Death & Dreams Book 1

Chapter 13

I woke in a chair beside Fantasy's bed and heard the heart monitor beep a steady pace, saw her chest rise and fall normally. I breathe out a sigh of relief and held her hand, just to make sure she's actually here.

I smiled when her grip tightened around mine and I just couldn't help myself.

I bent over her and kissed her.

I felt the explosions and the heat, her heart picked up its pace, and she was kissing me back.

I started to kiss her deeper and wasn't going to stop but then someone coughed rudely and ruined our moment.

The damn bastard.

That's when a thought hit me........people in comas don't kiss back.

I moved my head and watched as Fantasy opened her beautiful silver eyes for the first time in four years.

"Thantos?" her voice was rough and she started to cough.

Sitting on the edge of the bed I got the water pitcher from the table next to her and poured some in a glass cup.

I helped her sit up a little and let her sip the water a little at a time until it was empty.

I whispered in her ear while running my fingers though her hair, "You scared the hell out of me, my Neve Bianco"

She wrapped her arms around me with her face in my neck. I held her close like she would disappear at any moment.

I wanted to stay like this forever but someone had other plans.

"Well I hate to break up this moment but I want to meet the girl that has my best friend's heart in her hands and just had a snow white moment."

Fantasy jumped a little, snapped her head up and clung to me some more but kept her eyes on Seb. I, on the other hand, turned and glared at him.

I saw that the others were there watching with shocked or amused looks, so I glared at them too.

These dumb fucks are just staring at her and I'm going to punch them in the face if they don't stop making her uncomfortable.

"oh come on Than, don't be like that. They're just curious."

Seb started to come towards us and I was going to rip his fucking legs off if he took one more step.

And he did, so I growled like a wolf would and stood up. I could feel my eyes turn red and the temperature dropped but didn't care, I just wanted to rip Seb to shreds. I was going to tear off his limbs one by one and make sure that it was bloody and painful.

I took a step towards him when a small soft hand lay on my arm. I snapped my head towards Fantasy and saw her look at me in wonder and awe, not an ounce of fear in her beautiful eyes.

Keeping her hand on my arm she used her other one to grab my hand and slowly pulled me back towards her.

She patted the space next to her with a smile on her face, when I was back where I was before.

I sat and waited to see what she would do.

Her smile got even bigger when she ran her fingers though my hair. It was so relaxing that I ended up closing my eyes and started purring.

After a few minutes, Fantasy moved closer to me and whispered, "Thantos can you stop making it cold, please?"

I took a deep breath and blinked. The room got warmer but my eyes stayed red.

I rubbed her cheeks, "Sorry, la mia principessa"

She just smiled at me and kept playing with my hair. It felt as if we were the only ones in the room until Nicky opened her big mouth.

Amused, "well this just keeps getting better and better."

I ignored her and anyone else that was talking. I kept my eyes on the beautiful girl that's my princess and when we're older, she'll be my one and only queen.

Someone called my name but I only gave them an irritated look and turned back to her.

Fantasy looked at me with a stern look on her face.

I sighed, she hated it when I purposely ignored someone.

So I turned back towards them, Fantasy moved to sit behind me and started to braid my hair.

"what is it?"

The room was silent for a few seconds as they all looked at each other trying to find something to say.

Fantasy had parted my hair down the middle and started to braid one side.

"Why did you try to attack Seb?" Jade whispered

I shrugged my shoulders, knowing it was because that I didn't want anyone to scare her anymore than she already was.

Nicky asked, "How long have you to know each other?"

"About 6 months"

"And I guess you're in love with her too huh?" Chris had his arm crossed and glared at me with his purple eyes.

"I never said that"

All I knew was that I'm extremely protective over her and that I'm not fully in love with her yet and that Fantasy feels the same.

Fantasy moved on to the other half and started on it, ignoring what Chris said

"Wait so you're not in love with her?" Jade says with excitement

"Not yet"

Jade's shoulders slumped and she looked upset.

Seb has this smirk on his face, "can I met her now that you've calmed down some"

I opened my mouth to say no but then I heard a whisper, "My name is Fantasy"

She stopped playing with my hair but had her hands in her lap and looked at her hands.

In a soft voice, Seb says "Hi Fantasy, my name is Sebastian but you can call me Seb."

She peeked up at him and Seb continued, "I'm Thantos best friend and everyone else are his friends too."

Fantasy nodded her head than laid her head on my shoulder. I pulled her on my lap and lay back on the bed, rubbing her back.

"Fantasy we would like to be your friend too, if you want us to be" Alex said

Jade looked at Alex and glared at him, "speak for yourself, blind boy"

Seb snapped his head towards her, "watch it Jade before Thantos throws you out that window or I could do that for him, myself."

She huffed but didn't say anything after that.

Rick sighed, "I guess, I'm the one that's going to have to ask."

He looked me in the eyes, "you do know that this is forbidden, right?"

"It's not against the law to be with a human."

"But it is against the law for us to be with anyone."

I stayed quiet and so did everyone else.

Matt started to laugh loudly but you could tell that it was a fake laugh.

"What's so funny Matt?"

He ignored me and kept laughing

Fantasy looked like she wanted to hide from everyone.

She gripped my shirt when Matt kept laughing but she shivered a little when he finally stopped.

When she looked up at me, her eyes had fear in them and Matt was the one to put it there.

I stood up from the bed and gently set Fantasy back on it.

I kissed her forehead and whispered in her ear that I'll come back once the doctor, who's down the hall, leaves. This gave me about 30 minutes for the doctor to do everything and call her parents.

She whispered ok and I turned towards Matt, who looked smug. I walked towards him slowly and stood in front of him waiting for him to say or do something else I didn't like.

And he did, "Well Thantos I guess they were right, you are destined to kill us and all for a stupid weak human female."

When I punched Matt in the face, I also made everyone blinked to the Sahara desert.

Only because I didn't want any blood to get on my Neve Bianco.

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