Dragon Bound

Chapter Chapter Nineteen


Chapter Nineteen


Jason had been pacing up and down his chambers for the better part of an hour. He only had himself to blame for the current state he was in. Damon and Lune were both ignoring him. The link he shared with his dragons had been closed. He could force it open if he wanted but there was hardly any point. He had done what every trainer had always warned against and made statements and decisions based on nothing but his raw emotions.

He groaned and turned again, stopping only briefly by the wall to thump his forehead against it. He may have just set back his bond with Lune permanently from his actions today. And yet...

‘Take that beast’s collar off and see where his loyalties lie...’

The words left a bitter taste in his mouth and a heavy feeling in his gut. Freeing Lune wouldn’t just cost him his rank, he could and most likely would be executed for it. Despite all this was the underlying feeling of guilt. Not for having captured the kagame, but for his desire to keep him. Jason turned around and went back to pacing, a headache forming between his eyes and a sick feeling in his gut.


Damon was unknowingly imitating his rider. He was stalking up and down the outside enclosure, wings shifting restlessly on his back. Lune watched him, tail twitching. The few times a human had come close Damon had roared and charged the metal bars, sending servants scattering. His bad behaviour would probably get them into trouble but there was no calming the male yet. Lune sighed. His eyes drifted up to the late afternoon sky. He missed flying. Not to anywhere in particular, just drifting in the updrafts. He missed fishing too.

He had been beginning to like Jason. Oddly, as he thought of everything that had happened in the last few weeks, he didn’t think that Jason’s outburst had been without cause. Something must have happened between the unknown boy and the rider or perhaps the king had given Jason another ultimatum he couldn’t meet.

Unfortunately, Damon wasn’t willing to consider this. He was pissed off with the human rider and nothing Lune did could calm or console the male. Quite frankly, Lune was tired of the pair of them. George came by several times to check on them but wisely never came too close. Lune settled himself on one of the better sunning rocks and watched the activities of the stronghold.

It was clear that all the humans were quite upset. The servants moved in tight nit packs as though expecting an attack. Their movements were frenetic, heads turning in every direction as they scurried from one location to another. Lune could hear the other dragons in the stables growling and stomping, their own moods shifting in response to the tension and anxiety of the people around them.

The increase in noise and thick cloud of distress in the place made Lune feel as though they were all cowering fruitlessly away from an oncoming storm. Nobody could relax at the moment. Even the usually small docile brown dragons that pulled the carts of supplies were playing up, yowling and bucking despite the stable hand’s best efforts to soothe them. Lune watched as finally Gabe himself came striding out, the enormous old rider taking the reins from the panting boy. The man put a hand on one of the beasts’ foaming muzzles and spoke quietly, easing the pair down into a calmer state.

Lune shifted, suddenly uncomfortable. His stomach gave a rumble of hunger. He hadn’t eaten in nearly two whole days. Gabe suddenly looked over at him. He handed the reins back to the boy and made his way over. As he came close to the bars Damon puffed himself up. Mantling his wings, he looked as though he was about to charge.

Lune vaulted from his rocks and sprung in front of Gabe, tail quills rattling, and lips drawn back in a loud snarl. He had put up with quite enough of Damon’s temper. Damon glared at his mate but seemed to decide it was best not to cross him. He huffed angrily and swept back into the stall. Lune watched him go with an annoyed snort.

‘Yes, he gets quite stroppy when he and his rider have a falling out. I take it that’s what this is about?’ Gabe asked, offering Lune a sugar cube through the bars. Lune took it eagerly and then gave a sad little warble, nodding his head.

‘Aye. I’m afraid I don’t have much news. We are having another blasted meeting soon to discuss what has been learnt from the boy,’ Gabe grunted. Lune’s stomach gave another rumble. His snout dropped, wings sagging. Gabe frowned.

‘Have you eaten today?’ the man asked with some concern. Lune shook his head. Gabe growled. ‘Be back pup,’ he promised before stalking off. Lune watched him go, puzzled. He wasn’t waiting long before the older man was marching back towards him, one hand clamped on the back of a staggering George and the other holding what looked like a clipboard.

