Fairytale Green

: Chapter 11

The dark green trees swayed in the night wind and cast shadows across the projected screen. It ruined the quality of the movie and I started to get annoyed that I was missing the rain scene where Ryan Gosling confessed his undying love.

Shadows were not the only reason that I was struggling to concentrate on the film. One reason was the kissing noises Lana and Brennan were making next to me. Another reason was Stone’s heated gaze on the side of my face.

Old tires had been removed from the back of Stone’s truck so the four of us could sit inside the little compartment and watch the movie.

The cargo bed was a tight squeeze for the four of us. Especially when a giant was taking up all the space.

‘Can you see okay?’ Stone asked from beside me.

I turned my head so he could get a clear view of my death stare ‘One more height joke and I will destroy you, Lurch.’

He chuckled but he did not go back to watching the movie. I did not think he was watching it in the first place.

Lana was sitting beside Brennan at the front of the cargo space and closer to the movie screen. They were not talking but they were watching the movie while occasional making sloppy noises with their mouths.

‘This is your fault, Lurch. I know we are acqenemies, but we must join teams, so we don’t have to watch the love birds play tonsil-tennis.’ I huffed, ‘We can think of an excuse to get out of going to the beach tomorrow.’

His expression went serious as he told me a stern ‘No.’

‘Why not?’

Stone grumbled, ‘I only see you three hours at school—’

I thought I could predict his next words, so I cut him off ‘And they are the worst three hours of your day?’


‘And they are the worst three hours of your life?’ I tried again.

‘No.’ He grated out, a little more aggressive than the first.

Tapping my chin, I concluded, ‘And you need more than three more hours to fully torment me.’

Silence filled the space between us before he let out another quiet ‘No.’

I sat back against the back of the compartment of the truck and sighed ‘I give up. I have no idea why you want to go to the beach tomorrow.’

He shook his head at me while I grabbed my bag of gummy bears and started to open them.

His seriousness faded as I grinned at the little jelly bears. His usually permanent scowl had faded as he watched me smile as I ate my candy.

‘So good.’ I exaggerated a moan as I remembered how much he hated me making a noise.

His question came in the form of a strangled groan ‘Do you moan at all foods?’

I sucked the whole candy into my mouth as I replied ‘Yep.’

‘Fucking great.’ He muttered under his breath.

My gaze wandered to the proximity of us. In the small confined space, I was pressed up against him due to his broad shoulders.

My body overlapped his as my whole right side was leaning against his. This had caused one side of my body to be extremely hot. It was a complete contrast to the lonely jealous side of my body that was not touching him.

Stone interrupted my thoughts by leaning closer and whispering deeply in my ear ‘Are you not crying yet?’

I turned my head so that our noses were inches apart. He did not retreat back as I narrowed my eyes at him. In fact, the closeness meant that I saw his smirk up close.

‘For the last time, I have never cried at The Notebook!’ I bit out, nearing him even further.

Lana giggled from in front of us ‘It is okay to admit that it is a sad movie and you got upset. Everyone knows that you are a softie, Ella.’

I crossed my arms as I pulled away from Stone and leant back against the metal ‘I am not!’

The enormous man who seemed to have moved closer and taken up more of the space teased ‘Sure you are not, Medusa.’

‘Okay, I admit it. The love story is epic, and I cried at the ending, but it was only a single tear. I wasn’t as bad as Lana’ I argued, ‘I thought a full exorcist was taking place right next to me.’

‘I was not that loud!’ She argued.

‘Tell that to the next-door neighbour that thought their dead relative was reaching out to them.’

Brennan laughed at me before he motioned to the screen ‘This is a good movie and all but why does it take so long for them to get together?’

‘What do you mean?’

‘Surely if you wanted something so badly then you would just take it?’ Brennan questioned, his tone teasing as he sent a secretive look in my direction.

‘Is this your first romance film?’ I asked before explaining ‘The movie would only be about twenty minutes if that was the case. There would be no angst or suspense. No build up. Every great romance has a few obstacles in the way.’

‘Like what?’ Brennan questioned, sounding unconvinced and that was probably due to his and Lana’s instant connection.

It was not me who answered him.

‘Like a blonde prick.’ A deep voice grumbled.

