Fierce King: An Enemies to Lovers Romance (L.A. Ruthless Series Book 1)

Fierce King: Chapter 17

I was reading in the den when I saw the text flashing up on the screen of my cell. It was from Alejandro, or The Devil, as I had him saved in my contacts.

I’ll be home in ten minutes. Remember my rule, princess.

I picked up my cell and frowned at the screen. Who the hell did he think he was, ordering me to wear no panties like I was some employee whose services he was paying for, rather than his wife?

Despite, my irritation, I felt the wetness pooling between my thighs already. Last night had been incredible. I had felt things that I didn’t even know how to explain.

Alejandro Montoya might be a devil, but he was also a sex god. If my body was built for sin, then his was built for pleasure. And I couldn’t get enough of him. So, if he wanted no panties, then no panties would be what he’d get.

I stood up and slipped my white cotton underwear down my thighs. I looked around for somewhere to put them and saw my purse on the floor. I supposed that was as good a place as any and dropped them inside.

Standing there in my dress, but with no underwear, felt strangely liberating, and naughty. The gentle thrumming of energy between my thighs suddenly turned up a notch and all I could think about was having some part of Alejandro inside me.

My skin flushed with heat and my throat felt dry all of a sudden. I walked to the kitchen and was thankful to find that there was no-one else in there. Magda had prepared a lasagna for dinner and had left it in the refrigerator, ready to be popped into the oven when needed, so she had probably retired to her own quarters.

I was at the sink, filling a glass with cold water when I felt him walk into the room. My body crackled with electricity just from being in his vicinity. I lifted the glass to my lips and took a mouthful as I heard him walking across the kitchen.

A second later, I felt his strong hands on my hips and his hot mouth on my neck. He rubbed his jaw along my sensitive flesh, his stubble grazing my skin as he inhaled deeply.

‘You smell fucking delicious,’ he whispered.

Then his hand slipped southwards and he lifted my dress. I smiled as I thought about what he was about to find beneath. His warm hand moved between my thighs and I parted them slightly for him, causing him to smile against my skin. A second later, he was sliding his thick fingers through my wet folds and I bit my lip to stifle a moan.

‘Good girl,’ he growled in my ear. ‘I’m glad you’re ready for me because I have been thinking about fucking you again all day. I’ve had a hard on for you all afternoon, princess, and I can’t wait a second longer to get my cock in you.’

I heard the sound of his zipper opening and a few seconds later, he was inside me. Hot and stiff and all the way to the hilt. I dropped my glass into the sink with a clatter and had to grab onto the edge of the kitchen counter to keep myself from lifting off the floor as he pounded into me.

The feeling of being full of him again was exquisite. I was still tender from the previous night and earlier that morning, but I didn’t care. I needed him inside me as much as I needed air. The slight burning only added to the pleasure as he drove at a spot inside of me that made me feel like my body was numb and alive at the same time.

Whatever it was he was doing to me, my body craved it. He owned me completely.

He sucked on the tender skin of my neck as he ground out his relief. ‘Fuck!’ he hissed when he climaxed.

Then his cell phone started ringing and he cursed in Spanish. He took it from his pocket and pulled out of me when he looked at the screen. ‘I need to take this,’ he barked and then he was fastening his trousers and storming out of the room.

I turned and watched with my mouth hanging open. I had never felt so cheap. He’d literally just shot his load in me and then walked off, leaving me panting with need and with his cum dripping down my thighs.

I swallowed and took a deep breath. The attentiveness and the way he’d taken care of me the previous night had obviously been a one-time deal. In his defense, he had warned me that it wouldn’t always be like that, but I hadn’t realized I’d just become his plaything to be used at his will.


I took some tissue from the counter and wiped my thighs before tossing the paper into the trash. Then I walked out of the kitchen and back to the den, grabbing my panties from my purse and putting them on. I went back to reading my novel – it looked like that was the only action I was getting for the rest of the night.

At least twenty minutes must have passed by the time Alejandro found me in the den.

‘There you are, princess,’ he said .

I didn’t even bother looking up from my book and I heard him chuckle wickedly.

‘Are you mad at me because I didn’t make you come?’

‘No,’ I snapped.

‘Because, I know the timing was fucked up, but I had to take that call.’

