Stephan went silent. SJ had asked him that question numerous times before and he always dismissed it.

“You knew he was asking about it and you didn’t tell me? First of all who gave him the impression that I had such a terrible time when I was pregnant with him?”

“I am guilty of both accounts. I may have let it slip out the day we found out you were pregnant.”


“He asked me why you weren’t happy about the new baby and I told him some scary stuff happened when you were pregnant with him.”

“Do you know he now thinks it’s his fault? The reason I want happy about the baby was his fault.”

“I knew he was concerned but I never thought he blamed himself.”

“Now you do and you need to talk to him about it. And under no circumstances are you to tell him what happened.”

“Scarlet take it easy, getting worked up is not good for the baby.”

“You need to stop worry about the baby in here and worry about the one that’s walking around with guilt on his shoulders.” Scarlet put her right arm in her belly while her left hand pointed towards the direction SJ disappeared to.

“I think he wants you to talk to him, but I’ll do what I can,” Stephan promised although he didn’t think he could do as much as Scarlet would if she talked to him.

“I could only find pepperonis.” SJ walked in with a box from Memo’s it was the only pizza she would eat and Vincent and Victor had to go into town every single day for it.

The tension in the room was so thick it could be cut by a knife. SJ didn’t miss the looks his parents exchanged and when their gazes settled on him, he got nervous. He had to get out of there before they called him to talk.

“I’m going out. We are low on chicken and this is the last box of pizza.” Quickly he dropped the box on the table next to Scarlet.

“SJ I need to talk to you about your mother’s pregnancy.”

“Ok, but can we do this later, mom has been telling me to go out the whole morning.”

“After we talk.”

“We don’t need to. This seems to be a subject that mom hates and she doesn’t want me asking about it. I respect that. So I am going to get Eric, mom, and me some food, then knock down some trees later on.” SJ didn’t give them a chance to speak, he sped out of the room.

“That went well, don’t you think?” Stephan said as he slid closer to Scarlet.

“Perfect.” Scarlet moaned.

“Where is your son taking my daughter and why is he driving my car?” Kayla walked into the room with a confused look on her face.

“When are you going to stop being suspicious of SJ. He is a grown boy and his mischief days are behind him.”

“I don’t trust minds I can’t read. “Kayla joked.

“I guess I’m included,” Stephan smirked.

“You bet you are. So how is the soon-to-be mummy doing?”

“Soon to be Mommy, again.” Scarlet corrected. “I’m doing fine. The pain isn’t that bad today.”

“I don’t get it, you never had this kind of pain when you were pregnant with SJ.”

“I know. I guess it’s different. I’m different so the baby must be different.” Scarlet wrapped her arms around her belly.

“When are you two going shopping? She’s going to need looser clothes.” Stephan asked, shopping was never his favorite thing to do and he would much rather Kayla took her out instead of him.

“I’ve got your t-shirts and we still have some of SJ’s baby clothes, his basinet, and crib. Everything else would have to wait until the baby is born.” Scarlet had gone through SJ’s things when she found out she was pregnant. She already knew what she would need and it wasn’t much.

“So far along do you think you are?” they hadn’t gone to the doctor like the first time and would have to rely on past experiences.

“I guess four weeks.” Her hand smoothed over the little bump that peeked out of her tank top.

“It’s going to be fine. You don’t have to worry.”

“Who said I’m worried?”

“Jade told me you are feeling a bit scared.”

“I forgot we have a walking mood detector in the house.” Scarlet groaned.

“She means well.” Kayla defended her daughter’s talent.

“I know.”

“Hey ladies, how is mom doing?” Solara asked as he walked into the room.

Scarlet gave him thumbs up and a weak smile.

“Do you mind if I steal Stephan from you?”

“No, not at all.”

Solara walked out of the house and Stephan followed him.

“What’s up?”

“Not here.”

They walked deeper into the forest and Stephan knew that whatever he needed to tell him was bad. The only reason they went that far is when they wanted to say something that the girls shouldn’t be privy to.

“This is far enough. Solara what’s going on?”

“Ask him.” he leaned his head towards the right and Leo emerged from the trees.

“You again. You were just here two days ago.” Stephan groaned.

“The Council has made a decision.”

“Which is?” Stephan was nervous, his heartbeat banged in his ears as he watched Leo’s lips move, hoping that the sound coming from them would be good news.

“They said no.”

Stephan sighed as the pressure that was building up in him fell to his feet. “That’s good news and very smart of them.”

“But they have said that they will keep a close watch and if you do pose a threat to them, they will sort you out to kill you,” Leo added.

“There will be no need for that, we don’t pose a threat to them.”

“But the thing is Stephan you are capable of starting a new race and that scares them.”

“No one is building an army or starting a new race. This is my family and we have no motives of taking over your control.”

