“We are Iris,” Solara reassured her.

It took half an hour for Iris to straighten Kayla’s curly hair. She swept it into an elegant French twist, with little rhinestones pinned into it. When her hair was done, Scarlet took over and made up her face with light silver eye shadow and a light pink gloss. Slowly the image of a princess was taking shape and when she slipped on her wedding gown it was complete.

Kayla was opposed to wearing a veil; there was nothing innocent about her. But her Nana insisted on it. She pinned the white lace veil at the back of her twist and it gave the ensemble the complete look it needed. She sat next to her grandmother as she got ready, giving her most of the attention and helping her with her black and white dress suit.

Iris and Scarlet were helping each other get ready. Scarlet had her hair tong and the curls cascaded smoothly down her back. The brown in her hair a contrast to the black dress she wore. Iris knotted her long hair in a ponytail at the back of her head. Her grey dress brought out her curvaceous body.

They stood in front of the mirror, huddled together so that they could all see each other at the same time.

“Ladies we look hot,” Kayla announced.

“I have to agree with you on that. You girls stay here I need to check on what the boys are doing downstairs.” Scarlet put in. She wanted to give the three generations of Cooper women some time to themselves.

“Kayla come sit next to me.” Nana patted on the bed beside her. Kayla gathered up the fluffy bottom of her dress and dropped on the bed.

“How are you feeling? Are you tired?”

“No. I’m fine. I just wanted to know how the bride is doing.”

Kayla had thought of this day for a while and imagined how she would be feeling at that moment. She had to confess that it didn’t feel like she thought it would. She was happy because she was about to marry the man she loved and her family would be there to witness it.

But she was also afraid about how her grandmother was doing. She was sad that this could be the last time they celebrate something together. She was afraid that her Nana may die even before the ceremony took off.

This wasn’t her dream wedding and although it was rushed because of the dire situation, it was better than what she hoped for.

“I’m doing great Nana.” She gave her a serene smile.

“You can’t back out now; as soon as the pastor arrives you are getting married,” Iris said. It sounded more like a warning than advice.

Kayla laid her head on her grandmother’s thighs, just as she did when she was younger. Nana stroked her hair making sure she didn’t put it out of place.

“My little girl is getting married today. Soon you will have your own family and you will be happy. Even when I am gone you will have someone who loves you to take care of you. Now that I have met Solara I can leave this earth in peace-,”

“Nana don’t say that.”

Scarlet had to slip out of the room. She thought that they needed some privacy, besides unlike Kayla she could cry and she didn’t want to somber the mood anymore or ruin her make-up.

Stephan let out a loud long whistle when she walked down the stairs. “You look, hot babe.”

“Watch it my husband is here somewhere and I don’t think he would like you whistling at me.” She gave him a loaded wink.

“Is he now?” Stephan bent over so that Scarlet wouldn’t have to stretch up to kiss him. Even on the four-inch pumps, she was still too short.

“You look very debonair Stephan. You should wear more Armani and give up on the black and white t-shirts.” She straightened his silver tie that stood out of his all-black suit. His hair was pulled back in a neat ponytail.

“What’s wrong?” Even as she teased him he could sense that there was something wrong.


“Scarlet I have known you for four years; I think I can tell when something is bugging my wife.”

“It’s Kayla. She is happy about the wedding, but her heart is breaking at the same time.” Scarlet lifted her eyes to the ceiling, unwilling to let the tears fall and ruin her makeup.

“She’ll be fine. She has you to get her through it.”

“I don’t think I’m the best person to do that at the moment.”

“She’s like your grandmother too. But you have been through this. Use the psychology you know to get you both through this.”

Scarlet rose on her tiptoes and kissed his chin, “Thanks babe, but I have practiced any psychology in three years. And that only helps after accepting death. I don’t think Kayla is going to anytime soon.”

“I know that for sure.” Solara walked in on them.

Solara wore a black suit with a white shirt and black tie. His usual ruffled hair was smoothed down with some gel. He was a knockout in every sense of the word.

“Why would you say that?”

“Kayla has been wrestling with the thought of turning her grandmother. Thankfully she isn’t committed to it.”

“We need to be here for her now more than ever.” Scarlet was worried. She knew Kayla’s rationality flew out when she got desperate.

“How about we think happy thoughts today and deal with that when the time comes. Solara I must say you would make an excellent James Bond look alike.” Stephan teased.

“You know it.” He winked at her.

“How is it going back there?” Scarlet could see that the backyard had gotten a bit crowded.

“Kayla’s family is here. Everything has been set up and Iris is making sure everything turns out beautifully.”

“I should go help her.” She walked towards the kitchen but stopped halfway there. “Where is my baby? I haven’t seen him much since he got here. I’m afraid he’ll think I’m ignoring him.”

“He understands,” Stephan reassured her.

“Besides I’m not a baby.” SJ walked in Xavier Eric and the twins beside him. He had his hand on his tie, feigning that he was straightening it. His suit was identical to that of Stephan’s. He still wore his hair the way he usually did, half-covering his face.

“That you are.” Scarlet stared in awe at how good her son looked. “May I say that you gentlemen look great. Do you think I can get a picture with my two favorite men?”

Scarlet stood sandwiched between her son and her husband as Vincent used his camera to take a photo of them.

“Momma, how old do I look?” SJ asked a hopeful expression on his face.

Momma, Scarlet sighed. She missed the days she called her mommy and couldn’t wait to be in his arms. “I don’t think anyone will suspect anything.”

“That’s not why I asked,” SJ mumbled.

“He’s got his eye on a girl out there. She looks almost twenty.” Vincent teased.

“You look twelve. Do you hear me?” Scarlet shot out. He walked, talked, and grew too fast; she didn’t think her heart could handle him dating someone who was less than four years younger than her.

Iris walked into the room with a smile on her face, “Someone better call GQ, because I think all their models are here.”

“You look beautiful Iris.” Solara leaned and gave his soon-to-be mother-in-law a peck on the cheek.

“Thank you. It’s almost time, so the rest of you should have your seats. Solara the pastor wants to talk to you. Don’t worry it’s nothing important he just feels like he needs to impart some knowledge-,”

Iris abandoned her thought when the door opened and a black man walked in. Hesitant he made his way to where she stood a look of shame written on his face.

“You came.” The surprise was evident in her voice.

“I told you I would.”

“Where is your wife today? It’s not like you not to have your trophy on your arm.”

“She opted out. She went to the spa instead, but she knows her way here, she’ll come if she wants to.”

“Whatever, just head to the backyard where everyone else is waiting.”

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