Emerald Luna

Chapter 24


A month and a half went by and it’s been utter chaos of planning a mating ceremony in a couple of months. Fall is in full swing almost winter, but that’s ok. The leaves have peaked and are beautiful! We decided on a late October ceremony when harvest is in full swing; the leaves are their brightest and the full moon will be its brightest. I didn’t want to wait. I’m ready to really be his mate and luna. I have my dress and I’m so excited for him to see it! Mom and I had decided on sunflowers and fall flowers and dad offered to reuse the archway from the proposal. Us ladies are putting up some fairy lights around some trees in the backyard and tucking them in some leaves to make them pop.

It’s rehearsal night and I can’t wait for tomorrow. Everyone is going nuts with preparing dinner and last-minute details which I don’t mind helping. Now it’s time to get ready. After helping all day I’m sure everyone would appreciate it if I took a shower. The warm water helps with my achy muscles from the day and I relax some.

After my soothing shower I dried off and a beautiful white lace knee-length dress was waiting for me on my bed with my white two-inch lace heels. Dad was our photographer for tonight and tomorrow a pack member offered to help with the wedding ceremony. I do light makeup and soft curls and I’m ready for the night. Rehearsal went well and we know what to do but now I’m starving! It feels so nice to be in Alarick’s arms again and we can enjoy a nice dinner with everyone. My bridesmaids are Mel, Rica and Violet being my maid of honor. The night was filled with smiles, laughter and excitement. I figured I’d go to bed early, so I didn’t look like a complete mess for tomorrow.

“Goodnight Alarick, tomorrow I’ll officially be your bride.” I smile at him and I feel it radiating off him.

“Goodnight my bride… I love you.” He kisses my forehead and I cuddle up with him.

“I love you too.” We fall asleep in marital bliss. By the time I woke up the bed was cold and Alarick must’ve snuck away to get ready with his groomsmen. The ladies woke me up with squeals of excitement!

“Wake up blushing bride! Time to get ready!” Mel jumps on top of me and lands on my legs.

“Oof I’m up! I’m up!” I tell them groggily I get up out of bed and change into my white satin robe and my bridal underwear. Dusty rose eyeshadow, brown eyeliner and mascara, rosy brown cheeks, and a warm rose lip. Soon I slip off my robe to not mess up my makeup and my curls that have mini sunflowers and baby’s breath in them. I hear the clicking of the camera as I slip into my dress and it fits just perfectly. It’s an A-line lace dress that has a sweetheart top and the top is also covered with lace and turns into a ¾ sleeves. I figured to honor both my dads, one who had raised me and the other who not only gave me life, but has protected me with all he has these past few months. They both walk me down the aisle. I hear a light knock on the door as both of them come into the room to get me.

“You look beautiful, sweetie. I never thought I’d get to see this day.” I see tears in Ollie’s eyes and I hug him.

“You look stunning. Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your day.” My adopted dad has been with me as long as I could remember until I came here.

“There was no doubt in my mind that either of you would miss this day.” I smile at them both and I hear another knock.

“Ceremony is about to start.” My adopted mom pops in and gets teary-eyed too.

“Not you too.” I chuckle at her. She smiles and hugs me.

“You look beautiful. I’ll meet you downstairs.” She scurrys out to get in line with the other girls. The bridesmaids had already left to get ready for their spot with the groomsmen.

Soon the tune of River Flows in You as the bridal party went down the aisle. My mom’s first with Koa as acting minister. Then the groomsmen with Alarick, then the bridesmaids, then the music changes to Kiss the Rain with its beautiful melody. I try to hold myself together but almost unsucceeding. With both my dads on each arm they led me down the aisle. It felt like something out of a fairytale. A light breeze kicked up some leaves, and I just smiled. When we finally got to the end of the aisle, each dad kissed my cheek and I took Alarick’s hand. Normally with ceremonies Alarick would do it, but can’t really do your own wedding so Koa is doing it.

“Welcome everyone on behalf of the Emerald Warrior Pack we are happy to celebrate the wedding of this man… and this woman. Now Alarick, take Esmerelda’s hands and repeat after me. Do you, Alarick Cuthwulf, take Esmerelda Moonclover to be your wife and mate?” Koa asks him with a smile.

“I do… with every fiber of my being.” He squeezes my hand with excitement. Koa smiles at the two of us and continues the vows.

“Do you Esmerelda Moonclover take Alarick Cuthwulf, to be your husband and mate?”

“I do…” I squeeze his hands too.

