Fairytale Green

: Chapter 17

‘Are you on the menu?’

‘No. I’m not.’ I replied to Chase with a sigh ‘I thought I was here to teach you Shakespeare. Not how to read.’

The last thing I wanted to be doing on a Wednesday evening was attempting to teach Chase a Shakespeare play. I would have rather been at home alone and that was saying something.

I wanted to be home at home admiring my hair. I had dyed it back to green and now it was even more luminous than before. The green was probably bright enough to be seen from space.

The ice cream parlour was quiet with only a few tables occupied. I counted the number of people in the room to keep myself entertained.

I eventually turned back to my supposed student who was too busy laughing at something on his phone.

I waved my hands in front of his face as I called to him ‘Chase, can you please focus?’

He put his phone down and put his hands up in fake surrender as he argued ‘I’m looking at the poem on my phone.’

I leaned back and blew a stay hair out of my face while I informed him ‘It is a play, and you were laughing at your phone.’


‘So, you are writing about Romeo and Juliet. An example of a tragedy.’ I pointed out, trying to keep my cool ‘What is there to laugh about?’

Chase’s phone went off again and I shot him a dirty look until he put it on silent.

‘I’m sorry. I’m listening now.’ He mumbled before leaning back in his chair.

‘Romeo and Juliet is set in Verona which is in Italy.’ I told him before asking ‘Why do you think that is?’

His response was a shrug and a few lazy set of words ‘Maybe he liked pasta.’

‘You are going to get such great marks on your essay if you write that.’ I sarcastically remarked.

‘I might.’ He argued ‘We were not around back then. We have no idea why he really chose that place to set it in.’

In a weird way, he had a point. It was unlikely however that William Shakespeare was walking around eating a spaghetti carbonara thinking up the Capulets.

‘If you can write a whole essay about the playwright’s eating habits then you do that.’ I laughed ‘But I will teach you the real reason.’

After I finished explaining why the setting was important to the play, I sat and waited for him to write some notes.

Looking around again as Chase copied down what I had just said, I noticed that there were a group of guys outside of the ice cream parlor.

five well-built men were visible through the large window. Three of which had their back to me. One of the guys facing my way had brown hair and a noticeable scar on his eye like the villain from The Lion King.

Standing next to one of the unknown males was another guy who looked familiar. I leaned closer to get a better look, but the setting sun blinded me in the process.

I blinked a few times before I realised who was standing outside.

My action of moving closer only and staring at the group made Brennan notice me.

Brennan’s eyes nearly popped out of his head when he saw me sitting there. He then switched his gaze to the guy across the table from me and his eyes widened further.

I had never considered myself a perceptive person. It was probably because I always had my head in my clouds or because I was dreaming up something.

One of the men outside who had their back to me was much larger than the rest. He was a thick body of muscle, and he was wearing an infamous leather jacket.

The boy with the scar who I had never seen in my life before pointed right at me.

Stone’s well-built body moved to turn around.

Instinctively, I slid down in my seat and covered my face with my hand.

Maybe the re-dyeing of the green was not such a good idea.

Chase looked up from his notebook and raised an eyebrow at my hiding skills.

‘What are you doing?’ The quarterback questioned.

I said the first thing that popped into my head ‘I am re-enacting what Romeo would have looked like hiding under Juliet’s balcony.’


‘This is visual learning.’ I blurted out as I sank further into my seat.

The blonde footballer did not look convinced by my excuse. He instead looked over his shoulder at what I was looking at.

Stone was storming towards us. He was taking long violent and determined steps towards our table and his expression was furious. His dark eyes were zoned in on the two of us as his jaw ticked viciously. He looked like a caged beast that had been set free.

The light of the ice cream shop darkened. A shadow was cast across the table as the large figure towered over us.

His presence created a cold atmosphere in the place. Which was a complete contrast to what I was feeling.

I felt overheated and my skin felt on fire.

The giant remained silent as he stared down at me.

I offered him a little wave as I greeted ‘Hi.’

‘What are you doing?’ The deep guttural voice that was nothing short of wrathful grounded out.

I pointed to the glass on my side of the table and squeaked out ‘Having a milkshake.’

‘What is he doing here?’ Stone ordered to know, his question a rough-sounding demand.

My finger moved an inch before I replied again ‘Having a milkshake.’

Not amused by my excuse, Stone’s jaw ticked in an angry rhythm as he looked between me and the quarterback opposite me.

My attention went to the bulging veins in the giant’s tightly clenched fists.

