Fates Divided: Halven Rising

Fates Divided: Chapter 41

Soldiers entered Elena’s room a couple of hours after she awakened. The last of the nausea the leaves had caused finally relented, leaving her throat sore from dry heaving and her body weary from a night of poor sleep.

Surrounded by guards, she was guided to Niall’s chamber, her toes pinched inside her boots.

“How are you feeling this morning?” Niall asked, eyeing her as she entered.

“A little woozy, and—” She held out her arms, revealing sleeves a good two inches too short.

“You’ve grown. That is to be expected. Had you been male, the growth after drinking Ancient Allon leaves would be dramatic.” Something flashed in Niall’s eyes. Anger?

“I must admit, I am surprised, Elena.” A boyish smile crossed his face, as if he’d been caught with his hand in the cookie jar. “I did not believe a Halven could survive the leaf of the Ancient Allon.” His expression turned thoughtful. “This morning has been full of surprises.”

Niall’s ominous tone brought a fresh wave of nausea to her belly. This man made her extremely nervous, particularly since he was hellbent on keeping Derek. Something she had no intention of allowing.

Niall’s eyes narrowed and he tapped his finger on his thigh atop the dais.

That mannerism… How many times had she seen Derek doing that same finger tapping when he was thinking? The uncanny physical resemblance was weird enough, but the finger-tapping thing had her freaking out. What other similarities did Derek share with his biological father?

No. She mentally shook her head. Derek is nothing like Niall.

“Come.” Niall rose suddenly and strode across the room. The guards in his chamber flanked him and surrounded Elena. “We will see what other changes the leaves have wrought. You will use the castle laboratory. The alchemists have abandoned it in favor of a more isolated domain.”

A few minutes later they entered a large room Elena wouldn’t go so far as to call a lab. Some of the instruments looked like they belonged in a museum, not capable of withstanding heat and chemicals. More important, something else was missing, or rather, someone.

She spun in a circle. “Where’s Derek?”

Niall peered at an ancient glass vessel in his hand. A flask? A bong? It was so old, she wasn’t sure what it was.

“Indisposed. You work alone today.”

No way.

“Look, sir, your majesty, king—whatever—I need Derek. You may not know this about him, but he’s a brilliant immunologist. That was one reason the Emain Fae coerced him into helping me. It’s essential he be here.”

Really, she just needed to know he was okay. She didn’t like being separated from Derek, and no matter what he had agreed to, Elena wouldn’t leave him behind with his zealot father.

The corner of Niall’s mouth twitched. “It seems my son was very busy last night. He is being disciplined for his defiance. However, under the circumstances, I will withhold the remainder of his punishment until later.”

That didn’t sound good. Not good at all.

What had Derek done?

Niall stationed a handful of guards outside the door to the lab while Elena waited for Derek. She distracted herself by inspecting the first microscope ever created. She wasn’t certain it was the first one ever created, but it was mostly made of wood, which made it way too old to be of any use to her.

Twenty long minutes had passed, when she heard a buzzing sound.

Elena swatted the air near her ear and what she thought was an insect, only to realize the buzzing was coming from inside her head.

The noise faded and softened into an echo of her mother’s commanding voice.

Elena, I pray this message finds you safe. Samuel and I are in hiding. Whatever you do, do not return to New Kingdom. Return to the human realm as soon as possible. A revolution stirs in Tirnan…

Elena experienced a moment of deep, shuddering relief. Her mother was alive.

But what was this about a revolution? They hadn’t cured the virus. Why were Fae preparing for war?

Too much to worry about right now. Thank God her mother was okay. Elena would return to the human realm as her mother said, just as soon as she survived Old Kingdom and Niall.

Seconds later, a brigade of guards entered the lab. They parted like a flower opening for the sun, and Derek stepped out. Stepped being figurative.

Derek lumbered forward, one leg dragging behind him, blood oozing down his shirt from a split lip. He cradled his wrist in one hand, the joint contorted at an odd angle.

Elena’s body shook, her breathing unsteady as rage overwhelmed her. How could Niall do this to his own son?