“Maid of honor, best man, the rings please?” Violet gives Koa my ring and Koa is holding onto Alarick’s ring. “Alarick, take her ring and put it on her left hand… repeat after me… with this ring I thee wed from this day forward.” As he’s saying his vow to me I got choked up… thank goodness for water-resistant mascara! The ceremony went smoothly and finally, we’re almost done. I say my vow to him trying not to cry.

“As part of our tradition, we repeat a wolf saying that has been passed down through the generations at weddings. Now it’s your turn Alarick and Esmerelda… you are my other me. If I do harm to you, I do harm to myself. If I love and respect you, I love and respect myself.” We repeat it back to each other and finally, the ceremony is done, and now the best part.

“Well, as an acting beta of Emerald Warrior Pack, Alarick, you may kiss your bride.” He gives me the biggest smile and kiss before dipping me. We turn to the crowd as the ceremony is done to head up the aisle.

“I now present to you the new Mr. and Mrs. Alarick Cuthwulf!” I hear the cheering and howling as members, friends and family celebrate with us. After an hour of pictures, we decided that was enough pictures for now, and went inside to warm up. The upside of having a small crowd is I don’t have to spend hours thanking people. We have the reception and eat delicious food before having the official alpha/luna part of the ceremony. With my mom being an alpha daughter, she wanted to do the ceremony for us.

“Welcome everyone to this very special occasion of appointing a new alpha and luna. I have watched this young alpha grow and learn over the past few months and I could not be prouder of you. We as Esme’s parents have watched you take care of our daughter and we just know that she’s going to be in excellent hands. Esme… you came to us literally out of nowhere, but we’re so happy you found us. We gave you the family you so desperately craved… but now it is time to be presented with new alpha and luna rings, say your vows to each other, and the ceremonial first mind link as alpha and luna.”

“Are you ready, my dear?” My mom asks me with a smile on her face.

“Yes, I am ready.” She turns towards the crowd “Repeat after me:

I, Esmerelda Primrose Moonclover Cuthwulf, do solemnly swear to preserve, to protect, and to serve the members of Emerald Warrior Pack. I swear to uphold the values of this pack and lead with strength and grace to the best of my abilities until my final breath. I swear to stand by my Alpha’s side, to guide and to lead him down the right path should he falter. I swear to offer my knowledge and wisdom so that we may both lead Emerald Warrior with peace and understanding. I swear to it until my final breath.” As I was repeating the words, I saw some of my fellow she-wolves crying tears of joy. Now for Alarick to say his vows to me, Oleander turns to Alarick with a smile on his face. “I may not be a part of a wolf pack, but believe it or not I was a royal fairy, surprise Esme, so ceremonies like this aren’t new to me. So as your new father-in-law, repeat after me.

I, Alarick Gunner Cuthwulf, do solemnly swear to preserve, to protect, and to serve the members of Emerald Warrior Pack. I swear to uphold the values of this pack and lead with strength and grace to the best of my abilities until my final breath. I swear to stand by my Luna’s side, to guide and to lead her down the right path should she falter. I swear to offer my knowledge and wisdom so that we may both lead Moonstone with peace and understanding. I swear to it until my final breath.” As he was repeating the words to me it felt like it was just the three of us in this field together. Our alpha and luna rings were simple gold rings that had our pack logo on them, a wolf howling at the moon made from emerald and we put it on our right ring finger.

“Welcome Alpha Alarick and Luna Esme!” We hear them cry out to us. It wasn’t as overwhelming as I thought it would be. I smile at them and have happy tears in my eyes. Alarick pulls me into a kiss and it is stronger than I’ve ever felt before and I know our souls are tied to each other for eternity. This man is my life now… and I couldn’t be happier… nobody can take me away from him now.

I love you.” I heard his first mind link, and I nearly squealed with excitement.

I heard you!” I look at him in shock, but excited. “I love you too.” He chuckles at my excitement and kisses my cheek. Finally, when the night was over the crowd went outside for our send-off. To send us off everyone was given some leaves to throw at us. Our car was decorated by Koa and the girls with a giant JUST MARRIED sign on the back. I hug both sets of my parents goodbye along with Violet and Koa.

“Finally alone at last.” Alarick gets into the car and helps me dust off some of the leaves people threw on me. Luckily I wasn’t completely covered in leaves… but definitely cold… and gave me a long kiss before dusting himself off.

“Yes, at last… let’s finally go on our honeymoon.” We went to a cabin that his family had owned in the mountains as a retreat. All our luggage was packed by Violet and Koa. He honks the horn a couple of times to our guests as we wave goodbye to them.

“Happy wedding day, Esme.” He gives me a quick peck.

“Happy wedding day, Alarick.” I give him a long kiss. He smirks at me and we drive off towards the mountains.

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