Explorer's Guide to the Megaverse [Inter-Universal Protectors Series Companion Book]


When us Dragonoids were children, before we were old enough to be sent to the mines, we reached the age where we were to look upon the Eternal Flame. It is sacred to my people, and has continued to be so after our liberation. I saw it once when I was a little girl, and once again before leaving Dragmire after joining Amneris’ Court.

The Eternal Flame is more beautiful than any fire. Its colour is a mix of white, silver, gold, red, orange and yellow. When we look upon it, we get a small glimpse into our future, often an important turning point. Mine was something I had never expected - being a part of the liberation of my people. Honestly, at first, I thought it was some cruel joke. My husband saw his death during that liberation. He did not tell me until after the fact.

Looking upon the Flame is funny like that. It will show you an important turning point, but only a part of it. Neither of us were shown by the Flame that we would become immortals during that rebellion. Even my power to see into the future, a rare gift among Dragonoids thought to come from the Flame itself, never showed me becoming immortal.

Should you ever look upon the Eternal Flame, know what you are being shown is important in your story. For better or for worse, it will become an important moment in your history, a key part of who you are. But know it cannot be changed nor avoided, only lived.

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