk down the stairs of the basement and right into Destiny’s room. I quickly close the door behind me. I turn around and give her a smirk, but she is too engulfed in rage to care for my kindness now. “Hello, daughter. I thought you would like to know that tonight will be the night your life changes. But do not worry, I promise you it will be for the best.”

“You cannot do this to me, father. Don’t, please... Think about what you are doing to me.”

“I know what I am doing, Destiny! It is my pleasure to rid myself of you finally. You have been nothing but trouble to me since the day your mother died. The next time you see me is to give you a way to your new mate, and today might be the night.” I walked out of the room and slammed the door. I didn’t even care that she was still yelling at me. I leave the castle and walk to the car where Viktor is waiting patiently for me. “Alright, let’s go, Viktor.” He nods to me through the rearview mirror and peels off the road and onto the main route that takes you to town. “Did you make the call to Slogan? He knows we are coming with the money, right?”

“Yes, no need to worry, Trey. I spoke to him, and he said he would be waiting for us when we arrive.”

“Thank you, Viktor!” you have been nothing but loyal to me. Do not think your work is unnoticed.”

“No, thank you, Trey, for your constant acknowledgment.”

“We should be at the Tower Lounge in about twelve minutes.”

We made it to the lounge with minutes to spare. The front security already knew me since I was here last night and let me through. As expected, Slogan instructed them to let me in if I returned. I walked to the same area in the back of the lounge where his booth is located, and he was right there sipping on his drink, waiting patiently for my arrival. “Slogan, how are you, my friend? I told you I would be here and with your money.”

He gives me a slight smirk and says, “I am happy to be at your service.” Then he snaps his fingers, and a man appears from thin air and retrieves the suitcase from me. He opens the briefcase and counts the money. Once he finished counting and confirmed the amount he asked for, was there he dismissed the man, and we proceeded with business. “Trey, It’s good to know that you still confide in me after so long of not being close. Maybe after this deal, we can start all over again. What do you say to that?”

“I would love for us to be close again, Slogan.”

“Good, so would I, Trey. Now let’s get right down to business, shall we? I have already spoken to king Gladius, and he is willing to see you tonight.”

“That is fantastic news, Slogan. What time is he arriving at the Tower?”

“ He is not coming to us. We are going to him. Go home and prepare your daughter for her new mate. I will arrive at Ardelean Castle in two hours. I will open the portal there and transport us to Klipton. Now go and see you in two hours.”

“Alright, see you then. Let’s go, Viktor.” We both stood up and left for the car. “This is fucking great, Viktor. I am finally going to be a free man tonight. Once I come back from klystron, we are leaving Immediately.”

“I cannot wait, Trey, to follow you wherever you go.”

“Yes, I know you will. Now off we go; we have no time to waste.”



After a couple of drinks, I decided to head to the men’s room. I needed to take a leak and release my bladder from all those beers I had just drunk. I stand by the urinal when I feel something quickly go by me. But I am so pissed drunk that I paid no mind to it. I shake my dick and shove it back in, zippering my pants. When I turned around to exit the restroom. I saw the person I expected to see right now.” However, I was drunk and was not quick enough to react to his speed. Then I realized that this Bampire was very strong. I was no match for him. This is when the fear started to kick in. I knew right then my life was over.



I found the Black Oak Inn and could smell Destiny’s scent once I entered. I knew I was close; she was here, or so I thought. When I looked to the lounge area, where the scent was more aromatic, I saw this brute and knew he was not human. He was a Bampire himself, but I knew Howard was the person I needed to find. He stumbled into the bathroom. I knew he was wasted, so this will be an easy kill. I decided to follow him. I waited for him to finish before I confronted him. I stood behind him, waiting for him to turn and see me. He was not surprised and knew who I was. I could smell the alcohol and fear all over him. I grabbed him through his throat and flung him against the glass mirror that shattered into pieces.

“Where is Destiney Howard, and what have you done to her?”

I picked him up from the ground because that is where he fell. And began to punch him repeatedly, keeping him in a dizzy and delusional mindset. If you want a quick death, I advise you to tell me where you are holding her.”

“Trey, her father has her. My job was to deliver her here. That is all. She is at the Ardelean Castle up in the mountains. Just follow the path to the woods. It will lead you there.”

“You see, Howard, that wasn’t so hard, was it? Now let’s go.” I grabbed him and took him into the woods.

“where are you taking me? Just kill me already.”

“Someone would like to meet you. But first, let me secure you and ensure you do not run away.” I tied him to the tree facing his front, so he was hugging the trunk. “I know everything you did to Destiny on that ship while you had her captured. You thought that it was okay to beat and rape my mate. Let me introduce you to my other half. He wants to show you the same kindness you showed Destiny. Morpheus, you can come out now.” I said in a demonic voice. He started to morph and detach himself from my body.

“About time, Marcus,” Morpheus says to me. “Sorry, I was enjoying beating him in the bathroom.” Morpheus went by the tree and showed himself to Howard. “Since you like to rape women, I will rape you. Marcus, do me the honors and pull his pants down.” I was leaning on the tree with my hands crossed over my chest when Morpheus asked for my assistance. While I ripped his pants, Morpheus picked up a branch that was so big and thick and centered himself between his ass cheeks. Since you made my love suffer, I will make you suffer.

Without warning, Morpheus rammed the wide part of the stick in Howard’s ass, making him scream like never before, while I took his cock and ripped it off with my bare hands before I shoved it in his mouth, making him choke on his dick as I split his stomach open and let his intestines fall right out of him. “You will never hurt another soul ever again. I know you feel every inch of your body dying slowly. I want you to feel every moment of pain like you made her feel. “Marcus, light him on fire,” Morpheus commands.

“Gladly, my wolf,” I called on my Bampire, and my pupils began to form red and yellow specks of fire which shot out of my eyes and torched Howard into ashes.

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