‘Fine,’ I said as I turned the page and stared at my book as though it was the most interesting thing in the world. When, all I really wanted to look at was the Adonis in the finely tailored suit standing in front of me.

He walked towards the sofa and kneeled in front of me before grabbing me by the hips. He pulled me towards him, causing my book to fall from my hands.

‘What are you doing?’ I snapped.

‘What does it look like? Quiero comerte el coño,’ he said with a grin as he pushed my dress up past my thighs.

His grin disappeared when he saw my panties. ‘What the fuck are these?’ he growled.

‘I thought we were done,’ I said with a shrug.

‘Done?’ he glared at me. ‘We haven’t even started, princess. You think I’d just come home and blow my load in you and leave you needing more? But, you know what, even if we were done, I told you, no panties! I told you that I wanted access to you at all fucking times. So, in that case, we are never done, are we?’

I blinked at him. Jesus, he was serious about the panty thing. ‘Okay,’ I whispered.

‘No, it’s not okay,’ he snapped as he stood up and reached for my hand, pulling me up from the sofa as though I was as light as air. Then he hoisted me over his shoulder so my ass was up in the air.

‘Put me down,’ I said as I hit him on the back with my balled fists.

He slapped my ass – hard. ‘I told you there would be consequences for disobeying me.’

‘Where the hell are you taking me?’ I asked but he didn’t answer me.

He stalked through the house and I almost died of shame as we passed one of his personal bodyguards in the hallway.

A moment later, we were in Alejandro’s office. He set me down on my feet and kicked the door closed behind him.

I backed away from him until my ass bumped against his desk. My legs trembled in fear and anticipation. The way he was glaring at me was terrifying. So, why the hell was this turning me on so much?

He glared at me, his eyes fierce and full of fire as he closed the distance between us in one stride. He reached down and pulled my dress up so it was bunched around my waist. Then he hooked his fingers under the band of my panties, and with one quick tug, he tore them from me, before stuffing the shredded material into his pocket.

‘That’s my favorite pair of my panties you’ve just ruined,’ I said defiantly.

‘I’ll burn all of your panties if you don’t start doing as you’re told,’ he growled. ‘Now turn around.’


‘Turn. Around,’ he barked.

I turned until my body was facing away from him and the front of my thighs were pressed up against his desk. Then I waited in breathless anticipation of what he was planning next.

‘Bend over the desk,’ he ordered.

I swallowed. But I did as I was told until my cheek was pressed against the cool mahogany. I sucked in a deep breath as I wondered if he was going to fuck me over his desk, and the thought made my insides clench in expectation.

But he didn’t.

I felt the rush of air first as his hand swung down and landed on my ass.

‘Ow. That hurt,’ I winced and my hand flew back instinctively to shield my skin from his assault. What the hell?

‘It’s supposed to, princess. Now put your hands back on that desk and if you move them again, I’ll add another ten to your punishment.’

My punishment! Who did he think he was? ‘But, I just …’ I started as I felt another smack on my ass.

‘Did you just talk back to me?’ he snarled.

‘No,’ I whispered just before I felt another slap on my sensitive skin.

‘I thought so. Now be a good girl and take your punishment, and maybe I’ll give you a reward afterwards.’

I gritted my teeth to stop myself from making some snarky comeback about where he could stick his reward. I guessed that would only make him even more angry, and besides that, as humiliating as it was to be bent over his desk getting my ass spanked, it was thrilling too.

It felt so wrong on so many levels, but it felt so damn good to have him take complete control of my body. His slaps stung my skin, but afterwards the heat that remained was warm and tingly. I could feel my pussy getting wetter with each second and that knowledge made my cheeks burn with equal parts shame and arousal.

Alejandro brought his hand down again on the fleshy part of my ass cheeks and I closed my eyes as the burning pain shot through me.

‘Now that I’ve got you warmed up, let’s see just how much that ass can take,’ he growled.

Warmed up? This was the warm up? Shit!

I braced myself for the next slap and when it landed I bit the inside of my cheek to stop myself from crying out. I didn’t want to show him any weakness. Not because of my own pride, but because I wanted him to be proud of me.

I wanted to take my punishment well for him, and that realization completely floored me.

‘Spread those legs for me, princesa,’ he snarled and I obeyed without question.

‘Your concha is soaking wet, Alana,’ he said as he plunged two of his fingers inside me, causing me to whimper shamelessly. ‘If you’re enjoying this spanking then I’m obviously not doing it right.’

