Chapter 36--I'll Be Good-6
Kris and Dan sandwich me and we move our hips to the beat as everyone dances carelessly to the song. Even Tina, April, and Aaron join into the commotion. I feel like I'm top of the world as I grab the hands of several of my students, spinning them around as we sing and dance. We clap along with the song, making space for anyone who feels like breakdancing amongst us.
As soon as the song comes to an end, the music fades away and we're all left there to clap and cheer. I get a giant group hug from all my students. Tina runs the tip of her finger under her eye to catch any straggling tears.
"Thanks for having one last dance with us." Mikala smiles brightly.
"We love you Lo!" I hear one of my student's shout causing me to blush slightly.
Kris steps in front of me, pulling me into a quick tight hug. "We'll see you outside."
She says it so quickly, I don't even have a second to register what's happening. The entire studio suddenly runs off stage, jumping off towards the entrance doors. "Wha—"
I'm cut off by Aaron saluting me with two fingers. "Good luck," He says as Mikala grabs his hand to drag him out of the auditorium.
"Do I smell that bad?" I shout after everyone. I mean, I know I've been sweating all day, but I didn't think it was that bad. I put on deodorant twice today.
Just as I'm starting to feel subconscious about myself and even more confused, the speakers in the auditorium start to play again. I turn around quickly-looking back towards the stage. The smile on my face fades away as my heart starts to beat rapidly in my chest. I can almost hear each of my heartbeats in my ears as the pit of my stomach drops.
Harper is standing in front of me. Her hand crossed over to her body holding onto her arm. She's in a pair of leggings and a white t-shirt. Her hair pulled back into a bun. A hesitant look from her face suddenly shows me how afraid she is. There's something about her that looks different and I can't quite tell what it is.
My breath hitches in my throat as she takes a step towards me. I let it out as soon as I realize that she's about to dance. Her hands suddenly rising as she places them beside her her body instantly looking like it's suddenly defying gravity like she's a feather or on the moon.
The song starts playing and she instantly moves her body swiftly like a gentle flowing creek. For the first few lines, she doesn't seem to be able to look me in the eye. Until finally, she does. And for a split second all I can do is remember the beauty of falling in love with her.
I never meant to start a fire. The song goes as she meets her gaze with mine. I never meant to make you bleed.
The beat drops, I'll be good. I'll be good.
Harper's movements become more rapid and harsh. Her ballet and contemporary skills instantly blending together as she jumps across the stage, moving across the floor while using her hands to express emotion as best as she can.
She stands back up, slowly striding towards me. I've forgotten how beautiful she is and how talented her dancing skills are. I bite my lip ring realizing how intoxicating it is being around her and how drawn I am to her as if a spell has completely overtaken my body.
Taking a deep breath, I take a step towards her, which seems to surprise her entirely. Regardless, I place myself until I'm directly in front of her. Her head tilting slightly to look up at me as the song's lyrics slowly fade for the next verse.
As soon as they start up again, My past has tasted bitter...For years now.
I take her hand and suddenly it feels like riding a bike. My instincts of dancing with Harper are
like muscle memory. Like every fiber in my body knows that this is what I'm meant to be doing. But even though my heart and body seem to connect, I keep my mind clear. I keep my mind awake of the situation.
I turn Harper once, trying hard not to distract myself with how her hand feels in mine. She takes the cue, suddenly changing her position to suit me as her dance partner. She moves around me, keeping her hand locked with mine as she pulls back as far as possible. Her eyes meeting mine just as the lyric sings, I've been cold...I've been merciless.
She gets closer to me, until her hand is on my chest. The beat drops and she pushes away, suddenly twirling and leaping with her hands placed on either side of her head. Her eyes screaming to me just exactly how she's feeling.
I'll be good, I'll be good. And I'll love the world like I should.
I smile softly, realizing how well she's choreographed her dance. Without wanting to interrupt her, I watch her tumble across the floor, twirl in place, and pound her hands. As soon as the climax of the song hits, she pirouettes towards me until she's stopped just a few inches away. I take her hand, guiding her through my own little impromptu dance. Holding her waist, moving her quickly as I feel our bodies connecting ever so slightly.
Even when we're not sure what to do, we move slowly as if trying to enjoy the small moments where we touch one another. As the song slowly fades away, I can suddenly hear her breathlessness and my own.
I stare down at her, waiting for her gaze to align with mine. She's avoiding meeting my eyes as she keeps hers locked to my chest. Harper licks her lips slowly and I can tell she's trying to figure out what to say-but so am I.