‘Honestly, don’t they teach you common sense these days?’ Gabe barked angrily.

‘He didn’t seem hungry!’ George was spluttering.

‘Then you check the feed chart and leave the food in the feed bin for later you twit! He hasn’t been assigned anything in two days,’ Gabe snapped, waving the clipboard in the squire’s face. George went bright red with embarrassment.

‘I... I didn’t realise.’

‘Obviously,’ Gabe said drily.

‘I’ll organise it right now sir.’ Taking the clipboard from Gabe, he dashed off.

Gabe shook his head. ‘Sometimes I have to wonder what they teach in the academies these days,’ he grunted. He looked back at Lune and reached through the bars for a pat. Lune chirped gratefully.

‘Get some rest now beastie. I’ll see to your lump of a rider. Try to keep that mate of yours in line if you can. You’ll have something to eat soon,’ Gabe sighed. Lune bobbed his head, nipping gently at the glove on his left hand. Gabe chuckled, gave him one last pat, and walked away. Lune watched him go. So maybe not all humans were bad… If only they could all be like the forge master.


‘You planning on sulking in here all day?’ Gabe’s loud voice came through the door Jason had unfortunately forgotten to lock. He scowled as the man let himself in.

‘I don’t remember extending an invite to you,’ Jason growled.

‘You think I give a shit, pup? Whilst you’ve been up here brooding, your Kagame has been patiently waiting for some idiot to notice he hasn’t been given anything to eat in two days and your other dragon is smashing up his stall.’ Gabe crossed his massive arms over his chest, glaring down at him. Jason cursed.

‘I’ll see to Lune-’

‘Don’t bother. I’ve already told your squire to do his damn job. You and I, meanwhile, have another fucking meeting to sit through.’ Jason cursed again, charging over to his cabinet and throwing on his embroidered jacket. He hadn’t realised just how late it had gotten. Headache increasing, he stalked from the room, not caring if Gabe followed or not.

Thankfully, they were not the last to arrive. Jason had barely taken a seat before he felt the king’s eyes on him. In his younger years he had often wondered if the Sun King could read minds. He was reminded of those old memories now as he sat frozen as golden irises stared him down intently. He swallowed uncomfortably.

‘What have you learnt?’ Thankfully, Jason was spared from answering.

‘We believe the boy is not from the Sun Kingdom.’ Logan’s deep voice spoke up from Jason’s left.

‘His intentions were to collect as much information about the stronghold as possible, how many dragons we have in our stables and how many riders. He has been here for at least a week and was responsible for the death of the young dragon assigned to Sir Fredrick’s stall. He was unaware of the kagame’s existence until a day or so ago. He tried to free Lune, leading to the boy’s capture. We believe...’ Logan paused, obviously anticipating the gravity of the king’s anger.

‘We believe he has already been able to convey some of what he has learnt to the enemy. How much is unclear.’

‘Where is the boy from?’ The king’s voice was so quiet. The room was deadly silent. Logan hesitated again, swapping a brief look with Estevan. Was it Jason’s imagination or was his squad leader trying to keep a straight face? His expression was carefully masked but oddly frozen as he spoke, jaw tight.

‘We don’t know sir. He would not give us the name of his tribe or king.’

‘Then... I will continue the questioning myself,’ the Sun King announced. Jason glanced at Estevan. The man was pale and sweaty. His usually smug expression had been changed into one of terror. Jason’s gut twisted. Something had gone wrong.

‘That will not be possible sir. The boy is dead,’ Logan growled, and he no longer seemed able to hide his anger. The silence that followed was suffocating. The king’s eyes narrowed in on Estevan like an eagle to an injured fawn.

’And how did the boy die?’ he breathed. The hairs on the back of Jason’s arms rose.

Estevan swallowed audibly. ‘I left the boy in the care of my squire whilst we determined the best course of questioning. I only stepped away for the briefest moment but... it appears the boy had some of the poison still on his person. My squire didn’t notice. He ingested the poison. The prisoner was dead before the medic arrived.’

