
Chapter 4

Life is painful, especially keeping secrets from your best friend. He had the excuse of never wanting to see his child due to the fact that he was ugly. It wasn’t true. He denied seeing his best friends child because it was the order of his mate.

He could see that it was hurting him, but if he wanted to stay by his side for as long as he could he had to listen to Charlie. Charlie ruled over him. She told him when he could or could not see Archie and always kept the baby with him at all times. Destroyer living in a home where he was tortured and told what to do he couldn’t help, but listen to her.

He had been so secluded for the longest time and it hurt him. The thought of not seeing his best friends creation had made him feel a type of sadness. He promised to protect his family but ended up secluding himself off from them. It’s not like he ever had a choice. He was a hellhound.

“Caroline! Caroline where are you?” Archie had exclaimed while he poked his head through his office door. They were playing hide and seek and he knew that she was in here somewhere. He could hear her giggling somewhere under his desk.

“Hmm...I wonder if she’s in here….I wonder where she could be.” He slowly walked into his office and closed the door. Caroline giggled from behind the desk and rocked on her feet. She had dark hair and was light skinned. She took a lot after her mother and was a kind-hearted girl.

Archie walked to the desk and she could see his feet. Caroline covered her mouth and smiled. She waited for him to notice and out of the blue she felt his hands grab her and she laughed.

“No! You found me!” She exclaimed and moved in his arms.

“Daddy always finds his little sunshine.” He snuggled his face into her neck and set her down.

“Yeah!” She opened her arms and ran to the front of the room in circles.

“Daddy? Can we go to the park?” She stopped in the middle and sat on the floor. Archie smiled at his daughter and nodded.

“Of course. Want to bring mommy?” He asked and she shook her head.

“No...I wanna bring your friend!” She exclaimed and hopped to her feet.

“Silas?” He asked her and opened the door to his office and let her walk out.

“No. The doggy one. I never saw him before, but you hang out with him a lot!” She preached to him and his smile went down.

“Sorry baby, but he can’t see you. Not yet at least.” She pouted softly and slowly walked to the living room and hopped onto the couch.

“Cartoons first!” She threw her hands up and searched for the remote. While looking she had glanced out the window with a smile.

“Daddy! Look! There he is!” She screeched to the top of her lungs and hopped off the couch. He would have let her go straight to him if Destroyer wasn’t so uncomfortable with her.

He ran after her and she squealed. Destroyer was around the bushes and his face was in them. He heard the squeak of a little girl and turned his head. Her scent was a mix of Charlie and Archies and he knew he had to run away quickly before she saw him. Destroyer saw her foot and for a moment...just a moment he wanted to be selfish and walk to her. He wanted to meet her just once and be selfish for the first time in his life.

“Yay! Destro!” She squealed out and he stayed still. He closed his eyes and ran off in the other direction. Caroline stood there and watched as he ran away from her. She furrowed her brows and stomped the ground.

“Baby! Caroline…” He saw her stomp and soon she began to cry. Archie felt bad for her and knelt down to her.

“Daddy... he doesn’t like me! I-I’m too ugly or he doesn’t like me, daddy!” She began to cry and watched as the hound ran off into the woods and she sniffled. Archie hugged her softly and looked up. His daughter was crying and he was growing apart with him...Destroyer.

He didn’t mind that he was being ignored, but once his daughter started to get hurt for it he knew he was going to do something about it.

“Baby, he doesn’t like you? Is he just really shy okay? Do you mind if I talk to him?” He asked and she nodded and her face was slightly red.

“Yes, daddy.” She rubbed her eyes and he held her had walking her inside to g sit with her mother.

“Charlie?” He asked when he walked into the kitchen and she smiled.

“HM love?” She asked and looked at their crying daughter.

“Oh, no...what happened?” She asked and picked her up.

“Destroyer ran away from her. I’m going to go have a talk with him. Understand why he’s reluctant...I mean it’s been five years I think he would get over it by now…” He sighed and crossed his arms. Charlie saw that he was distressed about it and she furrowed her brows.

She hated seeing him like that and she knew she was the sole reason for it. She had witnessed over the past few years that Destroyer seemed lonely and she completely forgot about the threat she made to him. She held her daughter on her hip and sighed.

“ know it’s probably okay.” She smiled at him and rocked Caroline. She had fallen asleep on her mother’s shoulder.

“No...I mean I understood because she was only a baby and now its like he wants nothing to do with me or something.” He let out a breath and walked away. He gritted her teeth for a moment and she watched as her mate went outside and shifted.

Charlie looked at her daughter and walked her up to her room. She sat on her bed and rubbed her head softly.

