Cruel King: A Dark New Adult Romance (Royal Elite)

Cruel King: Chapter 24

It’s not me, it’s you.

“Don’t touch me,” I grit out.

His body pushes into me, hands tightening around my wrists.

The small of my back hits the table as he towers over me, all hard ridges and powerful. However, I feel no intimidation.

Hell, I don’t even see him as an irresistible Viking right now.

He’s just a fucking bastard.

“I told you I’ll ruin you.” There’s a maliciousness in his tone. A sharpness that’s meant to cut. “I told you I’ll break you, but you still didn’t back down. You still taunted me as if asking me to retaliate harder.”

“Fuck you, Levi. Fuck. You. All I ever wanted is to live my last year in peace, but no, you had to ruin everything. Did I ask you to take an interest in me? Did I fucking make you? You’re the one who set out to destroy me in your stupid games.”

“And you’re the one who refused to lose.” His face tightens as if he’s the one mad, not the other way around.

“I wasn’t born to lose or to become a pawn on your board.”

He watches me, then, all intent as if he’s cutting me open and looking inside me. It would’ve been unnerving under different circumstances, but now, all I feel is contempt.

I want to ruin him as much as he ruined me.

This time, I want to be the predator instead of the prey.

“What you saw isn’t what it seemed,” he says in a cool tone like we’re discussing the weather.

‘Sure thing. I definitely didn’t see you getting your dick sucked by Nicole, King.’

“Don’t call me that.”

“Isn’t that what you demand everyone to call you, King?”

“Not you.”

As if possible, his chest comes impossibly closer. My breasts brush against his Elites’ jacket with every breath. I try not to focus on how full and tight they feel or how my nipples ache in response.

His fresh scent mixed with a distant whiff of Vodka fills all my senses.

His presence is like a natural disaster; impossible to avoid and always leaves destruction behind.

And I refuse to be collateral damage.

I struggle against him, trying to headbutt him, but he easily moves out of the way.

“Do you consider me a joke?”

“A joke,” he repeats slowly, keeping his merciless hold on my wrists.

“Or am I a conquest? A war you need to win.”

“A war is a fucking child’s play compared to you, princess.”

“How many girls have you told that? Does that include Nicole? You know with her taking care of the captain and all that.”

His lips curve into a wolfish smirk. Damn him and how unreal he looks. “Why are you so upset, princess?”

“I’m not.”

‘Are you perhaps jealous?’

“Screw. You.”

And screw Nicole and screw my heart for ever thumping for this bastard.

He pushes his pelvis into the space where my T-shirt meets my skirt. Something hard and thick presses at the bottom of my stomach through his jeans.

I can’t help the shudder that draws down my spine.

“Do you feel that, princess? There’s nothing more I want to do than to spread your legs and fuck you raw.”

His dirty words elicit a tightening at the pit of my stomach. It’s like a flashback from that night and I’m hardly stopping myself from rubbing all over him.

Then I recall, a certain blondie has been rubbing all over him not so long ago.

I bite my lower lip until I almost draw blood. “Nicole’s sloppy seconds aren’t on my to-do list.”

“Fuck Nicole. Fuck everyone. None of them matter.”

“And I do?” I scoff.

“You do.”

He pauses as if he surprised himself. His posture turns tense and we watch each other for a second too long as if we need to soak in the moment.

I’m the first who pulls myself out of the trance. “Leave me alone, King.”

“I told you to stop calling me that.”

He releases my wrists and grabs me by the hips. His hands are large and strong around my petite frame as he lifts me with ease.

I yelp as he sits me on the desk. He slaps my legs apart. The denim skirt stretches with the motion as he settles between my parted thighs.

Tiny shivers break on my skin and down my back.

“Do you know who I thought about when Nicole was between my legs.”

“I don’t want to know.”

His hot breaths tease the shell of my ear, drawing a shudder from my inner walls. “You don’t, huh?”

“I don’t.”

“I’m telling you, anyway. When she looked up, it was these green gates.” His fingers trace along my eyelashes. “When she opened her mouth, I saw these lips.” He trails a forefinger from my eyes to the corner of my mouth, hovering but not touching.

I swallow around the sound clawing its way out. My breathing shatters and breaks with every draw.

