Curse of the Moon Goddess

Chapter Mesmerized

The day of the youth gathering arrived and I stood mortified in my best dress clothes in our living room. I had lost the argument with my mom. In fact, I lost so bad that I now know how to waltz as my brothers were forced to teach me instead of fight training for the last few days. They themselves had learned a few years earlier right before a youth gathering where they met their current mates. Needless to say, the entire family was miserable this last week except my sister. She was volunteered to be my dance partner and she loved every minute of it. Seeing her smile was literally the only thing that kept me from hurling.

“Oh my. You look wonderful Jake!” my mother gushed, resisting the urge to hug me in fear of causing wrinkles in the fabric.

“Uh, thanks,” I replied uncertainly. It was so awkward trading my worn-out britches for a pair of nice pants. Couldn’t I just wear those and my usual training shirt?

Kent came up behind and slapped me on the shoulder.

“You do look pretty good younger brother, but remember,” he leaned in close to whisper, “be nice to the ladies. You need to woo them not treat them like their Aleina.”

I swatted his hand off my shoulder and rolled my eyes. My heart skipped a beat at the sound of her name. I hoped he couldn’t hear it.

“Seriously though!” Kent hollered as I stomped to the door, “You’ll never get a mate if you treat the ladies like they’re Aleina.”

I slammed the door partly to make a point I didn’t give a care what he was saying, partly because I hated the truthfulness in his statement.

I hated the idea of being mated to a clingy, whiny, shy, pretty girl. I wanted someone who was strong, smart, mesmerizing, and pushed the limits. Maybe even pushed my limits.

Like Aleina?

Shut it. I spoke roughly to my wolf, Duncan. He was really starting to get on my nerves with the mushy stuff about Aleina. Granted he was right, but she was my sworn enemy not a love interest.

Thankfully the place was within walking distance. It was basically a wheat field with a lake down the hill. They always planned these events here so that once you found your mate you could go down to the lake and spend some “quality time” with them.

Shivers went down my spine at the thought. I can’t stand all the mushy gushy stuff of finding a mate. In fact, I would be perfectly happy if I never found my mate. Save me the hassle of explaining my training schedule and avoiding the jealousy sure to come with training with Aleina. Even if I found my mate, Aleina would still be my training partner. She pushed me to become better while I did the same to her. I actually feel kind of bad for her. Hopefully she doesn’t find her mate because I’m certain he would turn her into the good housewife expected of the woman. Aleina would hate that life.

I glanced around. Not seeing anyone I wanted to talk to, I sniffed the air and made my way to the delicious buffet of fresh fruits, homemade breads, and a roasted pig. This was the real reason I came to these events.

After gorging myself for a good minute, I turned to take another look at everyone there. That’s when I spotted her. I had to hurriedly swallow my mouthful as I took her in.

She looked stunning. She wore a deep blue dress that caused her brown hair to appear golden in the sunset and her already bright blue eyes could outshine any star. Even the gray in her eyes stood out when it is usually so hard to pinpoint. She even wore an array of flowers in her hair giving her the aura of a fairy rather than a werewolf. Was she always this gorgeous?

I was so in awe with her beauty I almost didn’t notice the young man she was talking to. When she started giggling, I almost lost it. It didn’t help that at the same moment a breeze picked up and sent her fresh aroma of pine needles and summer my way.

Duncan started to do his purring thing again which was really starting to get on my nerves.

Knock it off you sick puppy.

I can’t help it. She’s just so… wonderful.

Yeah, well, get over it. She’s not our mate. What will you do when we find our mate?

He was silent and I knew the answer. Neither of us knew what would happen if we did find our mate. She better be cooler than Aleina otherwise I don’t think Duncan will like her.

Without warning, the young man grabbed Aleina’s hands and pulled her down the hill towards the lake. I felt a growl slowly rumble in my chest.

It was cut short as I felt fingers gently brush against my skin. A shiver coursed through my spine at the touch.

I turned to face a petite blonde girl with bright, emerald green eyes. She barely came up to my chest and was wearing a light pink gown that matched her slightly flushed cheeks.


Her voice sent shock waves through me. I instantly knew who she was.

“Hello. My name is Jake.”

“Olivia,” she nodded towards the lake, “shall we.”

She wore a slightly mischievous grin at what her words and actions suggested.

In a daze, I nodded. I couldn’t believe this is my mate. She’s cute, don’t get me wrong, but I always thought I’d feel something… more. I felt the sparks and everything, but something just didn’t feel right.

The whole way down I studied my mate. Her blush grew every time she caught me staring. She’s most likely from a rich family based on the graceful way she walked, her manner of speech, and the softness of her hands. She would wait for me to ask the questions and always turn the conversation back to me. The farther we walked the more she reminded me of a china doll. Perfectly cut and delicate.

“Careful!” I cried out, barely catching her as she tripped on a petite rock.

Glancing down at my hands around her waist, she blushed even harder.

“Pardon me,” she stumbled out.

Slightly annoyed, I pulled her upright, “It’s ok. Just be a little more careful.”

At last, we arrived at the lake. I couldn’t help but glance around for a familiar face. I sniffed the air carefully so as not to arouse suspicion from my china doll mate.

“Let’s go this way,” I said, dragging her to the right knowing she wouldn’t protest. She was raised to be a trophy wife and the idea, for some reason, really annoyed me.

We walked a good way before we heard the blood curdling call of someone screaming.

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