It's been months since I've seen her. Months since I've talked to her. The Weirdos would mention her every so often, but for the most part, I've completely avoided her, and I think she's been avoiding me.
Her mouth opens and closes like she's trying to figure out what to say. Neither of us seems to move like we're both afraid of what would happen if we let go.
"I'm..." She says fearfully. Taking a deep breath, she closes her eyes before finally meeting mine. "I'm sorry, Logan."
I smile sadly, "I know."
Harper licks her lips, biting down hesitantly. "I just...before you go...I just needed you to know that I'm sorry. And that...everything I felt for you. None of that was ever a lie. I've never felt the way you made me feel, Logan."
My brain starts overworking but I try to calm it down with a deep and slow breath. I believe her and I have no reason to think she isn't telling the truth. Because I also know that what we had was special. It just wasn't special enough-or maybe it was.
Before I can say anything, Harper gently taps her hand on my chest. Her eyes shifting downwards. Stuttering she manages to say, "I'm not...I'm not here asking you to take me back. Actually, I've been using this time to find myself. Because I know that's what I have to do. I know that I can't figure anything out if I don't figure myself out first. I just...I wish you nothing but happiness Logan. And I needed you to sorry I am."
"You made me realize that I have worth, Harper." I place my fingers at the bottom of her chin, pulling her up until her eyes meet mine. I give her a soft smile, "You're always going to be my favorite dance partner, Ross."
Harper let's out small laugh. Tears start to well up in the corner of her eyes and I quickly brush them away with my thumb. "And you'll always be mine, Williamson."
We embrace each other in a long hug. Harper's face buried in my chest and my chin resting comfortably on her head. I don't know how long we stand there, but I don't care. Feeling her in my arms again is like coming home after being away for a long time. It's the relief of arriving to your destination after a road trip. The sunlight after constant showers.
But we both also know we understand that we're taking in the moment because we don't know if there will ever be another moment like this. I close my eyes, memorizing how it feels to hold Harper, to feel her warm breath on my arm and her heart beating against my body. Her hair smelling like cherries and the way her body seems to fit perfectly against mine. I can't help but wonder if she's trying to memorize how I feel.
We both pull away slowly-the bittersweetness suddenly sinking into my taste buds. I open my mouth, waiting a few seconds to try and develop my sentence. "I only want happiness for you too, Harper."
She smiles gently. The silence falling over us somewhat comfortable yet now. "We won't be seeing each other for a while, huh?"
I bite my lip ring, "Probably not."
"It's probably for the best." She sighs out with a small humorless chuckle. "Well, before you go. I wanted to give you something."
She retreats quickly backstage before reappearing with a small gift bag that has a graduation cap
on the side. Handing it to me, I raise an eyebrow. Once I look inside, I can't help but laugh wholeheartedly. Inside, she has four cans of my favorite whipped cream. My laugh seems to brighten her smile.
"Congratulations on graduating." She says happily.
"Thank you." I tell her genuinely. We stare at one another for a few more seconds before I become self-aware that my friends and family are waiting for me. Waiting to have dinner with me and celebrate my diploma.
"I should get going," I tell her as I start to turn back towards the entrance. She nods, crossing her hand over her body again to grab onto her arm. Just as I'm about to jump off the stage and walk towards the doors, I turn back towards Harper.
I place my hand on the back of her head, pressing my lips gently and longingly on her forehead. Hearing her sigh, I look down, placing my forehead against hers. We keep our eyes locked before she smiles sadly.
"Goodbye Logan."
I let out a breath, "Goodbye Harper."
I turn around, my head hanging low as I jump off the stage and walk towards the doors. I force myself not to look back because I know that if I do, I'll just want to run back to her. To hold her. To kiss her. But now isn't the time.
I have to find myself and she has to find herself. I need to go have fun with my friends and family.
I need to prepare myself for the real world. And Harper still needs to figure out who she is. One thing is for certain though, I don't think we'll be seeing each other any time soon. But maybe one day—maybe one day our paths will cross again. Because deep down, I know that Harper is the only person I ever want to dance with.
I take the bottle of whipped cream and shake it just as I'm exiting the auditorium. I see my friends waiting for me at the curb. Taking a small hit of whipped cream, I start making my way towards them. They're smiling, laughing, and seeming to enjoy their day. Putting on a brave face, I try to push back the last few moments with Harper and replace it with the joy I felt this morning after throwing my cap into the air.