Fierce Queen (L.A. Ruthless Series Book 2)

Fierce Queen: Chapter 10

I turned on the shower, letting the hot water run over my face as I stepped beneath it. I flexed my neck and it pinched slightly. I’d been neglecting my daily yoga sessions since Lucia had moved in with us. I realized I would have to get back into some sort of routine with it, I’d never be able to keep up with my sex-crazed machine of a husband otherwise.

‘Mind if I join you, princess?’ I heard a low growl behind me.

I smiled as I turned to face him. I definitely hadn’t been neglecting marathon sex sessions with this devil walking towards me. But, I still couldn’t get enough of him. ‘Of course not,’ I smiled at him as he stepped under the water with me and slipped his hands around my hips and onto my ass, pressing me against his body.

‘You look so fucking sexy when you’re wet,’ he growled against my neck.

‘Well, I am always wet around you,’ I giggled.

He bit down lightly against my skin and I yelped in pleasure, feeling a rush of heat between my thighs. ‘I was only coming in here for a shower. You’re fucking insatiable, princess.’

‘Me?’ I feigned my astonishment. ‘You’re the one with your hands on my ass. And you were also the man who couldn’t wait to get me naked as soon as we got home last night.’

‘Well, I’d had to sit in a restaurant and keep my hands to myself all night because our teenage runaway was with us. It’s very unfair of you to put me in such difficult situations.’

‘What? You mean expecting you to behave like a civilized gentleman and not feel me up in the middle of a restaurant in front of our seventeen year old houseguest. Oh, yes, so unfair,’ I giggled.

‘Yes. Unfair when you wear those sexy fucking panties and I have to sit with a hard on all night,’ he growled.

‘You’re a devil,’ I purred against his ear.

‘You’d better believe it, princess,’ he said as his hands shifted to my waist and he spun me around so I was facing away from him. Then he pushed me against the tiled wall and kicked my ankles apart. ‘Open. I want inside you now.’

‘You’re going to be late for work,’ I gasped.

He pressed his body against mine, pinning me to the wall with just the right amount of delicious pressure before taking hold of my hands and holding them above my head. ‘I know, but I need to fuck you,’ he breathed against my ear before bending his knees slightly and thrusting himself into me. ‘Because I can’t keep out of your sweet little coño.’

‘Alex,’ I whimpered as he pounded into me.

‘Come on my cock, princess. Do you feel how hard you make me? Can you feel how much I love your tight pussy?’

I squeezed myself around him as I felt a rush of wet heat coating his cock. His filthy mouth never failed to turn me into a trembling mess.

‘Fuck, princess!’ he hissed as he increased his pace.

I pushed against him, trying to take as much of him as I could. When he sucked on the tender skin of my neck, I climaxed with a violent shudder just before he found his own release.

He pulled out of me and gave me a sharp slap on the ass. ‘That’s for making me late, princess.’

I turned around to see him grinning at me. He pulled me to him and kissed me softly.

‘And what was that for?’ I panted when he let me up for air.

‘That was for making me late too.’

‘We have to give Lucia her present before you go,’ I reminded him.

‘You give it to her,’ he said as he pulled the shampoo from the shelf and squeezed some into his hands.

‘But you chose it for her. You paid for it. You should at least be there.’

‘We both paid for it, Alana. It’s our money.’

I smiled as he lathered the soap into his thick, dark hair. I loved that he genuinely meant that – not that I wanted his money. I also knew the real reason he didn’t want to be there when we presented Lucia with her gift. He didn’t want her to be grateful to him. I could already tell she was working her magic on him and he was starting to care about our little runaway just as much as I was.

‘She’ll only thank you later, anyway.’

He scowled at me. ‘I don’t have time this morning, princess. Just tell her it’s from you. She won’t care. She’ll just be happy to have a car.’

‘Okay,’ I said. I knew there was no use arguing with him. ‘Will you be home for dinner tonight?’

‘No,’ he wiped the water from his face. ‘I have meetings all day and evening. I’ll have something at the hotel.’

‘Okay,’ I said. He’d been working much more than normal lately and I wondered what it was about. That insecure part of me wondered if he was getting bored of me already?

He must have seen the disappointment in my eyes, as he took hold of my chin and tilted my face up to his. ‘I have some work stuff going on, princess. I hope it’s going to be sorted soon. I would rather be here eating dinner with you than at my hotel.’

‘I know.’

‘In fact, I’d rather just be eating you,’ he said with a wicked grin that made me laugh.

‘Te quiero,’ I said as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

‘I love you too, princess.’

An hour later, Lucia and I were sitting in the doctor’s office waiting for her check up. Hugo and Hank were sitting opposite us. Alejandro insisted that both of them accompany us everywhere for the time being, and while I enjoyed Hugo’s company, Hank was still a miserable ass. I don’t think he’d ever once smiled at me during the whole time I’d known him.

‘Thank you again for my car, Alana,’ Lucia said as she sat beside me. ‘I can’t believe you guys bought me a freaking car.’

‘You’re welcome, sweetheart. Alejandro said every girl should get a car for her sixteenth birthday, and as we didn’t know you then, a car for your seventeenth is the next best thing.’

‘Well. I love it. I can’t wait to take it for a spin. You’ll come driving with me later, won’t you, Hugo?’ she asked.

