Fated to my Enemy by Diane Doherty

Chapter 181

Book Two Chapter Twenty-Eight
Luna Ryley
Saying goodbye to Aspen was hard, but he calls me every day to update me.
After a week they still haven't tracked down the girls but they also haven't run
into the council, so that's good news. I still don’t like him out there without me. I
know he’s eighteen and can handle himself but as a Luna wolf, I can heal him.
And that's what's worrying me the most, is not being there if he needs me.
But, today, I have to push my worry aside because, today, Evie and I are
watching her big brother play hockey. It was like pulling teeth to get my mate to
agree to let me go, but after seeing his daughter in the little jersey I bought to
match mine with the Orion name on the back, he couldn't say no.
I was standing in the crowded bleachers with Walter. The second period was
about to start and Evie was already asleep in the snuggly strapped around my
chest. It was passed her bedtime. Warriors were surrounding us, blending into
the crowd, and Channing's team of warriors was also there. I knew we were safe
and this was the first game my son openly invited me to and I wasn't going to
miss it.
1 just finished texting Blake when the teams came out from intermission. The
crowd went wild for the home team and my heart swelled with pride. This is
something Channing always wanted. We would talk about it after his games
when he was younger. He loved the game of hockey.
I caught Channing eyeing the crowd and I waved an arm in the air. I was
surprised when he saw me in the crowded arena but he gave me a nod before
going to the center for the puck drop.
Book Two Chapter Twenty-Eight
288 Vouchers
I held my sleeping daughter tightly as I bounced her in the busy lobby of the
arena. The game was now over with a win for us and I was beaming with pride. I
wish Blake had been here to see him. He has been meeting with other alphas
with everything going on with the council. He couldn't get away no matter how
hard he tried.
“How are you feeling?” Walter asked me again as we waited. The nausea has
been worse the last couple of days and it's been hard to keep anything down,
even with medication.
“I'm still okay,” I told him. Even if I were dying, I would still be here watching my
son. But I missed being pregnant with Evie, she was so easy compared to this
little bean.
I kissed the top of her head as I bounced her. I was so thankful for the family
Blake and I have. As much as this little bean I'm growing is making me sick, I
can't wait to meet them.
The lobby went crazy as the home team entered from the locker room. I couldn't
see my son through the crowd but I knew he would find me, he always does. I
just wanted to hug him before we had to leave. Blake was anxious about having
us back at the pack as soon as possible. I understand his worry. I worry every
time he has to leave the pack without me.
“Mom, Grandad,” Channing shouted through the crowd of fans. He was taller
than most and I was finally able to see him. He wrapped me in his arms before
kissing my cheek and Evie's head. “I'm so glad you were both able to come.”
“I wouldn't have missed this,” I smiled at him. I have missed him so much since
he left earlier this week. After Aspen left on his mission, Channing and I had been
spending more time together.
“Great game, son. So proud of you,” Walter praised him before hugging him.
Book Two Chapter Twenty-Eight
288 Vouchers
“Thanks, Grandad.”
“We have another one tomorrow night if you can both make it,” he shrugged.
“I will try to be there, but your father has been anxious about us leaving the pack.
Maybe tomorrow, we can both be here to cheer you on,” I told him.
“I understand, Mom. I love Evie's new jersey,” he smiled as he wrapped an arm
around my shoulders.
“She watched most of the first period, but we have had a busy day,” I said as he
lightly brushed his fingers through her hair. “She'll be your second biggest fan
soon enough,” I smiled. I will always be the first.
“Thanks, Mom,” he squeezed me and my heart swelled. It's not easy when your
children grow older and you don't realize how hard it is until it happens to you.
Some of Channing's teammates were calling him over and I knew it was time to
leave, even though I didn’t want to. Channing hesitated to pull away from me.
“Go, we need to get back to the pack. I'm so proud of you, son,” I hugged him the
best I could with his sister strapped to my chest.
“Be safe and text me when you're home. Hopefully, I will see you all tomorrow,”
he mumbled as he returned the hug. He hugged Walter before kissing my cheek
and his sister's head again.
“I love you.”
“I love you," I heard him say before he got lost in the crowd.
“Come on, baby girl, we need to get back.” Walter wrapped an arm around my
shoulders before leading me out of the arena. I walked over
Book Two Chapter Twenty-Eight
288 Vouchers
to the waiting SUV with a few warriors standing around. I would say it was
overkill if I didn’t know firsthand what the council was capable of.
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Walter helped me unstrap Evie and I
placed her in the car seat. gestaved
asleep I I fuckiet Kel 1h - Walter
climbed in on the other side and a
warrior closed the door behind me.
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Once we were ready to go, I pulled
out my phone to text = Knew
one of te wagriors Wd have
nbtified him, but I missed him. Stu
pid hormones. The content is on
Novelxo.org! Read the latest
chapter there!
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Everything is going to be okay,
Walter reassured me. I KOSH Jtwould
be, but Lyi feet betel dos we are in

the Shfety of the pack and I'm
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wrapped in my husband's arms. The
content is on Novelxo.org! Read
the latest chapter there!
“And the council is dead,” Lily grumbled.
“Yeah, that too.”

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