“I only want to protect us, baby...You’ll understand.” She kissed her on the head and walked back to the kitchen. She rubbed the back of her head and looked at her nails. She couldn’t help but feel hatred towards the hound...what for? She had no idea. Mothers instinct.

Archie had been sniffing around for Destroyers hiding spot. He had seemed to find his own relaxing spot somewhere in the wood and he wanted to go ahead and find him to help understand his reasoning. Archie sniffed the ground and saw him looking up at the evening sky.

Walking forward he sat beside him and glanced. He didn’t seem to notice him until he got a whiff of his scent. He looked at his Alpha and saw the disappointment in his eyes. He looked away and dug at the ground. Archie pressed his paw onto his body and seem to ask for an explanation.

The feeling he gave off was failure. His emotion told that he had always wanted to see his child, but never could because it was an order. An order by his luna and he didn’t want to make her angry. He also didn’t want the child to be scared of him and he had never had any experience with it whatsoever.

He moved away from Destroyer and looked down. He couldn’t believe that his own mate would do something like so.

’I’m sorry….’ Destroyed said to himself and laid down on his paws. He didn’t expect to tell him, but he felt so closed in without telling anyone else. Even though he couldn’t fully communicate with him, he understood what he was saying. He didn’t want to blame his Luna, but he swore he would never lie to Archie.

He watched as Archie ran away and Destroyer stayed in the grass. He rolled over to his side and gave a huff of air. He watched as the sun set and the stars began to appear. He could imagine himself becoming a star. He knew that they were lonely, but they were surrounded by others of the same likeness.

He wished he could do so. Just sleeping in the sky without ever waking up and being in a soft environment. People actually named others after stars and vise versa. What if someone named another based off of his star. What if someone fell in love because of him or possibly even become intrigued and they could study him.

He could have a connection to other stars. Something so he could feel a spark. He had a good friendship with Archie, but he realized the more he watched Silas and his mate, Archie, and Charlie that he wanted what they had.

He wanted more than friendship love. He wanted true love...he wanted to be in love. Who would love a monster like him though? A hound? An Ugly monster with demons in his head and outside. Who would love him for who he is?

“Are you kidding me?! What’s your problem with him?!” Archie paced in his office and looked at his mate.

“Nothing! I just didn’t want that creature coming near our daughter! You heard about his kind!” She yelled at him and tossed her hands to the side.

“So you’re profiling him now based on what?! Stories? You have got to be better than that!” Archie rubbed his face and sat at his desk.

“Look at him! He scares all the other kids!”

“He doesn’t scare Caroline! Caroline wants to see him and she doesn’t care what he looks like!” Charlie crossed her arms and looked at him

“She is five years old.-”

“That’s the point! She’s five years old. She doesn’t exactly have a fact or opinion based mindset! She’s just a girl who loves to play around and wants to see daddy’s best friend.” Charlie scoffed and rolled her eyes.

“Are you kidding me? Daddy’s best friend? Your best friend is Silas. Destroyer is just a hound you found and took care of. He can’t even shift, he is a hellhound from hell. Does that not ring any alarms?!” She bawled her fist and he just threw his hands up.

“Right. LIke you’re one to judge.” He retorted back and her eyes widened. She couldn’t believe what he just said and dropped her hands.

“I can’t believe you.” He furrowed his brows and stood up.

“Love, I’m so sorry... I didn’t mean to. I didn’t mean to say it like that.”

“’re right. I was a part...of rogue. I was a rogue and you know...all of us rogues kill sons, destroyed families and rape mothers, sisters, daughters and never change!” She yelled at him and she bit her lip in anger. He watched her and walked over to her.

“You know that’s not what I meant...i just-”

“I know what you meant...I just...i don’t want him near her. Not anytime soon obviously.” He watched as she grew sad ad he sighed.

’I’m sorry baby...He just means something to me and I want him to mean something to the family.’ He told her and she nodded.

“I’m just worried about her…” She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed his nose. He kissed her hand and moved out of the office to their daughter’s room.

She had a pink bubblegum room. Adventure time themed blankets and her walls were pink and red with fire princess and princess gumball. They looked at their daughter with loving eyes and looked at each other.

“He can go see her. But if something happens to her I forbid it ever to happen again. She is too precious to us. She’s our baby girl.” She smiled and he nodded. He walked to her window and looked out. He never realized how lonely his best friend was, but inside he knew something would help him get back up on his feet.

He only had to have confidence in his mate and his daughter. They will come to love him as he would. He sat down on his daughter’s bed and leaned down to kiss her head.

“Sweet dreams sweetheart.”

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