‘Exactly.’ I nodded at Stone’s suggestion while agreeing ‘Usually something like that.’

Looking back up the screen, I saw the older version of the movie couple. I did not feel any tears come. That was probably because of my constant audience which consisted of a pair of dark eyes.

‘This place has suddenly got a depressing atmosphere.’ I voiced aloud while looking around at the many cars parked.

Brennan nodded while looking bored ‘Maybe we should blast some music to lighten up the mood’

I didn’t think the two others were watching when I winked at Lana and mouthed ‘They have been talking to Chase.’

She laughed but I could not hear it over the dark rumbling noise coming from the large chest next to me.

‘Why would we talk to that asshole?’ Brennan questioned with a scoff.

I did not answer. I was too busy watching a veiny muscle-filled arm as it moved behind me and rested there.

Lana spoke up ‘We should tell them about what he said at the party. About The Playing Theory.’

Brennan looked between the two of us, confused ‘What is this Playing Theory?’

‘Chase said to us he had this theory about how he would sleep with a girl. He said he would guess what music a girl would like then he would use it to get her in the mood.’

‘It has to be one of the stupidest things I’ve ever heard.’ I added to Lana’s words.

‘Fuck.’ Stone’s darkened gaze shot to me as he gnarled ‘Did he try that on you?’

‘He doesn’t know what music I like.’ I honestly said ‘Plus, I think he was just trying to show off to his friend. I don’t think he has ever tried it.’

The defined rugged jaw ticked as Stone grew deadly quiet.

Sending a smile my way, Lana joked ‘So you are telling me that if a boy played some song from an emo band like Nirvana that your underwear would not just melt off?’

I thought about it for a second, ignoring the obsidian orbs drilling into the side of my face.

‘You might have a point.’ I shrugged as I munched another gummy bear.

Speaking of bears, I thought there was one near due to the loud noise that followed my revelation. It turned out just to be Stone releasing a deep breath.

As I watched him, I could not help but speak aloud absentmindedly ‘I have a theory about you.’

He tilted his head at my confession.

‘I think your constant grumpy face is because of your amount of testosterone. You have an extremely huge build, so you need more of the chemical to cover the large lengths of all of you.’ I informed him ‘It is science.’

His lip quirked up, amused at my theory.

‘That or you don’t smile because have bad teeth.’ I insinuated even though I knew that was not true.

I had caught glimpses of his thirty-two perfect teeth.

The small smirk had grown into a half-smile, and it was further evidence of his irritatingly good looks.

I pointed at his mouth with a teasing smile ‘Hmm. They look pretty healthy to me so it must be my first theory.’

Brennan chose then to butt into the conversation ‘I’d hope they were healthy with all of those apples he insists on eating.’

Stone ignored his remark as he studied my bag of sweets. He seemed to be finding how much gummy bears I was eating at a time amusing.

I held the bag out to him ‘Do you want one?’

Stone shook his head.

‘It is just one.’ I told him ‘I am not holding out an olive branch. You are still my rival. A gummy bear will not change that.’

Another chuckle left him as he continued to watch as I downed five candies at a time.

The more the movie went on, the more stars filled the sky and the colder the night became. I was trying hard not to shiver as I moved my knees up to my chest.

The next thing I knew, a hand touched my arm before a vexed Stone grumbled ‘You are freezing.’

‘I am fine.’ I tried to argue as I crossed my arms over my chest.

He did not listen to me as he took off his jacket. His actions were hurried and desperate as he tried to put the material on me.

I stopped him and denied ‘I am not cold.’

His glare was nothing short of commanding as he gave me an ultimatum ‘It is either my jacket or both my arms.’

I rolled my eyes while biting back my smile ‘Fine then, demanding ass.’

The jacket drowned me. It was huge enough that Stone managed to wrap it around my body three or four times.

I looked like a leather jacket burrito.

Lana was whispering to Brennan when I turned back to face them.

‘Do you think our relationship is moving too fast?’ Lana questioned lowly to the guy next to her.

‘I don’t think so.’ Brennan muttered and then he went on to change the subject ‘What time is it anyway?’

Pulling out his phone and glancing at the screen, Stone let out a curse ‘It is nearly quarter to nine.’

