Chapter 36--I'll Be Good-4
"I have an idea." I tell them with a timid smile. I bite down softly on my lip trying my best not to get ahead of myself. "But I need your help."
I'm graduating. I can't believe it but I'm actually going to receive my diploma today. I can't begin
to describe what this feels like or how happy I am. I didn't think I would ever get my degree. I didn't think I would make it through college, but I took it a day at a time and now I'm going to be handed my degree.
The last few months haven't been as tough as I thought they'd be. I've been going to therapy and talking to my friends more often. Even though Harper is never around, I always find time to be with the Weirdos and if I'm not talking to them, I'm talking to Aaron, Mason, and Jarrod. April and I have also gone out a few times with her friends. Nothing serious, but just to have fun and loosen up.
This all being said, I haven't spoken to Vincent since the morning after Valentine's. We both woke up with quite the hangover and I made bacon for both us. We made small talk as we tried to piece together what had happened the night before but with very little recollection. We agreed to stay in touch and talk soon-especially if we remembered something but we haven't seen each other since. The last thing he said to me was, "Thanks Lo. I need to figure some things out, but thanks for last night."
That was it. I haven't been in touch with Vincent since. Last I heard, he was doing well in soccer and although we're not best friends, I think we both ultimately needed that night out to place our sentiments over each other and Harper. I've seen him a few times on campus and we'll just briefly look at each other. Granted, he does have his new tattoo on him, which means no matter what he'll always remember that was the night he puked on me and my nice shoes.
But that's in the past and today is the day I get to wear my black cap and gown. I'm leaving behind our school, my home, and I'm moving to Miami in just two weeks. Aaron has already arranged everything for me, and I can't help but feel excited for this summer internship with him and Parris-Kingsman.
I feel like I can breathe. Seeing someone, getting help, it's not like taking a pill and feeling better thirty minutes later. It's not instant gratification like cracking my back after sitting for hours in my study chair. No, it's taken me months of work. I've been journaling, meditating, going on morning jogs, and slowly bettering myself.
I didn't wake up one day and suddenly feel better. I didn't have a lightbulb moment that made me switch from some darkness into the light. It's just like a storm, the gray clouds over my head slowly faded away. I didn't even realize they were disappearing until I started to feel like the sun is shining on me.
I still have my moments, but I'm working through them. Whenever I feel depressed or anxious, I sit down with my notebook, the book my therapist recommended me, and I write how I feel. Then I bring it into the office, and we discuss my triggers, my feelings, I cry a lot, and we talk about the why. Why do I feel this way and how can I make myself not feel this way? Overall, therapy is one of my favorite things now. It's hard for me to believe that I've been putting it off for so long now that I feel like my head is clear. I did have a bad experience before but maybe if I had just gone back to give it a second try, I would have saved myself years of feeling low.
Regardless, I can't dwell on the past. That's what I'm starting to learn. I need to move forward and look towards the future, which is why today is so special to me. All my hard work over the last four years is finally being handed to me in one little sheet of paper. It sounds awful when I put it that way, but it's reality and I'm going to cherish my diploma.
"Honey," My mom coos as I step out of my apartment. My whole family is waiting for me outside as I was getting dressed in my cap and gown. It's early in the morning and they're not meant to be at the stadium yet, but they wanted to walk me there anyways.
My mother walks up to me, placing her hands on my shoulders to flatten the robe. Her eyes well up with tears of pride as she looks up at me. "You look so handsome, Logan."
I smile down at her, embracing her tightly. "Thanks Mom."
My dad walks up to me, a bright smile on his face. As soon as I let go of my mother, he takes a
step forward to give me a bear hug. "I'm so proud of you, Logan. Even if you are going to work for your friend Aaron."
I let out a small laugh, pulling away to look at my dad. "It's only for the summer. I'll come work for Williamson Corp as soon as I get the experience."
"I can't guarantee you a position," Dad scoffs. "Only an interview."
Veronica snorts as I push my dad away while he laughs. Veronica-wearing the mere idea of elegance is standing just behind with her finance Hudson. I politely asked her not to outdo me today, but that's like asking a star to stop shining. Her black pantsuit is high waisted and bodes well with the V-neck white top. Hanging from her arm is a luxurious Hermes purse I'm sure my dad got her.
"I told you not to look better than me," I say to her as she approaches me to give me a hug. Veronica smirks as she moves my tassel to the side. "And I told you that I always look nice." "I think you look great," Hudson says extending his hand for me to take. I give him a firm handshake prompting him to smile softly. "Congratulations on the graduation Lo. And your internship with Parris-Kingsman. If you're ever interested in staying in law, you can always come to me."
