Fierce Betrayal: A Dad’s best friend/ Age gap romance (L.A. Ruthless Series Book 3)

Fierce Betrayal: Chapter 40

She’s ready. We both are. My cock is as hard as iron and I’ve made her come four times. Her thighs and pussy are slick with her juices and I coat my finger in them before I slide it into her ass.

“Jax,” she groans and my cock weeps in appreciation.

I pull my hand back and her body trembles at the loss of touch.

“On your knees, baby. Stick that beautiful ass in the air for me,” I order and as I knew she would, she complies. She is so submissive in my bed and I am beyond fucking honored that I get this side of her.

I reach over and take the lube from her nightstand and sit up until I’m kneeling between her thighs. Her chest heaves with ragged breathing and her legs tremble from the orgasms I’ve already given her. I know her body better than I have ever known anyone else’s—exactly what buttons to press to take her to the edge. I love having that power over her when I decide whether to keep her there or let her come.

There was no teasing her tonight. I let her have all of them as soon as she needed them because I need her this way—soft and boneless and compliant—ready for the first time I fuck her like this. I love her ass. It’s the most perfect peach I have ever seen and I have dreamed about fucking it for far longer than I should have.

Squeezing some lube onto my hand, I rub it into my fingers to warm it before I slide one inside her, not just to the knuckle this time, but all the way in. Her muscles squeeze me tight and I can’t help but imagine how they will feel around my cock shortly.

“Your ass is beautiful, baby,” I growl as I work my finger in and out of her.

The sound of her soft unintelligible moans fill the room.

I squeeze more lube from the tube onto her asshole before I push it inside with a second finger.

“Jax,” she hisses as I push deeper, stretching her open as much as I can so that she’ll be able to take me. She pushes her hips back, looking for more, and I am more than happy to oblige, sinking both my fingers as deep into her as they’ll go.

She whimpers and moans as I work them in her, twisting and stretching to make her as loose as I can.

“Does that feel good, baby?” I growl.

“Yes,” she gasps. “So good.”

Fuck! She’s ready. She has to be because I am going to come just from watching her. I push my cock into her pussy to coat it in her juices again and then I slide my fingers out of her.

She sucks in a breath and shudders as I press my cock against the seam of her ass. “You feel how hard you make me, baby?” I growl.

“Yes,” she whimpers.

“You’re going to take all of my cock like a good girl, aren’t you?” I ask as I rub my hands over her back and grab hold of her hips.

“Yes, Jax,” she purrs. “Please?”

“That’s my girl,” I soothe as I push the tip inside her. Her body inches forward on instinct, but I hold her in place as I allow her to adjust to me stretching her open. When her breathing slows, I edge in a little further.

“God! Jax,” she hisses, but this time she pushes herself back against me.

“You ready for more?” I groan as my fingers dig into the soft flesh of her hips. It’s killing me holding off from driving my cock all the way into her, but I intend on doing this often so I need to make sure she enjoys every second of it. Besides that, I promised her I’d make her beg me for this.

“Yes. Please, Jax. Fuck me.”

Fuck! I can’t wait a second longer. I roll my hips, driving deeper into her and she shouts my name. I keep hold of her hips with one hand while I fuck her hard, before I reach in front with my other so I can rub her clit. Her entire body bucks on my cock as her orgasm threatens.

“Oh, God! Jax! Stop!” she shouts.

I freeze. Have I hurt her? No. She’s on the edge. I can feel her ass squeezing my cock and her pussy trembling and quivering as she waits for her release.

“What’s wrong, baby?”

“I feel like I’m gonna—”

“Gonna what?” I bite back a smile.

“Pee,” she whispers.

Fuck! Me! I am going to blow my load in her any second. I rub my hand over her back. “You’re not going to pee. I promise.”

“But it feels so intense,” she hisses as I start to gently rock my hips into her again. “Oh, Jax! I am,” she groans.

“You’re not. Just relax, Luce. I got you. Let go.”

My words are all the permission she needs and as I drive into her one last time, she comes with a roar and a sweet release of her juices as she squirts all over me and the bed. Being drenched in her cum and knowing I am the only man who has ever made her do that makes my balls tighten and I follow straight after her, filling her with my own release as I hold onto both of her hips and drain every last drop into her, grinding out every second of the high I’m on.

When I’m done, I pull out of her and lie on the bed, pulling her onto my chest and brushing her hair back from her face.

We lie together, completely spent, our bodies damp with sweat as we catch our breaths.

“What was that, Jax?” she eventually asks.

“You squirted, baby. Have you never heard of it before?”