‘I’m afraid I can’t, got to take the boss lady to work this afternoon,’ he said.

‘I’m sure Jax said he would be calling round later. He loves driving. I’m sure he’ll take you for a quick spin,’ I told her.

She seemed satisfied with that response and sat back in her seat. Lucia had been beside herself earlier that morning when I’d presented her with the new Mercedes that Alejandro had chosen for her. She’d refused it at first, telling me that it was too much, but I’d reminded that Alejandro had more money than he could spend in twenty lifetimes, and that she deserved something nice after years of struggle. After a few moments pause, she had gratefully accepted, giving me a huge hug and promising that she would look after it like it was her own child.

‘Miss Montoya,’ the nurse called and Lucia looked at me, her beautiful face pulled into a frown.

‘Alejandro had our name put on your records for now, I hope you don’t mind. He didn’t want to bring any attention to who you really are,’ I whispered.

She smiled at me. ‘Of course. That’s fine. Actually, I like it. Will you come in with me?’

‘Sure,’ I said standing up.

‘We’ll be right here,’ Hugo said as he watched us walk into the doctor’s office.

The doctor had finished checking Lucia and the baby over and confirmed everything was as it should be. She was making her notes when she looked up at Lucia. ‘It’s never too early to think about contraception for the future, Lucia. There are plenty of options. I’ll give you some information on them and you can decide when you’re ready.’

Lucia shrugged. ‘I’m sure Alana will help me decide. What contraception do you use?’ she looked at me.

‘What? Oh, I don’t use any. I never have.’

Dr. Kelly looked up at me as I spoke. I didn’t get a judgmental vibe from her at all, but I still felt like I had to explain myself. ‘My husband and I would like a baby,’ I said.

‘Oh, I see,’ Dr. Kelly smiled. ‘You been trying long?’

‘Erm, about six months. And we’re not really trying, just more not, not trying, if you know what I mean?’

She nodded. ‘Well, when you do get serious about starting a family, you need to make sure you’re having sex in your ovulation window. You know how to work that out, don’t you?’

‘Not really. It’s not something I’ve ever really thought about, to be honest.’

‘Well, that might be why you’ve never fallen pregnant yet. Unless you’re having sex every single day, you might be missing your window.’

Lucia burst out laughing at this point, and despite being a grown woman, talking to a medical professional, I blushed to the roots of my hair.

Dr. Kelly glanced between the two of us with a look of bewilderment on her face.

‘Lucia, you and I are all done. Would you mind waiting outside for a few minutes please?’

Lucia stood up with a dramatic roll of her eyes. ‘Hey, all I know is that Alana and Alejandro are doing it way more than once a day,’ she giggled.

‘Lucia!’ I blushed again. How the hell did she even know that?

Lucia winked at me as she walked out of the door.

‘I’m sorry if I embarrassed you, Mrs. Montoya,’ Dr. Kelly said.

I shook my head. ‘It’s fine. I don’t know what she’s talking about. It’s not like we do anything in front of her.’

She laughed softly. ‘I’m sure you don’t. But if you are having sex every day and you haven’t fallen pregnant yet, it might be worth us running some tests.’

‘Oh. Why?’

She shrugged. ‘Maybe you’re not ovulating regularly? You have a window of about six days per month where you’re fertile, so if you’re having sex around those times and haven’t fallen pregnant yet, it could be worth checking out, just so you know what’s going on.’

I blinked at her. ‘I didn’t realize there could be a problem.’

‘There probably isn’t. Maybe you’re just not having sex around those dates?’

I felt a sick feeling in my stomach as I realized what she was saying. ‘We must have been having sex on my fertile days. We have sex twice a day, at least.’

‘Every day?’ she frowned.

I blushed again. ‘Yes. Except for two nights last month when he had to go away on business.’

‘Oh?’ she sat back slightly.

‘We’re newlyweds,’ I offered with a shrug, feeling the need to defend myself again.

‘Hey. I didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable. I’m just jealous,’ she started to laugh. ‘But, I do think it would be worth us running a few tests. My next patient cancelled so we can make a start now if you like? And we should really test your husband too.’

‘Well, let’s start with me, and take it from there,’ I said, wondering how Alejandro would respond to fertility tests.

‘Hey, it could be nothing. We usually advise couples to try for twelve months before having tests. But, I’m a fertility specialist, and Mr. Montoya’s insurance covers everything I offer, so there’s no harm in getting ahead of the curve, is there?’

‘No, I suppose not,’ I said with a forced smile.

I sat in her office for another half hour, answering questions, providing blood and urine samples. I had never even considered that I wouldn’t be able to fall pregnant when I wanted to. Alejandro and I had decided as soon as we’d started having sex that we wouldn’t use contraception. I didn’t like the idea of putting hormones in my body, and he didn’t want to wear condoms. And as we were both happy with the idea of having a baby, we decided we’d see what happened. I hadn’t really thought about it since.

We were both young and healthy, and happy, and I assumed there would be no problems at all in that department. But now I was faced with the possibility that there might be a medical reason for why I hadn’t gotten pregnant yet. I kind of wished I hadn’t accompanied Lucia to her doctor’s appointment now. Perhaps, ignorance was bliss.

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