
Chapter 8

I could not sleep last night. The slightest noise woke me up. The hooting of the owls, the rustling of the grass. I was constantly on guard. It wasn't helping that the tree wasn't the most comfortable to sleep on.

The rough bark of the tree constantly poked into my back. Rubbing onto some sore muscles and some injuries. The slightest movement was as uncomfortable as the last. I could feel the insects from the trees climb onto my body, causing me to squirm.

Even before the nocturnal creature went to rest and that sun rose, I was on my feet and packed up ready to start my hike. The fire had gone out somewhere in the middle of the night. I ate one of my few remaining bars as I walked. It was nice and quiet at night, completely different from when it was in the morning.

Even if it's nice and quiet at night the dark eyes lurk deep in the forest constantly watching me. It was amazing and one of a kind to watch as packs of wolves ran through the forest. They look so natural in the forest environment.

The forest had almost completely dissipated by the time the sun was now in the sky. As I walked out of the forest and into a beautiful open plain, the sounds of birds singing to the sun could be heard.The sun slowly started to rise, warming up the land as the moon went in and I fell asleep until night.

Wildflowers and long grass covered the open plateau. It was a huge open area, not a tree in sight. Small hills formed causing it to look like a very very slow looking wave. The huge mountain range behind it looked menacing as it hovered over the beautiful scene. It was so spectacular that It could someday be made into a painting. Deer were scattered throughout the field, some so far away they looked like small dots. The grass and flowers gave the animals both protection and a source of food.

The plateau seems to go on forever, it would take me a good half of the day to walk straight through it.

I slowly trudged through it. Leaving a trail of flattened grass. Animals scattered trying to stay hidden in the long luscious grass. Small insects would occasionally obscure my vision as they flew in front of me. A small creak could be heard in the distance. Giving a nice and calming sound over the field.

Small patches of wildflowers were dotted around, I continued walking past herds of deers who were not afraid of me, some even walked up to me or followed behind. They watched with curiosity as I walked past them.

The peaks of the mountains grew higher and higher the closer I got. The mountains were mostly snow peaked making the now bright sun bounce off of it. Making it look like bright shining diamonds.

I had finally reached the small creek filling up my water supplies.I took a short break. My bones are aching, and my mind is heavy from the lack of sleep. I felt like a zombie. Nothing was happening in my mind but the command to move forward and keep walking.

As I walked I had to stop a couple of times to hide in the tall grass from a bear going on a stroll, to a pack of wolves hunting for their next meal.

It was so exhilarating to watch them all in their habitat. Letting the cycle of life control their everyday life choices.

Finally I made it out of the everlasting plateau. The dark shadows of the mountain slowly consumed the land. I was not in favor of climbing them. I didn't have the resources nor the energy to climb up such steep mountains.

I was getting annoyed. I don’t know what I was expecting but I was hoping to see some sort of easy path to travel along to get through the mountains. I didn't know what to do. I was exhausted. My mind was blurry and I was stressed beyond belief. Most importantly, I was scared.

Scared to never see my brother again. Scared that my life as I knew it would never return. I may have had some complaints about my life but that didn’t mean I wanted it to all go away. I broke down in tears. Finally allowing the stress to show.

I fell to my knees as hot tears streamed down my face. Cleansing my cheeks of the dirt on it. I was acting like a child I know, but then again I am a child. I am a 10 year old child who is on this trip to hell knows where.

I was getting frustrated now, as the reality and distress of my whole situation slowly started to sink in. I was a sobbing frustrated mess.

Whenever I got home I knew what the first thing I wanted to do was. I wanted to sucker punch my father. I am blaming him. One because I need someone to blame and second because he didn't care about all of his children he left us to die. Probably escaping somewhere on his own.

That's when a terrifying thought comes to mind. One I wished I had never thought about, never even consider nor ever want to.

What if the butler that whispered in moms ear.. no she wouldn't leave me and Quarry there to die.. would she?

No that couldn't be I was just not thinking rationally I convinced myself. After I finally got myself off the ground, I looked around for a place to sleep for the night. Anything better than a tree at this point.

I knew I wasn't going to be able to make any more progres today. My mind was hazy and my emotions were going to control my actions if I continued on.

The field had no sign of any protection, as there was not a single tree in sight. I was not in the mood to sleep in the tall grass where bugs would climb all over me. I walked a little bit more before I sank at the base of an incline. The land has slowly started to change from beautiful flourishing grass to rough stone and cobble.

This time I used my backpack as a pillow. Finding it a lot more comfortable than the ground. I wasn't able to light a fire because of the lack of materials but also because if I did there was the possibility of catching everything around me on fire.

It was still mid day, I let my eyes slowly flutter shut as I enjoyed the sun on my face and fell asleep trying to make up for the lack of it the previous night.

When I awoke again, the sun was almost completely gone leaving just enough light to see. I opened up my backpack and took out my last bar as well as my diary.

I had my own little side mission to write in it every day. It was one of the only things I could use to keep track of the days, as well as make me still feel sane.

The sun had completely disappeared and made it harder to continue to write. I called it a day again, and I tried going to sleep.

Tomorrow my first goal was to find a fast way around the mountain. I was hoping there was a way to go straight through them. But at this point it was more praying, and with my luck the prayer wouldn’t be heard.

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