Den of Thieves

Chapter Chapter #20

Toad asks Cal. “What’s going on?”

Shrugging Cal turns to Carr tapping his shoulder, “is there a problem?”

With his finger Carr indicates to Cal to wait a second, “these were two of the three.”

“Hah!” Laughs the Goblin, “boys, no challenge.”

Toad queries, “is he laughing at us?”

“Yes,” the Goblin tells him, “your pal says he fought you two and one more. And you didn’t even hit him.”

Cal pipes up, “He did. Burt was the other.”

“Burt? Hah!” The Goblin shares his point of view, “you’re all just little boys playing in a male’s world.”

The statement agitates Carr and Toad. Carr hides it, as Toad tries to glare menacingly at the Goblin.

Inadvertently Cal adds fuel to the fire, “Carr’s a great fighter. He could easily take on the both of you.”

The Orc picked up, rat a great fighter, and stares at Carr with a cocked head.

Also hearing rat the Goblin laughs loudly, “Ha, ha, ha! A baby rat. Ha, ha. A great fighter. Hah, I eat rats.”

Annoyed Carr smartly replies, “I can smell.”

The Halfling seeing escalating trouble signals the on-duty guards to the potential problem.

Not liking a smartass young Human, the Goblin turns to his Orc buddy pointing at Carr, “Rat, nice name. I can beat him down.”

Two large guards get up and head to the bar, causing the patrons to take notice of what’s happening.

Tired of the banter the Goblin gets tough with Carr, “I think I should beat the piss and shit out of you.”

Knowing he can’t back down now Carr stares through the Goblin, “why? Are you still hungry? Is that what your problem is?”

Infuriating the Goblin, his eyes twitch rapidly, bawling his fist while drawing it back.

“Blam!” A club swings down in between them, slamming onto the bar. Wielding the wooden club, a rough looking, muscular human guard. “Hey! You know the rules. No fighting.”

Still mad the Goblin bursts out with, “this rat boy. Says he’s going to beat- me-down.”

The guard glances at Carr, “is that so?”

Carr speaks calmly, “actually he wants to fight me. But he is right. I will beat him down.”

The Goblin hammers his fist on the bar, “set up a fight! Right now Goro! Just me and him!”

The room becomes still, patrons wait to hear a decision, especially gamblers.

Toad throws in his two coppers worth, “I will fight him if you don’t.”

“Are you willing to fight him?” Goro doesn’t sense fear in the young rogue.

Calmly sipping the cider Carr studies his opponent.

Leaning over the Hafling informs the youth. “Son, someone should warn you first. This is Rasp the grey Goblin, a highly skilled assassin. Fights here only end when one can’t get up. Unconscious, mortally wounded or dead.”

Carr’s face doesn’t change, he knows of this Goblin, an assassin who in his youth killed his own family to prove himself. Not just parents but siblings, cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents.

Setting down the mug Carr speaks to Rasp, “I’ve heard of you. I’m Carr, son of Alfred master thief.”

Slyly grinning Rasp says, “I knew him too. But that isn’t going to sway me.”

“Good,” Carr stands firm, “I know I can still beat you down, armed or bare handed. But I only fight for coin.”

“Hah!” Rasp appreciates the bold statement, “I would have it no other way.” Pulling out his pouch of coins, “tearing you apart with my bare hands will be most enjoyable.” Placing the pouch on the bar, “twelve platinum, eighteen gold, six silver and nine copper.”

Unable to match that Carr states, “I haven’t that much on hand.”

“Chickening out?” Rasp glares at him.

Tapping his chest plate Carr suggests, “I’ve got this to put up instead.”

Liking the armor Rasp doesn’t show it, “it’s not gold. But it’ll do.” He’s more interested in killing Carr.

The guard Goro inquires, “do we have a fight?”

Glaring intently at Carr, Rasp nods, “I’m ready right now.”

All eyes turn to Carr waiting to hear his response.

Gamblers are already discussing odds in anticipation of a fight to wager on.

Cal and Toad aren’t sure what to say or what’s going to happen, just sure Carr will win.

Overhearing the odds are against him Carr nods, “I’m ready too. Where do we fight?”

Goro explains to them, “Hep,” pointing to the Halfling, “will hold your armor and your coins. He’ll hand the winner both.”

As Carr unties the body armor, Hep picks up the pouch of coins, “I hope your foolish youth isn’t getting the better of you.”

Too late to back out Carr shrugs, “I’ve fought uglier and stronger foe.”

Chuckling Rasp adds, “me too,” drinking the dragoth in one shot.

The rough guard Goro let’s Carr know, “we’ll use the space outside the bar here. Well Hep we’ve got a match who’s our favorite?”

All patrons begin chattering wanting to place bets. A couple younger off duty guards take off to inform others in the guild of what’s about to happen.

Wanting to place a wager too Hep asks Carr, “how many fights have you been in?”

Thinking over his past Carr exaggerates, “more than a hundred anyway.”

Cal queries, “wow, really?”

