Duty, Honour, Love

Chapter 54

The Militia carried Eloise and Andre in stretchers while Daisy had to follow on her own two feet. Daisy felt relieved to be safe but in her heart of hearts she worried about Abe and Jenny. The hospital was a tall building with small high windows. In front of the steps up to the main door was a tall metal and concrete screen on wheels. Daisy could see the screen had been pockmarked with bullet holes as had been the walls of the hospital. To one side was her captain talking to the Confed captain. Two people a man and a woman rounded the screen dressed in medtech scrubs and both carrying bags. Daisy instantly recognised Olivia but the man she didn’t know. Olivia glanced in her direction then leaned over Eloise a medical scanning glove on her hand. The man did the same to Andre. With a click of his fingers Andre was whipped inside. Eloise was more stubborn waving aside Olivia as she struggled to her feet adjusting her clothes.

“We haven’t finished yet,” Olivia said to Eloise.

“I’ll be fine just give me something for the pain and I’ll be fine,” Eloise responded. “And not anything that will put me out?”

“Fine,” Olivia grunted. She jabbed Elise with a hypo. “That better?”

“Thanks,” Eloise said testing her injured ankle. “I’ve got a job to do.” She limped up the stairs and into the hospital.

Olivia came over to Daisy a grim expression on her face. “You ok?” she asked.

“Yeah,” Daisy replied.

Olivia waved her glove over Daisy then hugged her. She stepped back. “I’m sorry Daisy, Sharon’s dead.”

Daisy burst into tears eliciting a second hug from Olivia as Daisy cried on her shoulder. Finally her tears subsided. Sharon had been a good friend one of the few of the ship. She tried hard to remember happier times and wiped her tears away.

“Does the captain know?” Daisy had to ask.

“Yes and he’s beating himself up about it. Crewing the PD was supposed to be safe. Raiders killed her, he didn’t I don’t blame him.”

Out of the corner of her eye she saw Eloise limp down the steps wincing as she did. She made a sharp gesture and Daisy knew what she wanted.

“Got to go Eloise is giving me the evils,” Daisy said with a heavy sigh tinged with sadness for Sharon but she had to go on.

“Later,” Olivia replied and headed in a different direction.

Jane gazed at the holo map her jaw fixed it showed the mag-lev tunnels. She was concerned but at least things between her and Dareia were calmer after a raider ship had attacked the base. Jaye had come through and taken down the ship, which was currently a burning wreck. This was a different worry. Blue dots on the holo map indicated civilians, green Security and Militia, red for the raiders.

“Raiders in the mag-lev tunnels,” she called out to Cloiytie at one of the terminals.

She hurried over and saw what Jane was seeing. A group of raiders had entered the tunnels and were heading for a cluster of blue dots on one of the mag-lev stations. There were only a couple of green dots not enough to stop the raiders.

“Deploy the sweeper,” Cloiytie said to her.

Jane tapped an icon on her terminal and yellow dot appeared. It sped down the tunnel gathering speed as it went. Jane winced as the yellow dot connected with the red dots. She tried hard not to imagine what it was like to be crushed by a speeding brush. The yellow dot continued down the tunnel. The majority of red dots were gone Jane didn’t want to know what had happened but what did cause her to pause was some red dots remained.

“The sweeper didn’t get them all?”

Cloiytie studied the holo. “Looks like some had the foresight to hide in the alcoves.”


“Areas workers could stand in while a train passed.”

Jane pointed to the station. “There’s still enough to cause havoc amongst the civilians?”

“Send a squad down and mop them up.”

Jane was constantly surprised by the Imperial phrases Cloiytie knew.

“I don’t have a commander.” Cloiytie remarked. “I’m loath to send them without one.”

“I’ll go,” Jane stated.

“You sure?” Cloiytie answered.

“I’m a good shot.” Jane tapped the side of her head. “I’ll have Dareia to guide me.”

“Do it, there’s an entrance to the tunnels directly opposite the Security office. Take that and for the Ancients sake be careful.”

Jane saluted Confed style. “Aye ma’am.”

She headed down some dusty stairs and out onto the track. It had a single rail for the mag-lev train to float above and guide it down the tunnel. As soon as she reached the track she realised she had a problem her comms weren’t working and she lost connection to the holo map. She wasn’t that worried she had a direct mind link to Dareia. A second problem added to her first. It was dark really dark she was glad that Cloiytie had the foresight to issue them flashlights. She hurried down the tunnel her squad following. They emerged into the light of a crowded station. Jane ran forward to the Militia on guard duty.

“Get everyone off the platform and get them to head back down the tunnel the way we came. Raiders are in the tunnel system.” She handed over her flashlight. “Get them moving now we don’t have much time.” She didn’t wait to see if they had complied she headed down the track unsure where the raiders were. She got a part of the way when she stumbled it was just too dark. “Shit!” she swore.

“Stay calm focus,” Dareia spoke to her mind to mind.

Suddenly out of the darkness shots rang out and Jane could see muzzle flashes ahead. She darted into an alcove as bullets zipped passed her drawing her gun. “Take cover!” she yelled.

It was then she realised she wasn’t alone in the alcove. She never had the chance to yell or fire a hand hit her and she ricocheted off the wall. Blackness took her as she slid down the wall.

Karasena stood beside the barrier they’d erected watching the road. It had gone quiet too quiet the raiders were up to something. They’d pushed back three attacks today. Her comms bleeped she knew the tone it was a priority message.


“Ma’am Lieutenant Dareia has collapsed. “ Karasena’s blood ran cold the call was from Ino on duty at the base. “Dead?” she hated herself for thinking that. Dareia was a good friend she refused to think the worst even though she had said it.

“Out cold. One minute she was talking to me the next she was on the floor?”

“Make her comfortable,” Karasena told Ino. If Dee was out then Jane would be to, she commed Cloiytie. “Jane ok?” she asked dreading the answer.

“Jane’s not here she’s out with a squad we’ve got raiders in the tunnels. We lost contact.”

“Dareia collapsed and is unconscious,” Karasena stated.

“Shit I’ll send a rescue team,” Cloiytie replied.

Anxious minutes went by as Karasena waited for Cloiytie’s response. She was careful to keep an eye out for the next raider attack. They seemed to be concentrating their attacks on the hospital. Probably because of the equipment in the hospital was worth more than gold to the raiders. Her comms bleeped.

“Cloiytie?” she said on seeing the caller ID.

“We found Jane’s squad mostly injured but we can find any sign of Jane.” Cloiytie paused. “I can’t spare the resources at the moment. You’ll have to find a way of waking Dareia up. I’ve got to send what resources I have to bolster those we have protecting the civilians?”

Karasena dreaded what she’d have to say to Mark. “Thanks Cloiytie I’ll take from here.” Nervously she walked over to Mark he looked up as she approached.

“Problems?” he asked her

“I’m really unsure how to put this Jane’s missing and Dee’s unconscious.”

“We still have hope,” Mark told her. “There’s hope.” Mark’s words where the reassurance she needed. “All we need to do is revive Dareia and she’ll lead us to Jane.”

He was echoing what Cloiytie was saying. “Thanks.” Karasena felt a weight lifted off her.

“You welcome any time,” Mark said. “Your welcome.” His eyes suddenly narrowed. “Damn it!” he uttered pointing to the road, raiders were herding civilians down it towards them.

Karasena prepared herself for the conflict ahead.

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