Jason’s brow furrowed. He looked hard at his squad leader. Logan looked furious but it wasn’t in his nature to sell out his fellow squadmates. However, it was obvious he disapproved of what Estevan had done. Perhaps he suspected it hadn’t happened the way Estevan had said...

‘Bring me your squire. Now.’


Lune was licking the remains of his dinner from his front claws, belly full. Gabe had assured him the buck that had been left with him was freshly caught. Lune had sniffed every inch of it, but it smelt clean and good. Damon was still grumbling inside the stall and Lune was content to ignore him. As he groomed himself, he heard a commotion coming from the hall. He looked up curiously. A white-faced terrified boy was being escorted from the stables.

‘He told me to watch him. Please, have mercy! I did what I was told. Please!’ The boy couldn’t have been any older than George. Lune rose on his hind legs, front paws folded as he craned to watch. The boy was planting his feet, boots scrabbling on the cobblestones. Lune could smell his fear even from so far away.

He stiffened as the Sun King emerged from the top of the stairs leading to the massive castle innards, followed by his knights. Lune watched from afar as the man came down the steps to stand in front of the sobbing boy. The boy was dropped at the king’s feet. He stayed huddled on the ground with his head bowed.

Lune was too far away to be able to hear what they were saying but he knew in his gut that whatever was about to happen was no good. The man called Estevan came forward to stand beside his king. Lune squinted, trying to see if Jason was there.

Something touched his flank, making him jump. Damon had come out to see what all the commotion was about. The black’s muzzle was twitching, his eyes narrowed. He touched noses briefly with Lune before they both looked back at the assembled people at the far end of the courtyard beyond their enclosure.

Lune, you should go inside the stall, Damon uttered along their bond. Lune glanced at him and then back at the boy, stomach twisting.


You shouldn’t see this, Damon replied but Lune didn’t move. His body was ridged with tension, his feathers sticking up along his spine. He knew what was about to happen and yet somehow couldn’t understand why or how. He heard the boy sobbing louder than ever. The rest of the party, by contrast, had become silent and still. In one fluid motion, the king seized the sword from the sheath on Estevan’s hip and sliced through the back of the boy’s neck.

There was a moment’s pause as blood cascaded out of the open wound before the boy’s corpse tilted sideways and slumped onto the cobbles. The Sun King did not return the sword to his knight but turned and went back up the stairs, leaving several terrified servants to dispose of the body.


Jason was trying to keep still.

‘Sir Estevan informed me that you left before the interrogation was complete. Your squad captain assures me that you had no part in the boy’s death, but I must wonder on what ground you decided to remove yourself when the interrogation was not done?’

The king did not look at him. He poured wine into his goblet and lifted it to his lips for a sip. Takara was seated on the floor on a large plush cushion. The golden dragon seemed to be purposely avoiding the king’s eye.

Jason bit the edge of his tongue. He had felt the man’s fury, felt the change in his aura but even so, Jason had not expected the king to kill the squire. He felt with every fibre of his being that the boy had been set up by his master, Estevan, but Jason had absolutely no proof.

‘I left mid-way to check on Damon. The situation did not look as though it was going to change. I intended to return but not long after I went to the stables, Gabe came to get me for the meeting.’ This was not entirely the truth. Honestly, he’d had no intention of going back to the interrogation, but it wouldn’t be wise to elaborate on that.

The blow that caught Jason on the side of the head was enough to send him crashing to the floor. The side of his skull connected painfully with the marble, and he tasted blood. He sat up, the world rocking.

‘There is an outside force preparing war against my kingdom and my knights can’t follow simple instructions. I told you to carry out the interrogation with Estevan and Logan and you disobeyed me. I should have you whipped.’ The Sun King’s voice was ice cold. Jason had heard it before, but it had never been directed at him. Strong fingers grabbed his jaw. His head was wrenched back so far, he thought his neck would snap.

‘Perhaps I was too soft on you,’ the king mused, staring down at him with pools of glowing molten gold.

‘I don’t have an apology for you, only a vow to do better,’ Jason choked. The king shook his head.