Brennan sat up quickly and abruptly. Lana jumped in response at how fast the movement was.

‘We have to go.’ Brennan announced suddenly.

Stone gripped onto the side of the truck before he leapt over and landed on the grass. He turned back instantly and offered his hand.

I was perfectly capable of getting out of the truck myself, but I took his hand anyway.

He pulled me to the side of the cargo until I was close enough for him to get a grip on my waist. He lifted me up like I was weightless before he slowly set me on the ground.

His hands never dropped from my waist when my feet landed on the grass.

I did not move away from him.

It was like the rest of my body had stopped working. The only part that needed to function was the cells in my waist that were screaming to be remained touched by him.

His hold on my hips still did not waver as he peered down at me and let his mouth twitch upwards.

‘What are you smirking at now?’ I asked while narrowing my eyes up at his face

‘You are blushing.’ He chuckled.

My eyes widened.

I slapped my cold hands to my warm cheeks before I denied his observation ‘I don’t blush.’

‘Then why has your freckles gone darker, and your face flushed?’

‘I am allergic to tree pollen.’ I lied, crossing my arms and rising on my toes My face goes all puffy when I’m outside.’

I took one last look up at him before I hesitantly pulled back. I joined Lana in the back of the car who was chatting to an unsettled Brennan.

When Stone started the engine and started to drive away from the park, Lana spoke up in an agitated tone ‘Do you have another oven to install?’

In the seat in front of her, Brennan was busy typing on his phone when he replied ‘What?’

‘You installed the oven for your grandma last time.’ She asked, sounding completely unconvinced by the lie he had come up with ‘Do you have another one?’

He stayed quiet for a couple of seconds before answering ‘Yes.’

As we turned a corner onto the main road, I whispered to an unhappy Lana ‘Maybe his grandma owns a pizzeria and there are several ovens?’

She knew I was trying to make her feel better, so she laughed before sending a smile my way.

I decided to speak up when the truck stopped at a red light ‘So where are you both away to then?’

Stone did not answer. He was silent as he gripped onto the steering wheel so strongly that it made his knuckles turn white. 

‘Just some family stuff.’ Brennan started vaguely.

When the traffic lights turned green, Stone put his foot down on the pedal and the truck shot down the street rapidly.

If I didn’t have my seatbelt on then I would have gone flying through the window.

Buildings passed in a haze and Stone looked like he was not going to be easing his foot off the accelerator any time soon.

The two boys sat in silence at the front while Lana and I chatted quietly in the back.

My attention flicked between her and Brennan who occasionally looked at the side of Stone’s face anxiously.

I took a hold of Lana’s hand because her expression was full of annoyance. I squeezed her fingers in reassurance.

‘I have always wanted to feel like I was in a Fast and Furious film.’ I quietly exaggerated to Lana ‘But If he drives any quicker then I’m going to throw up all over his leather seats.’

We both fell into a fit of laughter.

After my laughter died down, I faced the front of the car and my eyes met Stone’s in the rear-view mirror.

‘Away to kill someone, Lurch?’ I remarked while sending him a taunting smile.

‘No killing’ He assured me.

‘How about maiming?’

There was no smirk on his face when he said, ‘No maiming.’

I was about to question him further, but I then noticed we had pulled up in front of the Armstrong’s house.

Lana and I both got out of the truck without saying another word to the two still in the vehicle.

A deep voice stopped me from walking any further away from the truck ‘Where do you think you are going?’

I raised a brow at him before I realised, I still had his jacket on. I unwrapped it from around my midsection and passed it to him through the open driver’s window.

‘I was not meaning the jacket, Medusa.’ He grunted in disapproval ‘How are you planning on getting home?’

‘I’ll walk.’ I answered back.

Stone went silent as his jaw worked in an angry rhythm. A stern expression quickly made its way onto his face.

‘That is not happening.’ He gritted out in warning.

I tilted my head at him as I challenged ‘Why not?’

‘It is dark outside and not safe.’ Stone’s voice went low and cautious like he was thinking about every scenario that could possibly happen ‘Just get in the car. I will take you home.’

‘It is only a five-minute walk.’ I mentioned with a sigh before I encouraged ‘You are in a hurry. Just go.’

The giant did not move a single inch. He continued to hone in on me with his dark eyes.