Chase spoke up with an amused laugh “What are you doing here, man?’

Stone did not answer him. He gave him a once-over with a look of pure hatred. The way he only spent a split second acknowledging the quarterback’s existence was like he was looking at a bit of dirt on his shoe.

‘Can you leave?’ Chase appeared amused when he delivered his question towards the man looming over us ‘We are trying to have a date here.’

I was about to correct him. I was about to defend myself and assure both of them that I was not a big enough nerd to have a Shakespeare oriented date.

Just as I was about to speak, Stone struck furiously by grabbing Chase by the collar of his shirt. The thick strong arm lifted the blonde guy up and off the ground until he was dangling off the ground.

‘I suggest you do not open your mouth again before I end up fucking killing you.’ Stone barked in warning, the tendons in his neck close to snapping.

‘I get it, tough guy.’ Chase taunted, still held in the air from the iron grip ‘You are intimidated by me.’

The deep humourless laugh sent a shiver down my spine. Stone chuckled darkly like what Chase had said was the most amusing thing in the world.

I could see why he was laughing. Chase was ripped and tall, but he was nothing compared to the giant hovering over both of us.

‘You are intimidated because you think that Ella might like me more than you.’ Chase insinuated with a smirk ‘She does by the way.’

‘I think Ella can speak for herself.’ I huffed but they were both not listening.

Stone’s jaw could cut someone. He was grinding his molars as his hand folded into a dangerously tight fist. His knuckles turned white and tremored violently.

I stood up and ignored the stares around the room while I placed my hand on his fist.

My hand dwarfed in comparison to Stone’s as he uncurled his fist and latched onto my hand.

His black eyes were dark, and his pupils dilated as he turned to look at me.

I whispered in an attempt to diffuse him ‘Calm down, Lurch.’

He kept his heated black gaze on me as he let go of Chase’s shirt and allowed his body to plummet back onto his seat.

‘You have got it bad, haven’t you?’ Chase threw his head back and laughed ‘It is a shame she is here with me.’

I let go of Stone’s hand which made him scowl further.

I was sick of the conversation and them treating me like I was not there.

Turning my body back towards Chase, I threatened ‘She is not going to be here much longer with you if you don’t stop speaking about her like she is not here.’

‘Damn right.’ Stone growled, his voice turning feral ‘You are coming with me.’

‘That does not mean I’m going with you either.’ I bit out as I tilted my chin upwards so that I could meet the dark pair of eyes ‘I actually need to tutor Chase. I have no reason to go with you.’

Stone’s obsidian irises flicked over my face while his eyebrows furrowed, and his jaw ticked.

‘No reason?’ He grumbled while dragging his glare to the floor.

I went to sit back down on my seat, but Stone quickly stopped me.

An electric shock shot up my arm as the large warm calloused fingers belonging to the giant wrapped around my arm. The clutch on my arm was firm but gentle as it pulled me towards the largest chest.

I collided with him. More specifically his chest.

My forehead planted against his torso which might as well have been a concrete wall for how hard and unforgiving it was.

A small noise left me as I landed against him.

The hand quickly dropped from my arm while the deep voice rumbled out quickly ‘Sorry.’

I knew that he did not mean to pull me that hard and I knew that he did not realise his own strength, so I sent him a small reassuring smile.

‘Your car is fixed.’ His chest shook slightly as the deep voice spoke the words ‘I finished it this morning. We need to go pick it up.’

I promised Mr Dankworth that I would tutor Chase. I had tried for a good two hours to teach the footballer something.

Stone’s deep voice lowered and grew hoarser as he lowly asked me ‘Do you want to stay with him?’

My mind was already made up.

I wanted to go with Stone. Even if he was being a giant pain in the ass.

‘I’m sorry.’ I turned to Chase and uttered an apology ‘Can we maybe do this another time?’

What I was expecting was his reply to be glad that the study session was over but instead he shrugged and laughed ‘That is okay. We can continue another day. Maybe at my house tomorrow night.’

Stone was not oblivious to the underlying meaning of Chase’s words. He stepped forward and slammed his palm onto the table before he leant down to the jock and lowly threatened him.

I did not hear what Stone said but it made Chase go pale.

With my mouth agape, I reached up and tried to pull him back. Without saying another word to my second-long-study-buddy, I pushed Stone away from the table and towards the door.

He willingly moved under my touch. There was no way I would be able to move the massive multiple-hundred-pound pile of muscle if he did not want to go.