“Oh, yeah,” Carr winks knowing the actual number is nothing to be ashamed or proud of.

“Hah,” Rasp boasts, “that’s how many fights I got into as a growing gob.”

Another guard jokes, “we better hurry up. Before someone has to get a shovel to remove the bull shit.”

Several people chuckle at the guard’s humor.

Also chuckling Hep comments, “yup, I can smell it already.” Raising a finger to his lip deciding the favorite, “I think we’ll set the betting odds at three to one in favor of Rasp.”

The patrons rush the bar placing bets. One by one he takes bets scribbling on a parchment. Carr removes the body armor dropping it behind the bar.

Toad studies the few coins he has left, “you can take him, right?”

Drawn in by the night’s excitement Cal slaps all his coins on the bar, “sure he can.”

Trying to sound smart and confident Carr tells the brothers. “His arrogance will be his downfall.”

Ignoring the young Humans, Rasp speaks with his Orc comrade. As they make their way out of the bar escorted by Goro.

Toad raises his brandy for another toast, “may the Gods favor us tonight.”

Cal raises his ale, “the Gods like a good fight.”

Going along with them Carr adds, “may the spirits of Rasp’s victims side with us.”

Tapping vessels the trio drink down what’s left.

Setting his mug down Carr pats their shoulders, “place your bets with good faith.” Turning makes his way out of the bar to the open space.

Outside the bar males line the surrounding walls. Hearing of the bout more noisily file down the tunnel from the upper levels.

Casually leaning against a natural stone pillar Rasp talks with the Orc. Standing to their left side the big rough guard waves Carr over.

Goro steps towards Carr, “well young rogue looks like you’re the entertainment for tonight. Are you any good with your hands?”

Amazed by the number of males gathering Carr barely hears the guard, “I’ve had a dozen fist fights. And some hand-to-hand training.”

Having placed a wager on Rasp the guard comments, “great. Now just in case you, happen to ah, be killed by Rasp. Is there anything the guild can do for you?”

Having faith in him self, “I doubt that’s going to happen. But if so, can you send word to Violetta, the cleric in Ingleside?”

Goro knows her, “sure we can. What would you like done with your gear?”

Thinking briefly Carr tells him. “If I get a choice. Let Cal and Toad have my things as they’re just starting out.”

The guard shrugs, “who’s that?”

Pointing to the bar, “the two I was drinking with. They’re brothers.”

Wanting to get a feel for Carr’s strength Goro pats his shoulder and back, “sure we can do that as well.”

Thinking his stuff will probably end up as guild property Carr sarcastically remarks, “thanks. Your attention to details is appreciated.”

“Sure, sure,” the guard’s not really listening, “good luck.” He returns back to Rasp giving him his opinion of Carr.

Stretching out limbs Carr readies and steadies him self. As the growing crowd encircles them only leaving a small space left for the fight.

After placing their bet Cal and Toad manage to squeeze in between the spectators, getting a desired front row view.

Cal yells out, “we’re routin’ for ya!”

Turning to them Carr winks, the guard and Rasp step up to Carr.

“Fellow guild members and wannabes!” Goro calls out to quiet the males. “Tonight, we have the pleasure of watching two settle their differences with their fists.”

The crowds’ cheers echo throughout the caverns. Some whistle and the boisterous ones utter various comments.

Goro introduces the fighters, “everyone here should know Rasp, the grey Goblin. The only surviving member of the Fang clan.” Pointing to Carr, “and here we have his opponent Carr, the rat boy rogue.”

The crowd laughs but Carr doesn’t care, despite what’s said and what’s about to happen he knows he’ll be finally remembered by peers.

The guard continues. “Their dispute is a simple one. They can’t stand the sight of each other.” He speaks to the pair, “the rules are simple. The last one who can stand, wins.” Backing away from the pair he takes a position beside the big Orc.

Rasp glares and snarls. Carr keeps an eye on Rasp’s limbs waiting for the Goblin to make the first move.

Slowly circling Carr, Rasp fakes a couple punches. Carr doesn’t fall for it, instead follows the movements.

Violent suggestions flow out from the on lookers, as they wait to see blood.

Faking a right than a left punch Rasp sees Carr has some experience, as Carr barely moves to block.

Faking another left punch Rasp quickly slaps Carr across the face with an open right hand.

It stings but Carr stays cool waiting for him to try it again. He does, with his left fore arm Carr blocks Rasp’s right hand. Swiftly with force Carr lands a right punch to Rasp’s jaw.

The spectators applaud. However, the hit doesn’t seem to hurt Rasp. Only causing the Goblin to let out a small flurry of punches. Carr blocks a couple, but takes hits to the face, chest and stomach. Not expecting such speed from an aging Goblin, Carr backs up a couple steps.

Thinking Carr is hurt Rasp rushes him. Carr dodges to the side. Rasp crashes into a few males, who assist him in staying upright.

Seizing an opportunity Carr punches Rasp in the side a few times. Now angry Rasp swings out an arm connecting with Carr’s head, backing him off.

The crowd is noticeably enjoying the fight.

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