‘You will do better Jason. I’ve sensed a waver in your emotions of late and I don’t like it. If that dragon controls too much of your thoughts, then he best be given over to someone else.’ Jason tried to keep the panic from his face. He couldn’t lose Lune or Damon.

‘Please Sir, give us a chance.’

‘You get one. One more. I am at the limit of my patience. Take that beast in hand or I’ll do it myself. If he cannot be broken, then he will greet the dawn at the edge of an axe blade.’

‘He’s not just an animal,’ Jason croaked. He expected the second blow. The sound of its impact causes Takara to flinch but the dragon did not look up from the spot on the floor. The king snorted as he shoved Jason away, using a cloth to wipe the blood from the back of his knuckles.

‘You’re all animals. Just some of you are simply more stupid and less capable than others. Now get out. I am beyond done with the lot of you today.’


When the stall door opened, Lune had prepared himself for the storm that was the human rider. The link had been tightly closed all day. The sun had long since set to the point where both dragons had thought the man wouldn’t come down to see them. As light poured in from the doorway, Lune and Damon were forced through the shift.

Still framed by the painfully bright light of the outside corridor, Jason came forward to hand them both a tunic. He turned silently and started to walk away. Lune sighed and followed with Damon stomping along angrily behind him. They met quite a few guards on the way, security having been increased since the break in. When they reached Jason’s chambers, he let them go through first, his head bowed. He certainly seemed more subdued since the last time. Lune hoped that meant he had calmed. As Lune walked past, he caught a whiff of blood. He turned and gasped.

Now in the well-lit bedchambers, they could see the rider properly. Jason had a fat lip, a long cut across one temple and a nasty bruise spreading across his left eyebrow. Damon lost a little of his rigidity.

‘What happened?’ Damon grunted.

‘The king was not impressed with how I left the interrogation early.’

‘Why did he kill that boy?’ Lune asked nervously, eyeing the injuries with concern.

‘The boy was on watch when the prisoner committed suicide. At least that is what Estevan says,’ Jason sighed.

‘I don’t understand,’ Lune whispered in a small voice. Jason’s arms hung limply at his sides.

‘That was the first blow,’ Jason didn’t move as Damon took hold of his chin and turned his head to the side to study the cut.

‘And this?’ Damon asked.

‘I told the king Lune wasn’t an animal,’ Jason murmured. Lune blinked. Jason disentangled himself from Damon’s grip, stepping back. ‘I’m sorry,’ he rasped, sounding as though he had a head cold. Lune made to step forward, but Damon blocked him.

‘Prove it,’ he snapped coldly.

Jason blinked. ‘What?’

‘You’ve been acting like a fucking asshole for the last few days. You’re sorry? Prove it.’ Jason swallowed. Lune’s eyes widened as the knight went to one knee, then the other, kneeling with his chin on his chest.

Damon stared down at his rider, lips twitching. ‘You really are a mess,’ the black dragon grumbled. Apparently, the anger he had been holding onto was finally gone. Lune moved past him to kneel in front of Jason.

‘What are you doing?’ Lune asked softly.

When Jason looked up, his eyes were soft and a little sad. ‘You’re not just an animal. You never were.’ Lune wanted to take that look from his face. He was used to Jason’s calm, his confidence and strength. This misery was alien and it made Lune feel oddly uncomfortable. He leant forward and placed a small kiss on the side of Jason’s mouth away from his split lip. Jason reached out a hand to cascade his fingers through the soft mess of white hair, but Damon smacked his hand down.

‘You want to make it up to us? Fine. Strip. Show us exactly why we should forgive you.’

Lune’s jaw dropped. Without hesitation and still kneeling, Jason began to remove first his jacket, then his tunic. Damon placed a hand on Lune’s shoulder. ‘If he wants our forgiveness, let him work for it,’ Damon purred. Lune thought about protesting but the sight of the man stripping down in front of them was unquestionably appealing. He nodded. Damon smirked, dark eyes twinkling.

‘Well then, grab the oil next to the bed. We have some lessons to teach.’




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