Fall of Snow: A Dark Mafia Romance (Frost Industries Book 3)

Fall of Snow: Chapter 48

Having Snow at my mercy is my favorite thing on this earth. There’s nothing better than holding the woman of my obsession and seeing an intoxicating cocktail of fear and arousal mingling in her heavy gaze, and I can’t get enough.

The pain in my ribs is excruciating, but it doesn’t stop my dick from hardening the moment I had my face resting on my woman’s tits, and hell, if I’m honest with myself, the moment she stood between me and a threat like a lioness protecting her pride was the moment my cock stiffened painfully in my jeans.

But she put herself in harm’s way, regardless of who the threat was, she never should have put herself between me and it, and that’s something she can never do again, because next time it might not be her brothers. Next time it could be someone who could really hurt her, and the thought of that makes me homicidal. I would tear the world apart for my Snowflake, and anyone who dares to lay a hand on her will meet their maker before their next breath.

“You never put yourself between me and a threat, Snow. Never,” I growl. “Rayne could have hurt you unintentionally.”

“He wouldn’t—” she starts.

“Never, Snow. Never.” The words come out harsh and she flinches, turning her head away from me to get any space she can. She should know by now that there will never be any space between us, and it’s something she needs to get used to. “If you ever do that again, I promise I will spank you so hard you won’t be able to sit for a week, and then I’ll keep you locked in our room for a month so I know where you are and that you’re safe.”

“You can’t do that.”

“On the contrary, my dear Snowflake. I can do whatever the fuck I want because you’re mine. Every single part of you belongs to me, and if you ever put yourself in that kind of danger again, I will not hesitate to punish you, and it will not be as kind as the one you’re going to get today.”

She stares at me for long moments, as if she’s trying to process the words I’ve said. She needs to realize that her safety is everything to me. If something were to happen to her, I would tear this city apart and slaughter every last person who ever dared harm my Snowflake.

I wait patiently for her to respond, for her to understand just how much she terrified me today. It didn’t matter that it was her brother, or that I know no one in that basement, myself included, would ever harm a hair on her head, the thought of Snow in any amount of danger has the monster inside clawing at his cage, begging to be set free.

“I’m sorry I scared you,” Snow says finally, her tongue darting out to wet her lips. “I saw you tied to the chair, and I…” She pauses to choose the right words. “I acted on instinct. I won’t do it again in the future, I promise. But I’m not going to sit on your dick while I assess your injuries. You’re hurt enough as it is, and I won’t be a party to you hurting yourself more.”

She’s skating around admitting that I wasn’t the only scared one today. She has real feelings for me, but she’s still processing them and that’s one thing I can’t push too hard on. She needs to come to the conclusion I came to ten years ago on her own.

We belong together.

“You’ll do as you’re told, or you’ll find yourself tied to our bed on the edge of an orgasm I’m not going to give you.”

“You can’t do that.”

I chuckle, shaking my head slowly before bringing my face to hers. “Oh, but I can, my little Snowflake. I can do whatever the fuck I want, and you’ll love every single second of it.”

“Elijah,” she hisses my name, and my cock presses harder into her lower belly. I love when she gets like this, when the fire burns bright and the flames flicker at the edge of her temper. “You are hurt. You are in no condition to be sticking your dick anywhere. Not to mention the fact that I’m still out of business.” The way she avoids speaking about her period only has the corners of my lips tipping up more. It’s cute that she thinks it will gross me out, but soon she’ll understand that there’s not one thing she could do that would turn me off from fucking her, especially not a little blood.

“That’s irrelevant.”

“It is certainly not irrelevant,” she screeches, tugging at the hand that restrains her.

I sigh. “I’m not arguing about this anymore. You will do as you’re told, and I won’t hear any more arguments. The next protest out of your mouth better be to tell me not to stop, because anything else will result in a red ass and me withholding your orgasms. Do we understand one another?”

“You’re impossible,” she mutters.

“Was that an argument I heard, Snow?” I raise a brow.

“No,” she says quickly.

“Good.” I smile, pressing a gentle kiss to her cheek before releasing her wrists and turning to stride back across the bathroom.

Before I can start stripping off, a knock at the bedroom door pulls both our attention, and a moment later, Mrs. Chambers appears with a tray of items, her brows knit together with worry. She’s always been like this. She hates seeing me hurt, and I suppose I understand why. The number of times she’s had to patch me up over the years is almost enough for her to have become a fully qualified nurse.

Snow lets out a breath, as if she thinks having someone else in the room is going to rescue her from her punishment. I decide not to correct her right away, it’s more fun to make her think she’s safe, just to tear the sheet out from under her.

“I brought you some ice. I wasn’t sure how much you would need, so I emptied both freezers.”

I lower myself back to the edge of the bath, positioning myself to cover my rock-hard cock. She doesn’t need to know I’m a few minutes away from sinking into Snow’s tight little cunt. That’s something she can remain blissfully unaware of.

Snow opens her mouth to say something, but I quickly cut her off. She forgets I’ve been obsessed with her for a decade, I know her better than she knows herself, and I know exactly what the words she was about to speak were going to be. “Thank you, Mrs. Chambers. Why don’t you take the rest of the afternoon off? Snow and I will be having a quiet night going over some wedding plans, and we can order in for dinner.”

“Oh, are you sure? I can help to tend to your injuries. Should we call the doctor?” She turns to Snow, directing the question at her.

“I’m quite sure, Mrs. Chambers. I’m sure Mr. Chambers would like to have you home early.”

She looks between us a few times, her eyes surveying the situation in front of her. Snow still stands against the wall in the shower, her cheeks flushed and her body tense. Then she looks to me, my posture calm considering I had the shit kicked out of me not that long ago, but that’s where her understanding starts to click into place.

Mrs. Chambers has seen me like this a thousand times in the past. Covered in bruises and blood, and God knows what else, and each time I’ve been angry. I’ve been ready to take to the streets and kill every last person who dared to question my authority. But I’m calm. Calmer than I ever was before Snow was carried through the front doors and became a permanent fixture in my life. “I see.” She nods. “Very well. I’ll be going. I’ll see you both in the morning.”

She gives us one last quizzical glance before turning back toward the bedroom. The moment the door clicks closed I’m stalking back across the bathroom to where Snow stands, her hands bundled together in front of her as she considers what her next move is going to be.

“Time for your punishment, little Snowflake.”

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