“Then what?” My voice is low, defeated. “You would’ve fucked her and pretended it’s me?”

“She’s not you.”

The words are barely out of his mouth and his entire posture stiffens like he hates it. He hates that she’s not me. That he can’t play his games on her and pretend it’s me.

And for some reason, that makes me feel a strange sense of accomplishment.

Even the king doesn’t always get what he wants.

Levi grabs a handful of my hair in his fist and pulls until my head tilts back. He trails his other hand up my collarbone and wraps it around my throat.

His hold is firm enough to make sure I know he’s controlling my breathing. One squeeze and all air will be gone.

My pulse goes on overdrive until it’s impossible to hear it.

Thump. Thump. Thump.

At this angle, I have a complete view of the clenching in his sharp jawline, the contempt on his hard features, and the black in his pale eyes.

I’m starting to think that for Levi, black isn’t a colour. It’s a state of mind and being.

A monster hides behind that sinister, menacing look. A monster who’ll rip me to pieces if I let him.

Scratch that. He’ll rip me apart even if I don’t let him.

I’ve already provoked the king and now, there’s no going back to being a mere pawn on the enemies’ lines. My best bet is to climb the ranks and somehow bring down the king.

He squeezes my throat for a beat. “No one is you, princess.”

My chest rises and falls so hard, I’m glad that my heart is an organ and can’t possibly rip its way out of my ribcage kamikaze style.

I place a hand on his chest in a sorry attempt to push him away. “This can’t happen. I hate you, Levi. ”

“If it makes you feel better then hate me all you want.” He runs his lips along the shell of my ear, flicking his tongue out to tease the heated skin.

A small gasp tears past my lips and I can’t help angling my neck to the side even with his hand keeping me in place.

“You and I are toxic.” I breathe in a low tone. “We’re nothing alike.”

“It’s different poles who attract,” he speaks against my ear, nibbling on the sensitive flesh.

I bite my lower lip against the onslaught of emotions. I clench my thighs but that only manages to squeeze him harder against my slick core.

“Different poles also destroy each other.”

“I’m good with that, too.”

I open my mouth to protest. Any words I was about to say end in a gasp when his lips claim mine. Unlike the kiss in the car park, this one is more desperate, violent, and out of fucking control.

His teeth clash against mine and his tongue thrusts in like he always owned this part of me.

Like he’s had me his entire life.

I don’t fight it this time. I can’t.

When he pulls on my hair, I tilt my head back and let him kiss me. No. Scratch that. Because Levi doesn’t kiss, he devours. He eats me up like I’m his favourite flavour.

Then, a second later, he squeezes my neck and wrenches our mouths apart.

I’m panting and begging for air, but all I can think about is… more.

I need more.

Our mouths aren’t meant for breathing or talking. They were made for kissing.

It’s a freaking crime that he hasn’t been kissing me all this time. We should’ve been kissing since that night I was all drugged with him and his touch.

Only I’m not drugged now, am I?

Levi is the drug. I’m a victim of my addiction to him.

I’m a victim of his obsession with me and the way he looks at me as if I’m his life’s dilemma.

“Don’t come cheering for others at my game,” he growls the word against my throat.


“Don’t stand there calling another guy’s name in my fucking presence.”

I smile, incredulous. “Are you… obsessed with me or something?”

“Call it an obsession or foolishness or fucking madness,” he grunts, squeezing my throat. “But you keep your eyes on me.”

I don’t get to reply because his tongue invades my mouth. Conquers it. Smashes it. Like it’s his God-given right. Like I was made for him to conquer.

The biggest part of me wants to give back what he takes. I want to kiss him like I can win the battle, too. I want to claw at his defences and pull down his walls.

But that’s not who I am, right? I’m not supposed to go on battles and wars. I’m supposed to finish my damn year in peace.

I rip away from his mouth with a groan. “I…”

“Stop denying it.” The pale blue of his eyes traps me in an enchanting spell. With one last squeeze to my throat, he trails his hand to my breast, cupping it. “These feel so full, don’t they?”

I shake my head even as my nipples harden like never before.

“But look at them pushing against the T-shirt. I bet they want me to feel them, huh?”

