Distant Lands

Chapter Chess

I think I was wrong to trust these aliens. They refuse to tell me the truth. They might be fearful of getting in trouble with the Council. Ivan, Ethan, and Emerald have a lot to lose. Being leaders in their field, the Council will punish them for harboring a human.

I had a lot of time to think of everything that I had gone through. At first, I felt sadness, but then I felt the anger of how helpless I am. I know that the longer I stay here, the harder it will be to return home. I will confess that I lost it. I angrily threw the chairs against the wall, breaking them to pieces. It made me feel a bit better, but I’m not proud of it. I hear the basement door open.

I hear heavy footsteps stepping down the stairs. I look down to the floor to avoid eye contact. He sets a tray with food on the side table. Emerald made her stew again with big chunks of tender meat, carrots, and potatoes. The look and smell of the food make my mouth water, and I feel my stomach complain in pain, begging me to eat. This time, he doesn’t leave, he stands still, and I stare at his black boots.

“Hi, Elizabeth,” Ivan’s voice says. I look up, surprised, and see a soft smile on his face. I immediately get up and embrace him. I can’t help but feel so happy and hopeful to see him. If someone is going to understand me, I know Ivan is the one who will.

“I’m so happy to see you,” I say.

He sits on the bed, and I sit down beside him. He looks around the room, shaking his head at the destroyed chairs on the floor.

“Don’t mind the mess. Sorry, I didn’t know you were coming.”

“How do you like your stepmother?”

“She’s terrifying and Intense. Did they tell you she kicked my ass?”

“They did. I know this is all new to you, and I’m sure it was a new experience for her too. Nobody is brave enough to disobey Emerald as you did.”

“Ethan didn’t explain to me what was going on. I know you guys are hiding something from me.”

“We didn’t want you to worry. We had to make sure our findings were accurate.”

I turn to face him, giving him my full attention.

“Damon used his tech skills to spy on his grandfather. He found that the Council had ordered to have the blood tested of the Lamia that attacked you, and they confirmed traces of human DNA. The Council is keeping it a secret. I know the Lamia didn’t bite you, but we think he somehow went back to the forest. He tasted your blood.”

“But how? How can they detect my blood in his?”

“When Lamia consumes human blood, Lamia’s brain releases hormones and neurochemicals into their blood, giving them a good feeling. Which a blood test can detect.”

“So they do know about me then?”

“They know there is a human in Azure, but we confirmed that the council wants to avoid a scandal.”

“So, if the council knows there is a human here, it’s only a matter of time before they find me.”

He nods.

“Oh. I am screwed.”

“Yes, we are. I’m certain the Council will discover that you are the human living in Azure. We don’t know when. It could be tomorrow, in weeks, or months.”

"Please just open up a doorway to Earth. I can't let the council arrest me."

Ivan looks down to the floor, "I'm sorry, it's not possible to open a doorway to Earth without the council knowing."

“Great, so, what do I do? Should I just turn myself in now?”

“Elizabeth, It hasn’t been just me working on protecting you from the council. The whole team has been trying to help you. I know that it seems like we haven’t been doing much at times, but trust me, we have.” He touches his earpiece. “Okay, come down.”

I stand up when I hear footsteps and watch who is coming. Ethan, Emerald, and Damon come down.

Emerald narrows her eyes at me, “I would say have a seat, but someone broke my chairs.” Ethan looks at the destroyed chairs on the floor and stifles his laugh.

Damon comes towards me and stands in front of me. “You look like shit, little human.”

“Vampire...I feel like shit,” I laugh. "I've been too stressed to eat."

Damon shakes his head, hugs me, lifts me off the ground, and puts me back down. “We know the Council will find you one day, so we have been moving... what is that game humans play? Ah yes, chess. We've been moving chess pieces for you,” Damon says.

I don’t play chess, but I’m sure that means they have been setting things up for me.

Ivan nods, “Your time at the safe house bought us time. Your adoption was part of the plan, and you now have certain rights. But that doesn’t change that you came here without permission.”

“They will arrest you, probably face trial, and death can be a possible sentence,” Ethan says.

Ivan sighs and pats the bed, asking me to sit down, “The last part of our plan will grant you immunity. Elizabeth, just hear us out, don’t freak out. Emerald is a Military Leader. She has the authority to recruit and train.”

My eyes widen, my heart beats fast, and I’m trying not to freak out.

Emerald gets closer and squats before me, “If you serve in our Military program, you will gain permanent residency, and they can’t arrest you.”

“In the Military?” I ask.

I wasn’t brave enough to serve in the Earth military; how on earth will I serve in the alien army? I don’t know if this is a good idea, but what other option do I have? They are right. I can’t risk getting arrested without immunity. They will most likely kill me. I have to stay alive.

“You need to choose fast, little human. You have two options, be arrested or have immunity,” Damon says.

“We have been trying to get you to train since we got here,” Ethan says.

Emerald stands, puts her hands on her hips, and gives me her signature look. “Yes, we could have been on schedule, but we have wasted so much time because my daughter has refused to participate,” Emerald glares at me.

I look up at her, “Well, if you hadn’t scared me so suddenly with your drill sergeant training, maybe I would have agreed to participate,” I try to share the blame.

Emerald's eyes widen, “I won’t stand your insubordination. Also, you ran away for a month, and you almost drank yourself to death. Your actions need to have consequences!”

I stand up, “You almost killed me when you body-slammed me into the ground!”

Emerald crosses her arms, looking like she wants to do it again.

Damon laughs loudly, and we turn to look at him. “The little human can be stubborn.”

Damn, Damon is right. Sometimes we just have to go with it and hope for the best. “I’m sorry. I know you are trying to help me, and I always make things difficult. But it would help if you didn’t keep secrets from me. If you had explained what was going on, I would have understood, and maybe we wouldn’t be behind schedule,” I say. Train in the Alien Military? This might be over before it even starts.

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