Finding Destiny


I was dragged through a portal with my father and a man named Slogan, bringing us to another world or realm. We were no longer on earth. The portal transported us into a crater. It was dark. “Where are we?” I said breathlessly and slightly dizzy. The effect of the portal is something I am not used to feeling. Slogan brushes his shoulders and removes his hat before turning to me to answer my question. “Welcome to Klystron, Ms. Ardelean.”

“What do you mean, Klystron? I have never heard of such a place.”

“This will be your new home soon. You are about to meet King Gladius, ruler of the Klystronian people, or should I say Klystronian creatures.” My heart started to thump rapidly from his words. “No, I will never agree to be someone else’s love. I belong to one person and one person only. His name is Boy!”

My father held me up aggressively by the arm and told me to shut my mouth. “Right this way, Trey.” My father pulled me in the direction of his friend, and we followed him out of the Crater. It was dark, but the galaxy sky brightened the place with its trillions of stars in the sky. The moons were giant, Four pinkish color moons so brightly aligned next to each other. I look straight ahead to see a weirdly shaped tower. It was eight stories high in the air, held by gears and antennas.

It looks almost like a floating space building. As we near the tower, lights lit up beside us, illuminating the area even more. If we were trying to be discreet, it was not happening. Then we hear a voice speak. The voice sounds soulless and quite deep. I am starting to feel scared even more after hearing that voice from the shadows. “Who are you? Where are you from, and what brings you to Klystron?”

“Hello, I am here to see king Gladius. He is expecting my arrival. Please let King Gladius know that Slogan, the spiritual creature from planet earth, is here to see him. I also bring him the transaction we had spoken about earlier.”

“Very well, stay right where you are, and do not move until I come back.” Slogan nodded, and we waited about ten minutes before the Klystronian guard returned to us. “Walk and stand under the tower.” We did just that, and light from above beams on us before I feel us levitating in the air. Gravity pulled us up into the light before we landed inside the tower, and the floor closed underneath us as we landed on our feet.

Atrocious-looking creatures greet us, drool falling from the creases of their mouths. A grotesque feeling crawled up my spine as they approached us with their shiny leather slimy forms. “The king is waiting. Follow me.”

We reached a dim hollow tunnel with small circle lights lined up on the walls, which reflected enough light to see in front of us as we walked. We end up in front of a cave-looking wall. The Klystronian creature places his hand on the side of the wall. His fingernails expand as he inserts them into this tiny hole and turns the nails to activate the opening of the cave door.

We walk into this enormous room. There were stone columns lined in rows on both sides of the room that led the way to the throne chair, where the king awaited us. Once we reached the front of the King, Slogan and my father bowed down and greeted the king. They showed respect since we were no longer in our world and could be dead instantly if this monster chose to kill us.

“ It is a great pleasure introducing you to Trey and his daughter Destiny.” He is the Bampire I spoke of on the phone. The one with the girl and another proposition for you as a thank you for sealing the deal.”

The king nodded his head to Slogan before glancing toward my father and me. He rose from his chair and slowly walked down from the throne until he was right in front of us. You could feel his power all around us when he neared us. His aura was heavy and dark. He was freezing us in our spot, so we could not move. I felt my head spinning as his body was transforming. He changed his horrible appearance into a human vessel. The slimy shiny, leathery skin washed off him down his body and was swallowed under his feet. Revealing to us a sexy looking almost Godly man.

He smells intoxicating, which is not a good thing at all. I want to breathe him in. I hate this feeling he is giving me. Whatever he is trying to do to me or us is working. Slogan seems fine and not affected by the Klystronian creature. I should not be surprised since they have met and are working together. My father, however, looks a little disoriented like me. Fuck me; I am screwed, that is for sure.

“So, I am told you want to sell your daughter.”

“Yes, that is correct, king Gladius.”

“And why should I agree to these terms? I could get anyone I want for free or at a lower price. What makes her so special?”

“Well, for starters, she is linked to a Bampire Prince. His mother was a Royal Bampire Queen, meaning she was the only one capable of turning a human into a Bampire. This means his blood is unique; he could be your meal to devour, or you can capture and make a slave out of him. Let him see you fucking his beloved, which will drive him to murder himself. He is no match for you and your kind. The Bampire Queen turned my daughter and me. Her son, the Bampire Prince, will find a way to save her no matter the cost or distance. I killed his mother and took my daughter away from him. They are mates. However, I know what you are and what you love to feed off. What if I tell you there is a planet with more of my kind for you to invade and drain them of their blood but not just any blood? Blue blood. Here is a sample of my blood. Even though I am turned, my blood is still sweet with an addiction to its taste. I want you to see, taste and envision the blood sweeter and better because where I will send you has nothing but the best of pure-blooded Bampires. A world you could drain and souls you can eat.”

