Fierce Queen (L.A. Ruthless Series Book 2)

Fierce Queen: Chapter 6

Alejandro and I walked into the bar at his hotel. He had his hand on my lower back, dangerously close to my ass. I looked up at him and smiled and he responded with a cheeky wink. We had finished our dinner with the mayor and had decided to have a quick nightcap before heading up to our suite, because Alejandro had someone he needed to speak with.

I liked the mayor and his wife, Bree, and we’d had a lovely evening together. They knew that I volunteered at a women’s shelter, and they’d been keen to hear about the plans the manager, Kristen, and I had for the place in the future. But, all I wanted to do now was have some time alone with my incredibly sexy husband, and thank him again for agreeing to let Lucia stay with us for a while. Sometimes, I could hardly believe that I was married to him, and given the unusual and tense start to our marriage, that we were both so happy.

We approached the bar and the bartender smiled a greeting to us. ‘Good evening Mr and Mrs Montoya. Your usual, sir?’

‘Yes, two,’ Alejandro replied as he guided me to a bar stool.

I was about to sit down when I heard a familiar voice behind me. ‘Alana Carmichael! Is that really you?’

I turned around instead of sitting down. ‘Bobby Conroy!’ I said with a huge smile on my face. ‘What the hell are you doing here?’

‘I’m here for the convention,’ he said as he took a step towards me. The hotel hosted dozens of conventions every year and I knew that the current one was something to do with tech giants and app development.

Alejandro slipped an arm around my waist possessively before Bobby could pull me into the hug he was clearly gunning for, and I felt a thrill of unexpected pleasure shoot through me. I was used to constantly bumping into Alejandro’s insanely beautiful ex-girlfriends. It was about time we ran into one of my exes. ‘Bobby, this is my husband, Alejandro,’ I said as I leaned into him, full of pride and contentment.

‘Wow! You’re married?’ he asked with a flash of his eyebrows, and then he extended his hand to Alejandro, who shook it firmly.

‘And Bobby is?’ Alejandro growled.

I bit my lower lip. Who was Bobby? My first crush. My first kiss. The boy who I’d thought would be my first everything. I decided not to lead with any of those things though.

‘Bobby was my high school boyfriend,’ I said quietly.

Bobby’s eyes darted to mine as if to remind me that we had been so much more than that. I took a second to drink him in. I hadn’t seen him for almost seven years, not since the time he’d come home for his first Christmas break after he’d left for college. He’d been a major jock in high school and the girls had always loved him. But, for some reason, he had chosen me. He’d always been good looking as a boy, but as a man, he was swoon-worthy. His sandy blonde hair was short on the sides and longer at the top. His blue eyes still twinkled like the ocean. He was tall and his muscular frame filled out his suit perfectly.

He wasn’t a patch on the sex god standing beside me, but still, he was fine. And given my numerous brushes with Alejandro’s ex-girlfriends, who were all beyond gorgeous, I was secretly pleased that he had turned up here looking so good. Maybe, Alejandro would learn how it felt to stand there with a hundred questions buzzing through his head. Not that he had anything at all to be jealous about.

I sensed that Bobby was about to say something when another man walked up and stood beside him. ‘There you are, buddy,’ he said with a lop-sided smile. He was dressed in a suit too, but looked like he’d enjoyed one too many drinks.

‘Hey, Justin,’ Bobby turned to him. ‘This is my old friend, Alana, and her husband, Alejandro.’

‘Alana?’ Justin said with his eyes wide and his mouth hanging open. ‘You mean the one that got away, Alana?’

Bobby sucked in a breath before laughing softly and I felt Alejandro tense beside me, his grip on me tightening.

‘The one that got away, huh?’ I laughed too. ‘I think you must be mistaking me for someone else, Justin.’

‘Just how long did you two date?’ Alejandro said. His voice was calm and controlled, but I could feel the rumble of anger coursing through his body.

‘Not that long,’ I replied.

‘A little over two years,’ Bobby said immediately after.

