Death & Dreams Book 1

Chapter 24

Christmas day and I do not want to deal with snobby rich people with a damn stick up their ass but for Fantasy I will.

Fixing the green tie around my neck and straighten up my grey suit, I look at Seb in his red suit and white tie, Alex is in all white, Rick in all black, Henry in black with orange, Chris in light blue, while Mack is in silver and blue.

The girls walked in with all different design and colors but one way or another they matched the guys. Raven matched Henry, Lily matched Seb, Vivian matched Alex, Sara matched Rick, Kayla matched Mack, and Jade matched Chris, while Nicky stood out in purple but still looked pretty.

Chris says while fighting with his tie, "So you know what time to grab Fantasy and leave right?"

Before he could choke himself Jade swatted his hands away and fixed the tie for him.

"Yeah cause if I find out that you were late and she missed the show I am going to be pissed and take it out on you." Kayla said with a glare

I lifted my hands in a surrender motion, "I wont be late but I do need to ask you all something."

Chris sighed, "oh god what now?"

I took a deep breath and sighed but didn't say anything yet

"Thantos you can tell us whatever." Sarah whispered softly

I looked out the window and away from them, "You all know the rules and us and relationships, but we all broke that rule at least once and no one cared so long as we didn't fall in love with the person."

Chris said, "yeah"

I was going to say something but Mack cut me off, "You fell in love Fantasy and you want us to be fine with it but you're not really asking us to protect her because you don't want to have any of us feel like we're forced or obligated to do so. Was that what you were going to say?"

I turned and stared at Mack, "um yeah"

"Look Thantos I know that you think that I hate you. I don't hate you or fantasy. I'm actually really happy that you two found each other. So I'm asking you before the council finds out, because you know they will, I want to be the one that protects her from them when you can't."

I blinked a few times speechless

But jade beat me to it, "What about the whole I hate you because of my lover is dead thing?"

He shrugged and said, "I realized a week before we started building the house that I was in love with the idea of being in love and was pissed that I couldn't tell the difference between the thought of love and being in love. The girl was the first person to act like she cared and I took it as a chance to try and fall for someone. We all know how that turned out but when I see you and Fantasy together, it's like watching a fairytale come to life. Two people who need each other fall in love for the first time."

Henry nods, "For once I actually agree with him. You and Fantasy are complete polar opposites that need each other to stay alive."

Seb laughs a little, "She's life you're death"

Alex "She the heat of summer while you're the cold of winter"

Rick chuckles, "You're poison and She's the cure or it could be the other way around"

Nicky "She the calm and you the storm"

Chris, "She's the peace and you the danger"

Raven, "You're the body She's the heart"

Sara smiles, "She's you're weakness and your strength just like you are hers"

Vivian whispers, "You're the darkness and she's the light"

Kayla "You're the dark prince and she the kind princess"

Lily called out to me, "Thantos you may not have know that you were in love with her earlier but we knew and we accepted that. We were just waiting for you to finally see it."

Everyone nodded their heads in agreement except for Jade.

"Jade, what do you think?"

The room was silent waiting to see what she would say. When she did talk it was something I saw coming.

She whispered softly, "I always thought you would fall in love with me and leave her. I-...I never took you two seriously. I guess I should've, huh."

She smiled sadly and I sighed, "Jade, I love you, I really do but not the way that you want me to love you. Hell I love you like a sister."

Jade sighed, "Yeah I know which is why I'm going to be fine with you basically asking the girl to marry you. You deserve happiness with her so I'll leave you two alone and hope that I can find the same love you two have."

"you will Jade and I'll help you find it."

She smiled at me again, "I think that she's you're queen and you're her king, forever and always"

Its quiet for a few seconds before Seb clapped his hands together, "Alright now that we have that settled let's get this party started"

We blinked to the alley across the street from the hotel and walked inside.

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