Distant Lands

Chapter Rescued

I wake up in my room on Earth and rub my eyes open. I get up quickly.

It was all a dream! Of course, it was a dream. How could it be possible to travel to another world? That’s ridiculous.

A familiar delicious scent comes from the kitchen. My mom is cooking breakfast. I run out of the room, excited to be able to see her again, and step out into a dirt field? I look down at the ground. The soil feels soft on my bare feet.

I look up and see Diego’s grandfather’s house in the distance. I run across the field towards the house. As I get closer, I hear yelling.

“Father! please, stop!” My mother pleads. I run towards the front of the house and stay hidden behind some bushes. I peek and see my brothers knelt on the ground, blindfolded.

Two men are attacking my father. His face is bloody and bruised. Oh no. Diego’s grandfather found my family. I feel a strong urge to scream. I put both hands on my mouth, covering it. I need to stay hidden. I need to call for help.

Suddenly, I feel someone near me, grabbing me by my hair and dragging me out of the bushes. The man holds my arm tightly as my mother stares at me in horror.

“No! Father, please let them go!” she cries. Her father slaps her, “Now you will witness how traitors die!” He takes out a gun.

“No!” my mother runs to stop him, but a man holds her back.

The old man walks toward my father and brothers. The loud sound of the gunshots pierces my ears.

I scream, “No!” I fight to get loose.

“You bastard! I will kill you!”

This is all my fault. They found us because of me. I swear, if I survive, I swear revenge for my family. The old man smiles at me and walks toward me. He reloads his gun and points it at me. He will kill me, but I will not go down without a fight. I fight to free myself. I kick and punch the man holding me.

“Let go!” I punch the man in the face repeatedly.

“Elizabeth!” The man shakes me.

I wake up to Ivan holding my arms. I look up at his face, and I cry, relieved, but I also cry at the reality that I’m still in Azure.

Ivan hugs me, “It was just a bad dream,” he says, patting my back. I close my eyes and hold him tightly, unable to let go. I need this hug. I start to feel my muscles relax.

I let go of him and look up at him, and his face is a little red.

“Oh, did I hit you? I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to.”

He laughs, rubbing his cheek. “Yes, you smacked me a few times, but don’t worry about it. You didn’t do it on purpose. Did you?"

I shake my head, feeling my face get warm from embarrassment.

"What were you dreaming about?” he asks.

“It was terrifying. I witnessed my family getting murdered in front of me. I’m worried. There’s a possibility this nightmare might become a reality. If my grandfather finds my family, I’m afraid he will kill them.”

“Why would he do that?”

“It’s a long story. He thinks my mother betrayed him. She married his enemy’s son. His wife died, and he blames my mother. He wants to get rid of us to punish my mother.” I grab my shoes and put them on.

“Do you think he is capable of murder?” he asks.

“I don’t know him, but my cousin Diego believes he is.”

My recurring nightmares are becoming more frequent. I can’t stop worrying about them. I need to convince Ivan to take me home right now.

“Forget about my new Identity." I look at him and plead, "Just send me home. Ivan, we don’t have to ask for permission, just open the doorway for me, and I’ll figure out the rest.”

He averts his eyes from mine, “I’m sorry, Elizabeth. I wish it were that easy. Since the investigation started, the council has been on high alert. Nobody can travel anywhere right now.”

I give Ivan a cold stare. He glances at me and looks away.

I grab my backpack, walk out of the bedroom, and go into the living room. There’s nothing I can do. I feel trapped, and anger and frustration grow in my chest. Trying to find something that will help me feel better, or at least numb, I go into the kitchen and open a kitchen cabinet. It’s funny; Damon had no food in this safe house, but I found a liquor bottle. I pour myself a shot of some type of whiskey, and I take the shot.

That’s just great. I’m stuck here. In an alien land, with alien people, hiding from the alien police. And now I have to pretend to be an alien and attend an alien school. How will I play the part knowing that my family’s lives are in danger? This is such a bad idea.

I should put the bottle back in the cabinet, but instead, I stash it in my backpack. I resisted drinking it this whole time, and now I don’t care. I know It’s an awful habit to have, and I don’t want to depend on alcohol to make me feel better. But feeling trapped is a horrible feeling that gnaws at your soul. I see alcohol as an acceptable option to calm me down right now. I set my bag down on the couch.

Ivan comes into the room and looks out the window, “We should head out now. I’m very sorry about what your family is going through. Once the ban ends, I’ll find a way to help you. Oh, and your dog is back.”

I walk over to the window. The sun is not out yet, and the sky is gray. I see Orion outside, sniffing the ground. I know he will be fine without me, but it breaks my heart to leave him behind.

“I’ll go say goodbye to him.”

Ivan stays by the window looking out. I walk outside, and Orion comes running toward me. I pet his head. I kneel, and I hug Orion. He’s a big strong wolf. He bumps his nose into me, almost knocking me off balance. He smells me, sniffing my clothes. He’s probably smelling Ivan’s scent on me.

“I’m going to miss you, Orion. Thank you for keeping me company. Be a good boy, and take care of yourself.” I give him another tight hug. He doesn’t like hugs, but he tolerates them. My eyes get blurry with tears.

I stand up, wiping my eyes. Orion doesn’t understand and still looks happy. I walk back to the house, and Orion follows me. Ivan peeks out of the doorway, and Orion stops and stares at him. Ivan opens the door more, and Orion doesn’t show any aggression.

“I think he’s okay being around you.”

Ivan walks out cautiously. He flings my backpack on his shoulder and closes the door behind him.

Taking one final look at the safe house, I lock it. We begin to walk into the forest. Orion sniffs at Ivan as he walks. He follows us for a while but then runs off into the woods like usual. I’m sure the separation will probably be harder on me than on him.

I follow behind Ivan. The canopy of the trees makes the morning sky seem even darker. I open a small zipper from my bag and take out the flashlight Damon gave me. I turn it on, and it glows. I tap it up into the air, and it gives us a bright light, lighting our path.

“Where did you get that?” Ivan asks.

“It was a gift from Damon.” I smile and look up at the trees and notice many glowing dots. For a minute, I wonder what that is?

To my horror, I realize that the light reflects off of many eyes—a lot of them. I start to freak out when I realize they are the eyes of the giant spiders. I suppress a scream and grab onto Ivan’s arm. He looks down, confused at my terrified face.

“What! What?” he asks, looking around. I point up to the trees. He looks up and sees the spiders.

“Calm down. I’m sure the light will keep them away. Let’s just keep going,” he tries to nudge me forward. I keep looking up. They are still. As long as they stay like that, I think I’ll be fine.

One of them scurries down a tree, and I bolt, running away from it.

“Elizabeth! Wait! You’re going the wrong way!” I hear Ivan yell.

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