“Oh,” she giggles. “I have, but I’ve never done it. I honestly thought I was going to pee.”

I laugh with her. “It definitely wasn’t pee.”

She lifts her head and looks at me, her eyes all wide and innocent-looking despite what we’ve just done. “I kind of didn’t care though,” she says as her cheeks flush pink.

I arch an eyebrow at her and she chews on her lip.

“I mean. I really didn’t want to pee on you, but—”


“You told me to let go and I trusted you. That’s a big deal for me,” she whispers. “I have never trusted anyone like that before.”

“I am fucking honored that you trust me, baby,” I say before I kiss her forehead. “You have no idea how much it means to me that you do.”

“Hmm,” she mumbles as she nestles her head against my chest. “We need to take a shower and change the sheets.”

“Soon.” I wrap my arm around her. “Right now, I’m enjoying lying here in a pool of your cum.”

“Jax,” she giggles.

“But that’s exactly what it is,” I laugh. “Did you enjoy your first ass fucking?”

“Yes,” she whispers. “I love you, Jax.”

“I love you too,” I say as I stroke her hair. She’s far too good for me, but now that she’s mine, I’m never letting her go.

Iwake in the night with Lucia lying on me. I don’t mean lying next to me, snuggled against my chest like she usually is, I mean actually lying on top of me, her arms and legs wrapped around me like a koala grips a tree. My chest feels damp too. Has she been crying?

“Lucia, baby. Are you okay?” I whisper in case she’s asleep.

“I lied to you, Jax,” she says.

“What are you talking about?” I brush her hair back from her face and her cheek is wet with tears.

“That wasn’t my first time.”

I sit up in bed, bringing her with me and scooping her up until she is sitting on my lap. What the hell hasn’t she told me? I resist the urge to fire questions at her while she’s upset, knowing it might only push her away.

“Talk to me, Angel,” I say instead as I wrap my arms around her.

“It was the first time I wanted to do it, Jax.” She looks up at me with her huge brown eyes wet with her tears and I can’t help squeezing her tighter as every muscle in my body tenses. “I’ve done it once before, though.”

“Okay,” I whisper, trying to keep my voice steady and calm and not betray the anger that is bubbling in my chest.

“It was my thirteenth birthday. My oldest brother, Luca.” She shudders at the mention of his name and I swear if that cunt wasn’t already dead I would make him feel pain like he had never imagined possible. “When I was younger him and Sammy, well they would bully me and hit me and stuff, but when I got older and started you know, filling out, Luca started to look at me different. I didn’t know what it was at first, just that it made me feel really uncomfortable. I used to do whatever I could to avoid him.” She draws in a shaky breath and I sit in silence while I wait for her to go on, even though I know what she’s going to tell me and the anger that I feel burns me from the inside out.

“He would corner me sometimes and press up against me, rubbing his dick on me. I used to try to fight him off, but he was so much bigger than me. He said it was my fault because I provoked him. I tried to do everything not to, but not matter how I dressed or how quiet I was, he would always find a reason to do it. I kind of got used to it, you know?” She blinks at me.

No, I don’t know how it feels to have to get used to your older brother groping you every chance he got, but I don’t say that. “Go on, baby,” I say instead.

“This night, he’d been out drinking and I was reading in the den. I didn’t get many presents but an old friend of my mom’s bought me the Harry Potter books from the thrift store and I was so engrossed reading them that I stayed up too late.”

My heart feels like it is going to break into a million pieces for her. Everything about what she just said makes me want to protect her and spoil her for the rest of her goddamn life.

“I must have fallen asleep because I woke up and he was pulling my jeans off.” She takes another deep breath and my knuckles feel like they might pop out of my skin from how hard my fists are clenched.

“I fought, Jax. I tried but he was so strong. I scratched his face and he slapped me and called me a tease. The next thing I knew he was on top of me, his breath stinking of beer and his big ugly hands pulling at my panties. I told him I was on my period and he laughed at me. He said he would never fuck me anyway because I was disgusting and that he couldn’t even bear to look at me. That was when—” She gulps loudly, a deep sob bubbling up from her throat and I pull her tighter to me, pressing my lips against her temple.

“It’s okay, baby. There’s only you and me here,” I whisper.

She nods at me, tears running freely down her cheeks. “He turned me onto my stomach and then he pushed it inside me. It hurt so much, I thought I was going to die. It felt like a hot poker pulling my insides out. I didn’t even know you could do that there. God, I was so naïve,” she says with a shake of her head.

“No. You were thirteen. You shouldn’t have known about that.”

She leans against my chest and I wrap my arms tightly around her. I wish I’d known about it earlier. Would I have still done what I did before? Yes, at some point, but I would have checked in with her more. I would have done a little more before and after care.