‘Look on the bright side.’ I joked to him ‘If I get kidnapped or murdered then you will get rid of me.’

‘Ella.’ He growled my name.

‘Bye, Stone.’ I offered him a small wave before I turned to go.

‘We need to go.’ Brennan spoke loudly and urgently from the passenger seat before he leaned forward and addressed us ‘We will see you at the beach tomorrow.’

Lana swivelled on her foot and nodded in their direction, answering for the both of us.

Both Lana and I walked up the drive towards her house and we did not once look back at the black truck that was probably long gone.

‘You just had to pick the secret agent to go out with.’ I joked to her.

She slapped my head playfully as we headed inside.

After I said a quick hello to Lana’s parents and stole some of their food, I left the house and made my way on foot along the dark street.

The walk left me alone with my thoughts.

I was still suspicious about their whereabouts, especially after their lame excuses. I chose to believe that whatever they were doing was important.

My front door was slightly ajar when I climbed the one flight of stairs and approached my apartment.

The open door meant only one thing. The awful feeling of dread knotted in my stomach as pushed open the door further.

‘Dad?’ I called into the dimly lit apartment.

I walked into the living room and found my father on the sofa with a beer bottle in hand.

The television was not on, and he was not on his phone. He just stared into the dark as he chugged down the alcohol.

I spoke again ‘Dad?’

He did not look at me, but he did scoff a question in acknowledgement ‘Where have you been?’

‘I could ask you the same thing.’ I replied and I tried to keep my voice void of emotion so that I would seem stronger ‘Where have you been for the past month?’

‘That is not your concern, Drizella.’

I winced at the use of my name.

He never called me Drizella. My name was very much my mother’s idea and he used to find it funny how much I hated it.

‘How is that not my concern?’ I questioned him, my voice rising so loud that it hurt my throat ‘I’m your daughter and you are never here.’

My dad’s laugh was cruel ‘You are eighteen. You don’t need anyone.’

I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs.

I raised a hand to my throat and restrained myself from telling him how much I did need someone.

My father never drank a lot when my mother was alive. He only drank on special occasions. Which differed greatly from now where his diet only consisted of alcohol.

I asked him every time I saw him about his whereabouts, but I was not entirely sure I wanted to know.

‘Maybe you do need someone.’ He let out a humourless laugh as his eyes finally addressed ‘You are left to your own devices and now look at your hair.’

‘What is wrong with my hair?’ I quietly uttered as I ran my hand through the green locks.

People had always commented on it, but I had never cared.

Not until he commented on it.

‘I always talked with Mom about dyeing my hair green’ I mentioned to him softly.

He sprung to life. He leaned forward on the sofa and pointed a shaking finger at me.

‘Do not mention her.’ He spat out in disgust ‘She would be so disappointed in you.’

‘Yeah, because it would be me she is disappointed in.’ I remarked sarcastically ‘It would definitely not be the drunk that drowns his sorrows in whisky. The one that lost his job because he is such a mess. The one that only comes back to pay the bills and then leaves his daughter and disappears for months at a time.’

No reply leaves him. Nothing left him.

He had fallen back onto the sofa unconscious.

I rushed out of the room and wiped my eyes as I went.

I ran into the bathroom and slammed the door behind me. I locked it before I fell back onto the wall. I leaned my head against the hard surface as I closed my eyes and placed my hand on my shaking mouth.

The reflection of myself in the mirror above the sink greeted me. The sight of the person looking back at me made me want to cry harder.

Black mascara ran down my cheeks and a red puffiness decorated my nose and the area around my eyes.

I rubbed at my eyes and scrubbed the charcoal colour all over my eyes. It made me look like a wrecked and broken china doll.

Sobs escaped my chest as I looked in the cabinet under the sink for something to wipe my eyes with. I pulled out toilet roll, shampoo and hair dye remover.

The last item caught my eye, so I took it out.

I read the back of the box as it shook in my hands.

It was true that I never cared about other people’s opinions. I loved my green hair. I believe it was part of who I was. Sometimes I even let myself believe it was my natural hair colour.

The sound of the running water drowned out my cries as I rubbed the hair dye remover into my scalp.

I watched the shower floor turn green while I thought back to scolding Chase about not being himself. I watched a part of my identity wash down the drain and I had never felt more like a hypocrite.

