Destiny of His Pack, Book 2

Chapter 4


“Ah, isn’t this precious!”

“Shut it, Jeremy. Marissa is tired, and I’m trying to be a good mate,” I said, turning my head to look at him.

“I know, Rafe, and you are a good mate. Look how content she looks,” Jeremy commented.

I looked down at her the best I could. Marissa had a slight smile on her face and looked so peaceful.

“You know, Rafe, a lot of wolves, would have rejected her when they found out she was a feline,” Jeremy remarked.

“I know, but I knew the moment I said eyes on her and realized she was mine that there would be no going back,” I stated.

“When did you know she was a feline?” Jeremy asked as we walked up the doorsteps of the house.

Opening the door for me, Jeremy allowed me to walk in first.

Sitting down on the couch, Marissa still in my arms, I said, “I think I knew the moment we met. I mean, I knew there was something different about her. She didn’t smell quite human, yet she didn’t smell like a wolf either. Nevertheless, she smelled so good to my wolf and me. I think the mate’s scent blinded me to everything else until I met her father. I smelled the feline scent on him, although it wasn’t strong as it should have been because his lion was dormant for the most part.”

“So, her dad and brothers are lions. Does that make her lion also?” Jeremy asked cocking his head.

I shook my head. “I don’t know, maybe, but felines are different than us wolves. In fact, I don’t even know if our cub will be a lion or something else. He could end up tiger for all I know.”

“Wow, it would be pretty cool if he’s a tiger, but I saw a cheetah once, and it was awesome to watch it run,” Jeremy said with a grin.

“A cheetah, let’s have a baby cheetah, Rafferty, they’re so cute. I saw one at the zoo,” Marissa mumbled as she shifted on my lap then kissed my neck.

Jeremy snickered. “Taking in our sleep now?”

“No, I’m awake,” Marissa said, rising to look at Jeremy as she rubbed her eyes. “You’re Jeremy, Rafferty’s best friend, right?”

“Yes, that would be me. Now, why do you want a baby cheetah? Why not a lion?” Jeremy asked her.

“Both of my brothers are lions, and they are a pain in my backside, especially James,” Marissa said with a pout on her face.

“Yeah, but isn’t he the one that taught you that awesome move you used on Emily?” Jeremy asked then.

Marissa sighed. “Yeah, you’re right. So, I suppose a baby lion would be good too.”

I kissed her cheek. “How about we have both? We could have one with the twins and another one later?”

Marissa leaned back to look at me and raised an eyebrow. “Just how many babies do you plan on having, and who’s to say all our cubs won’t be the same breed, or maybe after the one, all we will have is pups?”

Jeremy was laughing at us, and I wasn’t sure what to say.

“Umm—we, I- I don’t know, love. Maybe we should ask someone who knows more about feline shifter than I do?” I inquired.

Marissa nodded before laying her head back down on my shoulders. “Excellent idea, Mr. Wildee. Excellent idea.”

I grinned, knowing I had dodged the bullet on that one.

Time had passed, and Marissa and I couldn’t be happier.

We had a small, simple wedding because Marissa wanted one, and I loved her too much to say no to her. For shifters, usually just being mates was enough, but she was half-human, so it seemed fitting that she has a wedding.

Anyway, we had finally gotten our home built and had moved in two weeks ago. So now it was time for me to start the training that would transition me over into the Alpha position by the end of the year.

Pops was ready to live the good life, and Ma was hinting for grandbabies to spoil.

“Rafferty! Rafferty guess what?” Marissa excitedly asked as she bounced into my office, her eyes sparkling with joy.

“What, my love?” I asked as I pushed away from my desk.

Marissa sat down in my lap. As she rubbed her hand up and down my chest, she answered, “Da and Ma are coming for a visit! Da says he has done all he can for James, and he’s turned the pride back over to Paul. They will be here in two days. Oh, Wolfman, I am so excited. I can’t wait to see them again.”

