Faking It (Fake boyfriend Duet 1)

Chapter |♠ 06: One hell of a kiss

The mouthwatering aroma of Bacon and eggs greet me when I walk into the kitchen. Mom and Dad are already seated at the table, and so is my little sister –Lupita, who's tucked in her high chair and eating baby cereal. She smiles wide when she sees me, her arms flapping about. "Niinwwita."

So stickin' adorable.

"Good morning Lulu." I place a kiss on her chubby cheek inhaling her sweet baby scent.

"Morning cookie."

"Morning, Dad, Mom." I chirp, pouring myself a steaming mug of coffee. Whistling under my breath, I pour myself a cup of coffee and pull up a chair across Dad. Then fill my plate with toast and a helping of Bacon and eggs. By the time I'm done, my parents are practically gaping at me.

I blink at them. "What?"

"Why are you in a good mood?" Mom asks with a suspicious look on her face.

"Pumpkin?" Dad chides.

"Oh, stop. You know she's never been a morning person." She points at me with her coffee mug before taking a sip. "This is new."

Well, it's true. I'm not the best person to deal with in the morning. I wake up and get out of bed a grumpy, moody mess until I'm filled up with caffeine.

But today is an exception. Because I'm still riding high of messing up Zac's car last night.

I grin at Mom; taking a sip of my coffee. "Just had a good dream, that's all."

"Well, I had a good dream too." Dad tells me. "Didn't I tell you about it honey?" He winks at mom.

"Ricky," she admonishes her cheeks red. "Not in front of the kids."

"Oh my God. Seriously?" I gag. "I didn't have to hear that."

But that's my parents marriage in a nutshell. They're one of those lovey-dovey couples that can be sickeningly sweet. I'm grateful that they're not the kind of couple who fight and act like they hate each other. I really am. But sometimes, its just too much.

"I saw Zac yesterday." Dad says all of a sudden. "He was with someone....a girl."

Aaaaaand my good mood vanishes.

I remain still, my eyes trained on the food on my plate, painfully aware of my parent's eyes on me. When I don't react, Dad prods. "Did you two breakup?"

I guess I have to tell him now. "Yes."

"Oh, cookie, I'm sorry to hear that."

"It's okay." I shrug trying to sound casual. Not wanting to let on that I'd been unceremoniously dumped. "Our relationship has run its course."

"Well, I never really liked that boy in the first place."

My dad is awesome. He already knows whose fault it was without me saying it. Well, that or he's just being biased because I'm his daughter. Probably the last one. Either way, what he said was true. I once overheard him telling mom that he thought Zac was a jerk. I didn't confront him about it or anything though, and he didnt let it slip to me.

In retrospect, he probably didn't want me to think that he was meddling with my personal life. He trusted my own judgement and my ability to make decisions for myself. Just another reason why he's awesome.

"I like Gunther a lot better than him."

I almost chock on my food. Where did that come from? My eyes cut to my mom who's conveniently not meeting my gaze.. Did she say something to Dad?

"Yes, Gun is a good kid like Daphine. Well, it isn't surprising, Belinda and David raised their kids well." Mom says, her tone deceptively casual.

Oh, she definitely said something. Which meant she didn't buy my alibi when Gun came in here to see me.

Way to be sneaky, Mom.

Whatever, it's not like they're going to find out about my deal with Gun, anyway. Finishing up my coffee and breakfast, I kiss Mom and Dad goodbye. "I'm going off to school."

Dad empties his own mug then hops up from his chair. "I'll drive you. I have to be at the bookstore early, anyway. I have a scheduled delivery at nine."

Great. I was about to ride the school bus, which I absolutely loathe.

"Give me five minutes then." I run up the stairs, making a quick word of brushing my teeth and applying makeup. Then once satisfied with the way I look, I grab my things and dash out to meet Dad in the driveway.

"Are you sure you're okay, cookie?" My dad presses once we're out on the road.

"The breakup still stings." I find myself blurting out. "But I'm dealing. One day at a time and all that."

"You know I'm around if you need anyone to talk to."

Mom and I are pretty close. But i have a closer relationship with my dad. I guess it can be chalked up to us having similar interests —like our mutual love for books and our preference for fantasy films like Maleficent, Jumaji, Warcraft, Fantastic Beasts. Mom often jokes that we're two peas in a pond. But more than our shared interests, he's the first one I talk to whenever I'm going through something. I always seek his advice and wisdom. Mom doesn't mind though. She already has her hands full with Lupita and her mommy blog, as Dad and I jokingly call her channel.

"Do you want me to talk to his dad?"

I give him a horrified look. "You wouldn't dare!"