“Why didn’t you tell me, Luce?” I ask as I brush her hair.

“I don’t think about it—I don’t let myself think about any of the horrible things he did to me. I mean I know they happened, but I’ve buried them deep, you know? And then earlier, when you said that’s what you wanted, I didn’t want it to spoil anything between us.”

“Lucia,” I say against her hair. “Nothing about your past could do that. You should have told me.”

“Are you honestly telling me that the night would have ended the same way? That you wouldn’t have been thinking about him the whole time?” She sniffs. “And then I would have been thinking about you thinking about him, instead of us being able to enjoy what was happening.”

“I’m sorry if you weren’t ready,” I say. I should have fucking checked and not assumed.

“I was ready, Jax,” she snaps. “This is what I was afraid of.” She pulls back from me.

“What?” I frown at her.

“That you would start seeing me differently. Treating me differently.”

“Hey,” I snap her from her mini tirade and pull her back to me. “That is not what this is about. But, yes I would have handled this differently.”

“And that’s what I’m afraid of, Jax. Because what we did before was perfect,” she breathes as she places a warm hand on my cheek. “Now show me how much you still want me.”

I flip her over onto her back before she can even finish that sentence. “Don’t,” I growl.

“Don’t what?” she blinks at me.

“Don’t even think about going there, Lucia.” I nudge her thighs apart and settle between them, my hardening cock pressing against her slick pussy. “You think I could ever not want you?”

“Show me, Jax,” she breathes as she claws at the skin on my neck.

“You are fucking perfect,” I groan as I grind against her clit, making her whimper. “Your pussy. Your ass. Your mouth. No one will ever fuck you or touch you ever again. Every single part of you belongs to me. You got that?”

“Yes,” she groans.

My cock is rock-hard now and she’s wet enough that I can slide all the way inside her. “Mine,” I growl as I drive into her as far as I can go.

“Yours,” she pants and I bury my head against her neck, sucking at her tender skin as I nail her to the bed.

She responds by wrapping her legs around my waist, pulling me closer to her. Her walls squeeze around me as I bring her close to the edge. I don’t have the patience to draw this out for her and make her pleasure last longer. This is about showing her how much I need her. How much I love to fuck her. I shift my hips so I can hit her sweet spot and she hisses in my ear as I slam hard into her.

“Jax,” she gasps as she comes for me.

“That’s my good girl,” I breathe in her ear as the waves of her climax wash over her and I bite down on her neck as I find my own release, marking her with my teeth and my seed so that everyone will know she belongs to me.

When we are both breathless and spent, I roll onto my side, pulling her against me so her back is flush against my chest, my arm around her and her perfect ass pressed against my cock. I breathe in the scent of her hair and she purrs contentedly.

“Is there anything else I need to know, Luce?” I ask.

“No, Jax. Promise,” she whispers. “You know everything. You know me better than I know myself.”

“Hmm. You’d better believe it,” I say, nipping her ear and making her giggle. I love her laugh. It’s completely infectious.

“What did you mean earlier?” she breathes.

“When, baby?” I frown.

“When we first got here and you made me pass out against my front door,” she laughs again. “You said you knew exactly where that came from.”

“Oh,” I smile as I pull her closer to me. “You really don’t know?”

She shakes her head. “No.” she shakes her head.

“Whenever I call you a good girl? You don’t feel that?”

“Oh,” she breathes. “Well, yeah. It kind of does something to me, but I didn’t realize it was so obvious.”

“Anything that makes you wet is obvious to me, baby. Even more so if it’s the thing that tips you over the edge when you’re ready to come.”

“Is that weird that I like that?” she whispers. “I mean I’m like a grown-ass woman who can take care of herself.”

“It’s no weirder than how hard it makes me to call you my good girl,” I growl in her ear. “Because you are, aren’t you?”

“Jax,” her breath hitches in her throat. “Unless you’re ready to go again, you need to stop right now.”

I laugh as I pull her tighter. “I’m always ready to go with you, but you need some sleep.”

“Are you telling me what to do now?” She feigns her indignation but her shallow breaths are telling me a different story.

“Oh I know you like that too,” I chuckle. “But only in my bed, baby.”

“Except that this is my bed,” she reminds me.

I run my hand over her body and she shivers at my touch. When I reach her throat I squeeze gently. “That’s where you’re wrong, Lucia. Any bed that you are in is my bed. Do you understand me?”

“Yes, Sir,” she purrs and the sound vibrates through my cock.

“Good. Now behave and go to sleep,” I warn her with a final kiss on her temple.

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