When the sea breeze hit my face, I walked a few metres ahead of him before motioning back inside and asking, ‘What was that back there?’

‘He is so fucking lucky.’ He gritted out, the veins in his neck pulsing viciously ‘For what he was trying to hint about you, I wanted to end his pathetic life.’

‘He was trying to get a rise out of you.’ I sighed frustratedly ‘And it worked.’

His big hard chest moved up and down erratically. His dark eyes were flicking between me and the ice cream place like he was contemplating going back and finishing taking out his rage on the blonde quarterback.

‘I was teaching him centuries old literature.’ I felt the need to clarify ‘We were not having a candle lit dinner.’

Stone strode over and closed the gap between us so that he could hover over men. He moved so close that I had to crane my neck upwards so that I could peer up at him.

‘We are just friends.’ I told him with an aggravated sigh ‘He is not trying to get with me.’

The words left the bottom of his chest in a deep carnivorous grumble ‘Yes. He is.’

I leaned on my toes so that I was a little closer to him. The action was not a choice. It was a need and an urge.

‘He has been there, and he has done that.’ I sighed ‘And knowing him, he has probably got the t-shirt.’

He stopped moving. His shoulders stilled and his darkened eyes rested on my face.

‘What does that mean?’ He forced the words out; his voice was lower and quieter than I had ever heard it.

‘It means we dated, and it didn’t work out.’ I answered before murmuring ‘And calling it dating is an overstatement.’

Stone cocked his head before letting out a rough, ragged grumble of a noise.

His eyes closed for a few seconds before his darkened eyes set on me and he spoke through a clenched jaw ‘I am going to go insane.’

‘Not my problem.’ I rebutted, keeping my posture strong as I met his gaze “I’m not asking for your permission the next time I need to meet him for a study-session.’

He studied my face before letting out lowly ‘You are so frustrating, Medusa.’

‘You are not exactly a walk in the park either!’ I raised my voice and blurted out before I turned on my heel and walked away from him.

He followed me instantaneously.

We walked in silence. I could feel the tension in him as he lingered closely behind me.

I glanced at his black truck parked on the street before I walked right past it.

‘Get in the car, Medusa.’ He barked from behind me.

I stopped walking but I did not turn around

‘What?’ I sassed over my shoulder ‘So I can frustrate you in the car too?’

‘Ella.’ His deep voice grew strained and demanding when he uttered my name.

My eyes narrowed as I turned around on my heel and faced him.

‘No thank you, Wreck-it-Ralph.’ I called to him, placing my hands on my hips.


I watched him as his jaw ticked impatiently. We stood staring at each other for a few minutes. None of us surrendered.

‘You either get in the car or I put you in the car.’ He gave his ultimatum and made it clear that it was either by hook or by crook that I was staying with him.

His tone was as serious as a heart attack, so I knew he was not joking.

‘Fine.’ I huffed, finally surrendering ‘Just because I can’t be bothered walking.’

I got into the black truck and put on my seatbelt while waiting for him to make his way around to his side. He opened the door, got in and slammed the door with brute force.

Sighing as I turn on the leather seat, I interrogated ‘What has got you so mad?’

‘He thought it was so fucking funny.’ He growled; his voice so quiet that I almost missed his statement.

‘Who?’ I asked to break the intensity of his stare even though I knew who he was talking about.

He started the engine while he shook his head. The large wide shoulders tensed until they were rigid.

‘Chad.’ He bit out like he was tasting something disgusting on his tongue.

‘What did he think…?’ I trailed off.

Stone turned to meet my eye. His obsidian irises blazed with a scalding heat.

My heart lurched.

I could hear the beating of my heart as he leaned closer towards me, his dark eyes never leaving mine. My skin tingled in anticipation as he neared so close that I could feel him circulating my whole being.

‘What did he find funny?’ I tried again.

‘You and me.’ He breathed out against my neck, the words ticking my body.

I opened my mouth but then closed it.

Seconds stretched on but not for nearly long enough. When he sat back in his seat and shifted the gear stick, I felt cold.

Stone had his truck instead of his bike, so it made it easier to send him glares as he drove along the promenade.

I was too busy staring at the side of his face to notice where we were when he pulled up outside my apartment building.

‘I’m not a mechanic at your work or anything but I am pretty sure my house is not the place you were fixing my car.’ I mentioned quietly to him.

He turned off the engine and faced me, but he did not bother speaking. He just watched me in silence.

‘Why are we here?’ I questioned our whereabouts ‘I thought we were going to get Kermit.’