Just then, the bartender placed our drinks onto the bar. At the same time, one of Alejandro’s security guards walked up beside him and spoke quietly in his ear.

‘Joder!’ he cursed before turning to me. ‘I have to deal with something. I won’t be long.’ He looked at Bobby and then back at me and I saw the vein bulging in his neck. Then he leaned down and kissed me softly. ‘Behave,’ he murmured against my skin and then he walked away with his employee.

Alejandro had been gone for over twenty minutes and I was already onto my second glass of Scotch. Alejandro’s expensive tastes in whisky had rubbed off on me, and I had come to enjoy the taste of the expensive liquor and the way it warmed my throat when I sipped it. I sat between Bobby and Justin and learned that they had become overnight millionaires after developing a piece of security tech. They were the keynote speakers at the convention in the hotel.

After ordering another round of drinks, Justin excused himself to use the restroom, leaving Bobby and I alone.

‘I’m really glad I bumped into you, Alana,’ he said softly as he looked into my eyes. ‘I’ve always regretted the way things ended between us.’

‘It was a long time ago, Bobby,’ I said, recalling the Christmas he had come home from college and told me had slept with someone else. I supposed I couldn’t blame him. I had made him wait for two years, and when he’d gone off to college in another state, halfway across the country, I could hardly blame him for giving into temptation. How ironic, that the night he told me, was the night I was planning to have sex with him and lose my virginity. It had hurt more than anything at the time though, but it wasn’t something that bothered me any longer. ‘We were just kids. Besides, everything has turned out for the best.’

‘Are you happy?’ he asked me, his eyes full of concern.

‘Yes. Deliriously so,’ I said with a smile.

He smiled back at me. ‘Then, I’m happy for you,’ he said as he placed his warm hand on my shoulder and squeezed gently. I was suddenly aware of someone behind me and Bobby’s hand was being removed. ‘Touch my wife again, and I will break every bone in your arm,’ Alejandro snarled.

Bobby stood up from his stool and no doubt fueled by one too many whiskies, he squared up to Alejandro. ‘What the hell, man? Get your hands off me!’ he snarled.

I swallowed as I jumped off my stool. This was not going to end well for Bobby. I placed my hand on Alejandro’s arm and squeezed gently. ‘We were just catching up. Come on. Let’s go up to the suite.’

He turned and blinked at me, searching my face for a few seconds before he let go of Bobby’s arm. ‘Stay the fuck away from her,’ he snarled at Bobby before grabbing hold of my arm by the elbow. ‘Let’s go, princess.’

‘Bye, Bobby. Enjoy the convention,’ I said with an apologetic smile before Alejandro practically frog-marched me out of the bar.

‘What the hell is your problem?’ I hissed through clenched teeth as we approached the elevator.

He turned and glared at me. ‘We’ll talk upstairs,’ he snarled.

The elevator ride to Alejandro’s suite was torturous. Me standing on one side and him on the other looking as hot and as angry as I had ever seen him. I kept stealing glances at him but his eyes were firmly fixed on the doors. I could feel the fury radiating from him in waves and I swallowed. I hadn’t done anything wrong, but despite that, I was anxious about what was about to happen. I was already due a spanking.

Dear God, was I going to be able to sit down tomorrow?

After what felt like an eternity, the doors opened and we walked across the hall to his suite. As soon as we were inside, he stalked to the small bar and poured himself a Scotch.

I walked over to the sofa and took off my heels, waiting for some explanation from him, but he sipped his whisky in stony silence and stared out of the window.

‘Alejandro!’ I asked. ‘What the hell has gotten into you?’

He slammed his glass down onto the small table and stalked towards me. ‘Are you fucking kidding me? I find you sitting at the bar, flirting with your ex-boyfriend, who has his hands all over you, and you dare to ask me what has got into me? Really, Alana?’ he shouted.

‘I was not flirting!’ I snapped. ‘I was talking to him. And he put his hand on my shoulder for, like two seconds. That is not the same thing as having his hands all over me.’

