Demon’s Little Lamb (Shadow Demons 2): A Bones MC Romance

Demon’s Little Lamb: Chapter 12

Why did crying give one such a horrendous headache? Lamb had done nothing but cry every waking minute since she’d left Azriel two days ago. She’d thought about texting him a tepid “thank you” for saving her life and all, but knew that one thing would lead to another and she absolutely could not go through this again.

A soft knock at the door of the motel she’d booked for the weekend startled her from her thoughts.

“Lamb? Are you there? It’s Merrily.” More polite knocking.

Lamb debated on not opening the door, just pretending to not be there. After all, Merrily had played a part in the deception. Whatever she said would just be more lies. Wouldn’t it?


With a sigh, Lamb opened the door. The two women looked at each other. Merrily had a worried expression on her face, and she clutched her phone tightly.

“Can I come in?” Merrily looked so hopeful Lamb couldn’t deny her request. Why couldn’t she be strong? If she was going to survive this, she had to toughen up.

Taking a step back to allow the other woman entry, Lamb lowered her gaze. Dammit! She’d just gotten her tears under control. The headache had eased off. Was she expected to do this all again?

“I’m sorry to bother you, Lamb. I know you’re upset, but you need all the information before you leave Azriel.”

Straight to the point. Lamb respected that. Didn’t mean she liked it.

“He lied to me, Merrily. You were part of it while pretending to be my friend. Of course I’m upset.”

Merrily winced. “I know,” she said softly. “But you have to understand, none of us truly thought you were part of it. Alex and Azriel would have been negligent if they hadn’t at least looked at you.”

“I can accept that,” Lamb conceded. “But he didn’t have to sleep with me.”

“Which is the reason I came to see you.” She raised her phone. “Can I send you something?” When Lamb shrugged, Merrily poked some buttons on her phone with her thumbs, the movements fast and precise. When her phone beeped, Lamb looked at what she’d been given. It was an audio file. “Because the guys are paranoid, and because El Diablo was listening to the conversation, they recorded it. Just like they do every conversation with someone outside of Argent listening. Azriel doesn’t know I have it, but he’ll get over it. You only heard part of the conversation. They saw you leave on the security feed, so they know what you heard.”

God, she wanted to believe. She wanted there to be a reasonable explanation for all of it, but how could there be? He’d still lied to her.

“I’ll listen, Merrily. But the fact remains he still lied. I can even understand his reasons. I have to live with his decisions, too.”

“I understand. Just…” Merrily trailed off. To Lamb’s surprise, she caught the glint of tears in the other woman’s eyes before one spilled down her cheek. “I’m so sorry, Lamb. You’re a good and honorable person. You didn’t deserve to be investigated at all. You never did, and they all know it.”

Lamb nodded, her own eyes filling with the familiar tears she’d been shedding for two days. How many more tears could one woman have? “I’ll listen to it.”

Merrily moved closer to Lamb, as if she intended to hug her but then thought better of it. “I really hope I see you again, Lamb.”

It was all Lamb could take. She hurried to the other woman and hugged her tightly. “You’re a good person, Merrily. I think we both got caught in the crossfire. You work for the men, and they had you doing a job.”

“Shadow Demons,” Merrily said softly. “I work with the Shadow Demons.”

“Wait. I knew they were closely associated with the Shadow Demons. Sean said as much. Are you saying the men who own Argent Tech are actually part of the Shadow Demons?”

“Not part of, Lamb. Alex, Azriel, and Giovanni are the Shadow Demons.”

Lamb wasn’t sure what to think. It kind of made sense. Just… was it just one more lie to go with the rest? Or a secret from Azriel she hadn’t yet earned?

“I’m part of them now. You could be, too. If you can find it in your heart to forgive the boys. Especially Azriel.” Merrily pulled back enough to look Lamb in the eyes. “He loves you, you know. He’d never admit it, but I think he fell in love during your interview before you ever started working for Argent. He watched it all from a monitor, but you affected him.”

