Death & Dreams Book 1

Chapter 29

Shaw walks into his classroom after his lunch break to see a note on his desk. He looks around the room to see no one else is there.

He doesn't know why there would be a note on his desk since his wife doesn't just leave letters and his daughter was too lazy to.

He sits in his chair looking at the note before finally deciding that it was probably just a love letter from one of his students.

Opening it he read, "Come to your study once midnight comes, don't tell anyone"

He read it again just to make sure then tore the paper and threw it away just as his wife comes in.

"Hey babe" they kissed and talked about everything but the note that Lorenzo had. He never said anything to his wife because he didn't want to worry her but he couldn't help but feel that sense of dread.


Once midnight came, Shaw slowly and quietly got out of bed and went to his study, only to see Sebastian, Vivian, and Henry.

He closes the door and waits for one of them to say something.

The girl says, "Did anyone know you were coming tonight?"

Shaw looks at the three of them and takes a sit in his chair, "No, why are you here?"

Henry rolls his eyes, "Oh so your buddy, Mr. Grim didn't tell you that Thantos been taken by the council?"

Shaw's eyes get slightly bigger, "No when did he get taken?"

Vivian, "a month ago, and that's why we're here."

Seb looks in Shaw's eyes, "we have a plan to get him out but we need your help"

Shaw nods his head, "What do I need to do?"

"Before you agree to help willingly you need to know that you will never see your family when the plan begins"

Shaw looked surprise before he slowly nodded his head thoughtfully.

It was quiet for a minute or two before Shaw said, "I'll become a fugitive if I help you, wont I?"

Vivian said softly, "In a way, yes"

"I'll help so long as neither of them gets hurt"

Seb nods his head, "Done"

"ok, now what am I suppose to do?"

They tell him the plan and he nods his head to it.

Until he remembers, "What did you mean by me doing it willingly?"

Henry shrugged his shoulders, "the first part of the plan would still had happened whether you wanted it to or not"

Seb quickly intervenes, "you have 24 hours to say your goodbyes and have everything in order"

When Shaw nodded the three teenagers flash back to Fantasy's house.

Once there they see Fantasy drinking hot chocolate with the others.

Vivian says to Fantasy, "He agreed to it"

She nodded her head and called out as she gave them some hot chocolate, "Jade, Raven, Nicky, and Lily"

Once she had their attention, "get ready in two days you guys are up next"

She waited for them to nod their heads before she looks at Rick, "you and Alex can start when the sun comes up"

They nodded their heads as well

"Mack and Chris," they looked at her, "you will start when everyone comes back. Kayla and Sara you'll start right after them"

They nodded their heads and everyone either went back to what they were doing or went to get ready for their part of the plan.

Fantasy puts her cup close to her lip and whispers, "Let the chaos begin"


Seb, Vivian, and Henry go back to the Shaws house and wait in his office.

Once Shaw comes into the room they tell him to make it look like he went to the store and was coming home.

So he waited a few minutes before he went to the grocery store two streets down and bought cookies and cream ice-cream with peanut M&Ms, which just so happens to be his daughters favorite, to make it look like he was going to have a late night snack with his little girl.

Once he was just a street away from his home, Vivian steps in front of him, blocking his way.

Henry comes from the alley and blocks that exit as well.

While Seb stands behind Shaw.

Shaw takes a shaky breathe and says like he's suppose to, "what do you want?"

Vivian smirks, "oh nothing, it's a small thing. Nothing but a simple token really, we just want your life"

"please, you don't need to do this"

"Don't worry honey it won't hurt much."

With that said Seb grabs Shaw and slices his neck open. They watch as he falls to the ground and as the life slowly leaves his eyes.

Just as it left, they heard a woman scream and they turned in her direction fully, so she won't be mistaken at who did it when she tells the officers.

Henry winks at the woman and they all blinked it the safe house, to wait until Shaw's funeral ends.


Rick sits on top of the council building as an English Robin (pic at the top or side) watching the guards change shifts and when the council members come and go.

Which member has the most guards and to see which member has kids.

He watches as one of the council officers runs into the building and knows that part one is done.

Rick flies to the window that has the council members in the room and turns into a fly and attaches himself to a wall.

"Council there is news that Lorenzo Shaw was killed by one of the death dealers."

The council looks at each other slightly panicked, "are you sure?"

"Yes head council woman, I saw his body myself"

"Fine, when is the funeral"


The woman sighed, "fine you may leave"

The man bows and leaves the room, as soon as the door closes the council goes into an uproar.

"What are we going to do if they get their hands on Grim?"

"If they're brave enough to kill a teacher then what makes you think they won't come after us?"

The others start to talk over each other before the head council woman said to shut up and they did.

"Who all knows that Grim is an informant for us?"

"His wife"

"He might've told Shaw though"

"We need to make sure so I and two other will go to the funeral while the rest of you will corner Grim and see what he has to tell us. Put guards on him and Shaw's wife and child, as well."

The headwoman looks around the room, "Everyone agrees?"

Everyone says yes, the woman then says, "Good, let's get ready for the trip"

All of the members get up and leaves the room, once they do Rick flies out the window then flashes to Fantasy.

He sees her cooking some food while Mack and Chris are trying to sneak pieces of it but Fantasy keeps hitting their hands away.

Rick coughed trying to cover up the laugh that came out when Fantasy hit them on the head. Fantasy heard and turned towards him leaving the poor food defenseless.

"They're going to the funeral"

"Ok thank you"

Without turning around Fantasy says, "Mack keep your fingers out my food and go tell Vivian that the council is on the way to them. Oh and take these to them as well."

She went to the fridge and took out three paper bags then gave them to Mack.

Mack pouted but went to do as he was told.

Chris had his hand an inch to the food when Fantasy said, "and Chris be a dear and tell Alex and the girls to come down and eat will you?"

Chris pouted as well but went upstairs to get them.

Rick chuckled while Fantasy smiled and grabbed a container that was on the table and filled it with some of the food she was cooking.

She put it in a paper bag along with some hot chocolate and gave it to Rick.

"Thanks Fantasy"

"You're welcome"

Rick blinked back to England as the others came down the stairs, piled up their plates and sat at the table.

Mack blinked back in the room to see that there wasn't any food left. He sighed and Fantasy tried not to laugh as she went to the fridge and grabbed a plate that she already fixed for him. She handed it to him and he looked like a kid in a candy store. He quickly hugged Fantasy and sat down then dug in.

Fantasy nibbled on her food, she didn't really want to eat knowing that Thantos was most likely starving but to not have the others worried she ate a little bit.

Once everyone was done they cleaned their plate, thanked Fantasy for cooking and left the room.

Alone, Fantasy puts her plate in fridge and reheats her hot chocolate.

She looks out the window and thinks about Thantos in pain again, "Don't worry love, we're coming for you. Just hold on."

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