Den of Thieves

Chapter Chapter #30

Turning sharply Goro’s eyes widen to see Jasmine is standing right there thrusting out her long-sword. He tries to jerk his body back out of the way. Not far enough as she drives her blade deep into his belly.

Making a last attempt Goro tries to chop Jasmine with his heavier sword. Catching and stopping his hands in her one hand while twisting her blade.

He tries feebly to use the last of his energy into bringing his broad-sword down on her.

Jasmine looks right into Goro’s eyes. She smiles and with a quick wink releases his hands, spins out of the way plucking her sword from his belly.

Disemboweled blood pours from the wound. The sword’s weight topples Goro landing face first on the ground.

Kicking Goro’s sword aside Jasmine wipes off her blade on his backside, whispering a final taunt to him, “looks like I’ll be having fish for breakfast.”

In the hall, the young male brings his spiked club down hard on Carr’s left shoulder, cracking the collarbone. Out of reflex Carr slices upward at the young male cutting his face.

A momentarily still target the Halfling fires the bolt. It sails true striking Carr in the chest. The bolt pierces the scale armor, into his flesh, between the ribs, stopping short of his heart. Other throbbing pains masks the bolt hit to the chest.

Seeing an opportunity, one male tries to take Carr’s head off with the spiked club. Dodging the club Carr tumbles to the side into the path of the last man’s sword. That blade slices across the top of his right arm covering, leaving a noticeable gouge in the scales.

Amazed to see the bolt sticking out of the chest plate and Carr still alive, the Halfling drops the crossbow. Standing the small male draws a short-sword.

Entering the tower entrance Jasmine sees Carr fending off the two men. The Halfling getting up in the back hallway and the portly man drop his flail as death takes over him.

Grimacing Carr sees a blade cut across the armor. Annoyed at the damage his new armor is taking Carr quickly snaps the long-sword upward at the attacker. The blade catches throat and jaw, opening the jugular vein to the air. Blood sprays from the gash forcing the attacker to grasp his throat and back away.

Dispatching the badly wounded attacker, Jasmine drives her long-sword into the man’s back puncturing his heart. Pulling the man aside on her sword she kicks him off the blade.

Avenging the death of his close comrades the Halfling lets out a war cry before charging.

Having completely forgotten about the Halfling Carr is distracted by the small man’s approach. The young Human catches Carr off guard swinging at his head. Connecting with the raised collar on the scale armor the club is slowed and deflected. Still receiving a whack to the head Carr is knocked back and out of the way of the charging Halfling.

The Halfling comes to a stop seeing Jasmine standing before him, unsure who she is.

Also glimpsing Jasmine, the young Human notices, they are the only ones still standing. Being younger and already wounded he leaps through one of the windows.

Wondering why the guy fled, Carr turns to confront the Halfling, seeing the little man standing in awe of Jasmine.

Her presence having pacified the situation Carr’s able to calm down, “why, hello. Should we let him go?”

Turning to see he’s the only one of the thugs left the Halfling swallows and looks to Jasmine for mercy.

Also thinking all is over Jasmine glares at the Halfling, “there’s enough death here. There doesn’t need to be anymore. Hmmm?”

Gulping once more the Halfling drops the sword, preferring to live now and seek vengeance later, “yes too much death. You’ll never see me again.”

Keeping their swords pointed at the Halfling, Jasmine motions with her head to the tower entranceway.

Hastily the Halfling exits the building, racing away.

Turning to Carr Jasmine smiles, “I guess I got here just in time, eh?”

“Ah,” Carr wipes off his blade, “I was doing alright.”

She points to the bolt in his chest plate, “Are you sure?” Then points to the archer slumped on the windowsill, “there’s one on the other side too.”

Noticing the bolt Carr’s eyes widen, “Oh, I didn’t even feel that one.” Sheathing the sword Carr looks to the dead archer, “where’d he?” Cut off in thought notices something familiar with the archer’s hair.

She wonders what he’s looking at, “friend of yours?”

Painfully shrugging Carr walks over to the window and lifts up the male’s head to see the face. Gasping in Carr heavily sighs exhaling shaking a head, “it’s Toad.”

“Toad?” Jasmine walks over to him, “who is he?”

Gently lowering Toad’s face and patting the head, Carr informs her, “he and his brother foolishly got themselves into the guild.”

Jasmine shrugs, “and look what it got him.”

Finding her words harsh Carr turns to her, “they were orphans of war. He was looking after his brother the best he could. He wasn’t very smart, but was a good brother.”

Realizing she’s offended Carr, Jasmine changes the subject, “was that your fire I smelt?”

“Oh,” Carr replies realizing that’s what brought the males. “Yeah, I lit a small one in the back to get dried up. I knew it wouldn’t be seen. I guess I didn’t think anyone could actually smell it.”

Shaking her head at him, “any creature, ranger or Elf could.”

He quietly responds, “I wasn’t thinking.” Shrugging at first then he grimaces from the pain of the bolt in the chest. “After we settle up, we can both be out of here.”

Hoping for a favorable resolve Jasmine queries, “you retrieved the anklet?”

“Yeah.” Carr starts to feel all the different pains over his body. “My stuff’s in the back.”

