Fates Divided: Halven Rising

Fates Divided: Chapter 32

At Keen’s urgent text, Derek rushed over to Elena’s apartment.

Keen pointed to the chair in the living room, indicating he should sit. “Elena must leave for Tirnan immediately.”

He knew Elena planned to travel to Tirnan, but it seemed like something had happened. Keen had the look of a desperate man. And Keen never looked unnerved.

“Someone want to fill me in?”

Keen’s gaze locked with Elena’s. She looked so small between him and one of the other Fae guards.

“Marlon has Reese,” she said, her elbows on her knees, fingers digging into the waves of hair at her temples. “He’ll release her in exchange for me. The meeting takes place tomorrow night.”

Derek wagged his head. “Not gonna happen.”

Elena looked up and her brows drew together in confusion, or surprise.

What did she think? That he’d stopped caring just because she didn’t trust him?

Keen let out an exasperated sigh. “We will not sacrifice Elena for the girl, but we will not allow harm to come to Reese. That is why Elena must leave for Tirnan now. St. Just and his band of Halven threatened Elena through Reese, but they will not stop there. More attempts on Elena’s life will follow. At this point, Elena is better off in Tirnan, where she has a chance of developing a cure and besting Marlon. Our people have been weakened. We can protect Elena better once the disease is contained.”

Interesting how they needed Elena to regain their strength. And it was not something they readily admitted to either.

“Even if she left this minute, how could she possibly find what she needs, make a cure, and return in time?” Derek asked.

“Tirnan runs on a different timeline than the human realm. The timeline varies from season to season, but as of now, it runs slower by about three days. That allows enough time—if she hurries.”

No matter what Derek told himself about changing colleges, there was no way he’d let Elena go to Tirnan alone. He tapped his finger on the chair, thinking through their options.

They had none. Reese would die if they did nothing.

“Since when do your people care about one human life?” he asked.

A strange look crossed Keen’s face, one he quickly checked. “We do not risk lives unnecessarily. We can save the girl if we act now. You both would have left for Tirnan in an hour, regardless.”

Elena’s head popped up. “What? Derek isn’t going. Leave him out of this.”

“I’ll go, but when Elena and I return, I’m leaving Dawson.” He stared hard at Keen. “I’m transferring to a different school, and I don’t want interference from your people.”

“Accepted,” Keen said.

Elena searched Derek’s face. “Why? Is it because of what happened? I know it wasn’t your fault, Derek. I don’t blame you. You don’t have to leave.”

She said that now, but what if something like this happened again? Would she hate him in six months? What if some other Fae or powerful Halven tried to warp his mind and pit him against her?

Elena had something the Fae wanted. The best thing for her would be if he left. One less person the Fae could manipulate to get to her.

“My reasons have nothing to do with you.” A lie, but he didn’t want her to feel responsible for why he was leaving. “I’ve been offered a better opportunity at a different school, and I’m taking it.”

He’d help her in Tirnan because as a Halven he was the only person who could protect her there. He figured Beatrice’s purpose in enthralling him had been to cause a rift between them, thereby making Elena vulnerable. Why Beatrice, a Fae, would want to do that, he didn’t know. It looked like she had become a traitor to her own people. Either way, he wouldn’t give Beatrice the satisfaction. Elena needed him, and he’d be there for her.

Elena sucked in a breath, her face pained.

“Very good,” Keen said. “I’ll portal you to the outer wall of the New Kingdom castle as planned. Get Elena inside and find her a hiding place. When it’s safe, search for her mother.”

“My mother?” Elena blurted.

Keen’s face softened. “Yes, Elena. She’s your only ally in Tirnan. Trust no other.”

“Deirdre told me the same thing about not trusting anyone, except she never mentioned my mother.”

Keen raised an eyebrow. “Deirdre?”

Elena’s mouth parted, a look of chagrin crossing her face. “Deirdre sort of comes to me in my dreams.”

