Explorer's Guide to the Megaverse [Inter-Universal Protectors Series Companion Book]

Chapter 1. THE GODS

Ah, so it would appear I’m not quite done yet. No one else has been willing to join so it looks like it’s up to me to provide explanation!

First on our list: The Gods.

The Gods have their own hierarchy within the Higher Beings (in this case, specifically the Megaversal Beings within that hierarchy). It goes something like this (from most to least powerful):

- The Eternal

Beings with the highest Megaversal Power. Can only be destroyed in the End-Fires of Krobocix*, though no one knows for sure. There is only one per megaverse. Current known Eternal is the Naiu’Idis.**

- The First Beings

The first living creations within a megaverse. Some say they are “offspring” of the Omniversal Being, though that in itself is a myth. They have a power level on par with the Eternal. Current First Beings are Naiu*** and Naka.****

- Primordials

The Beings created by the First Beings. They are the embodiment of Primordial forces and assisted in the Creation of, well, Yenari.*****

- Gods

Mostly created from the minds of Mortals. Others are created by/are offspring of the Primordials. They have their own realms and mostly keep to themselves. These beings are the most popular to worship among the lower planes.

It is important to note that, due to their powers, the Guardians also fall under the “Gods” category, despite the fact that both of them are quite different, and only one is immortal.


*Krobocix = Destruction

**Naiu’Idis = Photon Guardian

***Naiu = Good/Light

****Naka = Evil/Darkness

*****Yenari = Creation.

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