Explorer's Guide to the Megaverse [Inter-Universal Protectors Series Companion Book]


Following is the list of Primordial Deities and the small amount of information about them I have managed to dig up on my travels. These include where they can be found, a bit about their powers, and their role in Yenari.

Read on to learn more.



Title: The First Light. Goddess of Good and Light. The Photon Core (Naiu’Ka)

Type: First Being

Naiu was one of the two First Beings. She, along with her husband Naka, created Yenari, the God Worlds, the first multiverse and the Primordial Gods. The Goddess of Good and Light is a Keeper of Balance. She now resides on Lyriumia and councils her chosen Guardian: The Naiu’Idis

Her personality is not what one would expect. As the embodiment of Good, one would expect Naiu to follow that fashion. However, she is more of a scolding but loving mother, if not also a bit ruthless. Naiu cares for people but is not afraid to give a piece of her mind if a situation calls for it. Never get on the bad side of this First Being.



Title: The Eternal Darkness. God of Evil and Darkness. The Silent Core (Naka’Ka)

Type: First Being

Naka was the first First Being created. He, along with his wife Naiu, created Yenari, the God Worlds, the first multiverse and the Primordial Gods. The God of Evil and Darkness is a Keeper of Balance. He now resides on Terpola where it is said he takes host of his chosen Guardian: The Naka’Idis, though no one knows for sure.

Naka certainly follows how people would expect him to act. He is ruthless, unforgiving, strikes fear into any and all who hear his name, and always ready to start a fight. However, the embodiment of Evil does have a softer side which very few get to see. Once he decides he likes someone, Naka becomes loyal as ever.



Title: Death

Type: Primordial

Iniq has many names throughout Yenari. Every culture has a concept of her and she is always there. However, not all the stories are true. Despite what many claim, Iniq is neither good nor evil. She just is. As the opposite of her sister Orura, she can be found more in the shadows of her sister’s light.

Iniq likes to keep to herself, only interacting as much as is necessary to perform her duties. She helps the souls of the deceased reach their respective Gods and Afterlives depending on their beliefs. There are times when Iniq will take a soul elsewhere. She never gives a specific reason as to why, however she claims to be guided by a power higher than that of the First Beings.



Title: Stone

Type: Primordial

Son of Iniq and workmate of Lutu, Disis is the God of Stone. He follows the path of his mother, Iniq, overtaking places where his cousins Juju and Ilus work. He is one of the eldest of the Primordial Children and his power can be difficult to defeat.

Much like his mother, Disis prefers to keep to himself, only coming out as it is necessary to work, or to keep the balance between the living and dead. In this way, he is considered to be a partial worker for Vivus. His personality is much like that which he creates: hard, tough, and difficult to break. If one were to search for Disis, they would have to search dead worlds where stone has overtaken life.



Title: Earth/Planet

Type: Primordial and Elemental

Also known as Mother Earth, Era does not often show her face. She can be found on every world and is often highly worshiped in older religions. She is the embodiment of all planets and thought to be mother of the moons and daughter of the suns. Era’s presence is a calming one. She cares much for her siblings, Orura and Iniq, and their children, all of whom can be found on her back.

Despite her popularity, not much is known about Era. She has many features and her form changes depending on which world she is found on. The world on which she is easiest to find is a relatively new planet called Earth, though it is possible she will move on from here soon.



Title: Shadow. Worker of Iniq

Type: Primordial

Careful and quiet, Lutu is neither good nor evil. Much like the Shadows she creates, she has properties of both within her. Lutu was created by Naka and Iniq as a collector of souls and worker of Iniq. She can often be found lurking in the dark corners of bright places and, occasionally, in the darker recesses of one’s soul. Lutu is one of the more mysterious Primordial deities. Not much is known about her, and she is not much of a talker.



Title: Life

Type: Primordial

Orura has many names throughout Yenari. Much like her sister Iniq, every culture has a concept of her and she is always there. As well as this, like Iniq, Orura is neither good nor evil. She merely is. Her power can be seen everywhere where life thrives within Yenari, including within all forms of living beings. Her children are Juju and Ilus. They help her spread other forms of life throughout Yenari.

Orura is a bright and colourful Primordial Goddess with a good and kind heart. She resides in a place called Orura’s Spring, though very few people have been able to find it. The place is said to be filled with her power and thriving with life, no matter the time of year or current planetary shift. All who look upon her, should she decide she likes you, are blessed with a long, happy and fulfilling life.



Title: Plant

Type: Primordial

Daughter of Orura and Primordial of Plants, Juju can be found in luscious fields, forests and on thriving riversides. She is a calming presence though is not afraid to defend herself as it is necessary. Juju is not the type of Goddess you want on your bad side. She is an expert at deception, often creating beautiful but deadly plant life. However, despite this nature, Juju is one of the greatest natural healers in Yenari, as are many of the plants she creates. They can save lives just as easily as they can take them.