"Don't you dare." Dad suddenly seethes as he pops his head up into our conversation. His eyes narrow onto me, "I'll cut you off."
He then narrows his eyes onto Hudson who's trying to seem sturdier than he is. Dad points his finger at his soon to be son-in-law, "I'll cut you off too, Hudson. Mark my words." Hudson licks his lips, "Yes sir."
I feel my mother's hands on my shoulders and turn towards her. She's beaming brightly the way
she did when I came home for Thanksgiving. Her eyes soft and full of pride. "Now, how about we
get you to the stadium before it's too late? Besides, we have to go find our seats."
I take a deep breath, moving my tassel away from my face. Looking up, I see the cloudless sky ahead the clarity and beauty of today making me smile. Today is about me. Today is about my accomplishments. It's about everything I've overcome the ups and downs. I feel my dad put his arm around my shoulders as he starts walking my family towards the stadium. We're all smiling, laughing, beaming.
Today is my day. And today is going to be a good day.
After a long graduation ceremony-filled with motivational speeches that I'm quite sure many people fell asleep in. The sun baring down on us causing beads of sweat on my forehead, I finally -finally-get to throw my cap in the air. And that's exactly what I do.
Along with everyone graduating with me, we all shout and scream as we throw our hats are hard as we can before they all come tumbling down. The audience in the bleachers applauds, whistles, and shouts with us. I see friends running across the campus looking for one another as they hug and take pictures together. Plenty of people are crying as their emotions get the best of them. All I can do is stand there watching as everyone runs across the fields. I bite down on my lip ring, starring down at the grass remembering my fifteen-year-old self. I close my eyes, thinking back to how sad I used to be. I think back to the days I would cry myself to sleep in my dorm room with Aaron there to comfort me. The days I felt like I was alone and had no one surrounding me. You did it, I can hear myself say. I can almost picture young Logan. Logan who didn't have a lip ring, who didn't have tattoos, or as many scars. Little Lo smiling in the mirror. You did it. I think to myself. Thank you.
Small tears of joy start to well up in the corner of my eyes. I never thought I'd get here. I never thought I would have the will power to live. But as I bite my lip ring, I feel a newfound hope in myself. Hope and excitement to carry on with the future. I can't remember the last time I felt this way. That I've felt complete and ready to move towards a better me.
"Lo!" I hear my name being called. Looking up, I see my friends running towards me as they try to maneuver the abundant amount of people on the football field.
Kris is leading the Weirdos and keeps calling my name. I can see the look of excitement on her face as she beams a bright smile towards me. Her frustration slightly showing as people cut her off in her quest to reach me. She's the first one to finally meet me and jumps towards me embracing me in a tight hug. We both stagger back slightly as we laugh together.
"You did it!" She says breathlessly as she squeezes me as tightly as she can as if trying to lift me off the ground. "You did it, you bastard! You're leaving us!"
"I'm not leaving you." I say with a small laugh.
"That's what every ex-boyfriend has ever told me, you asshole." Dan wipes a tear away from his cheek as he appears behind Kris. As soon as she lets go, he moves in to give me a tight hug. I can feel the hiccups in his chest as he tries his best to keep himself composed, but miserably fails.
I pat his back comfortingly, trying my best to prevent his snot from smearing across my shoulders. "I'm not going to be far away."
"Bullshit," Mikala has her arms crossed and she's looking at the field of grass like she doesn't care. As soon as Dan lets go, I approach my silver haired friend with a kind smile. Mikala reminds me so very much of Cap'n-with her constant annoyance and inability to reflect emotion well. I place my hands on her shoulders and she finally looks up at me. Giving her a warm smile, I can slowly see her ice-cold heart melting like snow under the spring sun. Mikala was my first friend on campus. I helped her get through a lot of dark stuff and she always helped me by being a reliable and comforting friend. Whenever people look at her they get scared or she manages to scare them away with her attitude. But I see through it faster than someone looking out their window. I know what it's like growing up with a big sister, but Mikala has always felt like the little sister I never had.
"I'm only a phone call away." I tell her tenderly.
She licks her lips, looking away from my gaze straight at my chest. Hesitantly, she steps closer, putting her arms around my torso in a gentle hug. I can feel her controlling her breathing as she's trying to put up her strong exterior.
When she pulls away, all I have to do is look in her eyes to know that she's going to miss me. I can see the sadness behind her expression even though she's trying to come off as a statue. But then she smiles-ever so slightly-and I know she's happy for me. Happy that I got this far. "Your other friends are here." She says stepping away. Just as I look behind her, I notice April's red curls bounce as she smiles brightly. I also quickly notice that Harper isn't anywhere to be seen. But I push this thought to the back of my mind trying not to let it get to me.