‘Your car is not fixed.’ He uttered unapologetically ‘I just wanted you away from him.’

I exaggerated making a strangling motion with my hands as I glared at him.

‘You are such a…’ I tried to think of a word, but nothing came to mind so I ended up saying ‘A… Lurch.’

‘If I have to become some kind of monster to keep you with me then so be it.’ He let out deeply and determinedly.

My mouth opened and then closed once again.

I had no idea what to say to him, so I opened the door to the truck and climbed out.

‘I’m not grateful for the reason why but thanks for driving me home.’ I held onto the door as I called back into the car.

His expression was foreign to me. The one he wore was hard to decipher. It almost looked like he was ashamed.

‘Ella—’ He began to deliver gently.

‘Try and calm down before you drive again.’ I cut him off ‘On the way here, I thought I was in Wacky Races.’

I shut the door to his truck and walked away. I rushed up the stairs and I did not bother to look back.

Going through the hall on the first floor of my apartment building, I did not hear him drive away.

When I walked into the corridor of my floor and put the key in my door and found it already open, I found myself feeling nauseous.

I pushed open the door and faced the messy apartment. The living room that was usually the cleanest part of the house was covered in empty beer bottles.

I was naive. I found myself hoping every day that my father would come back sober, and we would be able to live our life to some normality.

Derek Miller was hunched over the coffee table looking at a photo album.

I stepped closer cautiously and the aroma of cheap booze hit me. My sudden nearness made his head snap up and he looked to be trying to work out who I was for a minute.

He pointed to the photo opened in the book with the top of the beer bottle in his hand.

The picture was of the three of us at the beach. My father was standing with his arm around us. My mother was holding six-year-old me with our cheeks squished together while we both grinned.

I had forgotten how similar looking I was to my mother. I wondered if that was the reason my father could not stomach the sight of me.

My father kept his sad gaze on the picture as he whispered, ‘You are the reason she is dead.’

It was not the first time he had said those words and it would not be the last.

The breath I released from my chest was painful ‘What do you mean?’

I almost did not recognise my voice. It came out far more vulnerable and childish than I intended.

He never stuck around to explain what he meant by those words.

Slamming the picture book shut, he stood up and pointed at me with so much venom in his eyes that it scared me.

‘She was happy and then suddenly she wasn’t.’ He spat out ‘You don’t think that has something to do with you?’

I shook my head, refusing to listen to his words.

‘Maybe it was something to do with me.’ I whispered, ‘But I don’t think it is solely all my fault.’

In a blink of an eye, he was in front of me and in my face

‘What are you trying to hint at, you little bitch?’ He bit out, the beer strong on his breath.

‘That maybe it was not my fault.’ I matched the bitterness in his tone as I replied ‘She never left a note. We will never know why.’

He staggered back until he was a few meters away from me.

It all happened so fast. Maybe my tears had something to do with my delayed reaction.

I ducked just in time before the bottle smashed against the wall behind me.

If I had moved a second later then I would been hit by the beer bottle.

His eyes widened as soon as it happened.

My body was shaking violently. My sobs were shaky too.

I closed my eyes and let out quietly ‘Get out.’

‘What?’ He replied, his voice just as quiet.

I could not breathe. My chest and my throat were shaking too much and the air in the room did not feel safe enough to inhale.

‘Get out of here!’ I screamed with the last remaining energy I had in me ‘I have never wanted you to leave before. I have always wanted you to stay but now I don’t want to see your face again. Get out.’

My father opened his mouth like he wanted to say something, but he chose not to say it.

‘I’m so sick of being alone. I’m so sick of waiting for you to come home. I’m so sick of waiting for you to step and become my dad.’ I sobbed out, my throat aching as the words left me ‘I’m sorry too. I’m sorry I have no desire to call you my father and I’m sorry I don’t want anything to do with you. I’m sorry for what I am about say next.’

He watched and waited for what I was about to say next.

‘Get out of here and don’t come back.’ I said quietly ‘I don’t want to see you ever again.’

An exhale of his breath hit me, and the smell of whisky made me even madder.

I pointed to the door ‘You have never had a problem with leaving before so go.’

My father did not say another word as he grabbed his jacket and walked away. He shut the front door behind him softly.

Perhaps I was reading too much into it, but the small slick of the door almost felt like an apology.

I closed my eyes and stood still until I no longer heard the footsteps in the hallway.

The apartment looked like a bomb site, and I knew I would have to tidy it up, but I did not have the energy.