“She is from Old Kingdom,” Keen said. “She married your mother’s brother. Her allegiance is to Sunland now. You may be able to trust her. Only you can know for certain.”

“Deirdre is my aunt?” Elena said, her tone surprised.

“Beorhtric Rainer’s wife, yes.”

A small smile played on her mouth. “That explains a lot. She’s always been kind to me. I’m not sure why she didn’t tell me who she was, though.”

It was good to see Elena smile, if even a small one. And it was good to know Deirdre had Elena’s back.

“We’ve been instructed to give you as little information as possible. Deirdre went against orders telling you as much as she did.”

“And now it’s okay to inform me of things? Now that I’m risking my life?”

Keen shrugged.

Typical, thought Derek. They kept all this from Elena until now, when it was too late.

“How do you know so much, Keen? Shouldn’t Leo be giving me this information?”

“He would if he were here.” Keen waved at one of the guards outside, circling his finger.

Signaling for the guard to patrol the area?

“Fae do not lead like your military, particularly inside Emain,” Keen continued. “Most of us have been around a long while. We work together, and generally follow one command, but there are times in battle when a single warrior must make a decision for the good of us all. Leo understands that you might be our last hope. He will support my judgment under the circumstances. I’ll notify him directly of what has transpired once we return to Emain.” His gaze fell on Derek. “One more thing. There will be times when you must transform Elena along with you. Getting past the guards at the portal will be the first test.”

Derek shook his head. “Impossible. I’ve tried to Blend larger objects like my backpack. It can’t be done.”

“Elena is not an inanimate object. Your backpack is wider than she is. It will work, but you must hold her close.”

Derek closed his eyes, trying to remain calm. He didn’t want to hold her close. As it was, he battled every instinct to reach out and comfort her, when the best thing was for him to keep his distance.

Instead he said, “What would be the point of Blending with her if all you Fae can see me anyway?” Portia, Keen, and even Elena had sensed him while transformed.

“We cannot see you in the way I see you now. A shimmer in the air notifies us of the disguise, but it is nearly impossible to observe in low light. Even in full daylight, one must be looking for it.”

Elena’s face looked hopeful. “Let’s try it, Derek. If it works, it could save us. We’d have a chance of escaping.”

She was right. If they had any hope of surviving, they needed his ability.

Derek mentally braced his senses against the onslaught he was about to subject them to. Elena stepped past Keen and the guards, and stood in front of him.

Keen scanned their stances. “You’ll need to hold her as close as possible. Tuck her head beneath your chin and center her between your legs. Wrap your arms around her.”

Derek glared at Keen.

The corner of Keen’s mouth twitched. Keen knew Derek had feelings for Elena, just like Derek knew Keen wanted Reese.

Derek grabbed Elena’s arms and wrapped them behind his back, breathing out of his mouth so he couldn’t smell her. Bad enough her soft flesh molded to his chest. Her hands tentatively flattened on his shoulder blades and his heart began to race. She wedged her feet between his, and tucked her head close, her hair tickling his nose.

The itch to his nose distracted him and he breathed in, instantly regretting it.

Elena’s fruity scent, mixed with the smell of her skin, made his hands sweat and adrenaline surge. He wanted to mash his lips to her mouth and consume her. Instead, he tucked his head to draw closer, grazing her ear with his lips. She stiffened, but she didn’t move away. Derek Blended before he started thinking of other things he wanted to graze his mouth on.

The transition from solid state to air occurred the same as usual, evidenced by a slight tingling sensation, only faster. The adrenaline caused by Elena’s nearness helped quicken the process.

“Good,” Keen said. “We cannot see either of you. Try moving.”

How the hell was he supposed to move with her wrapped around him like cellophane?

Derek tried moving anyway, but Elena ripped from him like a piece of Velcro, his body jerking and shuddering from the separation.

“Elena has come into view, Derek.”

Derek made himself solid. “I told you it wouldn’t work.”

“You’ll need to figure out a way to move without breaking the transformation.”