I’ve noticed that Marissa has been touchier the last couple of days. Of course, it’s hard to keep your hands to yourself as mates, but this was more. Usually, I’m the instigator in our foreplay, but Marissa has been almost wild lately.

“That’s good, love. It will be nice to see your—” I gasped.

Marissa nipped me on the shoulder. While she had been talking, she had unbuttoned my shirt and shoved it out of her way. Now, her hands were behind my back. They moved lower and lower until her fingers were inside the back of my pants.

“Rafferty, I want you,” Marissa murmured.

She rubbed against me and nipped at my shoulder again. Only this time, she bit harder, and it brought my wolf to attention. His mate was feeling frisky, and who was he to deny her? Besides, he was enjoying her little bites.

“Marissa, love, how about we take this to our room?” I asked, placing kisses of my own on her neck.

“No,” she moaned. “I want you now.”

Marissa pushed her womanhood roughly against my arousal, making it harder, and I realized then she was wearing a skirt. So there was only a thin barrier between me and her warm wetness. I growled and quickly shuffled around until my pants were out of the way. Then I promptly sheathed myself in her warmth.

“Yes, Rafferty, just like that,” Marissa moaned.

Her head fell back, baring her throat to my kisses. I moved my hands to her waist and helped her move to a rhythm. Then, just as I felt her began to tighten around me, she leaned forward and bit into my shoulder again. I growled as it caused my desire to peak.

“Harder mate feels so good,” my wolf growled to her, and she did.

Within moments we both found our release, our pleasure complete.

Marissa let go of my shoulder and gasp. “Oh Rafferty, I drew blood. I’m so sorry. I don’t know what came over me. I just wanted to bite, but I didn’t mean to hurt you,” Marissa said, her eyes filling with tears as she wiped at the blood.

“It’s okay, love, my wolf and I liked it. Don’t be afraid to do it again,” I told her as I grabbed hold of her hand.

“But, Rafferty, I made you bleed,” she whispered.

I smiled. “Then lick it better.”

“Lick it?” Marissa reared back to give me a questioning look. “Why would I do that?”

“Because your half shifter and your saliva should help it heal,” I explained. Then, I wiggled my eyebrows and said, “And because I would enjoy you licking on me.”

Marissa laughed before she ran her tongue over the bite. Then, after licking it clean, she murmured, “It must be the animal in you.”

I growled. “I’ll show you, animal,” I growled. Then, I picked her up, and I carried her to our room. Once there, I once more unleashed my beast on her, and much to my pleasure, she bit me again.

Later that afternoon, we lay snuggled together on the couch watching TV.

“Rafferty, why haven’t I become pregnant yet? I mean, it’s been six months, and we’ve never used anything. If I didn’t know we were destined to have twins, I would think there was something wrong with me,” Marissa said.

“Shifters are different than humans, my love. When a female wolf is ready to bear young, she will become pregnant. Even though she doesn’t shift, she has a wolf spirit inside, and that wolf decides when the time is right. It will happen during the mating moon.”

“Mating moon? What’s that?” Marissa asked, sitting up to focus on me.

“A full moon, but for mates, it is the time when the female is most fertile. Her wolf will call to her mate. If he answers her call, she will bear him a pup within four months.”

“Okay, but we’ve had full moons, and surely we’ve made love during some of them. So, what is the problem, do you think?”

“I’m guessing the cat in you didn’t think you were ready yet. So don’t worry, when the time is right, it will happen,” I told her with a kiss.

“Or maybe it is different because I have feline blood,” Marissa mentioned as she continued to look at him with wide eyes.

I nodded. “Yes, maybe. Tell you what, love, why don’t you ask your father when he gets here. He will know better than me, and until then, we’ll just practice more.”

Marissa giggled and crawled onto my lap to rub against me. “Wonderful idea, Wolfman.”

So that is what we did.

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