"I have encountered a Bampire before Trey. However, I know that no one can survive on their planet. Therefore I need you to explain how you will make it happen for myself and my people to attack their world."

“I have the answer to that question King Gladius. When I killed the Royal Bampire Queen. I drained some of her blood. Her blood is the only blood that will allow you to enter her world without causing you or your kind any harm. You would each take a small sip from these three vials about thirty minutes before arriving at the Bampires world. This will allow your body to adjust to the temperatures of the planet. The only thing is the effects of the blood will only last for three days in your system. Once you and your people start to feel the effects leaving your body you must leave immediately. I know this will work because the Queen herself told me this once a long time ago. She said if she would have never turned me she was going to take me to her world, and this was the only way for me to enter when I was not a Bampire. But instead, she turned me so I do not have that issue.”

I listened to my father speak. I was furious because he was not just selling me but offering Boy’s planet to this Klystronian creature. This could mean the end for all Bampire species. It will be a massacre. Crystoria will be gone as well as Bluestoria. “My mate will never allow that to happen, father. And you, king Gladius, will never live to see that happen. I will never be yours, and he will find me. When he does, you all are dead. You hear me dead!” The king started laughing, finding my words amusing.

“You have a feisty daughter here, Trey. I like a woman with a fight in her. It shows me I won’t be bored. So, you think you can challenge me, Destiny? I like the way your name rolls off my tongue, Destiny! You are beautifully bold and stupid to talk to me like this. However, it turns me on quite a bit. It shows me you are not scared of the monster in front of you. You will learn to be the submissive Queen I expect you to become. One way or another, you will know your place. Don’t worry. If your prince comes for you, I will capture him so you can see him suffer a slow and painful death as I drain him of all his blood. But first, I might use him as bait if we ever crossed paths. I cannot wait to fuck you later. I promise you that you will never think about him again after I am done with you. Your Prince will no longer occupy your thoughts. The only thing in your mind will be me and my cock, filling your thoughts with desire. You will be engulfed in my pheromones that will keep you on your knees begging for more of me, my sweet pet. Guards take her to my Braka and chain her to my klika.”

“No! I rather die. Let me go, Fuck you, Trey. I hope you die a tragic death.” I scream at the top of my lungs as the guards drag me away. This is really happening to me. He gave me away and sold me like I was a piece of merchandise. Boy, where the fuck are you? Rogorio’s daughter lied to me. If it was true, he should have saved me already.



“Slogan, what the fuck is a Braka?”

“It means chamber or room in klystron.” I nod, letting him know thank you for explaining it to me.

“I am assuming you, and I have a deal.”

“Yes, we do, Trey. But first, you must give me the Vials and coordinates of this planet.”

“Very well, I can have that for you within an hour. I will have my man send it to Slogan, who will deliver it to you. All you have to do is transfer the money into my account, King Gladius. That will make the deal complete. How does that sound? I can’t run or hide because Slogan will not allow that to happen, but we do need to head back to earth for me to retrieve the sensitive information you need from me.” Slogan has a slight smirk forming on his face. “King Gladius, if you allow me to speak, I have a better idea to ensure he is telling the truth.” “Go ahead and enlighten me, Slogan. What can you possibly do to make the situation better?”

“Trey can call his guy to prepare the coordinates, and he will stay here while his man meets me, and I will retrieve what you need and deliver it back here to you. You know I am loyal and will not fail you, my king. If I were to fail you, I would be signing my death to you.”

“I like that idea better. Do not waste any more valuable time of mine and get me what you agreed on. Once the document is in my possession, I will have Slogan transfer you your Romanian leu.”

Slogan wanted to annoy me as best as possible, and now he is winning. I can only agree and not protest. “ Alright, I will call Viktor. Will I have service to call earth?” He called another guard, who brought me a square box. When he opened it, it was a small device box with an antenna attached. “Place your cell phone over it and make the call. You must put it on speaker for it to work.” I did as I was told, and the cell phone began to ring. “Hey, Trey, did everything work out with the deal?”

“Yes, it did, but I need you to prepare one more thing and have it ready as soon as possible, Viktor. Slogan will pick it up in the next ten minutes. Oh, one more thing, Viktor, give Slogan the account number so he can make the transfer.”

“On it now, Trey; anything else you may need?”

“No, that is all.” I hung up the call. “Now you can leave Slogan. He will have everything for you when you arrive.”

“Splendid, I am on my way immediately,” Slogan says as he turns to the right to face a wall. He brought his hands up, waving them in circular motions while chanting one of his magical spells opening another portal back to earth. Once he walked through the portal, he vanished, leaving me alone with the soul-sucker ruler King Gladius.

I will not lie; I’m standing here scared as fuck. I have beads of sweat rolling down the side of my face, which I quickly wiped away with my hands. I will not show this king my fear of him. I need to stay calm for the sake of my life. Fucking Slogan, he knew what he was doing by keeping me here. But I will show them I will not break apart.

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