I had no energy to do anything. I crouched to my knees and covered my mouth to contain the sobs.

Another knock on the door was the last straw for me.

I stood up from the floor and I marched over to the door.

I screamed shakily as I yanked it open ‘If you are here to tell me that I killed my mother again or call me any other names then you can go and fu—’

I stop myself from saying any more when I saw who was standing at the door.

The unexpected giant visitor took up the whole space of the doorframe.

Stone’s eyes were blazing with concern. He barged past the door with no invitation and kept his eyes down on my face as he neared. He came right up to me until every part of him was almost pressed against me.

His large warm calloused hands cupped my face as he studied my expression. He looked down softly at my trembling lip and I could see the heat of his concern.

He looked past me, not letting go of my face. He scanned the room furiously and looked for the source of my tears.

‘Baby, what the hell happened to you?’ He rasped out.

I discovered at that moment that I did not find it difficult to be strong. I found it hard to allow someone to see me vulnerable.

‘Ella.’ He said softly, as soft as I had ever heard his rough voice.

‘I am fine.’ I argued as I tried to swat him away.

His warm hands remained cupping my face and his thumbs continued gently wiping my tears away.

I did not know I was crying until I pulled away and wiped my face with my hands. My palms were wet and so was my shirt with the shed tears.

Stone reached out for me again. I did not fight him. I was too exhausted, and I felt myself falling.

He caught me. His large arms wrapped around me and pressed my small self firmly into his chest.

For the first time in a long while, I felt warm and protected.

Another sob came from me and that only made him hold on tighter.

Even though I could not get my arms fully around his huge frame and even though he was holding onto me a little too tightly, it was my favourite hug ever.

I took a deep breath of his scent between my sobs. His presence was enough. The smell of leather and engine grease made me feel like nothing could touch me. Like nothing could hurt me.

His head hung down and his mouth nuzzled my hair as he demanded to know ‘Who did this to you?’ 

‘I am okay.’ I released shakily ‘I am fine.’

Stone’s grip tightened and his words came out strained like he was the one hurt ‘Medusa, you are killing me here.’

I clung to him tightly ‘Can you…can you just hold me?’

A few beats of his heart later and he huskily let out ‘Always.’

Stone let go of me, but it was only for a second. He bent down and wrapped one of his arms around the back of my knees before he picked me up.

I wrapped my legs around his torso, and I wrapped my arms around the back of his neck while I rested my forehead on his shoulder.

One of the arms snaked around my waist. His other arm made its way up my back so that he could dip his fingers into my hair.

‘I just need a few more seconds.’ I mumbled into his shoulder.

His hand cupped the back of my neck to hold my head in place. His rough calloused fingers caressed my hair and the back of my neck so that he could keep me cradled against him.

I sucked in a breath through my nose and pressed my face even closer into him. I held on tighter to him and I could feel how strong and immovable his hard muscled body was.

I had leaned more of my weight on him than I had ever let someone else hold. I let him support me more than anyone else ever had and he managed to hold me without an issue.

We stood like that for a while.

I closed my eyes and the same moment played over and over in my head. The image of the bottle hurtling towards me replayed over and over again.

My breathing started to become rapid. I felt like clutching my throat to get a better chance of receiving air. My heart pounded in my ear, and I felt the room close around me.

He rushed over to the sofa before setting me down. His two hands rested on my legs before he knelt down to see me better.

‘Take deep breaths, Ella.’ His deep voice ordered frantically while he moved the hair out my face ‘You are okay. I have got you.’

I had only experienced this feeling twice. It was still a daunting experience. It felt a lot like dying and the thoughts of not being able to breathe only made me panic more.

His hand moved from my cheek to the back of my neck. He massaged the skin there gently as he watched me with such caution. He appeared so distressed at my state.

I felt I had to reassure him that I would be okay, but I could not. I could not speak.

‘Ella.’ He released the words from his chest as gently as he could ‘I need you to do something for me.’

I nodded, trying to breathe in and out.

He spoke again in his gravelly voice ‘I need you to list books by Jane Austen in alphabetical order.’

Confusion took over me. It almost drowned out the panic. Then I realised what he was doing. He was trying to get my mind off everything by setting me a task to do.

My breaths were still shallow, but I thought about it. It only took ten seconds because I did know the alphabetical order. I quietly listed the books from Emma to Sense and Sensibility.

If he was not so concerned about me, I could imagine him being impressed at how fast I rattled off the titles.

