Explorer's Guide to the Megaverse [Inter-Universal Protectors Series Companion Book]


The following is a transcript of an interview between the First Beings Naiu and Naka esteemed Lyriumian Historian Celestus Alim. It was found in the Ariuman Archives and dates back two million years. Only recently has it been confirmed to be a true work of History, not fiction. It has been translated from the Old Language for your convenience.

- The Narrator

[recording begins]

Celestus Alim: I am here with the First Beings Naiu and Naka. An honour to meet the both of you in person. Thank you so much for taking the time to speak with me.

Naiu: Of course, my child. We are happy to do so.

Naka: If she says so, I suppose.

C.A.: First question: Did you really share your powers with the Lyriumians and Terpolites.

Naka: [laughs] No, of course not.

Naiu: I did, as did he. In the beginning.

Naka: Eternity is boring. I needed some excitement.

Naiu: So you started a War. That is so you.

Naka: You’re just jealous you didn’t think of it first.

C.A.: [clears throat] Next question. How do you chose your Guardians.

Naka: Eh. I went for the family with the most potential.

Naiu: Yes, and you enslaved them. Great job. [to C.A.] I select the person with the greatest potential to make a change for the better throughout Yenari. The one who will grow to have the strongest will and make the right choice.

Naka: [coughs] Adria [coughs]

Naiu: [sighs] Yes, that one was a mistake and we both suffered for it.

C.A.: I suppose that leads us into our next question! Have either of you regretted choosing a Guardian.

[silence, faint crackling noise]

C.A.: I see. Okay, moving on. Did you really create Yenari.

Naka: [sniggers] “Did you really create Yenari?” he asked.

[sound of fabric being hit]

Naka: OW!

Naiu: What he is trying to say is: Yes. We did create Yenari.

C.A.: How?

Naiu and Naka: Magic.

Naka: JINX! HA!

Naiu: [sighs] Please try to behave professionally for once . . .

C.A.: A popular story on the God Worlds is the one where the both of you are husband and wife. Could you please confirm whether or not this is true.

Naiu: It is true.

Naka: Unfortunately.

[faint crackling noise]

C.A.: Ooooookay. Final question: Any warnings for the future you can give us?


Naka: Well--

[static noise]

The recording ended here. No one knows what happened nor what was said, nor why the recording mysteriously ended. Many have wondered what was said. Celestus Alim remained silent on the matter, though did warn that something big would happen several million years in the future from the time of the recording. People were left to speculate.

- The Narrator

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