“He — he does?” That was surprising.

Merrily nodded vigorously. “He does. He was pretty hard up before, but with you gone, he’s miserable. He just doesn’t know what to do to get you back.”

With a sigh, Lamb looked at her phone. “I’ll listen. But that’s all I’m promising.”

“If you do that, I think you’ll understand.”

As Merrily left, Lamb stared at her phone. She pulled up the audio file Merrily had sent her. Looking at the screen for long moments, Lamb finally decided it was worth a shot. She loved Azriel. Wasn’t love worth just one listen?

* * *

How could two fucking days seem like two years? Christ! Had it only been two days since Lamb had left him? In that time, Azriel had thrown himself into work in the lab. Giovanni was trying to perfect that fucking portal, and Azriel had put himself out there to help test it. High voltage cables ran in all directions from the circular metal frame to different areas of the lab. Azriel was tempted to have Giovanni program it to dump him in the middle of that fucking hotel room Lamb had rented for the weekend. She’d probably kick him out — once she got over the shock of him appearing amid the chaos of the event horizon — but he’d at least get to see her. Smell the sweet scent of her skin and hair. If he startled her enough, maybe she’d let him hold her. Just for a moment. Like she had in her apartment after he’d nearly beaten James to death. That is, assuming he survived the experience. Giovanni’s inventions were not always safe. Alex had gone through it once but hadn’t recommended it to Azriel.

That was a memory best left alone. The one time he’d attempted to sleep, he’d woken up in a cold sweat, reaching for Lamb as she lay dying in a pool of blood. She hadn’t even let him really look her over before she’d left him. Not that he blamed her. He’d fucked up and wouldn’t even try to deny it.

Giovanni had left to bring down supper, leaving Azriel free to tinker with the settings on the portal. If he could just see Lamb! Oh, he knew where she was. He’d always know. Keeping tabs on her was second nature now. Only, where before he hadn’t worried she’d give him the slip, now he worried constantly about it. Other than some of the Brotherhood deciding she needed to be taken out for some reason only known to them, his biggest fear was of Lamb managing to get away from him and disappearing off the grid. He doubted she’d do it. After all, slipping the grid wasn’t easy, and she’d have to care enough about him to put that much effort into it, but the fear was still there. He doubted Lamb wanted to put anything more of herself into anything to do with him.

He heard the door to the underground of the Shadow Demons opening but filed it away. He didn’t think Giovanni had been gone that long, but it was possible his mind had drifted off to thoughts of Lamb and lost track of time.


He stood up straighter, whipping around so fast he nearly got tangled in all the electrical cables around his feet. “Lamb! What are you doing here? Are you hurt?”

She raised a hand and took a step back when he moved toward her. “I’m fine. Just stop for a minute.”

He did as she asked, laying down the wrench he’d been using and wiping his hands on his jeans. “I –” He had to stop. Swallowed. Then tried again. “I’ve missed you, Lamb.”

“I’ve missed you too,” she said softly. “Merrily gave me the recording of the whole conversation I heard. Is it true?”

Azriel chanced a single step toward her. “That I intend to marry you?” She nodded. “Absolutely.” He dug into his back pocket and brought out the ring he’d had made. “I had this made before that conversation ever took place. I just could never find the right time to give it to you.”

He held out the most extraordinary ring Lamb had ever imagined. The center stone was a dark red, surrounded by pink stones. Two clear diamonds were set on each side along the band of rose gold. “Rubies?”

“No, my little Lamb. They’re all diamonds.”

She gasped and looked up at him, a look of horror on her face as she hastily tried to give it back to him. Shaking her head emphatically, she said, “I can’t take this! That’s a fortune in stones! What if I drop it? Or lose it!?”

He would have chuckled if he hadn’t been so heartsick. “Then I’ll buy you another, bigger one. One not so easy to lose.”

