Stephan led the army back into the gates of the fortress with Leo, Solara, and the twins beside him. Salvatore watched them as they walked in. He didn’t see Zen or Marquis with them, so he assumed that they were dead. Stephan son’s wasn’t there either and the only way Zen would fail him is if he was dead, he had assured them that he would end their lives.

He walked down to the courtyard where they had assembled, they hadn’t made a move to go inside, and so he thought he would go to them. Salvatore knew that their return could mean two things, that they were victorious against the beasts, or that Stephan had found out and he was back to kill them.

Stephan watched him as he walked out his hands stretched outwards. He wasn’t moronic, he had his best men flanking him.

“I assume this means victory.” He grinned. “I see you have brought the brothers back.” He smiled at the twins.

“The fight hasn’t started yet Salvatore.” Stephan glared at him, his obnoxious grin angering him even more.

“What do you mean by that warrior?” Salvatore’s eyes swept through his numbers, all of the warriors were his but they had seemed to have changed their allegiance.

“I’m not your warrior.”

“And neither are we.” Leo stepped forward.

Stephan shot him a look before he snickered. He was never this weak and spineless when he served under him. His departure had affected more than just Marquis and their war tactics.

“The wind whispered to me, and it told me the strangest thing...” Stephan took a step forward, “it said that you wanted my son.”

“That is an absurd accusation, Stephan.” Salvatore kept his poker face.

“No, it’s not. And or that I have come here to take your life.” He rushed forward to him but was intercepted by his guards.

Stephan let the animal in him take over, he panted as his body phased. His breaths short, quick, and jagged as his bones broke and took their new form. His shirt ripped off him as he grew three times his original size. His trousers were next as his thighs become thicker and a short tail grew out his back. His skin, pitch black with sued fur.

He stood on his two hind feet and bent over to look him in the eyes. His hot breaths heaved out of his body with great force, battered Salvatore’s face.

Salvatore watched as the man turned into an animal, his eyes deathly and his arms strong and large. He ran back into the fortress closing the twelve feet doors behind him. The old stone castle shook when the doors banged closed.

Stephan tossed the guards over his head to the other vampires behind him. He didn’t have the time or the patience to kill them himself, he was afterlife more precious than theirs.

He charged for the giant wooden doors and went through them, sending one crashing to the ground. Stephan followed his scent down the hall and up the stairs to his chambers.

He bulldozed through the guards who formed a resistance line in front of the doors. He went through them and the doors Salvatore hid behind.

Salvatore launched at him as soon as he did, biting and punching him. Attacking his body with lightning speed and all the strength he could muster.

Stephan whimpered each time he felt him sink his teeth into his skin and the venom burn into his flesh. Salvatore was faster than any vampire he had met, but his century of leading with his words and not his fists had made him weaker and less tactical.

Stephan stood still, letting his vampire talent work for him. He built an invisible wall and waited for him to crush into it.

Salvatore could feel the force that radiated from Stephan’s body but couldn’t see it. He tried to be cautious but it was hopeless. He smashed into Stephan’s wall.

Stephan could hear the crushing of bones after a loud thud. He snickered then opened his eyes to find Salvatore motionless on the ground. He turned back to his human form and pulled on one of Salvatore’s pants.

He stood over him waited for him to heal and regain consciousness. Salvatore had managed to crack his skulls and most of the bones in his body.

Salvatore’s eyes flew open and met Stephan’s. In a trice he was on his feet in a defensive crouch, a feral snarl ripping through his throat.

“You can’t kill me!” he spat out.

“I am very sure I can prove you wrong.” Stephan relished the fear in his eyes.

“I am too great to be killed by a worthless animal such as yourself.”

“I am honored to be the one with to snuff the life out of you.” He taunted, “How does it feel, knowing that you are no longer in control. That your life is in my hands.”

“I am always in control.” A confident smile spread across his face.

The other Counsel members poured into his chambers making Stephan greatly outnumbered. Salvatore stood up straight and let out a hearty laugh.