They tried for several agonizing minutes, and every time Derek took a step, Elena returned to solid state.

“I have an idea,” Elena said hesitantly. “Derek somehow modifies the atoms in our bodies while we’re stationary. When I’m close enough to him, his body perceives me as part of him, like his clothes. What if when we move, the shifting takes me out of range?”

Where is she going with this?

“I think—I think some part of him must meld with me when we transform. That way there’s no question we are one.”

Marcus cleared his throat. Keen smirked. The other guards simply stared, as if preparing for the entertainment.

Derek was too stunned to reply.

Elena let out an exasperated breath. “I’m not suggesting what you perverts are obviously thinking. I was considering something more along the lines of…a kiss.”

Derek was speechless. He wanted to do a lot more than kiss Elena. He wasn’t sure he’d ever recover from making love to her. She’d taken a piece of him. But he’d made up his mind to stay away. Even if her kissing idea made sense—and unfortunately, it did—distance, separation, that was what they needed. Kissing went in the opposite direction.

He turned to Keen. “You have any other ideas?”

Elena crossed her arms over her chest. “Oh my God, I’m not going to molest you. I know this isn’t ideal, but it’s logical. If we’re connected…” She shrugged.

He glanced at each of the Fae, hoping one of them might come up with something better. Instead, they stared mutely back at him.

Great help, guys. Derek shook his head in frustration.

Elena dropped her arms and put her hands on her hips. He’d seen that stance many a time on his mom and scores of Southern female cousins. Elena was pissed. “Look, if you have a better idea, by all means inform us.”

Maybe he liked the fire, because at the moment, the only thing he wanted to do was grab hold of her and kiss her feisty lips the way she’d suggested. Derek’s gaze dipped down her body. She wanted a kiss, she’d get a damn kiss.

He grabbed her hand and yanked her to his chest. Elena’s eyes widened, but she didn’t pull away. With one hand braced on the back of her head, he lowered his mouth and took her full, rosy lips.

Small problem. She responded in kind.

And he was gone.

The kiss took on a life of its own. Tongues clashing, lips meshing, filling a desperate void, as if he’d been starved of oxygen and could finally breathe again.

After a moment, Derek sensed Elena hesitating. She pulled away a fraction. “Transform,” she mumbled against his mouth.

Oh yeah. Shit.

Ignoring their audience, who had at this point received an eyeful, he stopped kissing her. “Wrap your legs around my waist.”

Her eyebrows climbed up her pretty forehead, but she clamped her hands on his shoulders and jumped into his arms, her legs locking around his middle.

She weighed about as much as his weapons belt. He could run for miles with her like this, which might come in handy in Tirnan. Derek repressed the urge to fantasize about her in this position and let out a slow, calming breath. He made his body transform, and transformed hers along with it.

“We cannot see either of you,” Keen said.

Time to test the theory. Derek pressed his mouth to Elena’s, and her lips parted. He ran his tongue over hers, tasting her… After a long moment, she nudged him in the butt with her heel.

Dammit! How was he supposed to focus like this? He’d like to see the Fae warriors keep their heads under these conditions.

He adjusted the angle of the kiss so he could see where he was going, and carried Elena to her bedroom. Once inside, Elena pulled away and they stared at each other.

She loosened her grip and slid to the ground, taking a tentative step back. Their connection ripped apart and Elena went solid.

Derek focused all of his attention on not feeling anything. He would not allow his mind to go where it wanted to go. To her, to them, and being together. The kiss had meant nothing.

Her gaze cut away, as if she too was affected and didn’t want to acknowledge it.

Derek returned to solid state and exited the room. The Fae soldiers faced the opposite wall where he and Elena had stood moments ago. She joined him at his side.

“Mission accomplished,” he said.

The men spun around at the sound of Derek’s voice.

“What’s next on the pre-Tirnan training regimen?”

“Nothing,” Keen answered. “You are as ready as you can be. As long as you don’t get distracted”—he gave Derek a knowing look—“you might survive.”

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