“Azriel this is… it’s lovely, but it’s just… too much!”

“It’s not nearly enough, Lamb. Not for you. You’re worth everything to me.”

She looked at the ring for some time, just studying it. Then she slipped it on her finger. “Looks like you had it sized to fit me.”

“I did. Since I had it sized, I can’t take it back.” He threw that bit in just to guilt her a little. He’d use anything he could to keep her.

“Well, I suppose if you can’t return it, I should try to get used to it.”

“I’d appreciate it.”

Lamb looked up at him. Then, somehow, she was in his arms, clinging to him as tightly as he was clinging to her. He felt her slight body trembling against him. Hell, he was probably shaking just as badly.

“Just to be clear,” he said in her hair as he continued to squeeze her to him. “You’re marrying me.”

She let out a little giggle that sounded suspiciously like a sob. “Yes, Azriel. I’ll marry you.”

“Thank God! I’d’ve hated having to grovel, especially when El Diablo is still lurking around somewhere, but I’d have done it.”

Finally, they both eased up. Azriel stared down into her lovely face. “Has there ever been a woman so lovely?”

She blushed becomingly. “Maybe you just need glasses.”

“Or maybe you just need to learn to take my compliments. I have a feeling I’ll never tire of giving them to you.” He brushed a tear from her cheek with the pad of his thumb. “What made you change your mind?”

“The audio file. And I realized that I loved you. Knowing that you loved me back and hadn’t wanted to lie to me helped. I’m still not happy with you.”

“I swear, I’ll never lie to you again. No matter what.”

“I’ll make sure you never forget because I’ll be bringing this up often. So often you’ll get sick of hearing it and will probably regret marrying me because of it.”

“Baby, that will never happen. Do it. Bring it up every fucking day. Three times on Sunday. I’ll forever be contrite and will never lie to you again.”

“See that you don’t,” she said sternly. “I can forgive you once. Two times shows a pattern I won’t tolerate.”

“I understand.”

“It also includes anything you’re doing with the Shadow Demons. Merrily told me she’s part of that group. I want in as well.”

“Done. Anything else?”

“Yes. Take me upstairs and make love to me.” She reached up to brush a kiss along his lips. “I’ve missed you so much!”

* * *

Thankfully, there was an elevator from the basement lab that went straight to the topmost floor of the massive compound Azriel called a house. From what she knew, Azriel, Alexei, and Giovanni each had a top floor on a different wing of the house to himself. As such, each had an elevator leading from the foyer of his suite to the lab. This expedited travel, and Lamb was exceedingly glad at the moment.

The moment they were inside his suite, Azriel started tugging at her clothing, trying to get them off.

She giggled. “I got my own clothes. You get yours off.”

“No,” he bit out. “If I get you naked before me, it’s less likely you’ll make it off this floor before I can catch you.”

Laughter bubbled up inside her where there had been only sorrow. Instantly, she felt lighter. Yes. She’d definitely made the right decision.

She let him finish undressing her before picking her up and laying her carefully in the center of his big bed. He had to crawl up on the thing fully clothed to do it. Even then, he didn’t let her go. Instead, he moved over her, lying between her spread thighs before taking her mouth with his.

Lamb opened willingly, lapping at his tongue when he thrust it deeply. There was no holding back her sigh of content. This was where she wanted to be. She knew she’d have to address everything else, but it could wait. Not long, but it could wait until they’d each taken what they needed. And given it back to each other.

Azriel blazed a trail down Lamb’s body from her neck to her breast, to her hip, and finally settled in on her pussy. He sucked each lip once before circling her clit with his tongue. Groaning loudly in almost a defeated tone, he covered her with his mouth, sucking and licking as he growled and snarled. His body trembled nearly as much as hers did. The arms wrapped so tightly around her thighs shook almost violently with every moment that passed. The material of his clothing added to the sensations he created. Whisper-soft movements followed by scratchy abrasions from his T-shirt and jeans both tantalized and maddened her.