Title: Animal

Type: Primordial

Son of Orura and Primordial of Animals, Ilus has a hidden fierceness underneath his kind and trusting nature. This was passed onto the animals he created, many of which are loyal to a fault but deadly should they be threatened. Ilus is an expert fighter and knows much about the “primitive” side within all living beings. Ilus is the one all beings call on when they return to a state of pure instinct. His essence is within all animal lifeforms.

While Ilus can be found everywhere animals are found, he is more commonly found in savannahs and grasslands, and places untouched by beings who consider themselves to be above the animal kingdom.



Title: Balance

Type: Primordial

Vivus is the Deity of Balance. They keep track of Naiu and Naka’s power, and make sure everything is in its rightful place. Should the balance be tipped, Vivus is the one to tip it back, though there have been times where they called in help from lower beings to do this. It could be argued that, due to their influence over Naiu and Naka, Vivus is one of the most powerful Primordials.

Created by Naiu and Naka as a sort of peace-treaty, Vivus has elements of both First Beings within them though are also quite different. Unlike their creators, Vivus is the one Deity who is truly neither good nor evil, even more so than Iniq and Orura. They are a hard worker and only visit the lower planes when necessary. Vivus can often be found in places where Balance is recorded.



Title: Calm

Type: Primordial

Imum is the embodiment of calm. While not much is known about her, it is said her power can be felt in places where beings find themselves in their calmest states of mind such as music, coastal areas, forests, water bodies and books. She is always happy to lend a hand to those who need her help, so long as she considers them to be worthy of it.



Title: Eternity. The Eternal Core (Elan’Ka)

Type: First Being/Primordial

Elan is the form created when Naiu and Naka fuse together. They are the most powerful of all the Primordials and thought to answer to a power beyond Yenari. They have only been seen twice before: once during the time of the First Queen, and once during the reign of King Adria. It is impossible to know if they ever will be seen again.



Title: Magic. Power

Type: Primordial

Heka is one of the few Primordial deities created by the minds of lower beings. She was born as they learnt the earliest forms of natural magic, gifted by the oldest of the Primordials and First Beings. As the ability of the lower planes to create and use different types of magic grew, so did her power. However, as certain races grew “beyond” magic and begun denying its existence, Heka became weaker, going as far as vanishing entirely from certain worlds. While she is always there in some form, it is rare for Heka to show her face, even more so as worlds continue to lean more toward the sciences.

Heka can often be found in places where magic is strong, or in the ruins of places where old temples and practicers of magic once lived. Her presence is strong in ancient societies, as well as in places that still continue to practice magics.



Title: Memory. Keeper of the Past

Type: Primordial

As long as there have been memories, there has been Thecuras. Also known as the Keeper of the Past, she is the one who beings in Yenari turn to when they need to remember or be reminded of something important, though her workers are often the ones to do this particular task. Some people have a closer connection to her than others. Other people have no connection to her at all.

Thecuras is one of the few Primordial deities who do not have a fixed presence within Yenari. She can only be seen if one were to call on her. She prefers to drift in the ether and in the space between life and death. This is why people can see their life flash before their eyes upon their moment of death.





Nothing is known about this deity. Their existence is a myth. There is no way to confirm or deny it as it is though they can only be found Beyond.



Title: Time. Embodiment of Time. Timekeeper.

Type: Primordial

Ixasis is the Embodiment of Time. They have many names and much mystery surrounds them. They are difficult to find and rarely show their face to anyone. Even then, they are not much of one for talking.



Title: Hope

Type: Primordial

One of the few Primordial deities created from the minds of the beings on the lower planes, Sequa is the embodiment of a strange concept called Hope. No one knows exactly why or how they were created, only that they are there when it is necessary. While they do not show their face, Sequa is always there in times of hardship and loss, when hope is the only thing that keeps one moving forward. Despite common belief, they never abandon anyone.



Title: Destiny

Type: Primordial

The embodiment of Destiny, Reisia’i is one of the strangest of all the Primordials. No one knows her origins nor exactly why she was created. She claims to answer to a higher power, though never says who or what that higher power is. She never explains how she works, nor how she chooses who she chooses, only that it is necessary for some higher purpose. Reisia’i answers to no one but that mysterious higher power.



Title: Luck

Type: Primordial

Created from the minds of lower beings much like their sibling Sequa, Otrix is the Primordial deity of Luck. They can be found in all manner of lucky charms and places considered to be good luck, as well as in the well-wishes of other lower beings. They do not often show their face, preferring to exist as a strange form of energy not found anywhere else.



Title: Fate

Type: Primordial

Sister to Reisia’I, Kyra is the embodiment of Fate and all its strange power. Much like her sister, Kyra answers to a mysterious higher power. While she prefers to keep to herself, she will interfere in the lives of those on the Lower Planes when they need to be taken to their final destination, the place they were always meant to be. That’s not to say she doesn’t have her own trouble making side. Why else would something be a twist of Fate if Fate herself didn’t get something out of it?

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