Feral Wolf

Chapter 2

My mate towered over me like a giant. His huge hand was in mine as I pulled him out of the cave. When we emerged from it, he looked around, an anxious look on his face. The pack warriors that were left behind stopped to look at us curiously. It only fueled my mate’s anxiety and he gave a low, warning growl.

He was feral and unstable.

“Brontes, look at me.” I urged him and his emerald eyes flickered back at me.

“You will be fine.” I said gently. His hand in mine tightened terribly. I almost whimpered out in pain. Goddess, this man was strong.

“Loosen up your grip on my hand or I will lose all blood flow running to it.” I pointed to my hand. He looked down at it, confused, and then back up at me. I rolled my eyes and slowly coaxed his hand to loosen up.

“Trust me.” I said.

We moved back to the path we came from to go back to our territory. The pack warriors that were there went back to their normal duties.

When we arrived on territory, my father was standing in the middle of the field waiting for me. By this time, I could only assume Brontes had never been around this many werewolves. His wolf was on alert and he was looking around him viciously.

My father took a glance behind me and his eyes flashed with confusion. He started towards us. When he was close enough he spoke.

“Who is this?” He asked as he watched my mate with cautiously. “My goddess, Calliope, he’s a feral rogue! How can you bring him here? Do you know dangerous they can be? How highly unstable they are?”

“I know, Father.” I said, rolling my eyes.

“Then you know he can’t stay here. He will hurt others. Wolves who are feral are almost uncontrollable!” My father shouted angrily now. The anger radiating off him did not go unnoticed and my mate began growling. His eyes flashing red. His teeth were bared at my father.

“He needs to be killed before he can hurt anybody.” My father said out loud. His eyes flashing in black as he let out a growl of his own. His body shaking now. My father was going to shift and kill my mate and my mate could sense the threat. He was also shaking next to me.

Moon goddess above! I needed to interfere. My father lunged at my mate his claw out. Pack members and warriors now coming down the hills from the pack house towards us as they felt our turmoil in our link. Some warriors were taking off their clothes just in case they needed to shift to protect.

Nobody interferes! I growled through pack-link as I grabbed a hold of my father’s arm and skillfully twisted it behind his back, a move he taught me to use when I needed to control a dispute. I kicked the back of his knee and he fell to the ground.

My mate was on all fours, ready to shift, his lips curled up as he growled angrily. His eyes were flickering between red and emerald. He was fighting for control which was really weird for a feral wolf. I bared my teeth at him, warning him to back off and stand down. Then I turned to look at my father who was kneeling on the ground.

“Father, he is my mate.” I said out loud. My father stiffened under me. Everyone around us gasped at the new revelation. Their Alpha had finally found her mate.

“He is your mate?” My father repeated, his voice having an incredulous tone to it.

I let my father go and he stood up, fixing his clothes, before looking at me curiously. He glanced back at Brontes and then back at me before a slow smile spread across his face.

“You finally found him.” He stated, his mood completely changed.

“I did.” I responded simply before turning to everyone who was still staring at us. “This is Brontes, my mate. I found him as a prisoner for the hunters in their camp. I know everyone would like to meet him but I don’t think he is too friendly right now.”

I turned to look at my mate who was still crouched on the ground, growling at everyone. Everyone chuckled and some turned away back to their homes. The sun was now peeking up at the horizon. The pack warriors that were around went back to their duties.

“This is good news. Your mother will be happy to hear about it.” My father continued a grin on his face. Then he tapped his chin, like he always does when he was in thought. “He is a feral wolf. Feral wolves are harder to control because they have been alone for so long and haven’t been in the werewolf pack to have order in their life but when a feral wolf finds his mate--even if the human does not recognize you, the wolf does. You can help him control himself better. Just be careful.”

A relieved sensation ran through me. I don’t mind who Brontes was. In fact, I wanted to very much march back into that damn camp and miraculously wake up the leader of that camp up and kill him all over again because this time I had an even bigger reason to end his puny, pathetic life. I was infuriated with the fact that my mate was kept prisoner in his camp. He was mine! Nobody hurt what was mine.

“Please, I just want to take him in and at least try to get to know him a little before I even think about having visitors and as you can see he is not up to visitors yet.” I mumbled feeling exhausted from staying up all night.

“After, we can talk about the mission.” My dad said and walked up the hill back to the pack house.

I turned towards my mate who looked up at me curiously now. His eyes were back to their normal color. I moved to kneel in front of him. Even when he was crouching he was humongous. I don’t even know how a male grew up to be this huge, especially in captivity.

“Brontes, we are going to go inside.” I pointed to the pack house. “This is my home. You will be safe with me.”

“What’s a mate?” He asked, his voice came out very low. I had never heard a voice like his before and the slight tingling feeling I felt earlier in my spine slithered to my core. I bit my lips to stop the moan that wanted to escape my lips. His eyes immediately fell to that little action. He looked at it hungrily, his eyes flashing with lust.

“I will tell you more when you and I are in our home. I am tired right now, Brontes. Let’s go inside and I promise I will tell you more later.” I promised him. He nodded and then reached out to grab my hand without me offering it to him and it made me smile within because he was slowly trusting me. For that, I was thankful.

The mission was a success but now I had a mate. Someone who was made to love me. Someone who was made to protect me and forever be mine. It was definitely unexpected and something I didn’t want to happen this soon but it doesn’t mean I wasn’t grateful to have one or to have met him. Some wolves go their whole life without finding their mate.

I glanced over at him as we walked up the hill, now that the sun was shedding light on earth I can see how handsome he was. His hair was black and long, hanging down to his shoulders. He had a beard that wasn’t too long but long enough to be visible. His nose looked like it had been broken a couple of times and there were a few scars on his body. My eyes narrowed on a few of them and I felt an uncontrolled rage build inside of me. Goddess, if I knew I would’ve tortured the bastard leader first before slitting his fat throat.

Brontes turned towards me as he caught me staring. I gave him a soft smile and squeezed his hand as we walked inside the pack house.

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