“Now your life is in my hands.” He walked past him to join the other elders.

Stephan turned to look at the small crowd that had formed at the door, “I just want to kill him. Anyone who comes in my way will join him.” he offered.

“I am their leader, their loyalty lies with me.”

“How long have you been serving under him? I am just offering to get rid of the jackass for you.” He shrugged.

“Are you going to take his place?” one of the cloaked vampires asked.

“No, but Leo is very interested. I just want a peaceful life, and for me to get it, he has to die.”

Salvatore interrupted the negotiations, “I am your leader defend me.”

“You will have no problems with us.” The vampire spoke again.

“I’d better not, but let me give you some incentive.” Stephan walked to the group and once he was convinced they wouldn’t attack him, he grabbed Salvatore by his long hair.

He had his head in a chokehold, and then with one forceful swipe, he twisted his head off his body. Stephan tossed his head out one of the windows that overlooked the courtyard.

“He’s not very subtle is he?” Solara asked once the head landed inches away from his feet.

“I guess this means we are going home?” Vincent asked.

“I guess so.” Victor put in.

They waited amid confused vampires for Stephan to come out of the old stone mansion. He walked out of the house and the vampires parted to make a pathway for him.

“Nice pants. Are they new?” Solara joked.

“Borrowed actually. But I don’t think the owner will notice that they are missing.”

“I think he is missing something more important than pants.” Vincent kicked the head away from them.


“Stephan, thank you for your help.” Leo came up to them.

“I didn’t do it for you. My wife’s peace of mind is more important than your greed for power.”

“Thank you anyway. I will make sure that no one from here bothers you and your family.” Leo stepped away from them. He could feel Stephan’s resentment for him.

“I don’t know about you guys, but I need my girl in my arms.” Solara ran his fingers through his shrubby hair.


“So what now?” Scarlet lay back on the bed. She felt human, helpless, and exhausted.

“Now we go home and wait.” Kayla tossed the bags they had come with, on the bed.

“We don’t wait here?” Scarlet was confused. She didn’t want to leave and she didn’t think she would either. Solara had followed Stephan into Brazil and she thought she would want to wait.

“I’m not comfortable here. Besides, I think we should leave before you kill Susanna and start a new war.”

“What is she thinking now?”

“Since she struck out with you, she is going to use your incapacity to say no to SJ. She is going to convince him.” Kayla chuckled. Scarlet had no willpower when it came to her son.

Scarlet jumped off the bed and marched towards the compound. “SJ says goodbye to your friends, we are going home.”

Susanna jogged towards them, “Why are you taking him from his friends?”

“Listen to me, I just saw my son get snatched up by a vampire and I know what you are planning. So I have had enough for one day. I am going home.” She lifted SJ and balanced him on her hip.

“Aren’t you going to wait for your husband?” She followed them.

“He knows his way home.” She gave SJ to Eric, “Tell K to please change him and clean him up, I’ll be in, in a minute.”

“We can give your son what you can’t.”

Scarlet felt insulted, “My son has everything he needs. He has all the love in the world, guidance. I will not give my son to you.”

“Think about it Scarlet, he could be a great leader, a warrior. If he just stays here-,”

“I want my son very far from this madness. Look at all the trouble it has brought his father. My final answer is no.” She walked away from her.

Xavier walked in as they finished packing, “Need a ride to the airport?”

“Sure.” Scarlet smiled up at him, “Thank you for everything and sorry for everything.”

“Don’t worry about it. This is how our lives are like.”

“And Susanna wants me to let my son grow up in all this madness.”

“She doesn’t understand, this is the only world and way of life she knows.” He picked up their bags and took them to his truck that he had parked outside.

“You have a beautiful community here Xavier, but I don’t ever want to come back.” Kayla chuckled.

“I understand.”

They took the first flight they could find out of Argentina. Eric decided to stay behind and spend time with his family. Scarlet had almost forgotten that that was his home and he had a family besides them.

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