“Ok then. I guess I’ll head back home.”

“You should, and Leo, I would appreciate it if I never see your face here again.”

“That’s not a way to speak to an old friend.”

“Friend you say. A friend does not sell out his friend at the risk of killing his family just so that he could get some power.” Stephan said through clenched teeth.

“I think the word you are looking for is, friend. Please leave before he kills you, for one I am not interested in explaining to his wife why he is covered in Vampire blood.” Solara half stepped in front of Stephan, blocking his direct path to Leo.

“I am trying to make up for that. Why would I come here each time to warn you?” he was sincere, but that didn’t matter. The damage had been done and Stephan was not the forgiving and forgetting type.

“Get off my property.” Stephan hissed.

“I’m leaving.”

“What’s going on Stephan?” Victor emerged from behind the trees. Confused he looked back and forth from Stephan and Leo. “Scarlet isn’t going to like it if she finds out he is here.”

“Don’t worry about that he was just leaving.” Stephan roared.

Leo ran into the thick forest and disappeared into the darkness of its cover.

“What’s wrong?”

“I thought you went out with the others?” Solara asked.

“No. I opted for a run instead. What’s going on?” He was determined not to get derailed from the conversation.

“Marquis is back. And she wants blood.” Stephan said after he had calmed himself down.


“My guess is Scarlet’s or mine. Who knows with that woman anything is possible.”

“So what’s the plan?”

“There is no plan, not at the moment anyway.” Solara put in.

“Let me get this straight, there is a crazy female out there, desiring Scarlet’s blood. Scarlet who at the moment is in a very delicate condition and we do not have a plan to stop her.” Victor said a layer of sarcasm coated his tone.

“Not exactly. We do have a plan. The plan is not to let Scarlet find out about this.” Stephan retorted.


“Ok, but one thing is for sure Stephan if Marquis doesn’t get you Scarlet will.”

“I know. Victor, you can’t think about this around Kayla.”



Scarlet flipped through the channels, she was all alone in the TV room. She was bored and going crazy, she couldn’t take the vegetative state they insisted on keeping her in.

“So baby, I guess it’s just you and me. You’ll never leave me, will you? Yeah, that’s what your brother said too, then he was born, and as soon as he learned how to walk he wasn’t around much. I hope you won’t be as much trouble as he was.”

A dull ache at the base of her back made Scarlet shift around on the seat. “I hope I’m not making you dizzy. Mommy is just trying to give her back a break.”

Scarlet shifted again when the dull ache turned into a prickling pain. She felt like a thousand needles were being pushed into her lower back.

“Stephan,” Scarlet called out when the pain grew worse.

When she didn’t get a response she decided to go look for them. The house was quiet and empty, not even Kayla was around. She took a step towards the front door, she took another step but on the third step, her leg froze mid-air. She felt like her body was being wedged in two as a new wave of pain burned through her. Scarlet, bit on her lower lip as she tried her best to stifle the scream threatening to break away from her lips.

“Stephan.” She breathed out.

The pain was getting worse as it slowly traveled from her lower back to the rest of her body.

She could feel something warm and wet travel down her leg. Scarlet’s first instinct was that she peed her pants, but when she ran her hand along her inner thigh she came up with something else. Her hand was covered with blood and immediately she knew what it meant.

Scarlet’s bloodied fingers trembled as she stared at them. This wasn’t right. It was happening too fast. She just found out about her pregnancy and now she was about to lose it. She doubled over when the pain punched her abdomen.

“No, please God no.”

She dropped to her knees her arms wrapped around her belly. The pain was slowly becoming unbearable. She needed help. Scarlet let out a scream as loud as her lungs would allow it. The white tiled floor turned to a dark shed of red.

“Did you hear that?” Stephan asked.

“I think everyone in the whole county heard it,” Solara said.

Another blood-curdling shriek of horror rang through the air. This one sent the birds fleeing from their nests.

“Scarlet.” Stephan took off, he wasn’t sure it was her but he wasn’t willing to take any chances.

Scarlet’s nails dug into her palms as she squirmed in pain on the floor.

The metallic smell of fresh blood hit him first. He rushed into the house and found her writhing in pain on the floor. He saw her bloodied hand resting on her belly but couldn’t see where it was originating from. He squatted next to her.

“What’s wrong baby?” Stephan searched her body looking for the source of the blood.

“The baby.”

Stephan’s eyes trailed over her leg, he then leaned over to look behind her then he saw the pool of blood. He tried not to panic, he didn’t want to alarm Scarlet more than she already was.

“What’s going on?” Kayla rushed into the house to find them hovered over her. She pushed her way to Scarlet and froze when she found her lying in a puddle of her blood.


“The baby.” Scarlet managed to wheeze.

“She’s bleeding out.” Stephan put in. “We need to get her upstairs.”

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