Finally, finally, Azriel sat up, her thighs still draped over his. “Need inside you, Lamb.” His voice was guttural, his eyes wild with need. Sweat dampened his upper lip and brow. She knew his shirt was probably damp with it as well. He whipped the material over his head and went for the buttons on his jeans. “Not using a condom, Lamb. This is a permanent thing. You’re not leaving me. I’m not leaving you.”

She supposed that was as close to asking permission as she was likely to get with Azriel in this state. Truthfully, she wasn’t much better off. In answer, she reached for him, pulling him down on top of her. Then, she reached between them to guide his thick shaft inside her cunt. As he slid in slowly, he dropped his forehead to hers. Lamb whimpered, tightening her legs around him.

“Going to fuck you, Lamb. Going to fuck you until I come inside you. When you’re pregnant with my child, you’ll never in hell be rid of me.”

The grin tugging at her lips was tempered only by the intense need she had for exactly that. It was the heat of the moment, but Lamb yearned for a permanent tie to this man with all her heart.

“You know I’m not letting you do this for the money. Right?”

To her surprise, he grinned. “Little Lamb, you’re not the kind of woman to do that. Your heart is pure. Me, on the other hand… I’m going to shamelessly use any advantage I have to keep you with me. If that means I have to keep you pregnant for the next twenty years, I’m more than capable of it. Anything I have to do to keep you with me. I’m that ruthless.”

With a sigh, she stretched, arching her back and tilting her pelvis, moving on him and putting as much friction on her clit as she could and still tease him. “Well, in that case, I suppose you’d better get started. I might walk out the door otherwise.”

Azriel growled and nipped her neck sharply before sucking hard on the spot. Lamb knew she’d have a love bite for all to see and contemplated wearing something strapless and her hair up the next time they went out together. He’d placed his mark. She’d wear it proudly. Then Azriel started to move in earnest within her, and she forgot about everything other than the pleasure blossoming inside her.

Arms tightening around her, his breath coming in pants, Azriel surged deep, trying to concentrate on Lamb. He needed her to have a much pleasure as he could give her. She wore his ring, but he wouldn’t rest easy until he was legally bound to her and she had no way out of the marriage. He wasn’t lying. A baby would go a long way toward that end, and he was just desperate enough to make it happen.

Unbidden, the thought of a little girl with Lamb’s shining hair and big doe eyes looking up at him and smiling flashed through his mind. The vision was sharp and crisp as if he were actually seeing it. He cried out sharply, the need to plant his seed in his woman nearly overwhelming.

“God, Lamb!” His cries were echoed by Lamb’s. Her nails scored down his back until she gripped his ass and dug them in hard like little spurs. It wouldn’t surprise him if she’d broken the skin. But it meant she was as far gone as he was. Which was his permission to come.

“Come for me, baby,” he bit out. “Come on my dick so fucking hard!”

She did. Her cunt pulsed and pulled at him, taking the seed he was so ready to give. Lamb screamed shrilly, her head going back on the pillow and her back arching. Her muscles clamped down on him so tightly, he could hardly move. When he shot his load, it went deep inside her. She jerked with each jet of semen as if the bursts were strong enough to jar her.

Azriel gasped for breath as he lay there, Lamb pinned beneath him. She made sounds that almost sounded like a little purring kitten, obviously well-pleasured. There were things they needed to discuss, but he wasn’t ready. Not yet. He wanted her sated and sleepy before they had that talk. Then maybe he’d have a chance of keeping her. Sure, she’d taken his ring, had agreed to marry him, but Azriel wasn’t a man to take chances with what he wanted.

“More,” he growled, pushing himself off her only to flip her over to her knees. She let out a startled cry, then did it again when he swatted her ass.

“Ow! What was that for?” She looked over her shoulder at him. Her expression was angry, but there was a definite interest shining in her eyes.