Following him into the narrow hallway Jasmine suggests. “You should take care of those wounds.”

Aching allover Carr agrees, “I’ve got a vial of healing left in my pack.”

Amazed Carr is still standing from the damage taken Jasmine comments. “Well, you’re gonna need it. I’ll pull out the bolts for you.”

Touching the bolt in his chest Carr winces, “okay.”

Upon entering the backroom Carr notices his small fire has died. Feeling the floor with his foot locates the backpack and gingerly bends down to find the vial.

Watching, Jasmine figures his night vision isn’t as good as hers, “do you want me to help you with that?”

Appreciating the offer but wary she might slip him something else to not pay for services Carr replies, “nah, I know where it is.”

“Okay,” still wanting to help him, she bends down and swiftly jerks out the bolt in the back of Carr’s leg.

“Yipe!” Carr squeals from the surprise and shooting pain, “hey!”

Grinning she tosses the bolt aside, “sorry, should have warned you.”

Clenching his fist until the pain dulls, “that would’ve been nice.”

Patting him on the sore left shoulder she inquires, “you ready for the one in your chest?”

Carr trembles from the shoulder pat, “no. Let me drink down the potion first.” He locates the bundled vial, removing it from the pack.

Patiently waiting to see the anklet again Jasmine asks. “Did you have much trouble getting the anklet?”

Unwrapping the vial Carr informs her. “Hmmm, much trouble? Got in a fight with an assassin. Searched the entire mine. Raided a Master thief’s treasury and left him for dead. Fought the same assassin again with two others. Fell, no, more like pulled off a cliff. Chased by an entire guild of thugs.” Uncapping the vial he adds, “rode underwater here. And had to defend myself from two dozen here.” He drinks the potion.

She corrects, “there were only a dozen males here and two got away. But I am truly grateful for your efforts. And I will hold up my end of the deal.” Jasmine does ponder on what was meant by riding underwater.

Rewrapping the empty vial Carr recounts the males he encountered tonight.

She wants to clarify one detail, “was the Master thief Marten?”

“Yeah,” Carr puts the vial away and stands pointing to his chest. “Go on, yank it out, quickly please.”

“Sure thing,” Jasmine grabs the bolt firmly, as Carr winces she plucks it out.

“Eeoow!” Yelps Carr dancing in place until the throbbing subsides. The wound only releases a small amount of blood before the potion seals it.

Throwing the bolt away Jasmine points out, “you’re lucky that wasn’t deep enough to have pierced the heart.”

Calming down Carr paces the small room loosening a side strap on the chest armor, “lucky? There’s likely a bounty on me. Might be better off dead.”

Keeping an eye on him Jasmine tries to be witty, “I can help you with that too, if you want?”

“Ah, no,” he pulls out the coin pouch from his armor, “I think I’ll just have to go into hiding for a year.”

“Or more,” Jasmine’s watches inquisitively, “I thought you said the anklet was in your backpack.”

Digging in the pouch Carr educates her, “as I’m use to dealing with deceitful beings, I find it best to mislead until I know I’m safe.” Removing the anklet Carr keeps fingers wrapped around it, “so, do you have my payment?”

Able to glimpse it Jasmine is giddy with anticipation, “yes of course.” She fumbles to retrieve her pouch of pearls.

Her noticeable excitement keeps Carr content with the conclusion. “Were you waiting close by for my return?”

Getting the pouch out she nods, “I went to the ocean and back,” handing Carr the pouch, “I was just returning. Noticed all the males around.”

Not seeing traveling to the ocean as close Carr takes the pouch while handing her the anklet, “well, as long as you kept busy.”

Both smile widely checking out their bounty. Shoving a couple fingers into the small bag Carr is content with the contents. Securing the pearl pouch, he stores it in the backpack.

Studying the anklet in the dark Jasmine feels its’ engraved feathers. Unseen by Carr a tear forms in her eye but never flows.

Tightly she grips the anklet close to her heart, “thank you ever so much Carr. You’ll never know how much this means to me.”

Standing Carr replies, “I may not. But you are most welcome. A journey to be remembered for sure.”

Thinking of all that have died from their hands she comments, “that’s a nice way to put it.” Sliding her quiver forward to place the anklet inside, “what did you mean riding underwater?”

“Hmm?” Carr almost didn’t hear her, “Oh yeah, this morning they were searching for me, waiting at every bridge. So, I put a large tree limb into the water. Hung on to the bottom, while it floated under the bridges and here. Think it was a faster ride than by horse.”

Astounded by the idea she inquires, “how long can you hold your breath?”

“I didn’t really have too. But I can and had too for a couple minutes.”

The statement only makes her more curious about the young rogue, “can you breathe under water?”

“I wish.” Carr explains, “I was using a hollow reed to breathe through. I’ve had to do it before, hiding out from beings hunting me. I just hadn’t done it for so long and floating under a tree limb.”

Impressed Jasmine thinks of all she has learned about him and is considering sending a young Swanmay to seek him out, “you know something Carr?”

“Sometimes,” Carr chuckles to himself, “but go on.”

Raising a brow she continues, “I think I can safely say you are the first Human male I’ve actually liked.”

“Oh yeah?” A big smile crosses his lips, “is there something on your mind?”

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