She glared at the guards. “Leave us. Now!”

One of the guards, a short one, which meant he was probably slightly less than seven feet, stepped forward. “We are to remain while you work.”

Elena counted to ten and took a deep breath. “Fine. Watch from the other side of the door. I can’t concentrate with you people around. You make me sick!”

The guard’s nostrils flared, but he walked out. The others followed, leaving the door ajar.

The moment they left, Elena raced to Derek, stopping just shy of touching him, afraid she might hurt him. “What can I do?” Her voice quivered and she swallowed back a bitter flavor in her mouth.

“Help me sit.” Blood gushed down his chin with each word.

She gingerly lifted his good arm around her neck and guided him to a chair. “What happened? Why did they do this to you?” Her voice caught. If she wasn’t careful, she’d start crying.

“I drank the mixture. They could tell as soon as they entered my room this morning.” His swollen, battered mouth twisted in a mock smile.

“What do you mean, you drank the mixture?” She stared, taking him in from his arms and broad torso to his long, muscular legs and—did a double take.

He was hunched over, the bloody gore a massive distraction, but even so, she didn’t know how she could have missed it.

“You grew,” she choked out.

“I stole extra leaves. Made more of the tea in my room and drank it. Wanted to be as strong as possible.”

The leaves could have killed him. But then, he’d been out of the room stealing leaves when Niall had explained that potential outcome.

She waved her hand down his body. “I grew a couple of inches, but you—how tall are you now?”

“I don’t know. Best guess, the drink added an extra seven inches to my height and more bulk. My old clothes were literally choking me when I woke. Before they beat me, they were kind enough to offer new ones.” He flicked a finger at a ripped sleeve.

“Seven inches?” The clothes fit his new height and build, but they were now bloodied and torn in several places.

He flexed the fingers of his bad hand, gently working the wrist back and forth as it healed. “I wanted to improve my powers and help you. I had no idea I’d turn into a giant.”

She shook her head. “Not a giant.” She glanced past him to the door. “You—we’ve—become like them,” she whispered.

What exactly had the Ancient Allon done to them? They’d both changed physically, and if all went correctly, magically.

How else might they be like Fae?

Derek scowled. “Don’t say that. That’s what Niall wants. He was pissed that I disobeyed him, but not that I’d grown and become more powerful. He expects me to rule with him. To lead one of the other kingdoms he plans to take over. He thinks that with the Ancient Allon in my blood, I’ll live longer.”

That was Niall’s plan and why he wanted Derek? “Well, he can’t have you,” she said, determined.

A shadow passed over Derek’s face. “He’s powerful, Elena. Before the beating, he had one of the alchemists put his hand to my head. I felt the magic, but I don’t know what it did. No matter what, you have to make the cure. Promise me.”

“Yeah, of course.”

He let out a breath. “Good.”

But she wasn’t leaving Derek with his father, if that’s what he was thinking. She didn’t care what Niall wanted.

Derek continued on, oblivious to her silent promise. “I’m not like them and neither are you. We’re still part human. I’m tall, but not as tall as those guys—” He jerked his thumb at the door. “We’re still Halven.”

Derek was taller than the shorter Fae men, but she didn’t think he’d appreciate the observation. “How are you feeling?” she asked instead. “Can you walk?”

He eased out of the chair and stretched his back to full height.

Elena’s breath caught. Derek had always appealed to her in some innate way, but he really was the most beautiful man she’d ever seen. His cuts were healing and he stood evenly on both legs now.

He peered down at her with a sweet smile and pulled her into his arms. She pressed her nose to his upper midriff and breathed in his scent.

He smelled the same. At least that hadn’t changed.

The sense of being connected and safe settled over her. Not everything was different. They were still them.

She looked up, but he was gazing over her head with a frown. “What is this stuff? Because it sure as hell isn’t laboratory equipment.”

“Tell me about it. But it’s okay.” She beamed. “I have an idea.”

Derek gazed at her warily.

Where was the trust?

She held out her hands like a surgeon before an operating table, fingers waggling. “Let’s put the tea to the test and make our own equipment.”

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