“For trying to leave me. You’re never to do that again.” He swatted the other cheek.

“Azriel! Stop it!”

“Not until you promise,” he said, swatting her again. One cheek. Then the other. Her ass was a nice shade of pink, but he wanted it to be a deeper red. Wanted to look at those luscious globes as he fucked her and know he was the one who’d made them that particular color.

“Oh, God!” Lamb cried out as he kept spanking her, arching her back and leaning into his hand with each swat. “Oh, fuck!”

Azriel grinned as she swore. Yeah, she was enjoying the moment as much as he was. So he continued, and every now and then, he brushed his fingers through her pussy lips. She was wet with his seed and her own moisture, and it was nearly as big a turn-on as her reddening ass. On impulse, he swatted her pussy, making sure to get her clit when he did. Lamb let out another scream, this time lowering her head to the bed and raising her ass as high as she could get it.

“Goddamn,” Azriel muttered. The sight was more glorious than anything he could remember in recent memory. He’d seen subs at the Playground — a BDSM club owned by Salvation’s Bane in Palm Beach — present themselves thusly but never thought to have one do so for him. Mainly because he never cared to take a sub. Now, he could well see the appeal. The sight she made was droolworthy, practically straining for his hand and willfully showing him her drenched and well-used pussy. Well-used by him. Which made him hard as fuck. For her.

Azriel delivered several more slaps to her pussy before moving back behind her and mounting her in one swift stroke. Lamb cried out again, this time stretching her arms out in front of her and pushing back as much as she could.

He fucked her with all his might, gripping her hips and pulling her back as he thrust forward. When that wasn’t enough, he pulled her arms back, gripping her at the elbows and pulling her back to him hard. Lamb kept her upper body low, giving him the best angle to pull her roughly against him. Both of them grunted and whimpered and moaned in the silence of the room, the sound of their bodies slapping against each other the perfect cadence.

Muscles strained. Bodies sweated. And Azriel and Lamb convulsed together as they both came in a hot, wet rush. Azriel pulled her up to wrap his arms tightly around her body as he shot his seed inside her. One arm was tight across her breasts, but the other drifted down her body to where they were joined and cupped her pussy, his fingers around his dick where he was nestled snug. Her pussy milked him, her body shuddering in his arms as her climax crested, then ebbed.

For long moments they stayed like that. Azriel held Lamb upright when she might have collapsed. His dick was empty, but still it was hard enough to stay put. Azriel intended on keeping it there as long as he could.

“You good?” His voice was hoarse from his yells. The way it should be after sex this fantastic. “I wasn’t too rough? I don’t want you hurt, Lamb.”

She chuckled softly. “No, Azriel. You didn’t hurt me. That was the best sex of my life!”

That put his shoulders back and his chest out just a little. “Good. Because I intend to be the only man you get sex from for the rest of your life.”

She stiffened, then turned her head, resting it on his shoulder as she looked up at him. “Are you sure? I’m in love with you, but I don’t want you to do this because of what we just did.”

He sighed. “I hope you know me well enough by now to know that no one makes me do anything I don’t want. Yes. You’re marrying me. Why?” He kissed her softly before answering his own question. “Because I love you, Lamb. I want a child with you because any boy you have will be one more strong male to protect his mother, and any girl you have will be one more female to wrap me around her little finger. I want you, Lamb. In my life. In my bed. In my heart. My own little Lamb.”

Lamb smiled, the happiness showing brightly in her eyes. “I love you, too. And I want all those things as well. But only with you, Azriel.”

“Good.” He said, gently extracting himself before urging her back on the bed. He snagged a tissue from the nightstand and wiped her gently before tossing the thing in the wastebasket. “But we have one more thing to discuss before I fuck you again.”

She giggled. “Oh? What’s that?”

He grinned. “About those spankings I just gave you…”

Yeah. Azriel knew they were going to have a blessed life. Together.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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