He glared at me, his eyes full of fire and fury. ‘You were sitting in my hotel, in my bar, with some fucking asshole draped all over you. How the hell do you think that makes me look, Alana?’

I couldn’t help but laugh. ‘So, this is all about your fragile ego, is it?’

He snarled at me, his teeth bared as though he was about to reply, but I didn’t let him. ‘Shall I tell you how it looked? It looked exactly like what it was. Two people talking. There was nothing untoward going on. We talked. Just like you talk to all of your ex-girlfriends in that same bar at least once a week! It also looked like you are a man who trusts that his wife loves him, so much so, he is happy to leave her in the company of another man while he deals with some business. That was how it looked – at least until you went all alpha-male and threatened to break Bobby’s arm, and then you just looked like a jealous, insecure asshole!’

He glared at me, his nostrils flaring.

Oh shit! I’d gone too far. Nobody ever spoke to him like that. He looked like he might explode as he stepped towards me. I took a step back from him. That little voice in my head told me to stop talking now, because he was already beyond pissed and I was just going to make him madder. But I ignored that little voice – because I was beyond pissed too, and I had done nothing wrong.

‘You have screwed half of the women in L.A, and I have to deal with bumping into them on a regular basis, and watch them fawning all over you. But one time we bump into someone from my past and you act like a jealous jackass!’

He took another step closer and I edged back towards the window. ‘That is completely fucking different,’ he growled.

‘Different how?’

‘Because none of those women meant anything to me. But, him! He meant something to you. The one that got away?’ he sneered.

‘He said that, not me!’

‘Tell me who he is to you!’ he barked as he advanced closer towards me.

I took another step back from him. I had never seen him so angry and with each step he took closer, I took one further away from him until my back was pressed against the glass of the floor to ceiling window, and I had nowhere left to go. ‘I told you, he was my high school boyfriend,’ I stammered.

‘Yes, you did tell me that, but that’s not all, is it? I’m obviously missing something. Now, who, or what else is he to you?’

I swallowed as I looked up into his eyes. ‘I don’t know what you want from me, Alex,’ I said quietly as my blood started to pound in my ears.

He banged his fists on the glass either side of my head so fiercely that the window rattled and my heart almost leapt out of my chest. I knew there was no chance of the reinforced glass breaking, but we were forty floors up.

‘I want your obedience!’ he snarled.

I blinked at him. ‘My obedience? Seriously?’ There was something much more going on here than him having a problem with me talking to my ex.

He continued to glare into my eyes. ‘I asked you a fucking question, Alana.’

I glared back at him. ‘He was my first crush and my first kiss. I thought he would be my first everything else too,’ I said with a slight shake of my head.

‘So, you were in love with him?’ he frowned.

‘No. I suppose I loved him once. But, like I loved my best friend. He was comfortable and … I don’t know. I told you I’ve never been in love before, and that’s true. I did love Bobby, but not in the way that I love you.’

He continued to glare at me. ‘Go on,’ he growled.

‘He went away to college and we agreed to try and make it work. He came home for the Christmas break and I knew that he was going to ask me to marry him because his sister told me so. I didn’t want to marry him, but I didn’t want to break his heart, so I planned on giving him my virginity instead, hoping that having sex would make things better between us. Like, maybe it would make me fall in love with him?’ I shrugged and looked for any sign of understanding from Alejandro, but he continued glaring at me, as fierce as ever. ‘Anyway, before any of that happened, he told me that he’d cheated on me. And as much as it was a relief, it hurt like hell too. His betrayal cut me deep. I never really trusted anyone again after that.’

I felt some of the anger leaving Alejandro’s body as he pinned me against the glass with the weight of his large frame. He brushed my hair behind my ear. ‘I hate that he got your first kiss,’ he growled.

I lifted my hand, stroking his jawline as he pressed his cheek into my palm. ‘You got my first everything else though.’

‘But, I want it all.’