He flicks his thumb against my nipple over the cloth. His dirty words and his touch put me on a magnitude of sensations.

Everything feels ten folds sharper.

The desk’s wood under me is too hard. The soft light has suddenly become too bright. His intoxicating scent has become opium or a shot of alcohol.

“Lie all you want, but I can feel your arousal, princess.”

I’m about to protest when he pinches my nipple hard.

My head falls back on a moan. “Oh, God.”

He continues twirling the nipple, playing then pinching it as if it’s a torture device. And in a way, it is.

Hot breaths tickle my ear as he whispers, “Are you telling me that if I touch you right now, you won’t be dripping wet?”

“L-Levi…” It was supposed to be a protest, but I’m too drugged on his dirty words.

Not to mention that the double onslaught on my breast and ear is making me too hazy to think.

“Tell me, princess, if I push through your folds, are you going to soak me?”

I don’t get to reply.

With his grip on my hair, he pushes me back and yanks my skirt to my mid-section, exposing my pale thighs and the black boy shorts.

The spark of lust in his eyes mixes with that strange blackness.

“Levi, you—”

My words die out when he cups me over my boy shorts. I bite my lower lip against the moan. It’s like all my nerves have gathered underneath his hand.

“You are wet.” His wolfish grin make me draw a stuttering breath.

“How do I make you wet, princess?”

His fingers inch to the band of my underwear. “Is it how I touch you here?” He slips a finger over the cloth, rubbing up and down. “Do you want me to stick it in you? Are you going to swallow me in like a good little princess?”

Although his touch and dirty words are maddening, it’s the look in his eyes that make me want to free fall to sin.

He looks at me as if I’m the most appetising thing he’s ever seen. He’s starving and his unapologetic, raw hunger is rubbing off on me.

“You’ll come for me won’t you?” he growls. “You’ll scream so loud, you’ll bring the whole fucking house down, huh? Everyone will know you’re being fucked real good, won’t they?”

Oh for the love of Vikings, why does every word he says turn me on even more?

“But first, you want me to see you, don’t you? You want me to see that pussy that will soon belong to me. I bet it’s all swollen and pink and ready for me, isn’t it?”

I swallow, unable to breathe right. Because maybe I do. Maybe I’m crazy and I want him to see me.

All of me.

Angling my legs up, he brings my boy shorts down without breaking eye contact.

Those enthralling, pale eyes.

Those blue, blue eyes.

The intimacy of the moment undoes me.

Then his gaze strays to what he uncovered. I lick my dry lips at the feral, wild look on his face.

But I don’t get to watch him watch me for long. I don’t get to pause the moment and tuck it for safekeeping.

Because he’s between my legs.

“What are you —”

All thoughts disappear when he runs his tongue from the bottom right to the top of my clit.

I open my mouth to say something, but it remains in a wide ‘O’. He repeats the onslaught again, not giving me time to breathe. I grip the table’s edge as my head falls against the table’s wood.

He sucks and pulls at my folds with his teeth, his stubble scratching at my inner thighs. The sensation is enough to bring me to the edge.

“You taste.” Suck. “Like.” Suck. “Fucking sin.”

I can feel myself dipping for him. For his words. For his whole damn aura.

Levi owns me in ways, even I can’t begin to explain. I can’t even understand them myself.

He nibbles on my clit with his teeth, and I jerk up the table as if I’m possessed. He pins me down with both his hands on my hips.

My fingers find the golden locks of his hair and I push — or pull — I’m not quite sure. He continues sucking and nibbling and thrusting his tongue in and out of my opening like he’s been starving for me. Like I was made for him to devour.

Something wild and unrestrained builds inside me so fast, I can’t register it, let alone contain it.

There’s no warning. No damn slowing down Levi and his brutal, unrestrained tongue.

I come so hard, my head bangs against the wood and black dots form behind my lids.

A flash of movement breezes in my peripheral vision. Or maybe that’s the orgasm halo.

I return to the world of the living with Levi’s lips on mine and his tongue thrusting inside my mouth. The same lips and tongue that just brought me over the edge.

I almost come right then and there again.

This time, I kiss him back. I clash with his tongue and his teeth and I give back the wildness he brought out in me.

I become the war he tries to conquer.

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