Fae Or Not I'm Coming For You: It's Only The Beginning

Chapter 37

“Now I know I am here for a couple purposes. I have calmed Hydrus down. I reminded him that we never told you that we had found each other while you were locked away. I explained that you could have felt betrayed that we did not tell you after you remembered seeing us together. Which by the way I would love to see that memory sometime. Hydrus tried to tell me that it is not the same. But I agree with you not him. What Persephone went through is not easy and then to find out your with child because of it that is even worse. It is Persephone’s choice who she shares that information with. I am just upset that you had to keep that bottled up and to yourself especially when one of your mates is the persons brother.” Fenrir says.

“I understand where he is coming from but he needs to understand that I can not just tell other peoples business to others especially when I have been asked not to say anything and they will when they choose to. I have to respect that. Now if someone was in danger then I would break that persons trust but that is the only time I would do such a thing. Persephone is struggling right now and the last thing she needs is to have a brother acting like a bloody fool. But I also feel like part of the issue is that Hydrus feels like he failed his sister because he was with me instead of in the Grey Realm. So part of him blames me for her getting hurt. It is not my fault the guy chose her. The only things I could think of is that she was chosen because: A) he knows her, B) he knew she lived alone, and C) she was of similar build and looks of the person in the cells. But do you really think he is going to listen to logic. Nope. Then we find out that the guy was one of his old friends. That is why I needed you both back here.” I say frustratingly.

Fenrir holds me tighter knowing that I need his comfort. He can feel everything I am feeling right now. I have opened our bond so he knows the truth of every thing that has gone on. I let him in to my mind as I show him what happened today and how every thing is just draining me and frustrating me. I feel like I am beating my self against a wall with all the crap that has happened. He sees the picture in my mind of the guy who raped Persephone and growls out loud. I can tell he is mad as hell right now. His power is going wild. This is the power I remember him having and I am so thankful he is back.

“This is the man? How does she know for sure?” Fenrir growls in my ear.

Instead of responding I show him the memory that I saw in Persephone’s mind of the incident. I know it is the man. You can just feel it in your gut if you have seen the memory first hand. The way Persephone explains it is different then what happened. She saw his face she recognized him but did not want to believe it til it was right in her face. So she came up with a way to cope by changing how she could recognize the man. Her brothers own best friend did this to her. Her own mate did this to her.

“Now you understand why I have you here. This is going to get really bad. If you tell me that you are not fully up to par I will accept that you have to go back but I feel the power your putting off. I know your power is back full force. If there is any lose ends that need to be tied up then go do so. But I need all of my mates here. Hydrus can go sulk in a corner but he has to be here as well. We need to know what happened that made them go their separate ways.” I explain desperately clinging to him.

Fenrir chuckles darkly in my ear. It sends shivers down my back. Fenrir growls lowly in to my ear,“We need Everly and Margret to take the babes to my safe place. This is going to get ugly really fast. They will be safe there and Everly can still cook for us and I can bring it over to us.”

I nod and link Everly and Margret to go get their things together quickly after I explain what needs to be done. Out of the corner of my eye I see a shimmering about the babes.

“NO!” I scream out while thrusting my hands in the persons direction. A deep burgundy light comes flying from my hands and the person screeches before disappearing. I rush over to the babes and notice that they are looking straight at me eyes shinning like the light that came from me. This made me pause til the color changed back to their baby blue. I put up a shield around their bassinets and move them closer to the tables that way no one knows where exactly they are anymore.

“Margret, Everly you two need to hurry up. The babes were almost just harmed.” I linked.

“We are on our way now.” They linked back.

Margret and Everly came storming in to the throne room like some one was hot on their heels. They instantly looked around and you could instantly see the panic in their eyes when they did not spot the babes. I lifted the shield and instantly they relaxed. They both walked over to me and picked up a babe each. I stopped them from walking away as I did a scan of the babes to make sure there were no enchantments or spells put on them. I found that a tracking spell and an enchantment were put on only one. I must have interrupted her. I looked over to Fenrir. Just by the look on my face he knew I needed him.

“The stupid chit put a tracking spell and enchantment on Gaea. We need to remove them both before we can have you move the four of them to your safe place.” I state.

“Calm down Chris and let me have a look.” Fenrir says.

He scans both babes and steps back suddenly. “AnLeon come here now.” Fenrir yells.

AnLeon comes over and asks, “What is going on that you need to yell so loudly?”

“Scan the babes then tell me what you find.” Fenrir states.

AnLeon steps up to the babes and proceeds to scan them as well. He looks confused and scans them again. He steps back looks at Fenrir and disappears. I just stand there looking at the spot he was in before he disappeared for several minutes. I am about to say some thing when he reappears with a girl in tow. I recognize the girl and am instantly furious. I go to step forward but Fenrir holds me back.