He changed his tactic and spoke while his large hand gently caressed my knee ‘List everything you hate about me.’

I managed to let out a small shaky laugh ‘The limit of the list does not exist.’

Stone smiled. It was small and strained but it was a hint of a smile.

‘Name them.’ He gently replied.

My eyes met his. His that reminded me of dark chocolate. His gaze was the same. Sweet yet bitter. He looked at me softly, but I could see the specs of anger in them as well. Anger to destroy the thing that had brought me pain.

I admitted in the form of a whisper ‘I can’t.’

He tilted his head as my breathing subsided.

Once he had noticed that I had relaxed, he scooped my body up into his arms and held me to his chest bridal style as he carried me to my room.

Stone gently placed me back on my feet when we reached the threshold between the hallway and my room.

‘Go and get changed into your pyjamas.’ He instructed after setting me down ‘I will wait outside.’

I nodded before stepping inside and shutting my bedroom door behind me.

I opened my drawer and looked through my clothes. The only pyjamas that were not in the washing pile were my Princess and The Frog ones.

Letting out a sigh, I undressed and changed into the green shorts and tank top pyjama set before I opened my door again.

Stone was leaning against the hall wall waiting for me. He had one of his hands knocking an impatient beat on the part of the wall that met the ceiling.

As soon as he saw me, his eyes went to my face before falling to look at what I was wearing. A hint of amusement made its way onto his expression.

He never commented on my Disney Pyjamas. He instead ushered me back into my room and towards the bed.

My bed had never looked so good. I could feel my eyes closing. I just wanted the day to be over.

Sometimes I would stay up at night and make up theories about the world just to distract myself from the hollowness of the apartment but now I had something to think about.

I was thinking about the enigma that came in the form of the mountain of a man.

This was the second time he had put me to bed. It had also been more than two times that he had made me feel better without even knowing it.

Stone’s exterior was large and terrifying, but I knew he was more than that.

I had considered being nicer to him and insulting him less, but I did not want our dynamic to end. Our back-and-forth battles ignited something in me, and I wondered if I had ever done something more passionately than tease him.

‘What are you thinking about?’ He questioned gently, looking down at me as I climb into bed.

‘Can you stay with me?’ My voice was a small hopeful noise as I spoke.

‘I am not going anywhere, Medusa.’ He assured sternly before taking a step away from the bed ‘I’ll take the sofa.’

My hand had a mind of its own and reached out to grab him. I rose on my knees on the mattress as I placed my hand on his arm.

‘Can you stay in here with me?’

Mentally facepalming, I wanted the bed to swallow me whole after the words left my mouth. I was mortified as I fell back on the bed be let go of his arm.

He took a few steps away from the bed while remaining silent.

I never knew how much I needed him there until he walked away. I slumped onto the bed and buried my head in the pillows and let out a groan.

Then I felt the bed move drastically under me at someone else’s weight.

The wide shoulders took up all the room on the mattress as Stone laid down next to me.

I rolled over and removed my head from the pillow. I noticed that Stone had switched the light off and that is why he walked away momentarily.

All I could feel was his closeness.

His warmth and presence were comforting but it was not enough for me to forget the words uttered by my father earlier.

I turned on my side so that I could hide my tears from him.

Stone reached over and placed his hand gently on my neck. He took my chin between his thumb and his index finger and gently move my head so that he could see me.

‘Stop crying, Medusa baby.’ He growled softly ‘I can’t stand it. Your tears drive me insane.’

I rolled my eyes while wiping them.

‘Baby better a term of endearment and not because I’m crying.’ I joked to him ‘If it is then I will castrate you.’

He chuckled and I joined in laughing while trying to keep my sniffling to a minimum.

A question popped into my mind, and I suddenly remembered to ask ‘Why did you come here?’

‘I came to apologise.’

I frowned while questioning ‘For what?’

‘For losing it back at the pier. I should not have acted like that.’ His gruff voice delivered strongly yet lowly ‘I was not mad at you.’

I nodded and managed to send him a shaky smile ‘Apology accepted.’

The bed covers moved under his grip as he moved them, so they were covering me fully.

Turning back on my side to hide my smile into my pillow, I quietly voiced ‘Goodnight, Lurch.’

‘Night, Medusa.’ He said back, making it known that he was near to my ear.

I let my eyes shut but my body was very much awake. I felt a lone finger wipe a tear from my cheek. I also could have sworn that I felt a gentle kiss being bestowed on my shoulder.

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