With a towel wrapped around my body, I quickly raced through to my room and locked the door behind me.

A shiver ran down my back at the temperature of the house and I hoped that the gas bill had been paid.

Worry after worry piled on top of me. My body grew heavier like it wanted to collapse again the ground and not get back up again.

I changed into my pyjamas and hurried into my duvet so I could snuggle into my pillow. My wet brown hair touched the softener, and the sight made me want to cry harder.

The thing that stopped me from breaking down completely was the sound of my phone buzzing.

I reached for the phone on my nightstand and looked to see an unknown number was calling.

‘Hello?’ I spoke into the phone, curiosity filling my tone as to who was calling.

A deep gruff voice greeted me ‘Did you get home safe?’

I smiled to myself as I replied, ‘Hello stranger that is either a stalker or Stone.’

‘Did you get home safe, Medusa?’

My eyes rolled at the use of the nickname before I questioned into the phone ‘How did you get my number?’

The vague reply from the gravelly voice tickled my ear and made a shiver run down my spine ‘I asked Brennan for it.’

I frowned confusedly while asking ‘How did Brennan get it?’

‘He asked Lana for it.’ He answered after a second or two.

I bit back a smile as I sprawled out on my bed like a starfish and looked up at the ceiling.

The commanding tone returned to his husky voice as he demanded to know ‘Did you get home safe?’

‘No.’ I answered as seriously as I could ‘I have been picked up by a UFO. I am being held captive by aliens who want to invade earth.’

‘And they let you keep your phone?’ He challenged.

‘The aliens knew that you had my number.’ I claimed, ‘You calling me is part of their torture technique to torment me.’

He chuckled once.

‘Although, you calling me kind of makes me think you kind of care about my well-being.’ I said suggestively into the phone ‘Has the real Stone been body-snatched?’

Another deep noise that resembled a laugh came through the line.

‘They probably mistook you for being one of them.’ He mentioned, a hint of amusement in his tone ‘Your green hair is eye-catching.’

My smile dropped. My attention went to the brown strands spread out against my pillow.

‘Not anymore.’ I murmured.

Silence hung between us for a full minute before he spoke again.

‘What do you mean you got rid of the green?’ His deep voice grumbled.

‘I got rid of the green.’ I repeated, my throat shaking as I uttered the words.

‘You love your hair.’ Stone grumbled again.

‘I just wanted a change.’ I said instead of telling him the truth.

He went silent. The phone went completely quiet, but I could tell he was still there. I could hear his deep intake of breaths.

His words were hoarse, and his voice was softest I had ever heard it as he asked, ‘It was not because I made fun of it, was it?’

‘No. Of course, it wasn’t.’ I assured him, my mouth quirking up ‘I don’t hold your opinion in that much of a high regard.’

He chuckled and released another deep breath from his chest.

‘You are going to find it hard to insult me now.’ I pointed out.

Stone taunted lowly ‘You are no longer the wicked witch of the west.’

I asked, ‘Then who am I?’ 

‘You can now go and live in munchkin city with all of the other short people.’

I moved the phone away from my face so that he could not hear me laughing. I calmed myself down and then brought the phone back to my ear.

My laughter did not last long.

I was reminded that he could no longer call me Medusa because I did not have green hair.

At least I could still call him Lurch. I doubt he would ever stop growling or grumbling.

‘Are you still there?’ I questioned quietly after a minute or two of silence

The deep voice confessed, ‘I’m going to miss your hair.’

I almost dropped the phone onto my face in shock.

‘What?’ I said, thinking that I had misheard him.

‘Fairytale green is the most amazing colour I have ever seen.’ He replied lowly.

My eyes blinked a few times. I had definitely misheard him.

I told myself what he really said was I’m going to miss insulting your hair. Fairytale green is the worst colour I have ever seen.

‘Are you high?’ I asked, ‘Are you a stone-r?’

He did not laugh at my pun and instead repeated his question ‘Why did you get rid of your green?’

‘I told you. It was time for a change.’ I lied and then decided to change the subject ‘You can no longer call me Medusa.’

Stone let out a grumbling sound of disapproval before he claimed, ‘You will always be my Medusa.’

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