‘You might not have got my first kiss, but you will get every other one for the rest of my life. Isn’t that enough for you?’ I smiled at him.

He bent his head lower and kissed me softly and I melted into him. He kept his hands beside my head, caging me in as he pressed his hard body against mine. I pulled back from him and he groaned out loud.

‘Besides, I don’t have any firsts with you,’ I said softly.

He narrowed his eyes at me as he reached behind me and pulled down the long zipper at the back of my dress, causing it to fall to the floor in a pool of fabric at my feet. Then his hands slid to my ass and he lifted me, wrapping my legs around his waist. ‘You’re so very wrong about that, princess,’ he growled as he sealed his mouth over mine and carried me across the hotel suite and into his office.

Once we were inside, he set me down on his desk. ‘You are the first woman I have ever fucked in my office,’ he said with a wicked grin.

‘You can’t count things like that,’ I said with a laugh.

‘Why not?’ he frowned as he slid his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him until I could feel his erection pressing between my thighs.

‘Because this is just a room. It doesn’t really mean anything.’

‘That’s where you’re wrong, princess,’ he said as he started to trail delicious soft kisses up my neck. ‘I’ve never fucked a woman in my office because I have never trusted one enough to allow them in here before. This office is full of my secrets, Alana, and I only share them with you.’

My insides melted like warm chocolate at his words and I felt the pride swelling in my chest. ‘But, you’ve never actually fucked me in here,’ I purred in his ear.

‘I’m about to change that fact in around ten seconds,’ he said as tore my panties off.

I pressed my head back against the pillow and closed my eyes in pleasure as Alejandro’s expert hands roamed over my body. He had fucked me mercilessly on his desk in his office, with one arm around my waist and one hand around my throat as he had ground out the last of his rage and fury brought on by our interaction with Bobby earlier. What happened in there had been all about him, and my reward was that right now, it got to be all about me.

He sucked one of my nipples into his mouth as he toyed with my clit.

‘Who was the first man to touch this hot little coño, princess?’ he growled.

‘You,’ I panted.

He moved his fingers from my clit and slid two of them inside me and I felt a sudden rush of cream at the intrusion. ‘Who was the first to finger fuck your tight cunt?’

‘You were,’ I groaned as I bucked my hips to take more of him.

‘Hmm,’ he lifted his head and looked directly into my eyes as he moved his fingers in and out of me, while he brushed my clit with his thumb. ‘Did he ever make you this wet? Because you are fucking dripping all over me, princess?’

‘You know that he didn’t,’ I groaned.

He continued finger fucking me slowly as he swept the pad of his thumb back and forth over my clit. I felt my walls squeezing him, desperate for more but he continued teasing me relentlessly, until I was desperate to come.

‘Alex! Please?’ I begged him.

‘Oh, princess, you know how much I love to hear you beg,’ he growled as he took pity on me and pushed his fingers and his thumb hard against those sweet spots that had me falling apart around him.

When he had rubbed the last of my orgasm from my trembling body, he shifted his weight until he was nestled between my thighs and his cock was nudging at my opening. He lifted his two fingers to his mouth and sucked them clean as he stared into my eyes. ‘Your cream is fucking addictive, do you know that? Now, tell me, who was the first man to taste you, Alana?’

‘You,’ I panted as the last waves of my climax washed over me.

‘And who was the first to fuck you? Your pussy, your mouth and your sweet, juicy ass?’

I bit my lip as I looked up at him. His eyes were still full of fire, but it was lust fueled now rather than anger. ‘You,’ I breathed.

‘That’s right, princess. And I am the only man who is ever going to do any of those things to you ever again. Every single inch of your body belongs to me. You got that?’

I nodded. His possessiveness was so hot. I wrapped my arms around his neck. ‘Yes.’

He sucked in a breath and I heard a low growl in his throat. Then he pushed his huge cock into me and fucked me so hard, I forgot all about Bobby Conroy and every other man I had ever even so much as glanced at.

There was only Alejandro and me, and the rest of the world fell away.

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