"It's just an offer, cookie." Only he sounds serious. Like he'll drive to the McCarthy's right this minute if I so much as say the word.

But I don't want him to go there. Daph, Gun, Rod and I were there last night. What if Isaac McCarthy connects the dots and realises that I had something to do with his son's car? I'm sure he's discovered the Carnage by now. He's probably pissed as hell about it.Which means if my dad gets anywhere near their house today, we'll likely to get busted. And that's the last thing I want to happen.

Thankfully, by the time he drops me off to school, I've already convinced him that a dad-to-dad confrontation is completely unnecessary.

I'm outside the boy's locker room waiting for Gun to come out so he can drive me home. His basketball team finished a couple of hours of practice. When I had watched from the bleachers, shamelessly ogling the guys as they moved about. Who knew contact sports were pretty hot to watch? Why I hadn't I noticed that before?

But what I did notice was the permanent pissed-off look on Zac's face whenever he glanced in my direction. Like he couldn't believe that I actually came to watch Gun practice when I'd never even gone for him when were still together. No matter how many times he'd convince me to come, I wouldn't budge. "Its just practice." I always reasoned, completely dismissing his request. Seeing me back at the bleachers had probably infuriated him like hell.

I'm soo nailing this fake-girlfriend thing.

But then I remember his car– specifically what my friends and I did with it. What if he was in a bad mood because he somehow found out we were the ones who egged his car? Crap! Why didn't I think of that sooner. Well, Gun better come out of that locker room before Zac can even think to confront him. If he hasn't already.

Thankfully, as if listening to my thoughts Gun is the first one to step out. He looks like he just got out of the shower, his hair damp, dressed in a white hoodie and a pair of khaki shorts, his bag hiked over his shoulder. He doesn't look pissed. Which means there hadn't been any confrontation.

A smirk forms his lips when he spots me. "If it isn't my fake girlfriend."

"Lower your voice down." I whisper-yelled, glancing around to check if anyone heard him.

"Relax Red." He chuckles. "No one else is around. Its just us. What are you doing here anyway? I thought you were already gone."

"I'm here so everyone will think I'm being a supportive girlfriend." I flash him a sweet smile. "Besides, your my ride home."

"You mean you didn't come to watch my awesomeness on the court?"

I snort. "Does your neck hurt from carrying that big head?"

"Just stating facts, baby." He winks..

Ughh. He's so cocky at times.

It's true though. He's really great on the basketball court. The way he moves and plays has been a sight to hold. My eyes kept tracking his movements out there. He definitely deserves the Captain positioned. Despite what Zac had been saying, he earned it fair and square.

It just goes to show that Zac is being bitter about it. I don't know why he is though, its not like he was even in the running. It was either Gunther or Rodney.

But I'm not about to tell Gun that. His ego is big enough as it is.

"So what's the plan Red? Are we going to wait for Maca to come out so he'll see us together."

"Oh my God! Can you say it a little louder so your teammates can hear you? Seriously, why are we even keeping it a secret at this point?" I throw my hands down in exasperation.

He laughs lightly. Then to my irritation, he reaches out to pinch my cheeks, hard. "You're so cute when you're mad."

"Stop it." I swat his hands away. Rubbing my cheeks, I glare at him. "Have you always been this obnoxious?"

"You mean charming?" He winks.

"No." I roll my eyes. "Obnoxious. Just obnoxious." He's about to retort to that when Zac suddenly walks out.

I don't even think. I simply grab a fistful of Gun's shirt and pull him to me, slamming my lips against his..


Here's the thing. Gun is very popular with the girls of Horizon High— especially, the ones he'd hooked up with. And if there's one thing that they all agree on, it's that Gunther Lawrence is a phenomenal kisser. Like toe-curling, knees-going-weak kisser. And they swear it isn't an exaggeration.

Well, let me tell you something— they're all telling the truth.

I was the one who initiated the kiss, but it didn't take him long to take complete charge of it and basically drag me along for the ride. His lips move over mine in a sensual dance that has me moaning wantonly against them. Normally I'd be embarrassed about it, but I just can't bring myself to care right now. Not when Gun is kissing me like he's done it a thousand times— and then some. Not when he's giving me the best kiss I've ever heard. Holy Hell, does he know how to use these magical lips of his.

When we finally pull away, my eyes are glassy, my lips throbbing and my heart is going a mile a minute. But I'm not the only one who feels affected. Gun's eyes are hooded and full of heat, his chest rising and falling rapidly as if catching his breath. We stare at each other for a long moment, stunned confusion mirrored in each other's, wondering what in the world just happened.

And I know, right now, were thinking the same thing: Did we just cross a line?

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