I didn’t reply. I got the sense he wanted me to remain quiet. This felt like a test and I desperately wanted to pass.

He pulled his fingers out of me and then he slapped my pussy. The wet sound of his hand connecting with my dripping folds was so loud in the small room, and I hoped that his bodyguard wasn’t in the hallway. There was no way he couldn’t have heard that.

Alejandro spanked my ass, my thighs and my pussy over and over again until the whole area was burning and stinging. I cried out at the last one on my ass and the tears rolled down my cheeks. I wasn’t sure I could take any more. I didn’t mind a little pain, but it was becoming too much. I couldn’t help feeling disappointed that I’d started crying when I’d promised myself that I wouldn’t.

To my relief though, he stopped and then his warm hands were running softly over my reddened skin.

‘This ass is a pretty sight to behold, princess,’ he growled as he slid his fingers through my folds and coated them in my cream, before sliding them up the seam of my backside and circling my hole.

I was completely spent. I didn’t think I had the energy to fight him if he insisted on fucking me there, even though I wasn’t sure I was ready for that yet.

But then he leaned over me, his mouth pressed against my ear. ‘You took your punishment well, princess. Will you ever wear panties in this house without my permission again?’

‘No,’ I breathed.

He wiped the tears from my cheek with the pad of his thumb. ‘You want me to make you feel better now?’ he soothed.

My brain wanted to tell him to go to hell, but my body was desperate to feel a part of him inside me, and for him to deliver the orgasm which had been building during the whole embarrassing spanking.

My body won. ‘Yes,’ I whimpered.

He brushed my cheek with his knuckles and then I heard the sound of his zipper again before he pushed his cock deep inside me. I groaned out loud as he fucked me hard against his desk. One of his hands rubbed over the sensitive flesh of my ass, and the other slipped between me and the desk, where he found my clit and started to rub to the same intensity that he was fucking me.

It was barely a few minutes before I was screaming his name as my orgasm washed over me, rolling through my core and pulsing through the apex of my thighs.

‘That’s it princess, come on my cock like a good girl,’ he growled as he gave a few final thrusts and found his own release.

I stayed bent over the desk with my face resting on the cool wood as Alejandro fastened his zipper and belt. I felt wrung out but I wasn’t sure that I was allowed to move yet. Then I felt his strong arms pulling me up. He spun me around and brushed my hair back from my face.

‘You okay?’ he asked.

I nodded.

He pulled my dress down and smoothed it over my hips and ass so that I looked presentable again. Then he dragged his thumb over my lip, pulling my mouth open slightly.

‘The next time, you sulk like a child because I didn’t make you come, I will fill this pretty little mouth with my cock. I need you to understand that I’m a busy man. Tonight’s phone call was unexpected, and perhaps I could have been more courteous in the kitchen earlier, but there will be times when all I need from you is a quick fuck, Alana. And when I do, I expect you to comply.’

I nodded. ‘Okay.’

He stared at me, as though he was trying to read my thoughts.

‘Magda has left a lasagna in the refrigerator. I’ll pop it into the oven for dinner,’ I said, not knowing what else to say. I felt embarrassed and awkward and I wasn’t sure if he was still angry with me.

He frowned at me. ‘The only place you’re going, is the tub to soak that beautiful ass, and then bed, princess.’

I felt incredibly relieved about that because that was exactly what I wanted to do. But my stomach growled in resistance, and Magda had prepared us a beautiful meal. ‘What about dinner?’

‘The lasagna will keep. I’ll order us a take out. We can eat in bed watching the TV.’

‘And get food all over your beautiful, million thread count sheets?’

He dipped his head low and kissed me softly before looking in my eyes. ‘Those sheets are going to need washing in the morning anyway. Because I am nowhere near finished with you tonight.’

I swallowed. ‘More punishment?’

He dusted his knuckles across my cheek. ‘No, Alana. There’s no punishment in my bed. Only pleasure.’

I shivered at his words and then his hand travelled to my ass. He grabbed it possessively. It was still burning from my spanking but the pain had turned into a pleasant throb now. ‘Who does this sexy ass belong to, princess?’

‘You,’ I breathed.

‘That’s right. Just like your hot pussy does. And I am going to use them both whenever and wherever I want to.’

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