Dream of Us

Chapter Chapter Nine

Denali’s POV.

I stare at Dyani’s friend incredulously, unable to believe that King Inteus is clueless to my mate’s whereabouts. This is very good news if it’s true.

“Nope,” she says proudly. “I haven’t seen one of his guards since we arrived.”

“And how long ago was that?”

“Two months ago.” She rolls her eyes and grimaces. “Unfortunately, I didn’t manage to shake off the boyfriend as well. That would have been perfect.”

At the mention of Ani’s boyfriend, my blood is instantly boiling again, my temper flared.

“Who is he?” I grind the words out through gritted teeth, just barely keeping my cool.

“Some idiot investment banker she’s been dating for a few months,” she tells me, and I’m pleased that she is not a fan of the man, either. “They met online, and it turns out he lives in Laleston. I didn’t realise that when we moved here. I would have chosen somewhere different, otherwise. Unfortunately, I was in a bit of a rush because I knew the king would send a replacement guard.”

I have to focus on the good part. King Inteus is clueless to where my mate is. This means she’s safe, to a degree. It also means he might not have been able to track me, so we’re both safe here for a while.

“What do I do now?” I ask her. “I don’t know where Calian and Nuka are being held.”

She frowns and thinks for a moment. “I bet if the four of you were reunited, your bond would be strong enough to break the spell that took Dyani’s memories. Finding the other two is the answer, I’m sure of it.”

“But how I am supposed to find them? They’re probably shrouded in magic.”

“How did you find Dyani?”

“A gut instinct at the airport, I think the Moon Goddess helped.”

“Then, maybe she can help with the other two,” she suggests. “You’re okay to leave Dyani with me, I’ve looked after her just fine since you’ve been gone.”

It’s hard to miss the pride in her voice. I don’t blame her for being proud of herself, I’m proud of her, too.

“I hope so.” I put my head in my hands, trying to breathe through the rush of responsibility and stress that hits me. “Because I honestly don’t know what I’m going to do if she doesn’t.”

Sian’s hand gently comes down on my back and rubs it. “Don’t worry, you’ve got me, now. We’re going to get you all reunited, I promise you. Then, you can finally get rid of that bastard King Inteus once and for all.”

She waits for me to look up and then smiles at me. “Oh, and by the way, my name is Sian.”


Ani’s POV.

“What are you doing tonight?”

I look up at Gwen and shrug. “I think Jaymie might be coming over for dinner, I can’t remember what we agreed. What about you?”

“Sounds romantic,” she mutters sarcastically. “Probably going to scroll through dating apps until I find someone to sext all night.”

“Sounds romantic,” I throw back at her and she laughs.

“Whatever, have fun with Mr Boring.”

I ignore her comment and pull on my coat. I grab my bag and say goodbye to Michel. I wave at Gwen before heading out to my car, grateful that my shift is over. I check my phone as I wait for my engine to warm up. Jaymie has texted asking if I’m up for bangers and mash tonight. It sounds basic but tasty, I text back to give my approval.

I’m home twenty minutes later, traffic was heavier than it is when I leave in the morning. A strange feeling settles over me as I press the lock button on my car keys. I scan the street, but I can’t see anyone, yet it feels like someone is watching me.

I continue to look around as I walk to my flat building, the feeling getting stronger as I go. One final survey tells me that there is no one on the street, but I wonder if someone is watching from their house or car. I shrug it off and tell myself that I’m being paranoid.


I’ve managed to shake off the feeling by the time Jaymie arrives. He comes bearing a bag of ingredients to make dinner for us.

“How was your day?” He asks as he plants a kiss on my cheek and moves through to the kitchen.

“Uneventful,” I reply, feeling guilty as the image of the extremely handsome man pops into my mind. “Nothing worth mentioning,” I mumble in addition.

“Oh, okay.” He unpacks the groceries. I start sorting through them, removing unnecessary packaging. “Well, I had a very interesting day. I met with a new client…”

I’ll be honest, I sign off as he explains everything about his newest client. I feel bad for not engaging, but Jaymie’s job is not something I find particularly…titillating.

I chop vegetables as he tells me all about his day. I drop in and out, making the appropriate comments when required. My mind keeps wandering back to the customer that came in today, the one who seems oddly familiar.

“Ani? Are you listening?”

My head snaps up and I look at Jaymie. “Sorry, I zoned out,” I answer apologetically.

“I asked if you could hand me the courgettes.”

“Oh! Sorry, here you go.”

“What were you thinking about?”

I lie easily, “Dinner. I’m really hungry.”

“That’s good because there’s only five minutes left till it’s done.”

I help Jaymie serve up and we sit down at my small table to eat together. I push the food around my plate, wondering if I’m wasting both of our time’s by dating Jaymie. I watch him shovel the bangers and mash into his mouth and try to mentally list the things I like about him.

I like that I can trust him. He’s dependable and reliable. He gives good advice and always listens when I need to get something off my chest. He’s a good cook, a good person, and a good boyfriend.

But why did I feel more for that one random customer at breakfast than I do right now for Jaymie?

That’s what is missing from our relationship. A spark, a heat, desire.

I don’t know how to tell him any of this, though. It’s horrible enough to break up with someone, but I don’t want to tell him that I don’t fancy him. It seems so harsh.

“How’s the food?” He asks, startling me out of my thoughts.

“Good,” I reply.

It seems everything is ‘good’ these days.


“Morning, Ani.”

I nod at Sian as I take off my coat and shove it in the staff room. I rush back out, hastily tying my apron.

“I’m sorry I’m late,” I tell her and Michel. “I overslept. It’s never happened before; I don’t know why I did.”

“It’s fine, just don’t make it a habit,” Michel says tersely and disappears back into the kitchen.

“Ignore him, he’s only crabby because we’ve run out of eggs already. One of the kitchen boys has been sent to buy more.” Sian rolls her eyes and then looks at me curiously. “Why do you think you overslept? Did you not sleep well at the start of the night?”

Memories of my dreams flash through my mind. Last night was the most intense one I have ever had. It really felt like the hands were actually touching me. I could feel them on my body, stroking and playing. At one point, a hand rubbed so hard for so long in just the right spot…I orgasmed. The pleasure of the climax woke me up. It was a struggle to get back to sleep afterwards, my heart was beating wildly.

“Uh, yeah, probably too much caffeine,” I tell her, hoping she drops it.

“Lay off it today then, Ani,” she says knowingly. Something in her eyes tell me that she doesn’t believe me. She shoves a tray into my hands. “Table six’s order is up. Go serve them, beautiful.”

I take the tray and go over to kitchen to collect the food. I place the plates on the tray and carry them over to table six. As I’m serving them the food, the door opens, and my eyes naturally travel to the sound.

The handsome customer from yesterday walks in and I nearly drop the soup I’m holding onto the customer’s lap.

“Sorry, Sir!”


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