“So I guess we are doing this before she is at full power then.” the girl says.

I am thrown back in to the past for the second time today.

A young girl comes running towards me. As she gets closer I notice she looks a lot like I did when I was around that age. She came to a full stop in front of me. She keeps hopping in place grinning at me.

“Play with me. My stupid big brother will not play with me. He is too busy with Fenrir to play. Ugh he is always busy.” She says while pouting.

“Who is your brother? I will make him play with you. No one can be too busy to play with such a cute little girl like you.” I respond trying to placate her.

“He is Prince AnLeon.” She responds.

“Hmm ok. Prince AnLeon I summon you. Get your Bloody Butt Here Now!” I scream out loud.

Two men appear in front of me and glare at the little girl in front of me.

“Fenrir who is this little shit that can not bother playing with his little sister?” I question him.

“Christiana this is Prince AnLeon of the Seelie Realm.” Fenrir responds politely.

“I would say it is a pleasure but it is not. I do not like when children are being ignored and excuses are made. This little girl deserves the attention from her brother whether he wants to bother or not. So you both are going to play with us whether you like it or not.” I state matter of factly.

They both have perplexed looks on their faces til Fenrir starts laughing. Then they try to disappear but I block them from doing so. I smirk at their astonished faces. Now that, that is settled I look down at the little girl and give my brightest smile. She smiles back just as brightly.

I stoop down and whisper in her ear. She smiles and nods. I stand up and smirk at the guys and while they are distracted by me the little girl runs up to AnLeon and slaps him hard and yells, “TAG.”

Then every one scatters while AnLeon is still standing there stunned. I giggle at the weird look on his face. I climb a tree as fast as I can but Fenrir grabs me and hauls me back down. I pout at him but he just laughs and lets me go slapping my butt. I laugh as I run off. AnLeon tags his sister then she tags Fenrir who did not realize that she was it.

Fenrir hunts me down and tackles me yelling “your it.”

I shimmy out from under him and take off. I look around and see no one is paying attention so I quickly climb a tree and wait for my victim to cross my path. It does not take too long for him to cross under the tree I am in. I drop down on him and yell, TAG.” Then take off. AnLeon is hot on my trail and dives at me.

He takes me down and whispers in my ear, “I will gladly play tag any time if the end results are like this all the time.”

Fenrir rips him off me mad as hell. He yanks him to his feet and they disappear.

I am thrown back in to the present. I stand there trying to get my barrings because I am a little disoriented. When I am finally ready I open my eyes and search the girls eyes in front of me. I can see her still in there somewhere.

“You can pretend little princess that you are all big, bad, and the one that is trying to kill me but you are not. We used to play together all the time because your big mean prince brother refused to play with you. I forced him to play tag with us, so pray tell why are you acting like this?” I question her.

“First of all you played with me out of guilt. Do not pretend that you were a hero. Plus why should I not be big and bad. I could demolish you right now.” She responded spitefully.

I delve in to her memories and bring forward the one where her and I had played all day and I had vented about how I prefer to play with her then deal with all the stupid duties that were required of me. That was the same day she told me she wanted to grow up to be just like me. I showed her the memory and watched as the tears streamed down my face.

“I do not know why you are showing me this. The day after you burned a whole village to the ground and disappeared.” She vehemently spat at me.

“Oh you mean this.” I say before I shove my conscious in to her mind and let the memory of that horrific night play. I show her how I had run towards the village to try to save people when I smelled the smoke. I watched as my enemy tore people apart and when I was about to capture her she knocked me unconscious to be found in the middle of the destroyed village. “You mean the village I tried to save from my enemy but got tricked and knocked unconscious instead.”

I pull back and walk away a few steps while I try to compose my self. But when I look up I see everyone looking at me. “WHAT!” I scream at them all. I can not help it. My emotions are on edge. I jump when I feel a hand on me. I look to the hand and see the girl standing next to me.

“You did not just show me. You projected that night for all to see in this room. Well hopefully only this room. But they all saw what happened. They all saw the people you tried to save.” She says to me.

“I have been reliving that night for almost a year. First it started as just bits and pieces but about a month ago is when the whole night came to me completely. I can understand why people blamed me and why I was punished. But that night I did not do. I know that she is jealous of me and that we are very similar in looks but that was not me that did all those things. My heart weeps every time I think of that night or dream of it for all those lost souls.” I explain.

She grabs me and wraps me in her arms while I weep. I weep for all those lost souls and weep for the time I missed away from my mates, and I weep for my self. When I finally compose my self I step back and give her a weak smile. She then smirks at me and slaps me then yells, “TAG” and runs off. I laugh at her antics and just shake my head. I walk over to AnLeon and slap him and yell, “Tag” then run off.

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